Jake, the Football Coach

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Jake makes a house call...
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Charlotte pulled the covers over the sleeping body before gently placing the back of her hand against his small forehead. She was relieved to feel it was still cool. She couldn't resist leaning in and giving the top of his head a soft kiss. Slowly, she stood up and carefully crept out the room so not to wake him, closing the door gently behind her. She stood just outside his door for a second to enjoy the quiet.

In the kitchen she opened the large American style fridge and grabbed out a bottle of wine off the shelf and placed in on the large island that sat in the middle of the room. From the cupboard she picked out a glass and poured in a good amount of wine. She took a big sip before sighing; she was glad the weekend was finally here. Charlotte picked up the glass, and then after a moment's thought, the bottle as well, and walked through the small arch way into the hallway then turned into the lounge.

Charlotte placed the bottle down onto the coffee table and grabbed the remote before sinking into the large sofa. The tv above the open fireplace flickered to life as she began to scroll through for something to watch. Finally, she settled on a drama and curled her legs up underneath her to relax.

The third episode was about to begin when she heard a knock at the door. Charlotte frowned as she looked at the clock, 9:30pm. She thought it must be her best friend Millie since she couldn't think of anyone else who'd pop by so late. Sighing, she placed her wine on the table and pushed herself up off the sofa and made her way to the front door.

"Oh Hi," she said, surprise clear in her voice when she finally opened the door and found it was not Millie stood on her front porch.

"Hi Charlotte, sorry to call by so late but Theo wasn't at football today and I just wanted to check in to make sure you were all ok?" Jake, Theo's football coach, smiled in from the dark.

"Please, come in." She said quietly, stepping away from the door to allow him in. He closed the door behind him and followed her into the lounge.

Jake had coached kids' football since he was 25 so now, nearly two decades later, he had seen a lot of kids come and go and met his fair share of parents. But none of them had quite caught his attention like Charlotte had. Come rain or shine, she was present at every game, every training session, and always cheering him on. He saw real potential in Theo, but he was a quiet and shy kid that often held back on the pitch, so Jake had found himself offering to coach him one to one. Charlotte had wanted to pay but he had declined and so every other Wednesday evening for the past four months, he had come by and worked with Theo in their garden, which he had been shocked to see could have easily fit a full-size football pitch in it, with room to spare.

He stepped inside the living room and looked around. They often had a chat and coffee on the decking or in the kitchen on those Wednesdays, but he'd never been in this room before. It was smaller than he'd expected, given the size of the kitchen and the size of the house in general. It felt really cozy though. There was no main light, just a couple of standing lamps around the room giving off a warm glow. A big two-seater sofa ran along the wall, it was grey and looked really soft and like it would swallow you whole. The focal point of the room though was the open fireplace which was crackling away.

"Thank you for checking on him, he's had this nasty bug and been in bed for two days." Her voice brought him back to the now. She was stood in front the fire looking at him. "Can I offer you a glass of wine?" She indicated to the bottle on the table between them.

"Please." He said finally, he hadn't planned to stay long, but then he had nowhere else to be either. He shrugged off his coat and she took it from him, told him to make himself comfy and then disappeared to get another glass. Jake sat on the far end of the sofa and watched the fire until she came back in and handed him the glass.

They talked as they finished the first bottle and soon, they were halfway through the second. Jake noticed how she had become more animated as she spoke, her fingers would brush against his leg or arm as she told stories or even when she laughed at his. She had, of course, noticed his reaction with every touch, and soon she was doing it intentionally. She had noticed him instantly when Theo joined the club, he was good looking, was always quick to smile at her when he saw her and he'd always make sure he came to speak to her before they left. But she'd just assumed he did that with everyone. He'd always been polite and respectful when he was visiting the house. So, he had never given any clear indication on if he'd even noticed her past being Theo's mum. However, she had noticed how he'd shift positions to hide the bulge clearly visible now each time her fingers lingered in his leg.

"It's getting late, I should probably call a taxi." Jake said as he tapped for his pockets to locate his phone. He frowned when he found them empty and then remembered it was in his coat pocket. He stood as Charlotte did too, the pair of them colliding in the small space between the sofa and the table. Jake instinctively reached out to grab her waist to steady her as she swayed.

"I'm not that drunk." she giggled. She wasn't, but she was definitely tipsy and the sudden movement and closeness to him made her giddy for a minute.

Jake didn't let go and she could feel the heat of his hands seeping through the thin fabric of the vest top she had on. It was only now that it occurred to her how little she was wearing. She'd had a shower after putting Theo to bed and had put on her cotton shorts and its matching top. She hadn't been expecting visitors, and she hadn't even stopped to think about it when he'd arrived. Jake watched the colour in her cheeks deepened as he tried to will himself to move, but he was essentially glued to the spot.

Charlotte risked glancing up at him and her breath caught when she saw the look in his eye. His gaze locked with hers and she felt her heart beat faster as the smell of his cologne, the warmth of his body and the look in his light blue eyes all overwhelmed her senses. She cursed under her breath; it had been too long since a man had been this close to her, which hadn't bothered her until now. But her body was screaming at her, aching for something, anything. Her eyes closed as she felt herself lean into him, her hands resting on his solid chest as she tilted her face to his.

Jake battled with his conscious. Of course he wanted her, she was beautiful and he was mildly ashamed to admit she'd been forefront in too many of his fantasies. But she'd always been so reserved and never given a hint of an attraction towards him. Many of the mothers did, some more subtle than others about it. In his younger days he'd allowed himself to be swept up with it, but he'd quickly learnt the hard way about keeping boundaries and hadn't let himself be tempted by a mum for so many years. Yet, there was something about her that he'd not been able to push all the way down. And here he was, with her body leaning into him and her mouth against his jaw.

He resigned himself to fate as he sat back onto the sofa, guiding her with him until she was straddled over his lap. His hands slowly moved up her thighs and Charlotte could feel the roughness of his palms, an indication that he worked with his hands a lot. His hands rounded her bum and stopped, squeezing gently. Charlotte's arms rested on his shoulders, her hands at the back of his neck.

He brought one hand up to clasps her wrist gently, turning his head, he placed a kiss on her forearm. Charlotte let out a soft moan at the combination of his soft lips and rough beard against her own delicate skin. Her other hand gripped gently at his hair as he unhurriedly kissed his way up her arm. Charlotte soon felt his mouth against her neck, a hand now in her hair as he gently tilted her head to one side. He could feel her whole body vibrating by the time his lips reached hers and he very lightly kissed her.

"Jake?" Her voice was unsteady as the need inside her bubbled uncontrollably. The questioning of her tone was clear, but she had no idea what she was asking. His lips brushed against hers again and she returned his kiss, his fingers tangled in her hair as it deepened.

Her hand slid between them and she found the now fully hard bulge between his legs. Gently she squeezed and Jake let out a growl. Charlotte made quick work of the buttons in his jeans and as soon as they were undone, she pushed her hand inside and wrapped her fingers around him.

Jake's head fell back against the couch as she stroked along his full length. His hands gripping at her thighs her thighs.

"Fuck, Charlotte!" He moaned, his eyes on hers and a sexy smile on his lips. She couldn't help but smile back as her hand travelled from the base to the top and back down.

He was thick and long. She could feel it twitching in her grip so as she reached the tip, she ran her thumb around it and felt the small drop of fluid that had escaped. Jake's hands travelled up her sides until they reached her shoulders. She felt the light touch of his fingertips as he pulled the thin straps of her top downwards until they were resting on her arms. He leaned in and kissed her bare skin, his hands coming up her stomach and grabbing her breasts gently through her top.

Charlotte let out a whimper and her grip around him tightened. His hands were firm but gentle as he squeezed, pushing them together as his mouth trailed across the swell showing above the neckline. Jake hooked his fingers into her top and lifted it over her head.

"God, you're beautiful!" He murmured as he cupped her again, kissing her neck and shoulders. He'd rarely seen her in anything but a jumper or coat. And although at times he could make out a hint at the size of her cleavage, he hadn't imagined the fullness of it. His hands weren't small and yet her boobs were still spilling out of his grip.

Jake continued to squeeze and massage them, kissing and nibbling at her neck as she ran her fingers through his hair. His tongue made a path from the hollow point of her throat down to her incredibly hard nipple. He closed his lips around it and pulled it into his mouth, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. Charlotte let out a strangled moan as she tried to keep the volume out of her noise. He rolled the other nipple between his thumb and finger as she tugged at his hair.

Jake stopped and, in an instant, moved so she was led beneath him. Charlotte was on her back and he was nestled between her legs looking down at her. Both of them breathing fast. His hands stroking her thigh as he kissed her mouth and neck. He spends time taking each of her nipples into his mouth, sucking and teasing, before kissing his way down her stomach.

Charlotte threaded her fingers into his hair as she panted. He moved slowly, unhurried as he hooked the waist band of her shorts and gently pulled them down her legs. Jake noted she was naked beneath her shorts as he dropped them on the floor beside them. He ran his hands up the inside of the thighs. She watched as he removed his own top and dropped it on top of her shorts. He crawled over her again, his naked skin hot against hers. Charlotte wrapped her arms around his shoulders, feeling the weight of his body pinning hers into the sofa as his mouth claimed hers.

His hips moved slightly, his cock separating her lips as he coated himself in her wetness. Charlotte shuddered with need beneath him, pleads escaping her lips as he grazed her neck with his teeth and squeezed her boob.

"God, Jake!" She whimpered, the urgency in her tone made him smile against her skin.

Jake repositioned himself slightly and pressed forwards until he felt the head of his shaft sink into her heat. Charlotte's eyes widened, her back arched off the sofa and her mouth made a perfect O as she felt herself stretch around him. He didn't stop until he felt himself hit her limit. He held himself still, his breathing was as heavy as hers.

"Fuck you feel like heaven!" He growled, feeling her squeeze and ripple around him. She could only answer with a moan of his name.

Jake began to move, slowly at first, allowing himself to feel every stroke in and out of her. He couldn't stop himself cursing with every thrust. She was just so tight, so hot, he didn't want it to end and his whole body was taught as he held back the animalistic urge to move hard and fast, that was threatening to take over his body.

Charlotte gripped his shoulders, she could feel the muscles in his back as he moved. Her hips lifting to meet his, sending him deeper. She kissed him, nibbled at his lip and her nails dug into his skin. It flipped the switch in him, a growl emanated from deep inside his chest and he began to thrust harder, driving himself deeper into her.

"Yes!" She cried, her nails dragging down his back.

Jake grabbed her hips, lifting her so her legs were against his chest, sending him deeper again. Charlotte gripped the sofa cushions, her knuckles white as he moved faster. He found her clit with his thumb, and he rubbed it over and over until it pushed her over the edge. Her whole body began to shake as her orgasm ripped through her. Jake leaned down and covered her mouth with his. Kissing her to help muffle her moans but he continued to move his hips faster until he felt himself swell and pulse inside her. He came with a moan deep into her mouth.

Slowly they stopped moving, Jake hovering above her as they both tried to catch their breaths. Slowly, he moved and withdrew from her. The feeling of it making her moan again. Charlotte sat up, grabbing her top and pulling it back over her head, watching with a grin, as he tried to tuck his himself, still semi hard, back into his jeans. She stood and pulled on her shorts then grabbed her wine glass off the table and drank the last drop.

Jake rose and pulled on his own top. She came close to him, her hand moving beneath his top, her lips brushing along his jaw, feeling his stubble until she found his mouth. The kiss they shared was softer now, the urgency from earlier tempered slightly. His arm snaked behind her back, and he pulled her against him.

Stepping away, Jake cupped her chin and gave her another quick kiss before stepping out into the hallway, he grabbed his phone from his coat and sent a text to a mate to come to ask for a lift. He felt completely sober now but he was aware of how much wine he had drank so he didn't want to drive home, and he knew his mate would be finishing work soon. Charlotte stepped passed him and carried the bottle and glasses into the kitchen.

Will be there in 20minutes!

Came the reply from his mate. Jake pocketed the phone and walked into the kitchen.

"My lift will be here in about twenty minutes." His voice was low as she turned to face him.

Charlotte reached out and grabbed his top, pulling him towards her again. Jake pushed his fingers into her hair and tilted her face to his and kissed her. It started off gentle as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers tugging at his hair. Her tongue pressing against his lips.

Jake grabbed her ass and lifted her up to the side, kissing her deeper as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hands roamed her body, pushing up under her top whilst he moved to kiss down her neck. Charlotte leaned back and let out another moan.

"Twenty minutes is not long enough for me to do all I have imagined doing to you on this counter!" He growled into her ear and heard her sharp intake of breath.

"Yes, I have thought about it." He said, his voice deep. "The times we've stood in this kitchen I've imagined lifting you on to this counter like this..." he spoke as he kissed her neck and mouth. His hand playing with her boob. Charlotte couldn't do anything but listen. Her eyes closed as she breathed heavily.

"... I've pictured you led on your back as I kiss my way up your legs and dipping my tongue between your legs. Devouring you as you moan..." he lifted her top and closed his lips over her nipple and sucking hard, causing her to moan now.

"... I've imagined bending you over the side, pressing your body into the cold countertop as I pull down your leggings and run my hands over your bare ass..." he moved to the other nipple and sucked hard again. Charlotte could feel her body responding to his words, to his mouth.

"Jake!" She whimpered. He knew he should stop; the time was passing quickly. Sliding his hand up her leg and going beneath the leg of her shorts until he found her wet and wanting. He doesn't have time to be slow and instead pushed two of his fingers into her.

"...I've imagined taking you from behind, moving in and out as you grip the side..." he continues to speak as he moves his fingers in and out quickly. "...grabbing these gorgeous tits, playing with them as my dick fills you." His whispering directly into her ear, his voice low as his fingers curled up to rub her sweet spot.

Charlotte panted; his voice was all she could hear as she felt the pressure build up in her stomach again. He continued to talk to her, telling her how he'd make her cum again and again across all the surfaces in here. She couldn't stop it as the wave of pleasure hit her. Her body jolted upwards and her hips moving on their own as rode out her orgasm on his hand, her face buried into shoulder as she tried to muffle the screams. Jake held her tight, hushing her until she slowly slumped.

"Fuck!" Was all she could say and he let out a chuckle. His phone vibrated in his pocket.

"I gotta go." He said softly and she nodded.

Charlotte followed him to the door, Jake stopped and turned to her, they kissed again.

"See you Wednesday?" She asked, the night he would usually come and train with Theo. He smiled and nodded. "Maybe you'd like to stay for dinner?" She asked biting her lip. Nervous at his answer.

Jake gripped her chin, placing one more chaste kiss he smiled.

"As long as it's not pasta." He winked at her opened the door. She couldn't help but giggle and walk away.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Nice sexy little story, thanks! Let's have more stories.

Please (please!) check for typos, tense changes, incorrect words (conscience/conscious etc.) before posting. Small silly errors give a poor impression of the author.

PrfsrPrfsr6 months ago

Good story. A few things need to be cleaned up. “ Jake battled with his conscious.” “conscious” should be “conscience “. There was once where you changed from past tense to present tense in the same paragraph. A good proofreader could help you.

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