Jack's True Calling


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Having such large, powerful bodies, they were obsessed with health and vitality as this was a requirement for prime mating positions to keep the race pure and strong.

Jack had heard that the Klaekta home world was a natural wonder on the surface. It was said that it was like one large forest and garden as all of their buildings were underground. As they favored wide open spaces, all underground chambers were build much larger than physically required.

Jack had never heard of Klaekta being involved in long running events so he wondered if this couple was here on business or if they were here for the marathon in some capacity. They seemed aware of him as they glanced back at him a few times. He tried a friendly nod but they just turned their backs on him from that point.

Gee made a rude noise and Jack turned to look at her in surprise. He saw she'd been watching the Klaekta as well. Gee noticed his attention.

"I've never trusted or liked the Klaekta. They're always so snotty and aloof. They never smile and have no sense of humor," she growled.

Surprised laughter burst from Jack as Gee's description of the Klaekta matched his own impression of the Altarian security agents, initially.

Gee and Bal scowled at him and scanned the room.

Letting his laughter settle down with a sigh, Jack turned his attention to the most well represented race in the room, their hosts, the Shoo Sha. There were so many returning to their home planet to participate.

They were flightless avians with two powerful legs made for running. Jack thought they were comparable to the legs of an Ostrich but their bodies were not as broad or round as Earth's largest bird. Fully grown adults were just a little taller than Jack, minus his horns. They had two sets of arms. Larger outer arms with strong gripping appendages. These limbs, in ancient times, had once been wings though it was questionable if they ever had the ability to fly. A second, smaller set of arms were front facing and had excellent dexterity. These were used for intricate work.

Their two large eyes were mounted on the sides of their heads giving them an excellent field of view but for conversations they turned their heads to 'face' others.

Jack knew from personal experience that their greatest joys were to run and to laugh.

Their home planet, Shoo Duu Dhen, was a world of endless misting rain and pale yellow-gold skies. The most interesting fact about its solar system was the fact that while Shoo Duu Dhen orbited a yellow sun, a second, smaller sun orbited the first out beyond Shoo Duu Dhen. The second sun's orbit matched the planet's path and pace around the central sun. It if wasn't for the highly reflective cloud cover, the planet's surface would have baked away. The temperature remained steady with only a minimal variance from pole to equator, again, thanks to the cloud cover. Having a slow spin of roughly 40 hours for a complete revolution, constant cloud cover, and suns on either side of the planet made for an odd day/night cycle. Night was the period when the planet surface faced 90 degrees from either sun and even then it didn't get very dark.

The odd day cycle combined with the static nature of the climate drove outsiders to distraction after extended exposure so visitors were always short term.

The Klaekta finally registered their arrival with the customs agent and moved off towards the doors. Jack saw they were both carrying large cases with them with trade kit flags dangling from them. So, business it was. Jack wondered what it would be like to run with such large antlers.

"Papa! We can't see," Adina said as Zaina looked up at him with begging eyes. He smiled and nodded. A second later they were perched on his shoulders, clinging to his horns, and giggling madly. They'd almost missed their target as they'd used too much strength in the lighter gravity.

"Sillies," he teased and they patted the top of his head as they grinned happily, scanning the room from their new vantage point.

Jack saw the female Klaekta take a second look back and pause in the doorway as she saw the twins. She said something to her mate who almost glanced back but the female pushed him out the door. Jack frowned after them. Why were there so many antisocial races?

The Harruushans then came to his mind. And the Chuuruthians. The Tik, the Altarians, the Shreen and, of course, the Shoo Sha. Jack smiled, feeling better now that he'd reminded himself that there were good people out there too!

Soon enough they reached the customs desk and the twins hopped down to register their biometrics. The customs agent was delighted to see the two Phem Kalos females. He gave them directions to the event registration kiosk just outside the terminal.

The group left the building and were immediately covered in the dew from the mist like rain. Jack looked up and saw the horizon was beginning to glow with a faint gold tone indicating the sun was rising.

They joined another queue but this one moved quicker as there were more Shoo Sha available to register the runners. The clerk they stopped in front of was also delighted to see the twins and excited to add them as participants as there had never been a runner from Phem Kalos before. After a fair amount of excited squawking, two officials joined them at the desk and presented the twins with special commemorative pins. Adina and Zaina were thrilled, couldn't stop grinning, and pictures with the officials were taken.

While that excitement was going on, Jack got them registered and got their numbers and bibs. The two Altarian security officers were allowed to join him as long as they remained out of the way of all runners. This meant they had to go... up. They weren't too happy about this but they agreed.

Jack got the bibs onto the twins and the pins went onto the bibs. They put on their running shoes and gloves then Gee took pictures of the three runners. The 'before' images. Then they boarded the shuttle bus which would take them to the start line. Gee and Bal followed on their skimmers and easily kept pace. It made Jack a little nervous to see them moving so fast on the hovering platforms which offered so little protection.

Adina and Zaina were thrilled.

"Can we ride with Gee and Bal on the way back?" Adina asked while Zaina pressed her face against the window of the bus.

"I don't like Gee and Bal riding those dangerous things so there's no way I want you two on them!"

"Awwwww-" they began.


The twins rode the rest of the way in silence but they never took their eyes off the agents.

The moment the bus landed the twins were tugging at Jack to get out. He grinned and they were soon outside soaking in the ambiance of the event. There was so much energy and everyone was so excited to be there. Jack picked up some snacks he knew the twins would like. There would be water and juice stations along the way plus light foods to fuel themselves if they began to bonk. He didn't think that was likely though. They'd had a very good meal the night before and at breakfast.

The announcers were beginning to give directions as the run was going to begin soon. He walked over to speak to Gee and Bal who had been directed to the sidelines. They didn't look happy. Adina and Zaina stuck close to Jack on the crowded pathway.

"Once the run begins the path clears pretty quickly. The Shoo Sha are fast runners. We'll be way back in the field by the finish. We'll have the road to ourselves probably a third of the way in as most everyone will have passed us by then. You should be able to get much closer by that point," Jack suggested.

That seemed to mollify the agents somewhat.

Gee turned her attention to the twins who were examining the skimmers closely. They snapped to attention when they noticed the agent was focused on them.

"Remember your lessons. Spare a slice of your focus at all times to your environment. Read it for clues," Gee said as Bal kept an eye on the movements.

A camera drone from one of the news channels hovered by and they waved at it before it moved on.

"Are these going to follow us along the entire route?" Bal said sourly.

Jack smiled at her. "There is huge interest in this event. All of the local news and sports channels will have cameras in the air and some will even be from off-planet as there are representatives from many planets running today. As Adina and Zaina are the first participants from Phem Kalos they will likely get their fair share of attention from the cameras."

Bal's mood didn't improve with that information.

There was nothing Jack could do about that. Then he spotted two of the event coordinators trotting over to their position with two camera drones following closely. "Speaking of which," he muttered to the Altarians as he turned to face the approaching officials.

"Ambassador Danner! So wonderful to have you back with us!" the older of the two officials exclaimed. While the visual differences between the Shoo Sha were minimal, Jack saw this one had a darkened band on its broad beak which identified him for Jack as Kenneckennectewakkattakukennec. Luckily, the previous year he'd let Jack shorten that name.

"Hello Kenn! It's great to be back!"

Kenn nodded to his fellow official. "This is Cakennackennackettennakettecketta, my replacement for next year. She's learning the role."

"I understand our names give you trouble. You may call me Cake," she said kindly.

"Please call me Jack," he responded with a nod and gestured to the twins. "Please let me introduce my daughters, Zaina and Adina Danner." He knew better than to mention the Altarians.

Cake's large eye regarded the twins, then him, looked up to his horns, then back to his face. She was obviously confused. "Daughters?"

"Adopted but no less mine," he clarified. "I was there for their birth. They are Phem Kalos by race but Altarian citizens."

"I don't believe I've ever seen a Phem Kalos female aside from the video of Princess SennLann mating with you!" Kenn exclaimed.

Jack looked away in embarrassment.

"They have tails! The Princess has no tail!" Cake gasped.

Jack looked to the twins who were staring back at the female Shoo Sha in concern. He ran his hand affectionately over their heads and they smiled up at him. He addressed the two officials.

"Yes, they were born with them. Apparently there's a barbaric Phem Kalos edict that requires all newborns to have their tails cropped. Their mother and I decided they were perfect as they were so there was no need to mutilate them." Jack smiled at the twins. He hoped that got back to a certain self-proclaimed 'Warrior Supreme'.

"Well, it's a great honor to have you and your daughters at our annual event! Good running!" Kenn said with a dramatic flourish for the cameras. Jack and the twins smiled and nodded to the two Shoo Sha who returned it and rushed away, the camera drones following in their wake.

"Was it wise to make that comment about mutilation?" Gee asked.

"Maybe not but it needed to be said," Jack said firmly. He was still having that dream about the women and children left behind and his frustration flared as he knew horrible things were happening now on Phem Kalos and his hands were tied.

He looked down at the happy faces of the twins and pushed the dark thoughts away. He wasn't going to ruin their day for them. It was time for them to join the runners. He looked to Gee and Bal. "See you out there."

Jack then guided his excited daughters back to the path to take position with the runners.

The countdown had begun.


Vecc Dar Snee, diplomat for Phem Kalos on Altaria, left the taxi, walked across the small yard, and rang the door chime on the humble dwelling on the outer edge of the capital city. He was visiting a business colleague as the cover story went. The door opened and the male Rakin smiled and gestured for him to enter. Once the door closed the false smiles were dropped.

Playing the role of diplomat was one of the most difficult missions Jaas had ever sent him on. So many throats that needed slitting and all he was allowed to do was smile and pretend to work with these grass eaters.

Tonight though, the pretense was over. Tonight he was on a real mission. One worthy of a warrior! He was retrieving his leader's stolen property. If anyone got in his way, he was sanctioned to 'eliminate the obstacles'.

He was meeting up with a sleeper cell of mercenaries. This one was a team of Rakins. They had uniformly stocky bodies which were covered with brown grey fur with horizontal bands of black fur, the first one across their eyes and the last around their ankles. Minimal variations in this pattern spawned the insult of them being ultimately interchangeable and highly replaceable.

They were physically tough, generally sullen, often vicious, and completely amoral as they were willing to do anything for money. Rakins could be found on almost every planet in the Gate Network taking on unpopular work positions in hazardous conditions. They were primarily scavengers and their toughness compensated for their lack of a sharp intellect. They got by and survived and that was the most that could be said for them. Their home planet had become a dump, polluted and stripped of its resources. Few Rakins lived there now. Many took jobs on other planets and on the side acted as onsite soldiers for hire as the Gate Network made invasions impossible.

Altaria was large enough of a target to justify the cost of maintaining these small groups of agents, ready to be hired for exorbitant cost to do... whatever needed doing. As he entered the home he saw the team had assembled and were already dressed in their black camouflage outfits. It was time for him to put on his own.

The Ministry of Security agents tailing him would remain outside, waiting for him to complete his visit. The mercenary team had another exit two blocks away and their transport would be waiting for them there.

The team of three had been briefed. Their role was support only. They were to eliminate any obstacles that prevented him from collecting the target. The owner of the property was off planet so they should be able to do this quickly.

Once he was dressed in his own gear he nodded and the entrance to the tunnel was opened. A recording of him conversing with the home's occupant would keep the agents outside occupied, if they were listening.

The team rushed through the tunnel until they reached the entrance to the second house. The mercenary at the lead indicated it was safe to emerge and they did so quickly. Once the coast was clear they moved outside and into the back of the Ministry of Security van they'd stolen from the maintenance yard short hours ago. The controls had been lobotomized but it would get them to where they needed to be.

The van lifted into the sky and made its way towards its target at a leisurely pace.

They had a little time to kill.


Diana smiled to herself as she treated the surface of the cast iron skillet Jack had purchased to make paella. With him off running with the twins, Diana had treated Emily and Joseph to one of their favorite meals. She'd added seafood to the paella and it had been a huge hit! SennLann had gone back for seconds as did the kids. Eve wasn't as fond of the shrimp, mussels, or scallops though she enjoyed the seafood flavored rice quite a bit.

The large frying pan was very heavy but she was proud that her visits to the gym were paying off. She could hold it by the handle one handed now.

SennLann walked back into the kitchen from the hall and smiled at her. "The kids are watching their movie. Thank you again for that amazing meal!"

Diana returned the smile.

A massive thump blew the front door in, sending debris and dust surging into the living room and kitchen as Diana and SennLann grabbed the edge of the countertop.

The kitchen door was suddenly filled with a man dressed in black. He looked to Diana then to SennLann. He stepped into the room and lifted his right hand which held a gun. It was pointed at the Phem Kalos and he pulled the trigger.

The dart rang the frying pan like a bell but dropped to the floor harmlessly.

Diana held the pan in her outstretched hand. She gaped back at the surprised look in the attacker's eye then turned to SennLann. "Get the kids in the panic room!" she yelled and SennLann left like a black streak. Diana blocked two more shots with her pan as she moved to cover the exit to the hall. A second man dressed in black entered the kitchen and Diana lifted the pan nervously. The first fired off another shot. Diana blocked it but staggered back against the counter as something thumped into her throat. Gingerly, she touched the spot and felt the hilt of the throwing knife sticking out. It was slick with her blood but she remembered she shouldn't pull it out. The pan fell from her numb fingers as her legs gave out and she dropped to her knees. The pain began and it blotted out everything else. She couldn't breathe and the room began to fade as she listened for the sound of her daughter's voice. She prayed SennLann got to them in time.

The man who'd thrown the knife began to move around the counter but stopped when Eve charged out of the laundry room screaming in rage. He reached for another knife but Eve's head hit him in the gut and carried him out into the living room. She heaved upwards, her deadly horns ripping the man open from stomach to chest. He screamed in terror as his guts spilled over her.

His partner chased them into the living room and threw his own knife. It struck Eve in the shoulder but hit bone before it could sink too deep. Snarling, she reached back and pulled it free. She stomped on the gutted man's forehead with her hoof and his skull cracked, stopping his screams. Eve tackled her next opponent before he could get his gun free and dragged him to the floor. The metal studs on his gloved fist caught her on the left cheek, gouging her skin but she ignored the pain. It was nothing compared to what she'd lived through. Eve roared and plunged the knife into the man again and again as he punched and thrashed under her. He had to die.

Vecc burst through the door and ignored the small horned female ripping apart the man on the floor. He had to get to SennLann before she escaped. He was to kill her children as well if the opportunity arose. He ran past the two struggling on the floor and rushed down the hall. He dipped his head into an open doorway and yanked it back, narrowly avoiding the heavy glass paperweight thrown at his face. He jumped back into the room to see SennLann leaning back against a wall of bookcases. Her fur was standing on end and she hissed ferociously as if promising him death. He began to smile when she suddenly sprang straight for his face. He managed to fire a dart which caught her in the chest midflight. She scratched his cheek badly before he knocked her back from clinging to his chest. He winced from the pain and put another two darts into her before she went limp. Cursing her, he threw her over his shoulder. He saw no sign of the children and he'd pushed his luck long enough.

It was time to make his escape.

The third man in the squad came into the apartment to see one of his team mates with his intestines stretched out across the floor and the other one feebly trying to stop a small grey female from stabbing him. The downed man had a death grip on one of the female's horns but from the number of wounds on his torso, he was already dead. Rakins were tough but not invincible. The grey one seemed to notice his entry at last but she wouldn't pull free in time to avoid the bullet he was going to put into the back of her head.

Eve was panting with the effort to keep stabbing the man who wouldn't die. She heard something and turned her head slightly. There was a gun pointing at her head and her vision filled with the size of the barrel. She waited for its roar.
