Jaina's Humiliating Medical Exam


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The ADK droid seemed to freeze for several seconds. "Is that a problem? Don't a lot of you female organics shave all that anyway? Or get it permanently removed?"

With the first part of the story out, the rest came easier. "About three years ago I went through a decontamination procedure for a Yuuzhan Vong bug on Duro. As part of the procedure, all of the hair on by body was removed with some kind of chemical. I haven't had hair below my neck since then," Jaina explained.

"And you want it back?" the ADK droid asked.

Jaina had long gotten used to being hairless. She didn't miss having to shave her legs or trim her bush very much at all.

"No, just make sure there are no. . . side effects or anything," she replied.

"Have you been to a medical provider about this problem before now?"

"Um, no," Jaina answered.

"And have you experienced any health conditions you think are related to this decontamination procedure?"

Jaina thought for a few seconds. Around that time, she had also started enjoying being restrained even more than before, but she was sure that was just a coincidence.

"Not really."

The ADK droid hit a button and suddenly all the restraints loosened. "Ezri Wepii, if you haven't had any side effects in three years, then you are extremely unlikely to develop them any time soon. Please leave immediately and stop wasting my time."

"No wait! Just please run a quick scan to make sure!" Jaina begged. She didn't want to go through all this and not even get checked out.

The ADK looked down at her a couple of seconds. "Fine; one scan. Now place your arms back in the restraints," it instructed her.

Jaina slid her wrists back into their cuffs, and the ADK closed all the cuffs, including the waist and head restraints.

Once she was secure, the ADK rolled up to her head, and reached out to the thin strings that were holding her gown together over her shoulders. In a flash, the droid untied them, and pulled both the front and back of the gown off her.

"HEY!" Jaina screamed out in shock.

"You'll need to be completely naked for the exam," the ADK informed her calmly.

Quickly, Jaina ran through a few more Jedi calming exercises. "You could have warned me!" she shouted back.

The ADK ignored her as it brought over a scanning unit and hooked it up to the machine. Then it rolled back to the control panel, and started imputing commands.

Jaina couldn't believe a droid, especially a medical droid, would strip a sentient like that. Especially a woman. She ran through another calming exercise to try and relax.

The scanning unit began at her head, and slowly started moving down her body.

"Ezri Wepii, were you a refugee during the Yuuzhan Vong War?" the ADK asked her as it scanned her chest.

"Um, no," Jaina replied in confusion. While she didn't want to admit that she had been in the military, she hadn't been a refugee. "I mean I was at a refugee camp for a few weeks, but that was only while my eyes healed," she explained.

"What happened to your eyes?" the ADK asked.

Frakk, Jaina thought. She really didn't want to get into that. "The Yuuzhan Vong attacked a ship I was in and I was injured," she replied. She left out the parts about her being in an X-wing, and having to go extra-vehicular.

The ADK looked at the display unit, then back at her.

"Then the camp I was in was contaminated with these Yuuzhan Vong bugs, and we had to be relocated. That's when I went through the decontamination," Jaina explained.

"The scanning unit found something printed on the back of your neck. It's not detectable by any organic's ocular organs, and no computers would normally scan for it."

Jaina laid there dumbfounded as she processed what the droid had said.

"However, this scanning unit belonged to SELCORE during the war, and it appears to have been programmed to scan for the ink," the ADK explained.

SELCORE, Jaina thought with alarm. "What does it say?" she asked as she absentmindedly tried to sit up against the restraints.

The ADK looked at her a moment before it answered. "I do not know. It is faded beyond recognition. The scanner barely picked it up at all."

"Let me see it," Jaina demanded, trying again to sit up.

The ADK obediently swung the display unit around where she could read it.

Jaina stared at the display for several seconds, frowning. She guessed one word might be Duro, but the rest was completely incomprehensible. She calmed herself, and reached out with the Force. It didn't help, there just wasn't enough there.

"Will it hurt me?" she asked the ADK droid as she relaxed, at least as much as she could naked and restrained, on the exam table.

"Will what hurt you?"

"Whatever is printed on the back of my neck," Jaina said in exasperation.

"Since it's been there for nearly three years and hasn't yet, I do not believe it will," the ADK replied.

A couple of minutes later, the scanning unit finished. The ADK immediately began reviewing the results.

"Well, other than an elevated level of sexual arousal, you appear to be in perfect health," the ADK said after studying the display screen a minute or so.

Jaina blushed from head to toe.

"Would you like me to take care of that for you?" the droid asked as it held up its synthskin covered fingers.

"Take care of what?" Jaina asked in confusion. She looked over, but couldn't quite see him because the head restraint wouldn't let her turn her head.

"Your arousal," the ADK replied as it rolled down to Jaina's feet. Suddenly the bottom half of the chair split in two. Jaina's legs, which were securely cuffed to the chair, were spread apart.

"What? No!" Jaina shouted as she tried vainly to stop the chair from spreading her legs apart.

The ADK rolled into the gap between her legs, and held up its synthskin fingers. "I am fully programmed to alleviate your arousal," it informed her as it reached out towards her pussy. The ADK droid barely touched her clit, and Jaina let out an involuntarily moan of arousal.

"Ohh Yess!" she shouted as it slipped its fingers farther into her soaking snatch.

"Ezri Wepii, please be clear, do you want me to continue this treatment?" the ADK asked her as it gently probed her.

"OH! Kriffing yes! Fuck me!" Jaina shouted, arching her back as she pulled against the restraints.

To Jaina's shock the ADK pulled its fingers out of her.

"I need to keep you quiet so you don't disturb our other patients," it said as it rolled around her splayed leg and came to a stop next to her.

"What?" Jaina started to ask.

As soon as she opened her mouth, it shoved a black ball gag into her mouth, past her teeth. Before she could react, it attached the straps of the ball gag to the pads holding her head in place. Jaina tried to ask it what it was doing, but all that came out was a few incomprehensible grunts.

The ADK droid quickly rolled back between her legs, and inserted two fingers into her pussy again. Jaina moaned out as it began finger fucking her.

After a few seconds, Jaina felt it start flicking her clit as it fucked her. She arched her back and struggled against her cuffs as she moaned into the gag. The feeling of being restrained make her even more aroused.

About five minutes later, Jaina was on the brink of orgasm. The ADK thurst its fingers in a little deeper, and rubbed her clit with its thumb. Jaina responded by screaming into the gag and pulling against her cuffs as hard as she could as she orgasmed.

As soon as she went over the edge, the ADK pulled its fingers out of her. Then it rolled back from between her legs. "Your exam is complete. Please get dressed and I'll escort you back to your room."

The legs of the chair closed. The ankle, thigh, waist and head restraints opened, while the wrist and arm cuffs loosened. Jaina slid her arms out of the cuffs, and slowly sat up. Then she reached up and pulled the ball gag out of her mouth. Her gown was lying over a nearby table. Still recovering from her orgasm, Jaina tied the strings together, and put it on.

Luckily the trip back to the small exam room went smoothly. Jaina still had to keep both hands firmly on her gown, but no Gamorreans tried to knock her down.

Once Jaina made sure the curtain was closed in the first exam room, she opened the locker where she had stored her clothes. Jaina reached in and grabbed her black thong, then happily pulled it up her legs.

"What the Frakk!" Jaina exclaimed as she pulled out a black synth-hide miniskirt. Then a tiny yellow tube top, and a pair of black high heeled sandals. "These aren't mine!" Then she realized who had been wearing them. That girl from the waiting room, Keirra.

Jaina looked up at the ADK droid. "These aren't mine!" she repeated. "This girl named Keirra stole my clothes!" she exclaimed. Then Jaina remembered that she had eighty credits for an air taxi as well. "And my credits!" she added vehemently.

"Did you lock the locker when you closed it?" the ADK asked her.

"No, I just closed it," Jaina replied. "I thought it locked automatically?"

"We can't afford such fancy equipment like that," the ADK responded.

Jaina frowned, wondering how much they had spent on the blood pressure and diagnostic machine with all the automatic restraints on it.

"I'll alert the authorities," the ADK said reluctantly.

"NO WAIT!" Jaina shouted. There was no way she wanted to talk to the police.

The ADK paused expectantly.

"There's no need to call the police. I'm sure she needed my clothes more than me," Jaina said. And my credits, you kriffing little thief. "I'll just wear these," she added as she slid the miniskirt up her legs.

The ADK looked back at her. "Those are not the clothes you wore in here, Ezri Wepii. If a crime has been committed, I have to notify the authorities," it stated.

"Really, Keirra and I agreed to trade clothes while you were examining me," Jaina lied as she pulled the tight, tiny tube top into place. All for the cost of eighty credits, a good vibroblade, and my comlink, she mentally added.

She would have to have her comlink deactivated, and as quickly as possible. And find another way home, since she couldn't pay for an air taxi now.

"If you say so," the ADK replied. It obviously didn't care one way or the other.

The heels were stilettos, about fifteen centimeter high, and about a size too small. Jaina struggled to push her feet into them.

The tube top barely covered her breasts, and if someone looked closely, they would probably be able to see her nipples through it. The miniskirt was a few centimeters longer than the gown had been, which was still far shorter that what she was used to wearing. It was also very tight. Jaina hoped that it didn't split open while she walked.

As the ADK escorted her back to the waiting room, Jaina discovered how painful walking in high heels that were too small was.

"Check out at the desk before you leave," the ADK instructed her at the door to the waiting room.

Jaina felt like every eye in the room was on her as she slowly walked to the counter. The painful heels forced her to take steps almost as small as she had to take in the gown. She could feel the lust from the male sentients. The same bored-looking middle-aged woman was behind the counter.

"I need to check out," Jaina told her as she leaned over the counter. Then Jaina heard a soft whistle from behind her, and quickly straightened up, blushing.

"Name?" the nurse asked her absently.

"Ezri Wepii," Jaina replied, wondering if she would notice that she had been dressed differently when she had come in, less than an hour ago.

The nurse slid her ID card across the counter to her. Jaina picked it up and slid it into one of the tiny pockets on the back of the skirt. Then she realized that she was still wearing the yellow plastex bracelet on her right wrist.

"Hey, can you take this off me?" Jaina asked her indignantly.

"Oh. I guess so," the nurse replied reluctantly. "You don't need it for your free Maglev ride?" she asked as she reached out with a pair small pair of scissors.

"What free Maglev ride?" Jaina asked as she pulled her wrist back.

The nurse let out a sigh. "All patients at one of Corsuscant's government run free medcenters get a free Maglev ride. Your wrist band is your boarding pass. You can go anywhere you want to, as long as you don't leave the Maglev, or one of the stations," she explained.

Jaina stared at the yellow plastex a moment. There was no way she could walk over four thousand klicks. She had planned on using the Force to borrow someone's comlink, and have Alema Rar or Lando to come pick her up, and bring her some decent clothes. The last two times she had rode the Maglev she had been taken aside for an 'additional security check' and strip searched. As horny as she was now, that might be just what she needed.

"Thanks," Jaina replied. She would still have to get someone to bring her something to wear, but she wouldn't have to explain to them why she was four thousand klicks away from base.

"Have a nice day," the bored-looking nurse said as Jaina walked away.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Twenty tiny, painful steps into the Maglev station, Jaina sensed a focused security type presence approaching her from her left. With a sigh of reluctant acceptance, she stopped, and turned to face the young, strapping security officer.

"Excuse me Ma'am, you've been chosen for an additional security check. Please come with me," the Maglev Security Officer said as he took Jaina gently but firmly by the arm.

"Of course officer, I'd be glad to cooperate," Jaina said with a smile. She knew that she would be stopped eventually. While she didn't really want to be strip-searched right now, she figured she might at well have some fun while she was. "Hey, are those real binders?" she asked him in mock disbelief. "I bet I can get out of them," she added with a smile and a wink.

The officer didn't even respond. With a smile, he just pulled his binders off his belt.

Jaina giggled, and obligingly put her hands behind her back. She held her breath in anticipation as she felt the binders close around her wrists. Then she struggled mildly a few seconds, and gave up. "Oops, I guess I can't get out of them," she cooed. "I'm completely helpless."

The officer just smiled wider, and moved his hand from the small of her back to her ass.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EPILOGUE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, Jaina," Alema Rar said as she opened her apartment door. Then she noticed what she was wearing. "Frakk, girl, where'd you get that skirt?" she asked as she stepped aside to allow her in. "And top," she added.

"I don't want to talk about it," Jaina said as she walked over and sat down on the Twi'lek's poufcouch. "Some slut stole my clothes and left me these," she then explained.

Silently, Alema Rar closed the door. "Well, other than the broken strap on the heels, she has great taste," Alema Rar told her as she sat down across from her.

Jaina rolled her eyes in annoyance. She didn't mention that she had had to take the Maglev. If she did mention it, then she'd have to tell her how many times she'd been strip-searched during the trip. "I need to borrow something a little more decent so I can go back to base," she explained.

"You know where my closet is," Alema Rar replied. "Hey, can I borrow the top and skirt since you don't like them?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The End ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great story!

Mwahaha, that was great! I really hate Jaina from the book novels, but in this story, I loved all the hardships she went through! Will Keirra appear in another story, possibly having more fun with Jaina (or Jaina with her)? That would be awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
May The Sex Force Be With You !

I liked it .It was different from what I expected .But quite good.Keep the stories cumming and cumming and cumming .I know I did several times

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Draw it out

I think you should have drawn out her orgasm, maybe a tease or like the droid said other patients around.

lustfuldesireslustfuldesiresover 13 years ago
awesine rendition

Great stuff. love the star wars them tie in. Very talented writer. And anyone who has read Joe Doe's stories can certainly appreciate the authors inspiration.

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