Jacob Jones' Payback Forward Pt. 07

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Jake's anxieties escalate.
2.5k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 07/01/2023
Created 03/08/2023
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Jacob Jones was once again sitting in yet another lonely hotel room. Once again, he found himself being distracted by ruminations about his plight as he struggled to work. He had been tormented by his anxieties all summer. He could usually ignore his chronic suspicions during the day when he was busy interacting with clients and other people. However; he was tortured during the lonely evenings.

Jake reminded himself that Labor Day weekend was only a few weeks away. Jamal would be leaving a few weeks later to begin studying at the University. Janine was justifiably proud of the accomplishments of her student. Thanks to her astute observations and intervention, the young, African American man had been diagnosed before he reached adolescence. She'd encouraged his single mother to not despair. Autism was no disgrace. Even accomplished businessmen such as Elon Musk had Asperger's Syndrome. Thanks to Janine's continuing tutoring, Jamal had already mastered advanced placement Calculus and Differential Equations as well as Freshman Chemistry and Physics. The university had granted him credit for these core courses. Jake had no doubt that the young man would flourish at University.

Ironically; Jamal's autism had enabled Jacob to acquiesce to the possibility that Janine might be having an affair with the younger man. Jamal's most obvious disability was that he was socially maladroit. In spite of his formidable physique, he didn't have the interpersonal skills much less the confidence to date. The kid reminded Jake of himself back when he was only eighteen. Just as there had been no chance that Misses Jones might leave her husband to be with Jake, that was no chance that Janine might leave Janine to be with Jamal. Even if his chronic suspicions were justified, their marriage wouldn't be in jeopardy unless he confronted his wife with his suspicions.

There was another practical advantage to Jamal's autism. Misses Jones had on a few occasions teased Jake that she was willing to be his sexual tutor because she was confident that he wasn't infected with any diseases that might be passed on to her and then to her husband. Jamal was so socially maladroit that he couldn't get a date even after his heroics during the bank robbery. There was no chance that Jamal might be infected with any diseases that might be passed on to Janine and then to Jacob.

Of course Jake had been consoling himself with the forlorn hope that anything untoward that might be transpiring between his wife and the much younger, African American youth would end in autumn. During the last few months, Jake had been intentionally avoiding any investigations that might confirm his suspicions. He had resisted the temptation to return home earlier than expected to enable him to maybe catch his wife in the act. None of the scenarios that his imagination had conjured up had ended well. Jacob had reasoned that even if Janine was cheating on him, his precious honor and fragile ego would remain safe as long as no one aside from his wife and her lover actually had knowledge of her affair rather than mere suspicions. He had resolved to allow Janine's suspected adultery to run its course.

Unfortunately; the anxieties that so often tormented Jake were unrelenting tonight. He finally abandoned his futile efforts to work. Since he was still dressed in slacks and a button down shirt with a loosened tie, he decided to go down to the hotel lounge to have a drink. Perhaps being around people would become a welcome distraction?

The hotel lounge was neither crowded or empty. That was normal on a Monday night. Jacob sat at the bar rather than at a table. It would expedite getting a drink. More importantly, he might find company to distract him. He surveyed the room as he sipped his bourbon and Coke.

Jake's gaze lingered on the couple that were seated at a table together. The remnants of a meal as well as nearly empty glasses attested to a romantic dinner. They were an odd couple. The fact that she was White while he was Black wasn't really an aberration. Not anymore. However; she appeared to be a forty-something year old woman. Her wide hips, full breasts and not so slender waist suggested that she was a mother. She might have been a doppelganger for Jake's wife if she hadn't been a blonde rather than raven haired. In contrast, he appeared to be a decade younger. He had the taunt physique of a professional athlete. He was a stud in his prime.

The woman's blouse was partially unbuttoned to reveal more than just a tasteful hint of her deep cleavage. The fabric of her white blouse was sheer enough to make it obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. The absence of support enabled her breasts to sag under their own weight, attesting that they were real rather than surgically enhanced. The diamond rings glittering on her fingers proudly proclaimed that she was a married woman.

While it was theoretically possible that the white woman's African American companion was her husband, their demeanor suggested otherwise. He had his right arm draped casually yet possessively over her shoulders so that his hand was poised perilously close to her right breast. He leaned forward to kiss the woman. She eagerly turned her face toward him so that her lips could meet his. Their kiss was prolonged and passionate. She made no protest when his hand slipped inside the neckline of her blouse to cradle her breast.

The woman finally broke their kiss to signal to the bar tender. He dutifully approached with a small tray with a receipt on it. The woman signed the receipt, obviously charging their tab to her hotel room.

The African stud's hand continued to cradle the woman's breast as they arose. When she retrieved her purse, Jake noticed the white, lace fabric that was almost spilling out. She had obviously removed her bra during their time together rather than before she left her room. This was obviously their initial assignation, perhaps even a serendipitous encounter.

As the couple walked past the bar, Jake noticed the formidable bulge in the African -American stud's pants. He was obviously one of the fortunate Black men who actually measured up to the reputation, just like Jamal. Jake had no doubt that the stud would soon be easing his big, black cock into the blonde's married vagina. He was amazed and ashamed when he felt his own penis swelling with arousal as he imagined the impending consummation of their adulterous assignation.

Jake quickly finished his drink and charged it to his room then left the bar. When he got to his own room, he quickly stripped then got in the shower. He didn't attempt to resist the temptation to fondle his erect penis. As he began to masturbate unabashedly, he imagined the Negro stud rutting with the White wife. He preferred to imagine that the woman was unshaven just like Janine. He had noticed her blonde eyebrows that had attested to the fact that she was a natural blonde.

Jake continued to stroke his penis as he lingered in the shower. He imagined that he was a voyeur in the room, covertly watching. His mind was focused on the image of the African stud's big, black cock plunging into the blonde's cunt then withdrawing, again and again, as he relentlessly fucked her. The imagined contrast between the African stud's nappy, black, pubic hair and the woman's blonde, pubic hair only enhanced the eroticism of the imagery.

As Jake continued to masturbate; the blonde's pubic hair suddenly morphed to jet black, just like Janine's. Suddenly, Jake was imagining that he was a voyeur watching Jamal fucking his own wife. He might have been more shocked and ashamed of himself, but this wasn't the first time that he had been tormented by this erotic nightmare as he masturbated. He once again cast aside his pride along with his Judeo Christian morality as he embraced the fantasy.

Jake continued to masturbate as he imagined his wife climaxing again and again on Jamal's big, Black cock as the young man relentlessly fucked her. Eventually; the moment of truth arrived. Jake yielded to the temptation to imagine Janine embracing Jamal's hips between her thick thighs as she implored him to cum in her. Jamal eagerly plunged his ebony penis into Janine to the hilt. As Jake visualized Jamal's scrotum contracting to hug his massive testicles closer, he was suddenly overwhelmed by the image of his semen flooding her vagina then his African sperm swimming through her cervix to reach her fecund, still fertile, unprotected womb.

Imagining Jamal inseminating Janine triggered Jacob's own ejaculation. He groaned in response to the way his testicles ached as they emptied themselves, spilling his own semen onto the floor of the shower. Jake was suddenly ashamed as he watched his precious sperm being washed down the drain.

Jake struggled with his remorse about his shameful masturbation as he washed himself. After toweling off, he went to bed. Once again, he neglected to put on his pajamas. As he lay in bed, he was once again tormented by the same imagery that had just evoked his profound ejaculation. It was far from the first time that he had masturbated while fantasizing about Jamal fucking his wife. It had become a habit during the last couple of months. The guilty pleasure had only exasperated his humiliation. However; the indulgence had also been a catharsis, enabling him to maintain a certain equanimity as he contemplated Janine's possible infidelities.

After setting an alarm on his smartphone, Jake checked for any new text messages or emails. There were none. Janine seldom used email to communicate with him. She preferred text messages or phone calls. The most recent email from her had actually been sent by her ovulation tracking app two weeks earlier. It was the third such update that he had received. Jake had not been bothering to open these messages, but he hadn't been deleting them.

Observing the tableau in the bar had not only provoked Jake's anxieties as well as his shameful masturbation, it had belatedly provoked his curiosity. Jake opened the most recent email from Janine's ovulation tracking app. The email displayed a seemingly cryptic chart. However; as Jake studied the chart, his recollection of Janine's explanation months ago was revived. It became somewhat understandable. A bit of Googling enabled him to find an explanation of how to interpret the chart, just so he could be certain.

From Jake's perspective, the most critical aspect of the chart was the bottom line. The row of heart shaped icons was revealing. Not a day had gone by during Janine's previous cycle when she hadn't had sex! This includes weekdays when Jake was out of town on business!!

The app had enabled Janine to record if her sexual encounters occurred during the morning, afternoon, evening or night. On most weekdays, Janine had been having sex during the mornings and afternoons. On some weekdays, she also recorded having sex during the evenings. There were also a few heart shaped icons that attested that Jake had spent the night. Checking his calendar confirmed Jake's recollection. It wasn't unprecedented for Janine to stand in for parents who couldn't travel with their children to evaluate schools. One of these nocturnal assignations had occurred when Janine had traveled to a university with Jamal to assist him in evaluating its programs and the assistance that they were offering. Logistics had required them to stay overnight, leaving Thursday and returning home Saturday morning. The cluster of singular, solid hearts indicated that Janine had taken full advantage of the opportunity to have sex with Jamal numerous times and had allowed him to inseminate her every time.

As Jake perused the chart, he was amazed and ashamed that he hadn't noticed the evidence of Janine's adulteries whenever he returned home from his business trips. Their eager, welcome home love makings had all occurred within a quarter of a day after Janine's most recent assignation. The realization that he had so eagerly made love to his spouse without realizing that he was getting sloppy seconds was humiliating. He consoled himself with the knowledge that he was far from the first husband to be so gullible. Given the statistics on female infidelity, many millions if not billions of husbands had been intimate with their wives while a rival's sperm were still swimming around in their wombs.

The app even allowed Janine to record how many times she had sex. His wife usually had sex twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon most weekdays. Jamal was certainly exceptionally virile even for a young man.

Jake might have been heartbroken if he hadn't noticed critical details of the chart. The heart shaped icons not only indicated when Janine had sex, they revealed details about the use of contraception or other precautions. An outline of a heat indicated sex with contraception. A solid colored heart indicated sex without contraception. However; a solid heart overlapping an outlined heart indicated sex without contraception but with withdrawal. While no such precaution had been taken during most of Janine's extramarital encounters, paired icons indicated that more often than not, she had at least had Jamal withdraw when her app indicated that she was in the fertile phase of her cycle. Jake was actually grateful that some vestige of fidelity had motivated his wayward wife to take that precaution.

Jake opened the two previous emails from the app. The pattern was much the same. Janine had been sexually active every day that he was out of town. Most of her assignations had occurred during the mornings and afternoons, but several had occurred during the evenings and a few had occurred overnight. Not all of these nocturnal encounters had occurred during overnight trips with Jamal to evaluate universities.

Ironically; the singular, solid, heart shaped icons that attested to when Janine had allowed Jamal to cum in her unprotected were actually reassuring. These lone icons had become less frequent, at least during the fertile phase of her cycle. It was easy to imagine how difficult it had been for the inexperienced young man to restrain himself. Doing so evoked memories of Jacob's own difficulties. Fortunately; Misses Robinson had been a patient and forgiving teacher.

Of course the most reassuring aspects of the charts was that Jacob had been receiving a new chart about every four weeks. In spite of Janine's infidelities, her obvious eagerness to be somewhat reckless during the fertile phase of her cycle, and Jamal's not so infrequent failures to restrain himself, she hadn't gotten pregnant. His philandering wife was being careful enough.

Jake closed the emails and turned off the lights. As he rolled over to go to sleep, he was no vacillating about what to do. Although he had fantasized about various intricate, sometimes macabre plots of revenge, he knew would quietly acquiesce to Janine's infidelities. His wife's affair which had been ongoing for three months would end in only a few weeks when Jamal left for university.

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GrendelpuppyGrendelpuppy11 months agoAuthor


i noticed that 26theNC is flaming me again. I once again recommend that everyone read "A GATHERING OF TROLLS."

ruslanmandrukanruslanmandrukan11 months ago

Doing great both on the story and unsetting 26thNC the man's not happy 🤣.

toran74toran7411 months ago

Can't wait to see the ending will their be a pregnancy and or a confrontation.

26thNC26thNC11 months ago

GPup back again with another racist big black clown post.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhino11 months ago

A ridiculous premise, nothing even vaguely erotic about this. Just highlighting stupidity on the part of the husband.

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