Jackson in HRPG-World 04


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That suspicion slithering through his guts had been proved right. Dragon royalty. What was he supposed to do now—bow to her or slay her? Slaying might be problem, he thought, looking down at the jagged half-inch of metal sticking out of the hilt that was all that remained of his sword.

"But I'd prefer it if you called me Bab. Much less formal."

As was her smile. And the glint in her eyes as she looked at him. He didn't think the shiny spanner twirling around in her left hand was part of the standard distressed damsel wardrobe either.

"Ian," he replied. Dragon royalty, would you effing Adam and Eve it. "I'm a little confused. The villagers told me there was a princess needing rescuing from a dragon."

"Oh, I told them to say that," Bab said. "Well, ordered really, on pain of crispy-fried barbequed death.

"I didn't mean it!" she added, seeing Jackson's shocked expression. "You know how it is. Good folk, but not the sharpest knives in the drawer. They need focus."

"Why tell them that at all?" Jackson asked.

It was Bab's turn to grimace. She sighed.

"Stupid family tradition," she said. "We're not morons like you humans. We don't force royal blood to marry royal blood until everyone's everybody else's second cousin and the blood is as thin as peasant's broth. That's not the way to maintain a royal line. Good blood needs fresh infusions of prime genetic stock and what better source than heroes. Strong, quick, clever, resourceful heroes.

"This," her hand swung around to encompass the room and the hundred levels below them, "is tradition for the womenfolk of the Mitsuji-Doraga line. We build a dungeon and mate with the heroes strong enough to make it through to the end. That's the path to strong hatchlings, as my mama used to say."

"This is dragon dating?" It sounded so crazy it was probably true.

Bab nodded and smiled.

"Well it used to be," she said. "None of you idiots play this type of game anymore. Whatever happened to patience and backbone? Lose a couple of credits and most of you are gone in a huff before even getting as far as the twelfth level."

She twirled the spanner around in her hand.

"Maybe it's my own fault. Mama did say I was too smart for my own good. And designing and building these things can get a little addictive. I must have ramped the difficulty up too high."

"That's why the umbrella," Jackson said. His 'heroism' didn't seem quite so heroic now.

"It gets lonely up here," Bab said. "Sometimes a girl fancies a quick screw."

Quick screw? Had he heard that right?

"But with protection." Bab held up a finger. "You're not a suitable mate. You failed to spot the significance of the bubblegum at the base of the tower."


"A pity. I think you'd look cute in scales."

Jackson didn't have a clue what she was talking about. To be fair, he was still thinking about that 'quick screw' comment.

"So you mean, you . . . and me?" He pushed a finger through the hoop of his forefinger and thumb for emphasis.

Could he? Even with the scales, wings and tail?

Bab smiled coquettishly. Her eyelids fluttered. She uncrossed her legs, better exposing the hairless folds of her sex.

Fuck it. She had a really cute face.

And breasts as big as ripe melons.

The girl not being human hadn't stopped him before. Admittedly, those had been situations where the girl hadn't taken 'no' for an answer, or let him run away.

At least Bab was different. She hadn't tried to beat him up first.

Jackson beamed at her. He dropped his trousers and took off his tunic. Naked, he took a step towards her.

"Oh," Bab said. "We have to fight first."

Jackson's smile fell off his face and shattered on the floor.

"Really? Why?"

Bab gave him an apologetic smile. "Rules of the game universe. If we don't the game might crash."

Jackson sighed. "Does it have to be a proper 'fight' fight," he said. "What if I just tap you and you fall over and pretend it's a mortal wound? Would that fool the game?"

Bab tilted her head. Her bright eyes sparkled. "Ooh, that's a good idea. Yes, that might work."

"Okay, let's give it a go," Jackson said. He ambled up to her. A gentle prod to the shoulder should do it.

Bab blew a big red bubble from her mouth. More bubblegum? Jackson expected it to pop, but it kept growing and growing. Before he had a chance to move it expanded into him like a stretchy airbag. The bubble kept growing and then Jackson was inside it. He wasn't sure how that happened. One moment he'd felt an elastic membrane pushing against the front of his body, and then the next it had melted around him and Jackson was standing inside a giant circular balloon. His weight provided no impediment as the elastic sphere floated up in the air with him inside it.

He pushed ineffectually at the elastic walls. Through the translucent membrane he saw Bab looking up at him with an impish smile on her full lips.

You really walked into this one, Jackson thought.


The bubble continued to float up higher. Jackson's options at this point were rather limited, imprisoned as he was within the sphere. A hamster in one of those plastic balls could at least pick a direction to run in. All Jackson could do was push his hands out against the rubbery membrane like a convict clutching bars.

Bab gave him a little wave and walked back up the curved staircase. Jackson floated up with her on the other side of the room. The bubble followed a preset path and rose up past a balcony and into what looked like a sumptuous bedchamber. Really fancy. Like something out of a period drama—all frills and elegant furnishings.

Apart from the arcade cabinet standing against a wall with its electronic guts strewn out of one of the side panels. That didn't belong at all. Naked girls with scales, wings and a tail were not exactly a regular sight in Downton Abbey either.

Bab sat at a fancy white Regency table and nonchalantly filed a nail. Or rather claw. She held up a stiletto-tipped finger and blew on the nail. If this had been a cartoon Jackson suspected there'd have been an exaggerated glint of light to emphasise the pointyness. Bab looked over her shoulder at him and smiled.

Jackson didn't like that smile at all.

He struggled in another ineffectual attempt to burst out of the bubble. It drifted slowly across the bedroom, about five or six feet off the ground. Bab stood up and walked over to meet the bubble in the centre of the room. Still smiling that impish smile, she held up a single pointed fingernail and let the bubble drift into it.

The bubble popped.

Jackson somersaulted out of the popped bubble as if flung by catapult. The world shifted again, only this time it felt like he'd had lost a dimension rather than the world around him. He felt like he was a paper cut-out. And blue, oddly. Blue like a cartoon character coming out of a frozen lake, although he didn't feel any cold.

He ricocheted off the walls and ceiling. Bab tracked his progress as he bounced around the room. She bent down and blew another bubble, orange this time. Jackson's spinning form fell into the bubble and it flattened out like one of those airbags movie stuntmen dive off buildings into.

Ugh. Jackson felt proper sick. He felt like he'd experienced every ride at Alton Towers simultaneously. His stomach was not in a happy place.

It wasn't the only part of him struggling. He lifted up his arms and saw he was flickering in and out of existence like a hologram with a faulty battery.


Bab's smiling face and expressive wide eyes appeared over the side of airbag bubble.

Even more worrying.

She reached over and buried a claw-tipped hand right into his flickering chest.

Let's just say the mercury had burst right out of the top of the worry thermometer on that one.

There wasn't any pain, which was really surprising as her hand had vanished up to past the wrist and was rummaging around inside his rib cage. Jackson was fairly sure that should at least sting, but he couldn't feel a thing. Bab continued to grope around as if rooting for treasure.

And treasure she found. Jackson's eyes widened as she pulled a handful of gold coins out of his chest. Where the hell had they come from?

Bab's green eyes lit up. "Ooh, that should keep us going for a while," she said.

Jackson didn't really catch that. He was currently stuck in a full-on weirdilepsy fit. The picture had gone wrong, as if all the colour had drained out of the world to be replaced with shades of black and white. The sound was fucked up too, like he was hearing everything through ears filled with cotton wool.

Bab walked over to the ancient arcade machine that looked completely out of place amongst the opulent furnishings. Jackson heard electronic bleeps as Bab fed the coins into the machine.

"I hacked the game," Bab called back at him. "I was fed up of men flickering out and vanishing the moment they lost their last life. It was annoying. To get all hot and wet and then, poof, they're gone. So . . ."

She stabbed down on a button. The machine burbled out an electronic jingle.

". . . I added a continue option." Smiling ear to ear, she looked back at Jackson.

The queasy insubstantial feeling left him. Jackson held up his arm and saw it was solid again. His vision and hearing returned to normal, well normal for being trapped in a virtual world made out of pixels. He struggled out of the deflating orange airbag and stood back up.

Bab dropped some leftover coins onto a table next to the arcade machine. She crouched down around the other side and plugged something in. Then she retrieved a piece of bubblegum from the bowl on the table, undid the wrapper and popped it into her mouth. She chewed on the gum and blew out a pink bubble. A normal-sized one this time, not like the weather-balloon-sized one that had swallowed up Jackson before. She ran a hand over the pink surface as if lightly caressing a breast.

"Hmm, yes," she said after sucking the gum back into her mouth. "I think you'll like how that feels."

Jackson was wondering why he wasn't already halfway down the stairs behind him. He suspected it had something to do with her naked breasts.

And a certain 'quick screw' comment.

"I've been looking forward to this for a while," Bab said. "Not many gamers frequent these parts nowadays and the ones that do are a little . . . well . . . beardy."


"Old and nerdy," Bab elaborated. "Oh, they're sweet enough, but they don't really get a girl's motor purring, if you know what I mean."

Jackson did. Bab's expression was positively filthy.

Bab walked around him, looking up and down his naked body. He knew he'd been doing exactly the same a few moments ago, but he hadn't been so gratuitous about it.

"And I do?" he said.

If Jackson had a body that 'got a girl's motor purring', it was the first he'd heard of it. College and university would have gone a lot easier with this knowledge.

"Of course," Bab said. "You're real. Flesh. That's incredibly rare in here."

Uh-oh. Things usually turned very bad when game characters noticed that.

"Oh, is that the time? I really must be—"

Bab crouched down in front of him and grabbed his cock.

That was stepping backwards out. Not unless he wanted to leave his dick behind, and that wasn't an option as far as Jackson was concerned.

Bab snapped gum between her full lips. She looked up at him with her deep green eyes.

"Have you ever had a bubblegum blowjob?" she asked.


"Um no," Jackson said. "What's one of them?" That particular sex act was outside his sphere of sexual experience.

Bab blew a bright pink bubble about the size of a grapefruit. The sticky gum membrane enfolded the swollen tip of his cock and then rolled down the shaft. Jackson looked down and saw his member vanish inside the bubble until it was a vague dark blur at the heart of a translucent pink sphere. This time the bubble membrane held. He felt it clinging to the outside of his penis as the bubble expanded around it. It felt pretty good—like he'd just entered a snug pussy barely large enough to contain him.

Given the choice he'd rather have put his hard-on in her mouth or vagina (or even ass). As weird as it looked, the bubble wasn't a bad substitute, though.

Bab looked up at him. Sexual desire glimmered in her big moist eyes. She had quills instead of hair, but with eyes like that Jackson didn't really care. She bobbed her head back and forth, bouncing the pink and surprisingly durable bubble against his groin.

Oh. Okay. That was a pretty damn good substitute for a pussy, Jackson thought.

As she bobbed the membrane peeled back from the root of his cock and then rolled back down to envelop his whole length. The bubble flattened and the pressure was like a gentle squeeze around his cock. It felt like he was plunging his cock into something soft, yielding and sensual.

Bab puffed her cheeks and blew. She played the bubble like a musical instrument. The notes were little pulses of bliss she blew into Jackson's body. He rocked unsteadily on wobbly knees.

The dragon girl moved her hands to his buttocks. Her fingers dug into his soft cheeks and encouraged him to thrust faster and stronger. Jackson wouldn't have done this normally. He'd be too frightened of choking the girl and causing her to gag on his cock. This wasn't a concern with the bubble forming a flexible cushion between them. The tip of his cock could just about reach the open ring of her mouth and that was it. Bab kissed him through the membrane and blew more bubble into his lap.

Jackson felt like he was balls deep in something moist and soft, a sensation reinforced by the elastic membrane pressing up against and partially enfolding his scrotum. Bab's hand slid down between his legs. Her nails tickled against first his anus before dancing down to whisper through the hairs on the underside of his testicles.

Her ministrations caused Jackson to press forwards until the bubble was squashed between them and her lips formed a ring around the tip of his cock. She placed her other hand against the side of the bubble and raised a long, wickedly pointed nail.

The nail came down and the bubble popped with a whoosh.

Jackson felt like he'd done the same. His hips jerked forwards and semen erupted from his cock as if tethered to a turbo-charged rocket. Whoosh seemed the right word. His cum flooded out and was soaked up by the pink gum of the collapsing bubble. Bab sucked it all back into her mouth and made little sounds of appreciation as she chewed on the gum.

"I knew you'd taste delicious," she said. She looked up at him with big green eyes and smiled as she savoured the gum.

Jackson rocked on his feet. His nerves were still jangling. That was quite some trick she'd pulled off with the bubblegum. And quite some ejaculation. Taken a bit out of him, he thought as he huffed for breath.

"You look a little unsteady there," Bab said. "Here, let me help out."

Her head ducked back down. Lower this time. He heard her blowing and realised she was blowing up another bubble. His cock, remembering the last bubble she'd blown and the feel of it, twitched eagerly. Jackson didn't feel sticky gum against his crotch this time. Bab was much lower—between his legs. He looked over his shoulder and saw a shiny purple balloon expanding behind him. It was almost as big as the bubble that had enveloped him and carried him up to the bedroom earlier.

He turned around to see Bab standing in front of him. She put a hand on his chest and shoved.

"Put your feet up," she said as he fell back into the giant bubble.

The membranous surface gave and deformed as Jackson's weight fell into it. This bubble was less firm. It sagged into a loose toroid shape with Jackson at the centre. It supported his weight like a beanbag, but bouncier.

The bounce became more pronounced as—giggling—Bab dived in on top of him. She snuggled up next to him, stared at him with her big green eyes and smiled coquettishly.

"I love fooling around on one of these things," she said.

"I'm a little confused," Jackson said. "What has all this to do with a platform game?"

"It's the hero's reward," Bab said, "for rescuing the princess." She kissed him on the cheek.

"Call me suspicious, but I don't remember any end-of-game scene where the grateful princess rewards the hero with hardcore sex acts."

Bab started moving around on the bubble, causing it to sway up and down. She climbed over Jackson's body, turning around to face his feet.

"And how would you know, did you complete any of them?"

Of course he hadn't. They were too bloody hard. Game developers were sadists back in those days.

"Thought not," Bab continued, taking his silence for a negative. "They could have ended in a full harem orgy, with gorgeous dusky maidens performing every sex act imaginable on the triumphant hero for all you knew."

Jackson's dick gave a little twitch at 'every sex act imaginable'. It didn't escape Bab's notice.

Just as it hadn't escaped Jackson's notice that Bab's knees were pressed down on the bubble on either side of his head and he had a close-up view of the neat, hairless folds of her sex positioned right over his face.

"I would have heard about it," he said. "The moral nutters would have totally lost their shit for starters. They went berserk over that Easter egg in GTA, and it wasn't even in the game."

"Shh," Bab said. "It's your turn."

She wiggled her crotch in his face to indicate what she meant by 'his turn'.

"Now put that tongue out and give my pussy a good licking. If you're good I'll reward you with some bubblegum 69."

She smiled back at him and blew a little pink bubble before snapping the gum back into her mouth. Jackson's cock twitched at the sound.


Bab bucked her hips down, pushing her sex into Jackson's face and bouncing his head off the elastic membrane beneath them. Anyone would think she was trying to hint at something.

She let her full weight rest on Jackson's face, burying his mouth and nose in the musky folds of her sex. She giggled and wiggled her ass, pushing Jackson's head around as she ground her pussy against his face.

Okay, okay, I get it.

He was a new man. He knew when to reciprocate when it was expected of him. Fair's fair.

He stuck his tongue out and ran it along the hairless groove of her sex. He used it to tease the swollen flanges of her labia. He lifted his head up and kissed the opening to her sex. His tongue slithered up and dabbed against her clitoral hood.

Any doubts on whether she liked that were answered swiftly as her body stiffened in pleasure and she clamped his head between her thighs.

"Oh yes," she sighed.

She blew a stream of warm air that tickled over his penis. After blowing a big load into her bubblegum blowjob Jackson thought that was it from his trouser department. Apparently his second head had other ideas. It twitched and started to mushroom upwards in an erection.

Jackson delved deeper into the moist crack of her vagina, his tongue wriggling and lapping. She tasted like sweet bubblegum. He supposed that shouldn't have surprised him too much.

Then it was his turn to stiffen in pleasure as Bab blew another bubble that enveloped his cock and bobbed against his balls. She puffed her cheeks and the warm elastic membrane throbbed pleasantly around his penis. Jackson's semi turned into full and throbbing in a matter of moments as blood flowed to his crotch with a speed that left him feeling a little dizzy.

Jackson sighed into her pussy. Wanting to keep pace, he probed and licked with his tongue, causing shudders to run through her body.

A bead of pre-cum dribbled from the tip of his penis. It melted through the bubble membrane and then his whole cock was inside. He felt her warm breath tickle against his exposed skin and cascade down the shaft. The interior of the bubble was hot and humid. It felt like a sauna just for his penis.