Jail Bird Pt. 03


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"I'm disgusted at the thought that you could do such a thing to our son. Just get out, I'll fix this damn mess you got us into like I always do," Danica said, not hiding her disdain at her husband. Scowling at her husband's back as he slunk out the door. Walking through her home, where they had fled after the media coverage of her son's trial, with determination, roughly throwing open the desk drawer in her anger. Pulling out a yellow legal pad and pen, along with the checkbook for Glenn's accounts, wiping away a tear from her eye as she set out to apologize to her only son in a letter given how he wouldn't talk to them. Danica stated how sorry they were for not believing in him, telling him how that the police went into gruesome details about what had happened to Kelly Watts. That they were so distraught at what they were telling them, they weren't thinking straight. Also, telling her son while that wasn't an excuse for turning their backs on him when he needed them the most, it was all she had to offer.

That she was stating what was going through their minds at the time, also apologizing for never visiting him during his incarceration, that if she could do it all over again, Danica would never leave Max all alone like she did. Yet the news, the prosecutor, and all the evidence at the time did all point to him. Nonetheless, she should have believed him when Max was in tears when he told them he didn't kill her. Asking her son if, in time, he could forgive them for their failures and come back to them that they would always be waiting for his call whenever he felt like it. Flipping open Glenn's checkbook, making sure he had enough to cover the money he took from her son, writing out the check for twelve hundred dollars before tucking it in the folded letter. Grabbing her car keys and her purse, leaving a voicemail on her daughter's phone telling her to tell Max that she's sending him a letter along with a check for the missing money as she headed towards the nearest Post Office.


"I can't afford all of this," Max whispered into Kate's ear once the salesman walked off after he, with the help of Kate, had picked out the last piece of his living room set. He grew a tad nervous at the smile on her lips when he said that.

"Don't worry, Max," Kate said, leaning lightly against him. Feeling her heart racing as her right hand rested on his right pectoral. Lewd, lustful thoughts raced through her mind as she imagined what it would be like as her fingertips traced every muscle he had earned during those six long years when her legs were wrapped around his waist. "If you're worried about it, you can always pay me back when your check clears. Although, I would like it if you would accept this as my gift to you," Kate uttered sweetly.

"But you just met me. Why would you do this for someone you barely know?" Max asked, unaware of Kate's involvement in getting him freed from prison.

Kate hid her face behind the curtain of her dark brown hair, so Max wouldn't see how red her face was. Should she tell him that she knew all about him already? That it was her doing that got him freed from prison? That it was her who got the Innocence Project involved in his case? If she did, how would Max take the news? Shaking those questions from her mind, Kate wasn't about to risk losing him now. Not when he made her feel things no man has done before him. She couldn't risk it.

"Because... I'd like to be your friend Max," Kate said slyly, bowing her head. "Your life has been turned upside down because no one would listen to you. Your life has been put on hold for so long. The people you thought you could trust betrayed you. I want to show you that I'm not like any of those people."

"You kind of already did, Kate. You've offered me, an innocent ex-con (Even though it wasn't true, Max still felt like that. No one can make that go away in less than two days), a job when you didn't even know me, a place to stay that's my own. But this is too much, Kate. It kind of feels like I'm taking advantage of you," Max stated, hoping that he hadn't upset her. He has grown rather fond of feeling Kate's body pressed against his.

"But it isn't taking advantage of me if I'm the one offering, now is it?" Kate asked, looking over at him. Hiding her smile at the fact that Max was protecting her like a good Master would do for his subs in his own way. A role that only she would ever fill if this went the way she hoped it did.

"Alright..." Rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, "if you're sure this is what you want, Kate," Max said, the moment he was released, he didn't think anyone would be this charitable towards him due to how the city of his birth besmirched his name for the past six years. Recounting the times the news reporters would flock to Lampac on the anniversary of Kelly Watts' death. Thinking they could get him to repent for his crimes, crimes that he never committed. The only sin he was guilty of was having sex with her, feeling himself scowling when he thought back to how that True Crime author came to visit him, trying to get his side of the story so she could write about Kelly's murder and the events that revolved around it. She, too, was another one, along with her publishing house, that he was going after for printing lies about him. At that moment, Decan was having a cease and desist order sent to the author along with her publishing house to cease all printing and sales, paper and electronic of her slanderous book. Along with an order demanding a public apology for printing untruths about his character.

"Of course it is, Max. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't," Kate said, feeling something off about him that wasn't there a second ago. "You okay?" she whispered, hearing her concern touching her words.

"Yeah... just thinking," Max mumbled.

"Well... how about we go browse their bedroom sets and see which ones you like," Kate offered. She hoped that with her being there, it would soothe whatever was happening with him.

"Oh, I like this one," Max uttered as he tested out one of the show beds that dotted the showroom floor. "What is it?" he asked the salesman, given how it was so unlike his old bed before prison and the two-inch thick foam padding that lined the hard metal bunk in his cell.

"It's called memory foam, sir. It's one of our better selling mattresses," the man said in a monotone voice.

"I can imagine, this thing is awesome," Max stated with a hint of light mirth to his voice.

"Well, I'm glad to hear your tone has returned to its pleasant state," Kate said, with a smile on her lips. "Would you mind if I'd tried it as well?" she asked, knowing if he were indeed the one, then she would be lining it for a very long time.

"Sure," Max answered quickly, getting up. Seeing her cheeks blush as he took hold of her hand and gently guided her down onto the bed. "So... what's memory foam?" he asked, looking over at the man, seeing his arched eyebrow and the look wondering if he was from another planet.

"It's an orthopedic foam that molds around your body, allowing you -- the sleeper -- to have a good night's sleep without worrying about old, worn-out springs digging into you throughout the night. Once the foam heats up due to the sleeper's body heat, the foam will contour to your body, cradling you while you sleep. It's helped many with back problems due to the old-style spring mattresses. Many have said they no longer wake up in the mornings or during the night in pain," the man stated, hoping he was going to make the sale.

"Oh?! That's neat, so, Kate, how do you like it?" Max asked, looking down at her. Moving closer to the bed and bending down when she beckoned him to her. He wasn't prepared for the kiss she planted on his lips. Not that they haven't done such a thing before. However, right then, he could picture what waking up next to her in the mornings would be like.

"Magnificent," Kate whispered breathlessly, "we'll take it and the whole set that goes along with it." The man kept his smile from showing, not knowing that Kate was blind as he wrote down their order on his sales log.

"Is there anything else I can help you with today?" the salesman asked, knowing he was going to make a tidy commission that day.

"No, I think that will be it for today," Kate said, knowing they had to stop at another store to buy silverware, pots, pans, plates, and everything else Max needed to outfit his new home. A home where she might, she silently added to herself, possibly be visiting very often.

"Then if you follow me, we'll get your order logged into the computer," the man said, gesturing to them to follow him. "Forgive me for not noticing," the man uttered apologetically once he noticed Kate's cane as they walked into his office. Holding the back of her chair still as Kate lowered herself into it.

"It's quite all right," Kate replied with a smile.

"We have the five-piece living room set, the kitchen set that includes the double door refrigerator, stove, along with a dining room table with matching chairs. The six-piece bedroom set, and lastly the fifty-two-inch television," the man said, listing off the items Max and Kate had taken three hours to choose. "Is there anything I left off?"

"No, that's everything," Kate nodded.

"How would you like to pay? We have a very reasonable payment plan," the man said, handing Max the pamphlet for it. "I apologize, ma'am, but we don't have a copy of our plan in braille."

"No worries, we won't be needing a payment plan. I'd like to pay for it now," Kate said, pulling out her corporate business card from her wallet. She had three cards, not including her ID, that she used: her personal credit card, her bank debit card, and her business credit card. Each one and a little sticker on them, knowing if the sticker was on the left corner, meant it was her business credit card, while if it was in the middle, it meant it was her debit card and so on.

"Certainly," the man said, with a nod. "Let me just print out the invoice for you and go run your card; it shouldn't take a moment."

"Max?" Kate spoke softly as the room grew deathly silent.


"Everything is to your liking, isn't it?" Kate asked, with a touch of worry.

"Of course, I would have said something if it wasn't," Max said, looking over at her.

"Then why are you so silent?" Max didn't want Kate to know how she looked on that bed, nor how his mind was picturing what she would look like naked upon it.

"Just thinking how interesting my life has become since meeting you," Max said, hoping she could forgive his little white lie.

"Oh?!" Sitting up straighter in her chair, "Do go on, how have I made your life interesting?" Kate asked, very invested in hearing his answer.

"Well... there was this woman out of the blue calling for help," seeing Kate's cheeks heat, "then when I didn't want to, due to what I've had to endure for the past six years. Then she actually made me laugh."

"Go on," Kate prodded.

"Then she takes me out to dinner where I learn she was indeed a very, very strange, yet very attractive woman," Max said, the corner of his lips lifting, loving the bashful look on Kate's face.

"Y-you really think she's attractive?" Kate asked, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear and remembering how he had tugged at it when she allowed no man to do such a thing. Her heart hammered against her ribs when his 'Mmmhmm' settled within her heart. Her body heated when she felt his fingers curling around her hand as she slipped it into his hand. "What else?"

"Then well... she makes her sister suck my cock in the restaurant no less," Max stated, smiling as he said that. "Then she became my fluffer for the night," watching how Kate bit on her lower lip, Max thought it was rather cute, "I didn't think she would do that given she's a Domme."

"I hear some Domme's can put away that role and be submissive if the situation warrants it," Kate said low, hoping he was picking up on her hints.

"Is that so?"

"Mmmhmm," Kate hummed as she nodded.

"I wonder if she's like that?" Max mused. Looking down as Kate squeezed his hand then he noticed the shadow moving along the shadowy glass of the man's cubical, noting how Kate wanted him to continue yet, his words were only meant for her to hear.

"I have your invoice right here," the man said softly. "I made sure to have our embosser print it out for you, which is why it took so long," he stated. His hand lightly touched the back of Kate's hand, making sure she knew where he was as he placed the few sheets of paper it took to print it out.

"Thank you very much! It's not often a business I deal with goes to this length," Kate said, with a warm smile as she looked forward.

"Your quite welcome, Mrs. Moss. Your husband will have to sign for you," the man said, laying the receipt and pen on his desk in front of Max. Max was about to say that he wasn't Kate's husband, just her bodyguard, right up until he caught how her eyes flickered over to him, telling him to remain silent. He wondered if she enjoyed being referred to as his wife.

"That won't be a problem, will it, honey?" Kate asked, with a taunting smirk as she looked over at him. Turning her head slightly, running her fingers along the braille as she read down the invoice, listening to the pen strokes moving along the surface of the desk.

"Excellent!" the man said, before stapling the receipt to the printed invoice and placing it in the outgoing bin on his desk. "Now, the only thing we don't have in stock is the stove. It will take a few days for it to be delivered from our warehouse upstate. I apologize for the inconvenience."

"How long?" Kate asked, squeezing Max's hand, knowing how he wanted to be out of Carol's apartment.

"It should be here by Friday, we can deliver the items that we have in stock in two days, or we can hold off until the stove gets here and have it all delivered at the same time on Saturday," the man said, stating their options.

"Yeah, let's wait until Saturday when everything is together. Rather have it all done in one day than people constantly coming and going," Max said, taking charge.

How Kate loved hearing that side of him, knowing he could step up and make the big decisions if or when the time came for such things. "Can you wait that long?" Kate asked, knowing he wanted to get out of Carol's place as fast as he could.

"Yeah... shouldn't be a problem," Max nodded, "I hope," he quickly added to himself.

"Please, if there is anything else I can do for you, just give me a call," the man said, handing Max his business card once they all got to their feet.

"What time is it, Max?" Kate asked, as they stood outside the store, waiting for her driver to arrive.

"A little after four," Max said, checking the time on his phone.

"Good, gives us some time before we have dinner, and head to the club," Kate said, looping her arm around his.

"I'm assuming you have something in mind," Max uttered, slipping his phone back into the inside of his jacket pocket.

"Of course," a sneaky smile appeared on her lips, "after all, you'll need bedding and everything else to fill your new home," Kate said, lightly patting his right bicep hearing her driver approaching.


"How's your dinner?" Kate asked, as they sat in a secluded spot of the restaurant they had chosen after their shopping spree to outfit Max's new home.

"Never had lobster before," Max admitted looking down at his plate.

"Do you not like lobster?" Kate inquired, hoping she hadn't made the wrong selection for him.

"It's not that, just never thought I would have it," Max admitted.

"Oh, I see, I'm sure there're lots of things you thought you might not ever have again," Kate spoke, while in her mind she was making a list of things to have in stock in his home to make up for the years he was in prison. "Like having dinner with a beautiful woman," she said, with a coy smile as she lifted her wine glass to her lips.

"Something like that, although you do outshine the daydream I had when I was locked in my cell," Max replied, seeing Kate's face growing to the color of a ripe cherry.

"I-I-I'm sure you imagined someone who was far more..."

"If you say attractive, I'm gonna spank you," Max cut in, watching how Kate's eyes widened at his words. His eyes glanced down, noting how her nipples were pressing against her dress shirt.

"Would you really?" Kate asked, trying to keep her need from showing.

"What, miss out on the opportunity to touch that rather shapely ass of yours? Not a chance!" Max said, with a smirk.

"Y-Y-You like the way my ass looks," Kate stammered. Sure there had been numerous men who had flirted with her throughout the years, yet Max was the only one she actually believed enjoyed the way her body looks.

"Of course, I do. Prison has taught me a lot of things I'd rather not have experienced. One of them was always say what you mean; otherwise, it could lead to a shiv in your back," Max said, taking a bite of his lobster. He caught movement from the corner of his eye as he noted someone approaching their table.

"Mistress Lin!" Brandy whispered in shock at the sight of Kate in the restaurant she and Delvin ran. She ran the front while Delvin oversaw the kitchen. "Why didn't you call? We would have reserved a more private table for the two of you," she said, while slyly glancing down at Max.

"Hello, Brandy," Kate greeted after wiping her mouth with her cloth napkin. "How's your husband doing?"

"Delvin's doing well; he's in the kitchen overseeing the cooks. Shall I go fetch him?" Brandy asked, feeling her sex heating being so close to Max. Wondering if he had given any thought to the proposal her husband had offered him last night. Wishing the white blouse, the black skirt, along with the matching stockings, showed off her body to Max's eyes, rather than what her clothing really did.

"No, that's quite all right; Max and I were just enjoying this fabulous meal before we head to the club tonight... although..."

"Yes, is there anything I can do to make this evening more enjoyable for the two of you?" Brandy asked, eager to be of help to the woman who taught them what they were missing from their marriage. It was because of Kate they didn't go the way of divorce like they were on the verge of before they met her.

"Could you show me to the restroom," Kate said, with a warm smile on her lips as she gazed up at Brandy.

"Of course," Brandy nodded. Slipping her hand into Kate's hand as she held it out for her.

"I'll be back, don't you leave without me," Kate cooed, winking at him as she rose.

"Mistress," Brandy whispered low.

"Hmm?" Kate hummed as Brandy led her through the restaurant.

"Has he said anything about the offer yet?" Brandy asked, in a small voice.

"Not yet; why?"

"Just curious," Brandy said, feeling her mound throb, wondering what it would be like having sex with Max.

"Eager to have him are we?" Kate mused with a knowing smile on her lips.

"A little," Brandy admitted, holding the woman's restroom door open for her.

"I can tell," Kate said, wiggling her nose, silently telling Brandy she had caught the scent of her arousal. "Why don't you ask Max when we return to the table," she directed from the stall. Her fingertips moved along the metal handle of the handicap stall. Feeling her shin lightly bumping into the bowl of the toilet.

"I wouldn't want to step on your toes Mistress, he is yours after all," Brandy said softly, so her voice wouldn't echo.

"Max isn't mine," Kate replied, "yet," she quickly added to herself. "Even if he was, I don't mind sharing if that's what he wants," she said, feeling the coldness of the toilet seat on her rear. Her ears perked when she heard Brandy slipping out of her heels. A wicked smile formed on her lips, knowing what Brandy was doing as she listened to the rustle of her skirt. With her business done, Brandy led her back to her table.