Jake The P.I.


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"I'll be embarrassed but it's up to you. If you show them to Roger, my marriage will be over. He wouldn't understand; hell, I don't understand why I could fall for a caveman like you." She came to me and kissed me again.

I told her I needed the information off Roger's computer also. Something was really fishy about the way he acted. She took me to his office and to his computer.

"Do you know his password?"

She laughed as she went through his roladex and under P-password he had the word 'Studman' listed. Jenny was smiling at me.

"Is he?" I asked.

"Get real. He just has sex. He doesn't know how to make love like you, Jake."

I slipped in the disks and started copying the hard drive like Sally told me too. I was interested in finding out what was on this computer. If there was anything to be had on this computer, Sally would find it.

I guess I should explain how Jenny and I got reacquainted since her marriage to Roger and mine with three different women. We would run across each other at different events or parties. Whenever I saw her something happened inside of me. I couldn't put my finger on it. It only happened when I was near her. If I was a kid, I would have thought she gave me the cooties or something. I've been with a number of women but she was the only one that gave me the so-called cooties. I didn't have to kiss her or even touch her. I felt it if I was just near her.

About three months ago I was on a stakeout when I decided to stop by Tim Horton's, a local coffee shop, to get a cup of wake up juice, a really strong cup of coffee. I went inside and there sat Jenny by herself. I walked up to her and I think I scared the shit out of her when I touched her shoulder.

She lightly screamed and then saw me. A big smile came across her face as she stood up and hugged me.

"What are you doing here, Jenny? It's only six o'clock in the morning and you're twenty miles from home."

"I left Roger. I'm so glad you're here, I need someone to talk to and you're the best friend I have, or at least had."

"Jenny, I'll always be your best friend and you mine. Just because we're not together doesn't mean I don't think about you. You're the only girl I know that gives me the cooties."

It made Jenny smile, and when she smiles we both feel better. "Okay, tell me about the arrogant son-of-a-bitch and what he did."

"He wanted me to go to a special party and I refused to go."

"What kind of party, Jenny?"

"A swap party, you know, where you exchange husbands and wives. I told him no decent wife would go to those parties. If he really loved me he wouldn't ask me to do such things. He walked out; I don't know if he went to the party alone or not. I just packed a suitcase and left. I don't know what to do now, Jake. Can you spend a little time with me? I feel safe around you."

"Sure, what are best friends for? Let me call my partner for this stakeout and we can spend the day together." I called Jim and asked him if he could replace me at the stakeout and I would contact him later. He said there was no problem; he had just finished his previous assignment.

Jenny and I spent most of the day together. We went to a small carnival and I won her a stuffed green snake. She named it Roger which made us both smile. It started to rain and we were getting soaked. I took her back to her motel room so she could change clothes. I removed my pants and shirt and we called housekeeping to get them dried out. We both had on a complimentary robe. They asked us to give them two hours and they would return our clothes. I didn't have a choice but to wait in my robe. Jenny had other clothes but decided to just wear the robe too.

We didn't intend for it to happen but it did. It was like in the movies, both of us just looking at each others eyes and slowly our lips came together. It was like an electric shock brought us together. Once we started, we couldn't stop. We made love for the next four hours. When room service knocked on our door we told them to just leave the clothes and we would get them later. I don't know how to explain it. It was total love. It was like the sex was secondary. I just wanted to make love to her forever.

We stopped to rest and I went to retrieve our clothes when her phone rang. She held her finger to her lips so I knew to be quiet. She talked for about ten minutes. She told me afterwards it was her father. He said that Roger was scared to death that something had happened to her. Roger told her dad that they had a love spat and that she walked out. Her dad convinced her to return home, at least for now.

We looked in each other's eyes and knew we would be together again. We both knew it was wrong but it didn't seem to matter. I told her I would call her in a couple of days to make sure she was alright. We kissed and she left for home and I went back to Doris. I knew what I did was wrong but why didn't I feel remorse. I know I should have but I didn't.

We've been together three times since she went back home. She told me that Roger was up to something but wasn't sure what it was. I explained to Jenny that we were investigating her and Roger. I asked if there was there anything she needed to tell me before it bit us in the ass.

"Yes, there is, Jake. There something you're going to find out when you go through the computer records."

"Oh, God, Jenny. What is it? What are we going to find?"

"You are going to find out..."

"Come on, Jenny. What are we going to find?"

"You are going to find that I have always been totally in love with you. I only got married to Roger to spite you. I tried to hate you but I couldn't. I felt you abandoned me when you got married. You'll also find that I was a faithful wife to Roger, even though I knew he was unfaithful to me. Until that day I spent with you. I was a faithful wife to him. Jake, I don't feel bad about being with you. I know it's wrong but for some reason I can't control it. Does that make me a bad person?" She had tears in her eyes.

I didn't know how to respond. I had no right to love her, but I knew I did. I realized the cooties she gave me was the love I felt for her. "Jenny, you're not a bad person. In fact you are the sweetest, nicest and most loveable woman I have ever met."

"I'll do what I can to find out what Roger is up to. I need to give him some kind of information. I'll tell him about you leaving him and where you stayed. I'll see what else I can cook up. I'll delete anything with my name on it or maybe just remove the name and let him wonder."

Back at the office I had Sally call Roger about their cell phone numbers so we could get the records. We were doing a dual investigation here; more than anything, I was hoping that Jenny was being honest with me. I knew Roger was lying through his teeth. He really didn't know how good our little firm was. He made his biggest mistake by hiring us.

I didn't tell Sally or Jim about me and Jenny. I wanted to see if they would tell me. Every now and then we needed a little reality check. Sally was busy going through the phone records. Their home phone wasn't showing anything out of the ordinary. There were a few numbers we wanted to check on but most seemed above board. Sally called me in to look at the home phone bill. My home number came up twice in the last two months. I had Sally check my phone record and there were return calls to Jenny's house. Had Jenny talked to Doris? Hmm, this needed to be checked out even though it was only two calls. I jotted down the time and dates for future reference.

Jenny's cell phone seemed to be used very little. I jotted down the time and dates of the calls when she left Roger. She had left him for two days. He must have called her at least thirty five times trying to reach her. Apparently she never talked to him. She did get a call from her dad just like she said she did. I knew it since I was there at the time.

Another number kept popping up on her cell. I had Sally check it out and it was her sister. She must have kept in touch with her. Rachel was her older sister, probably six years older than Jenny. I never really knew her that well since she was older than us. According to the cell phone record she talked to her sister all the time. She lived in another state but they must have kept in contact with each other. I would have to ask Jenny more about her sister.

We pulled up Roger's cell phone number and it was loaded with numbers. It would take awhile to figure out who a lot of these numbers belonged to. Sally called me back to her desk.

"What is it, Sally?"

"I ran the cell phones through the system and, according to the phone company, Roger has another cell phone. Maybe it's for business, maybe not. When we asked him for the phone numbers, he didn't give us this one."

"Forget the one he gave us, no use wasting our time on it. Let's start checking the numbers on his second phone."

We went as far as six months back on the home and cell phone bills.

Chapter 3

We were putting in a lot of hours checking all these phone records. Sally was zapping files left and right on the two computers. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to tap into his office computer. Too many flags are raised when going into business computers. Lots of spyware and anti-virus bugs. We would probably get detected and, since we were supposed to only be investigating Jenny, it sure would look suspicious.

A couple of days later Roger called us and asked us how our investigation was coming along. I told him that we found that Jenny had left for two days and where she stayed. Of course he already knew this but he didn't tell us so he acted surprised about the information. He probably was surprised that we found out about her leaving.

We did tell him we didn't have much info on everything she did yet but we were working on it. I had to hold back a laugh when I told him she met a man for coffee at the local Tim Horton's but the people working there couldn't give a description. I also mentioned that she brought a man back to her motel room. We were trying to find out who she was with but the people at the motel never saw his face. They did say something about drying his clothes. Then I told him we were now going through the hard drive on her computer and were coming up with new information but it would take a few days to dissect it all.

He sounded surprised that we were able to get this information. I knew that he never really suspected Jenny of cheating but now wasn't sure. He was surprised that we had dates to check out. I told him we had copies of love letters she wrote to someone and that we would make copies and fax them to his office in the next few days. I knew this chain of events took him by total surprise. Now he believed she was cheating and was going to use it to get a divorce.

He then told me that he thought she was going away Saturday night and that I might want to keep an eye on her to see if she met anyone. I told him thanks for the info and that I would let Doris know that I would be away that evening so she wouldn't worry. Whenever I had an all night watch, I tried to let Doris know.

The last time I spoke to Jenny I told her to buy a tracphone. These are phones that you can buy and just put minutes on it as you use them up. There is no way to trace the owner of the phone other than a number if someone calls it. I asked her to purchase one of these to keep in touch with me. Sally told me that some of these suspicious calls on Roger's phone were to one of these phones. I figured it was to keep in contact with someone he didn't want anyone to know about.

As Sally and Jim were working on the computer information I was still jotting down and checking Roger's extra phone records. Then from the other room I heard Sally say:

"Oh, shit! Oh, no! Oh, Christ!"

Then in a low voice, I heard Jim say, "We have to tell him. The shit's going to hit the roof." I stopped what I was doing and just listened for a few minutes.

"He is really going to get pissed. Who's going to tell him?" asked Sally.

"You tell him," replied Jim. "If he gets really mad, he won't hit you."

Then I heard, "What the fuck! Sally, look at this."

"You've got to be kidding me. We have a hell of a mess on our hands. I think it's about time to go talk to the boss."

"What the hell are you two talking about? Did you find something?"

"Yes, Jake, we did. I don't think you are going to like it," responded Sally.

"Okay, clue me in," I said.

"Well, Roger is having an affair...."

I interrupted Sally, "And it's with Doris, right!"

"How did you know?" asked Sally.

"I've been trying to put two and two together. Roger coming to me to follow Jenny. I figured he is seeing Doris those times. You said Roger has been calling a tracphone a number of times. Doris bought one a few months ago. I'm willing to bet the numbers match. I've never called it; she leaves it in her car. She told me she bought it for emergency purposes and if it gets stolen she's only out the minutes left on the phone. She's lost two cell phones already and it gets pretty expensive, so I thought the tracphone was a good idea."

"We found out something else too, boss."

"Okay, Sally, out with it."

"Jenny's in love with you and has been for a very long time. Something tells me that this is not new news to you, boss."

"Okay, guys, it's time for me to tell you a number of things. First, thank you for being honest with me. You are my two best friends and I would trust you with my life. I needed to know you wouldn't sugarcoat this for me, trying to help me. Jim, I met up with Jenny that day that you did that surveillance job for me. She said her husband wanted her to go to swap parties and she refused and walked out on him. I have to let you guys know that I really care for her and needed to make sure she isn't involved in this mess. That why I didn't tell you guys. I needed to know that you would be totally honest with me here. I'm sorry for testing you two; you deserve better from me."

"We understand, Jake; sometimes you just have to make sure. No hard feelings here and, yes, we will always tell you the truth. In fact didn't I tell you not to marry Beth and you did anyway." replied Jim.

"Yeah, boss, and I told you that Doris would be a good lay but don't get involved, but you married her anyway," said Sally.

"Okay, guys, I get the picture. I promise to try and listen more in the future."

I went on to tell them everything else I knew. We were getting near crunch time and I had to be open with them now.

"Sally, we need to find out the financial side of all this. Go through Roger's computer files and find out everything you can about net worth and stock, bonds and whatever else you can find. Do the same with Jenny's accounts also. There is more to this situation than sex. I need to know what it is."

"Jim, I need you to see about the connection between Doris and Roger, when it started, and how long has it been going on. Doris wouldn't go with Roger just for a fuck. There has to be money involved. See what you can find out."

"Sally, here's a special phone number to reach Jenny. Call her and tell her I need to see her as soon as possible. Roger can not know that she's coming here. Please call her before doing anything else."

"Okay, you're the boss. I'll call her right now."

Sally called the special number and Jenny answered it.

"Hi, lover. I just wanted you to know I love you."

"Oh, that's good to hear but this isn't Jake. It's Sally"

"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I'm so embarrassed. I thought only Jake had this number. I'm so sorry, Sally."

"Give it up, honey. I love him too, just not the same way you do. He needs you to come to the office as soon as possible. He said it's very important and to make sure Roger doesn't know you're coming here. By the way, for what it's worth, I believe he really loves you too but don't you dare tell him I told you."

"Thank you, Sally. That's great news to hear and I promise not to tell him where I heard it. Tell him I'll try to be there within the next two hours, and again, I'm sorry for the way I answered the phone."

"Don't be, girlfriend. Jake would have loved it. He's like an old caveman, you know."

Everything was moving fast now. Sally was finding out a lot about the financial situation. It wasn't a big surprise to me. As a P.I. I have a lot of pre-conceived ideas and I try to see if they are right. Most of the time my thoughts are correct, sometimes they're not. This time I hit the nail on the head. Roger's financial situation sucked. He had made a lot of bad investments and was nearly broke. I, of course, needed to verify a few facts with Jenny without giving too much away.

Jim came back with the bad news on Doris. I had a feeling about this but I had to be sure. Jim was still a single guy and played the field. If there was wife swapping or group sex going on he would probably know about it, at least with the upper level groups. I guess he had some weird connections.

"Jake, I have some really bad news. Roger attended the last two swap fests with the higher echelon banking group. They meet about every three months. He attended alone on the first swap. It didn't go over well and he was told if he was to take part, he needed to bring a woman to the swap meet. The last one was a couple of months ago when Jenny walked out on him. He did take a woman with him; it was Doris. I'm sorry, Jake, but you wanted the truth."

"Thanks, Jim. I figured as much but I was hoping maybe I was wrong. The only thing I haven't figured out is why Doris would go with Roger. I know she likes the sex but she could have sex anywhere. There has to be a money connection here somewhere. Why don't you work on it and get back to me?"

"Okay, boss, but one other thing. There is another swap fest this Saturday and you mentioned that you were going out of town. Thought you might like to know."

"Any chance on you attending that swap meet and wear that camera watch we bought and put it to some good use?"

"Sounds good to me, Jake, and as a promise to you I won't stick it to Doris, out of respect to you. In fact I'll have to change my appearance just in case she remembers me. I have to go locate me a banker gal so I can attend. I know just the woman. No, Jake, you don't know her and I'm not introducing you to her. You have your hands full with Jenny," he laughed.

Even though I knew it, I felt bad. I guess Doris and I had a pretty good run. She was still one of the best fucks I've ever had. I guess that was the problem - she was just a really good fuck. I knew she wanted money; she lived for what money could buy. Everything I made I re-invested into the business and she was used to riding in the fast lane with the wealthier groups. After all, I took her from a rich old geezer. She must have thought that Roger was loaded and she could get her hands on his money. Looks like things were coming to a head.

Jenny showed up at the office. Sally liked her right off the bat; I could tell by the way she introduced her to me.

"Boss, your lady friend is here and she's a baby doll," Sally smiled at me.

"Send her in, Sally, and please close the door. I have some personal stuff to discuss with her and don't want to embarrass her."

"Yes, boss," as she led Jenny into the room.

I need to tell you the difference in appearance between Doris and Jenny. They were both beautiful women but as different as night and day. Doris was probably most every man's wet dream. Large breasts, flowing blond hair, she stood about 5' 8", maybe 140 pounds. I'm not good on women's weight. She looked and walked like a model. She usually wore V-neck sweaters to enhance her boobs and mini skirts short enough to make you stare at her long legs.

Jenny on the other hand looked like a petite country girl. Maybe 5' 1" in height, 110 pounds, very beautiful. She had small breasts that stuck out, and she could probably get away without wearing a bra but her nipples would poke through her blouse. She had a perfect little tight ass that even looked great in jeans. She was a brunette with shoulder length hair. Damn, just explaining her to you gave me a hard on.