Jack's Wage Slavery Pt. 01


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Jack vaulted over the rail to follow the stroller into the water. When he surfaced he had a grip on the side of the baby carrier but the weight was dragging him down under the surface. The water was deeper than he'd expected. Frantically he slapped the carrier's release lever and the metal wheeled cart dropped away and sunk. The carrier was surprisingly buoyant and bobbed on the surface. Jack looked over the lip of the carrier fearing the worst but its cover had kept most of the water out. The baby began to wail and sputter from being cold and wet.

He sighed with relief and swam to the edge of the canal. His next problem was there was no way to get out of the water.

Suddenly he heard the whoosh of a flying craft coming in fast for a landing. Soon hands reached down and took the baby carrier. His burst of adrenaline had worn off and he was struggling to tread water, barely keeping his head above the surface. He felt about as buoyant as the metal stroller had been.

Something clamped onto his horns and he felt himself being lifted clear of the water. The sensation was very uncomfortable but at least he wasn't drowning. When his feet touched down on the pathway the pressure released and he wobbled. Gee and Bal caught his arms and were looking up at him in concern. A retractable crane was folding itself back into the Altarian Security Ministry vehicle the two had flown here.

He shivered as the water had been cold. A large medical support craft landed next to Gee and Bal's ride. Several police vehicles landed and set up a perimeter to keep the curious away.

Jack ran his hands back through his hair and squeezed as much water out of it as he could as he set course for the medical team looking after the mother in the grass. She seemed to be conscious but badly dazed. She was calling out for her child. Jack knelt down beside her and took her hand. Frantic eyes locked onto his and he smiled.

"Your child is fine. Just a little cranky at getting such a rude awakening," he said. "You chose an excellent carrier. It protected..." he looked expectantly at the woman.

"Meela," the woman said.

"It protected Meela very well! Meela is a lovely name!" he said with a wide smile and the woman was looking at him with a star struck grin. "I'm so sorry you were injured by those reckless women. They were chasing me, driving irresponsibly and weren't paying attention to anyone else on the path."

"Why are you wet?" the mother asked through the haze of the painkillers she'd been injected with as Jack distracted her. Her arm was broken and Jack knew what came next.

"I had to go for a little swim when the carrier was knocked into the canal. Not to worry though Meela is fine." He grimaced as the medic reset the bone but the mother was beyond feeling pain by this point. All she did was stare at Jack with a silly grin.

"Take care..." he looked at her again.


"Take care of yourself Miro." Jack said as he released the woman's hand and stood. Miro's eyes went wide as he towered over her. She bit her lip. The medic smiled at him gratefully.

Jack turned to move towards the cart which had been flipped back upright. The three occupants were now sitting on the ground being watched by the police. On the left sat the driver with a bad gash on her forehead which had been taped closed. On the right was the camera woman with the blasted device gently cradled against her chest. Kihani sat in the middle favoring her left arm. He stood in front of them unaware of his trembling. Gee and Bal came over with a blanket from the ambulance and pulled it over his shoulders.

Kihani seeing she had his undivided attention smiled up at him. "Could you answer my questions now?"

He surged forward knocking loose his blanket. Gee and Bal grabbed his arms holding him back but he slowly pulled forward until his face was right in front of the frightened host.

"Your completely irresponsible actions almost cost the life of a mother and her CHILD! A BABY! Now you want me to REWARD you?!? That baby would have DROWNED! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IT WAS YOUR FAULT?" he growled menacingly.

The two security agents were struggling to keep his arms back as he wanted to throttle her until that vacant look was replaced by something resembling an acknowledgment of guilt. Two police officers joined Gee and Bal in pulling Jack away from the three ladies who were all gasping and wide eyed with fright. Once he was moving towards the Security Agency's vehicle the police let go but the two agents continued to pull.

"Oh my god! Did you see how fierce he was? That was SO SEXY! I hope you got that on camera! What a treat for our viewers!" Kihani gasped to her camera woman who was nodding frantically as she stared at the man's muscular back.

Jack didn't recall spinning in place or stalking back towards Kihani. He didn't hear their screams as they watched him approach. Gee took him down with a stunner from her position on the ground where he'd flung her with his spin. He was unconscious before his face hit the grass at the hooves of the three screaming females.

Chapter 2

Everything hurt. Jack cracked open his eyes and even his eyelids complained. He saw he was in his bedroom on his bed. Then he saw the green and gold eyes peering down at him.

"He's awake."

"What-" he croaked and immediately regretted talking.

Strong hands slipped behind him and pulled his head and shoulders up. Other hands tucked pillows behind him. He was set back against the pillows and a straw was pressed between his lips. He sucked up the cool water and his throat felt better.

"What happened?" he whispered.

"Show him." Queen Elissa said as she entered his bedroom with Maximilian and Gwendolyn in her arms. He smiled seeing the happy grin on his son's face. Max was such a happy child. His daughter was sleeping peacefully.

Diana lifted a tablet and played the queued video. Jack watched himself confronting the women, being dragged away then flinging the two agents off his arms like they weighed nothing. He was striding back towards the camera, rage on his face, teeth bared, eyes glaring, nostrils flaring, looking like he was about to eat someone. Then the flash of the stun gun and his boneless collapse amidst screams.

"Stun gun," he said.

"Agent Gee had to set it to maximum to take you down. That's why you hurt," the Queen explained.

"Why are you here?" he said looking at her.

"That footage was from their live show. All of Kihani's broadcasts are live. More realism and her fans love it. My office staff watch her show and when they saw her try to interview you I was called. I got to see the accident and you going into the canal. Your genuine concern for the injured woman and her child was wonderful to see but your reaction to that airhead Kihani needs to be addressed. Nobody is blaming you but you frightened a lot of people. No one has seen you direct that much rage towards an Altarian and it's shaken their faith in you."

"WHAT?!? THAT'S INSANE! The woman showed NO concern that she put Miro and Meela's life at risk. No remorse at all! SHE'S THE ONE who the Altarian's should be fearing, not ME!"

"Agreed and she will be receiving a psych evaluation in her court case. But you Jack, you looked like you were going to eat her. Your fangs were showing and suddenly the populace of Altaria saw... what's that Earth phrase? Oh yes, we saw that we may have a wolf in our midst. Instinct is a very strong force in Altarians. We listen to it."

"I wouldn't have killed her!" Jack sputtered.

"Maybe not but your body language certainly suggested you might have." Elissa insisted.

Jack frowned but couldn't deny that he had looked pretty enraged in the video.

"You were scary sexy!" Diana said with a confused smile.

He looked at the woman and recalled her record of dating abusive men and suddenly his righteous indignation dried up and blew away. He looked at Elissa in dismay.

"There's my Jack," she said with a smile.

"Maybe I could make a statement to the press, apologizing for my behavior?" he suggested and she nodded with a smile. She glanced at the two females sitting on the edge of his bed.

Diana and SennLann got up from the bed and left the room. Jack watched them go and looked at the Queen with a questioning look. The doorway was suddenly full of people as reporters began to file in with their cameras. He recognized some of the news stations and some of the reporters from the interview he'd given in front of Queen Elissa's home after the birth of Max. He glanced at her and she moved to the side of the bed and placed the two babies in his arms. He grinned widely as he sniffed their sweet scents and nuzzled them. Elissa stood next to the bed and nodded to the press. The cameras began rolling and suddenly Jack was very conscious he was only covered by his blanket from the waist down, he was shirtless, and his long hair was unbraided. The upside was he had his babies in his arms. He gave them another kiss then looked up at the gathered members of the press at the end of his bed. It felt kind of surreal but he'd just have to deal with it.

"If I may, I'd like to start with a brief statement. An apology actually. I was pretty shaken up by the near drowning of baby Meela. It was close. A second or so longer and the story might have been far more tragic. When I heard the unconcerned comments Kihani made afterwards I'm afraid in my distressed state I behaved very poorly. I'm terribly sorry for my actions and I'm thankful for Security Agents Gee and Bal for their intervention. I still hold Kihani directly responsible for her reckless behavior and the injuries sustained by Miro and Meela. I trust she will be held accountable and justice will be served."

One of the reporters gestured to ask a question. Queen Elissa nodded to her.

"You were baring your fangs at Kihani as you approached her. Was it your intent to bite her?" the reporter asked.

"I've never bitten anyone... in anger," he unconsciously glanced at Elissa then blushed furiously. The Queen was a little flustered and looked out the window. The reporters all had wide grins on their faces. A second one had a question.

"The footage shows you leapt into the canal without pausing. Were you aware of the depth of the water? Are you a good swimmer?"

"Actually, I didn't even think about how deep the water was. Thinking about it now I could have really hurt myself if the water had been shallow," he said with a blink. "I used to be a really good swimmer but now with the extra headgear I don't float as well so I tired out really quickly. If Bal and Gee hadn't arrived when they did we might not have had this interview."

Queen Elissa allowed a few more questions but when a reporter boldly slipped in Kihani's question about the child he and the judge had she scowled and indicated the interview was over.

"Actually, I'd like to say something about that. Sorry, I'm not going to directly answer the question because it's rude. I'll be honest. I thought the obsession with 'celebrities' was a human failing. I was really disappointed to find Altarians were afflicted with this issue too. I don't understand the compulsion to know intimate personal information of people who are basically strangers. Knowing doesn't make you friends with that person. That's an illusion and an unhealthy one. There are people I admire but I act on that admiration by respecting their privacy."

Jack turned his face back to Gwendolyn who cooed as she awoke and he nuzzled her once more. He grinned in delight as a smile appeared on her little face.

Queen Elissa and Diana guided the reporters out of his room then he was alone with his children. He suddenly realized why Elissa had brought them along. She was showing the Altarian people that she trusted him, the big bad wolf, with her babies. There could be no greater display of trust and faith than that! When she returned he gave her a look of awe and she knew he'd figured it out.

"That's why I'm Queen," she said quietly with a smile.

"May I kiss the Queen?"

"May you? I think you'd better!" she grinned as she sat on the edge of the bed and leaned in to take her reward.

When she pulled back they were both panting just a little.

"Wow! The Queen is very sexy!" Jack rumbled.

Max took that moment to sneeze and the intimacy was lost as they both chuckled.

"What time is it?" Jack asked suddenly. The clock beside the bed indicated it was almost noon! He was late for work!

"That's the second reason I'm here. It appears you haven't been taking your vacation days. Any of them. Both of your offices got in touch with my office and they brought it to my attention. As of today you are on vacation!"

"But- but I don't need a vacation! I love my job!" Jack exclaimed.

"We know you love your job and you will love it even more after you've taken your legally mandated vacation time," Elissa said patting his knee.

Jack sagged back against the pillows and cuddled the babies a little more. He snorted out a breath and nodded. "Well... I can handle a week. Shouldn't be too bad."


Jack gaped at Elissa. "Four!?!" he barked.

Maximilian and Gwendolyn weren't impressed with their Dad's outburst and began to fuss. Elissa reached in and scooped up her children and carried them out towards the living room. She paused at the doorway and looked back.

"Four weeks. You are not to set foot in either of your offices for four weeks. You may see your coworkers socially, I know you enjoy your movie nights, but no discussing business. They will all report to me if you are violating this rule and that will just extend your vacation time. Is that understood?"

"I know it may sound strange but I feel like I'm being punished." Jack complained.

"You're not. This actually helps defuse the public's unease as we are spinning today's little emotional outburst as a symptom of your fatigue. Your work record is public knowledge. The people will see that you haven't taken a break in a long time so they will accept you need some downtime. Well, they'd need it at least so they'd expect you to as well. Try to enjoy your time off!" With that said and a smile on her face she left.

Once again, Jack was amazed at how well Queen Elissa took care of her people. She knew he was no danger to the Altarians but she also knew how to ease the instinctive fears of her people. The Altarians were a civilized and reasonable race of beings. Give them a reasonable answer to explain his reaction and they would gratefully accept it. He'd just have to be on his best behavior for a while.

Four weeks! The longest he'd been away from work was eight weeks but that was during a bad time between jobs back on Earth. His upbringing drove his need for work. The tough times his parents had gone through really honed his work ethic. His father in particular taught him the value of a solid days work. It didn't really matter what it was as long as you did your best and made a contribution to the improvement of the lives around you. His mother had the same ethic but women had a particularly difficult time finding work on Earth during that time. These were bitter sweet memories for Jack so he gave his head a shake and threw back the sheet to get out of bed.

That's when he saw he was naked. All those reporters had been in his bedroom and the only thing between them and his nakedness was a single, thin sheet? He scowled at the bedroom door but smartly the ladies were leaving him alone.

He stepped into the bathroom and took a quick shower as he still felt a little funky from his run. Someone had given him a sponge bath but he needed to be clean. The residual ache from the stun gun gave way to the heat of his shower.

That taken care of, he dressed casually and left the bedroom.

Queen Elissa had left with his babies but Diana and SennLann were relaxing on the couch. Jack could hear the Phem Kalos female purring from where he stood as Diana massaged the other's feet.

Diana's face was a little flushed as she rubbed her thumbs against the other's foot pads and gently stroked her fingers over the bridges.

"Jaaaaaack, Diana's making my feet feel soooooo gooood," the feline purred.

He knew Diana's xenophilia was kicking in as she moved her hands over the Phem Kalos' feet. He'd left her in a sexually charged state when he left the apartment this morning so he supposed he was at least partially responsible for this.

There was a high pitched ringing from down the hall and SennLann's mobile ears twitched and swung in that direction. "FennLann!" she squeaked and pulled her feet back from Diana's hands. She quickly leaned forward and kissed the woman on the lips then shot over the couch to sprint down the hall to get her lover's call.

Diana looked after the fleeing female then looked up at Jack with wide desperate eyes.

"Hello woman," he whispered breathily as he knelt over her on the couch and brought his mouth to hers. Her mouth was demanding and he went with it, giving her as much passion as she was demanding.

When he pulled back she looked into his eyes and he saw something new in her gaze. A need. He looked at her questioningly.

"The fierceness... from earlier... take me. Hard," she whispered as she begged him with her eyes.

Ah, the rage. She'd had a flash back to one of her previous boyfriends and her confusion of passion vs brutality was in full swing. He couldn't be cruel to her but he could definitely give her pleasure hard and fast. He could give her what she needed without giving her what she'd had.

Jack sat up quickly and pulled her to her knees. He spun her around and took a grip on the luxurious hair on the back of her head and pushed her down onto the arm of the couch. This left her ass sticking up in the air.

With his other hand he yanked down her yoga pants and panties. She squealed at his rough handling and he gave her ass a quick couple of slaps, one for each cheek. She gasped at the stinging and her head went back. He pushed it back down and rubbed her wet pussy lips with his other hand. He felt her fingers rubbing her clit in circles. She was dripping wet and moaning loudly as she pushed back against his fingers. He licked them clean then shoved them deeply into her pussy. Up came her head again as she wailed out her pleasure. She needed no further foreplay so he released her hair, yanked down his shorts and underwear and wiped her juices over his cock.

Diana looked back at him with a hot look then howled when he drove his cock deep into her pussy in one hard thrust. He gripped her hair once more and pulled her head back as he slammed himself deep again and again. The wet slap of his pelvis against her ass showed how wet she'd become. He slid a hand up under her shirt and squeezed her breast, tugging her nipple roughly through her bra.

"FUUUUCK! OH JACK! FUCK ME!" Diana cried out.

He ducked his head down next to hers and growled menacingly in her ear as he rubbed his horns against the side of her head. He felt her immediate response as her pussy clamped down on his cock. It worked for the Altarians and apparently it worked for Diana as well.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" she screamed as her orgasm shook through her catching Jack off guard. He didn't expect her to reach release just yet and he was a ways off. He ground against her and her body tremored and shook through the aftershocks. He felt her trying to pull away so he slipped himself out of her and she slumped to the cushions of the couch.

He kissed her cheek and she smiled with her eyes closed.

Jack walked into his bedroom and cleaned himself up in his washroom. When he returned to the living room SennLann was sitting on a chair watching Diana. She'd pulled a blanket up over the woman. When Jack caught her bleak expression he gestured for her to follow him out onto the patio. He sat on a chair and SennLann took the other one across from him.
