Jack's True Calling


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They placed their orders, stir fry vegetarian meals with spices that shouldn't give them any issues, and took in the scenery.

"It's all so... different," Diana said, struggling to find words to express the experience for her.

Jack chuckled. "I have to get you to travel to more worlds with me. You liked Chrystan. Well, not the snow but the people and the hot spring resorts." He remembered the first time they'd visited the unisex locker room and she discovered she would be walking around nude in front of all the Shreen. She'd been almost beside herself with excitement when they'd returned to their room.

Diana's face flushed again as she gently slapped his arm but her eyes were twinkling merrily. She'd enjoyed the communal sleeping pit experience as well. "The Shreen were lovely."

"We don't care much for cold weather either," Dann said with a shudder.

Diana grinned. "Something else we have in common! I grew up in a very warm place on Earth so I detest being cold. Chrystan was very cold!"

Juul smiled. "Not a place we'd choose to petition at."

Dinner arrived and they enjoyed their meals as conversation turned to how they produced their food in vast hydroponic gardens. Jack described how the Shreen did the same.

"If it weren't for our preferred climate differences it sounds like the Shreen and the Harruushans would get along very well!" Dann said.

Jack nodded in agreement. "Except, the Shreen never leave their planet."

"Oh! Because they prefer the temperature?" Juul asked.

Jack shook his head. "They are... connected to their home. For them, the forced migration from their original home world to Chrystan was traumatic. If Chrystan hadn't been so hospitable to their needs I think they might not have survived the experience. I can't really express the significance of their... integration with their home. They are not travelers. They're fine with the occasional visitor but the idea of wholescale tourism failed to take root."

Dann shook his head. "For us, a place is just a place. There is no significance from one to the other as long as both support life."

Jack nodded his agreement and pushed his empty bowl back. "That was wonderful! My compliments to the chef!"

"Why did the Shreen have to leave their planet?" Juul asked tentatively.

Jack saw she appeared to be nervous about the answer and he wondered why. "Their sun suddenly and mysteriously became unstable. Like yours, it was suspected that the Allsa Komanae had somehow interfered with their sun. The Tik found a reference to Chrystan in the Altarian archives and the Altarians gave them the planet. It was too cold for their use," Jack explained.

Ears trembling and eyes wide, Dann made an odd sound. "What... what happened to their sun?"

Jack looked to the siblings who were both leaning forward waiting for his answer. He understood now. They were hearing what might have happened to their people. "The sun went nova and consumed the planet. Everyone was off before it happened though."

Brother and sister shared a frightened look.

"The Allsa Komanae weren't successful with your sun though and Jack put an end to them," Diana blurted to ease their fears.

Jack gave Diana a stern look as genocide wasn't something he was proud of. She immediately looked contrite.

Dann and Juul we're back to staring at Jack but now it was confusion not fear that showed in their large eyes.

"We'd heard they died off after the Altarians invaded their home world and believed the rumors that the Altarians were the ones responsible," Dann said quietly.

Jack saw he was stuck. If he denied his involvement then the Altarians were labeled as murderers. Alternatively, he could own up to his guilt. There was no real question in his mind.

"The Altarians had nothing to do with the death of the Allsa Komanae. I killed them." It came out with more ferocity than he'd intended but there was a lot of emotion involved for him. He rarely had nightmares about his time with the Allsa Komanae anymore and he was over most of his other emotional trauma, largely due to the compassion of the Shreen.

He felt a hand touch his and looked down to see it was Diana's. Then a long fingered hand, furred with short, black painted claws rested atop his other hand. He looked up into the gentle eyes of Juul.

"Did they give you that collar?" she asked gently.

Jack cleared his tight throat. "Yes. The Altarians were on a rescue mission. They found me and the other slaves and brought us home."

Dann looked outraged. "So why are the Altarians being accused of invading?"

Jack sighed. "The Gate Network worlds know it was a rescue mission but they don't like the preferential treatment the Tik gave Queen Elissa during the event. The Tik are the only race of Sentient Mechanicals found in the Network. They control the means of travel between the worlds and prevent its use for military purposes. This means everyone is deeply dependent on them. They are neutral in all matters of interplanetary foreign policy and must remain so. When I was kidnapped by the Allsa Komanae, the Tik were aware that I wasn't the only one who'd gone missing. They value life more than any race and decided to assist the law abiding and peaceful Altarians to enter Allsa Komanae space with 'protection'. The fact that this protection was comprised of some of the hardest, most dangerous soldiers from Earth severely strained the good will of the other members of the Gate Network. For some reason, humans are not well liked in the Network. We're considered the 'Barbarians at the Gate', I believe the term goes. So, because of all of this, Altaria is being punished. Politics."

The table went silent for a moment as they processed this information.

"I'm sorry Jack," Diana said quietly with a sad look on her face.

Jack rubbed his face and shrugged, forcing a smile back onto his lips. "It's fine. Our young friends are learning new things about how things work with the Gate Network. Not everything they learn is going to be positive. There's a lot of inertia and fear amongst the races who make up the Network. Change is not seen as a good thing and being on the side of what's right and good doesn't necessarily guarantee fair treatment from the others. That's life. Roll with the punches and try not to take it personally."

The older Harruushan female from the kitchen arrived at the table with a plate of small cakes.

"For our special guests," she said with a sweet smile on her face. Her fur definitely had much more grey than brown in it and her movements were slower than her children's.

"Jack, Diana, may I present our mother, Helas," Dann said with a gentle smile.

They touched palms with the senior.

"A most wonderful meal!" Jack said, drawing a happy smile from her.

"An after dinner refresher," she said gesturing to the tray. They all picked up one of the cakes which proved to be light and crisp pastry on the outside and minty cream on the inside.

The mint was very refreshing and they nodded in appreciation.

The mother flicked her ears and a group of her children arrived to clear the plates. An unspoken language? With a final nod and smile, the mother moved off in the direction of the kitchen.

"How about we finish off with some herbal tea at our apartment. We should be able to catch the sunset from our balcony," Dann suggested.

"That sounds very nice," Jack agreed and Diana nodded.

They left the restaurant, waving at the younger siblings working the tables. They went back to the elevator bank and went up to the top floor.

As they walked down a well-lit corridor with apartment doors widely spaced apart, Dann spoke to them over his shoulder. "Normally we wouldn't get such a spacious apartment but as diplomats we have a second bedroom for guests."

"You don't put guests in a hotel?" Diana asked.

Juul glanced back at her in concern. "I'm sorry. We don't have hotels on Harruusha. The concept of having living spaces that no one lives in permanently just doesn't fit our culture. If you are uncomfortable with sharing the apartment with us we can let you have it to yourselves and we'll find alternate sleeping arrangements."

"No! It's fine! I have no issues with sleeping with you- I mean, with sharing your apartment!" Diana blurted and blushed furiously.

"Ah! That's the brightest shade of pink yet!" Juul exclaimed with a wide, delighted smile.

Dann unlocked the door and led them inside the apartment. They were in a small vestibule and the Harruushans stepped into a foot bath just to the right of the door. As they wore no shoes they cleaned their feet when they entered their home. Jack and Diana undid the releases on their shoes and slipped them off. This earned them an appreciative smile from Juul who then led them further into the apartment.

Jack immediately grinned as he saw the layout largely matched the living space of the Shreen. Directly to the right was a small kitchen with a dining area before it. Straight ahead was a wide, cushioned conversation pit. To the left were two doors and Jack would lay odds that one was a room for hygiene and the other was a bedroom. On the other side of the dining area to their right was another door which was likely the master bedroom. Beyond the pit was floor to ceiling windows and a set of doors leading to a balcony as wide as the apartment. Beyond that was a view that took his breath away.

"Wow! Look at that view!" Jack exclaimed. Diana made a delighted sound.

Dann grinned at them and led them around the pit to the balcony doors. They stepped out and Diana suddenly shrank back.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked.

"There's no railing!" she squeaked.

Dann walked to the edge and reached out a hand. The air before his hand glowed and brightened as he pressed. He looked back at Diana. "Energy shield. Keeps us from falling out and keeps stuff on the outside from getting in. It also doesn't block this incredible view of the rooftops of Ghan."

Jack realized they were on the tallest building in the center of the city looking west. The roof tops of the towers around them generally became lower the farther out from the center you went. It almost felt like a slope gradually descending to the suburbs. Like... if you had powerful enough legs, you could leap from rooftop to rooftop and flee the city. Smart.

They found seats on the lounge chairs arranged two to a side but angled to face the sunset as well as the opposite chairs.

"I'll prepare the herbal tea," Juul said as she ducked back into the apartment.

They made themselves comfortable and relaxed back into the cushions.

"Ah, this is nice," Jack sighed. Dann smiled.

Juul quickly returned with four mugs on a tray. She placed them in the holders on each chair. "The herbs in the tea have a soothing, relaxing effect much like Earth's cammo- camile?" she tried.

"Chamomile?" Diana asked.

"Yes! Chamomile," Juul finished gratefully.

"You've done some research," Jack said approvingly.

"Well, we are diplomats, after all," Dann responded with a smile.

They sipped at their tea as they watched the setting sun paint the scene laid out before them with a warm orange light.

Jack noticed he was definitely feeling relaxed after only a few sips. He looked over at Diana and saw she was looking very relaxed. He touched her hand as she went to lift the mug again. "If you drink any more you'll fall asleep out here," he said with a smile.

"Is the tea not to your liking?" Juul asked with concern.

"It's delicious!" Diana purred.

Jack grinned at her then looked to their hosts. "It is really good, just much more potent than Chamomile on human metabolisms. I'm a mix so it's not as potent for me."

"Is it common for brother and sister to share an apartment?" Diana blurted, wide eyed.

Dann grinned. "No, normally we'd find mates and start a family of our own but that's what's leading Harruusha to its present predicament. Over population."

"When we became diplomats we pledged an oath to remain single. We'd be leaving the planet for long periods so it wouldn't be fair for those we left behind," Juul said then looked to Jack guiltily as he was also a diplomat. "I- I didn't mean to imply anything-"

He raised his hand to stop her apology. "No offense taken."

Dann seemed to have something on his mind and looked at him closely. "We research the cultures of the people on the planets we are going to petition and Earth has many diverse cultures. One of the common threads we found was pair bonding. Exclusive relationships. I don't mean to judge you in any way. I'm just curious. Your behavior towards Diana doesn't match what I was expecting to see. She has born you a child yet you show none of the possessiveness I was led to believe exists in a human relationship."

Jack smiled at Diana. "Make no mistake. I love this woman completely. I'd die for her and I'd kill to protect her." The woman made a sweet sound and jumped up from her chair to join him on his. She cuddled in next to him and he gave her a kiss. He turned his face back to his hosts. "Humans can be a pretty volatile bunch, in our actions and emotions. That said, I quickly learned when I began to live amongst the Altarians that I didn't feel this possessiveness and jealousy that my race is so famous for. When Diana came to live with me on Altaria I let her know right from the beginning if we were to have a relationship it wouldn't follow human 'norms'. I have relationships with a number of Altarians, one Phem Kalos, and a female of a race we haven't identified. My relationship with Diana gives me an emotional foundation that I don't have with the Altarians."

"We understand you have relationships with Altarians including the Queen. You are the male parent for some of her children." Dann glanced awkwardly at his sister but she just looked back at him curiously as she seemed unaware of the point he was making. "You have sex with others... and Diana, you are not possessive either?"

The woman looked at Dann and shook her head. "Like Jack said, he told me in advance what I could expect from him. I- I made such bad choices when picking boyfriends before I met Jack. I picked men who didn't respect me. Men who mentally and physically hurt me. Jack loves me. He doesn't lie to me. He listens to me. He does have sex with others but that doesn't change his feelings for me. I can depend on him." She paused for a moment then grinned a little giddily. "Jack said he wouldn't deny my finding pleasure in another's arms." Her eyes locked on Dann's for a moment and his ears began to tremble.

Juul and Diana burst into giggles simultaneously and the moment was broken.

Dann grinned then the doubt reappeared on his face. "You are teasing."

Diana grinned but shook her head as she bit her lower lip.

Dann's eyes went to Jack curiously.

"We have no idea if Harruushans have social or personal taboos when it comes to interspecies sexual relations. I think we've made it pretty clear we don't," Jack said calmly as he watched their reactions.

Juul's ears began trembling as well as she grinned at Jack. "We are... very open to trying new things. I think my brother is very taken with Diana!"

"Juul!" the brother exclaimed then turned his eyes back to the woman he'd carried in his arms today. "I confess to being... more than a little curious."

Jack could feel Diana trembling against him. She was clinging to him so tightly.

"Perhaps we could move inside to continue this conversation in privacy," he suggested.

Juul nodded quickly as her grin widened.

Dann also nodded and everyone climbed to their feet. They paused for just a moment to take in the last rays as the sun slipped under the horizon.

"Lovely," Jack said as he looked away from the display to look into Juul's wide, delighted eyes.

They moved into the living room and Dann stood awkwardly next to the sunken conversation pit. Jack picked up on this and gestured to the cushions below. "Why don't we just relax for a bit, get to know one another," he suggested and Dann smiled gratefully. Jack was picking up the idea that the male might be a first timer... which he supposed made sense considering his oath. He was curious about that.

They moved down into the large pit and Jack smiled. "The Shreen have a very similar layout to their homes including a cushioned area like this."

"The more I hear about them the more I like them," Juul sighed.

Jack sat and leaned back against the pillows across from Dann. Juul and Diana shared mischievous grins then swapped sides so Juul was cuddled up against Jack and Diana was pressing her body against Dann's side. His ears were back to trembling. Jack's ears would have trembled too if they could as Juul felt very good against his body.

"The oath you two took, it doesn't prevent you from having sex, does it?" Jack asked.

"NO- I mean, no, we can but we can't take a mate or have children," Dann blurted and explained nervously.

Jack nodded with a smile. From his behavior, he was fairly certain that Dann was a virgin. He wondered if Juul was the same as she seemed much more comfortable. He looked to Diana who was beginning to run her hands over Dann's chest, sinking her fingers in his fur and feeling the muscles underneath. He saw by her expression she was definitely slipping into her fugue state as her fetish kicked into high gear.

He looked to Juul who suddenly swung a long leg over him as she moved to straddle him and pressed her lips to his. Her body was so firmly muscled and yet so soft, it made for a delightful contrast. Her kiss was definitely inexperienced so he took her head in his hands and slowed the kiss to let them enjoy each other's lips. When he pulled back she had a dreamy expression on her face. Her eyes widened once more.

"Can we undress?"

Jack smiled and nodded. For her it was just a matter of removing her kilt. He was wearing much more clothes. He was just taking off his shirt and she tossed her kilt up onto the rim of the pit. He saw the fur between her legs was darker then picked up the scent of her heat. Her ears were trembling as she reached out to run her fingers across his bare skin.

"Ooo, so smooth!" she purred.

Jack heard Diana's gasp and saw her gown was off. Dann had her big tits in his hands as he stared at them with wide eyes.

Juul was tugging at his pants so he undid the belt and fasteners and she made a happy noise as they slid down his legs.

Diana cried out and threw back her head as she held Dann's head against her right tit. Then it was Juul's turn to exclaim in delight as she tugged Jack's underwear down.

"So thick!" she purred as she wrapped her fingers around his erection. When her tongue stroked across the head Jack gasped. Her tongue was rough! Not sharp or painful but way too much stimulation. She grinned up at him and he gestured for her to climb up once more.

She straddled his thighs, used her hand to line him up with her opening and pressed herself down against the head of his cock. He realized the darkness of her fur was due to how wet she was. She gasped as the head moved inside.

"AAAhhh, so thick! It feels like you're stretching me wide open!" Juul moaned.

"If it's painful don't-"

"No! It's not." Juul grunted as she forced more of him inside her. "The feeling... of fullness... so intense!" Juul finished with a gasp.

Jack took her face in his hands and kissed her as she undulated on his lap easing more and more of him inside. For Jack, she felt incredibly tight, hot, and silky soft. Finally, she had all of him and they held still, just getting used to the sensation. She pulled back and closed her eyes as she concentrated.

He glanced at Diana but she seemed to be doing ok. Her panties were off and Dann was naked as well. If the male was an example of the average Harruushan then he understood Juul's comment. His cock was a few inches longer than Jack's but had much less girth. It did have ridges. Then it was driving up into Diana as she dropped herself down on it. He heard her gasp and smiled at her sound of joy.
