Jake's Step-Sister Slave


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A smiling, happy Jake descended the stairs. His head was still throbbing, but he didn't seem to notice. He entered the kitchen to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. He pulled a mug from the cabinet and poured himself a much needed cup of coffee. He turned to look at Cass, who was sitting at the table reading a newspaper. She had dressed for the day and wore a tank top that displayed a decent amount of cleavage. She had capris pants on, tight enough to show the lines of a thong that Jake had noticed when he walked in. He couldn't help but wonder if her delicate lips were shaved bald. Since she hadn't had much of a social life since coming home from college, Jake doubted it. He could almost see a trickle of cum leaking out of her mouth and grinned.

"What the hell are you grinning about," she greeted him. "You must be hung over as shit, you came in wasted last night. You're lucky I don't tell your mother."

"Sometimes it's better to keep some things from parents," Jeff said with a wink.

"What? You're weird. When are you going to grow up and stop getting wasted like that? All you do is embarrass yourself and then feel like shit in the morning."

"Actually, I feel quite chipper this morning. All it took was a nice beat off sesh to some porn to get me right as rain."

Jake's step-sister looked up surprised. They had never shared anything of a sexual nature, so hearing him talk so candidly about looking at porn and jerking off was quite a shock, causing her to scrunch up her nose.

"Stop being gross! I don't want to hear about that!"

"It's my hangover cure, works every time. You should try it sometime," Jake started sauntering out of the kitchen when he let the bomb drop. "It's even better when it's someone you know in the porn."

He heard the paper drop, but didn't look back as he trotted up the stairs with his steaming coffee. He sat in his closed room with a slight feeling of victory and apprehension. Would she take the bait and guess that he had found pictures of her? He wondered if his hints were good enough; it was so much more fun to make her guess than to just tell her outright he had pictured of her with cum in her mouth. She probably didn't even know those pictures were online in the first place. He heard her rush up the stairs and into her room next to his. He could hear her hushed voice talking rather rapidly, and imagined she was having a frantic phone call, possibly with the photographer asking him what he did with the pictures. The call was brief and she was out her door back down the stairs. He heard the front door slam and her car start up as she drove down the street.

Jake and Cass didn't see each other until later that afternoon. Jake was reclining on the couch watching some trash on TV when Cass came through the front door. She had a number of bags with her, clearly coming home from some retail therapy. Jake enjoyed noting the anxiety he was surely causing her. She gave him her customary glare and set her bags on the kitchen table before joining him in the living room, sitting on the other couch.

"What are we watching?"

"Some MTV show about rich kids or something."

The watched in silence for a while, watching some spoiled chick complain that her sixteenth birthday party wasn't lavish enough. For once, Jake enjoyed the tension that was thick in the air. He glanced over each time Cass fidgeted nervously. Finally, she broke the silence, trying to be as casual as possible.

"What did you mean this morning when you said it was porn of someone you knew? Did you take pictures of some slut at school or something?"

Jake took his time answering, "No, I actually just happened to find some pictures of someone I know online; actually quite a few pictures."

"Really, of whom? Do I know her?" Cass's olive skin got a shade whiter.

"Oh, I can't tell you! That wouldn't be fair."

"Comeon, please tell me! At least tell me if I know her."

"Oh, I'd say you are 'know' her fairly well."

"What do you mean? Just tell me! What if I want to see the pictures?"

"Well, I think you've probably seen them already, Cass."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Cass was very pale now, and looked very nervous.

"Cass, they are of you. I found pictures of you online."

Much to Jake's delight, Cass's jaw dropped open. He also noticed her hand start to shake rather violently and she looked dangerously close to tears. He was starting to almost feel bad for her when she spoke, bring him back to the reality that was Cassandra.

"Fuck you, you bastard. You don't have pictures of me! I've never taken any nude pictures!"

"These pictures are much more than just nude, Cass. Well, I guess it must just be a girl who looks a lot like you...and has that lame autographed poster of Justin Timberlake that you used to have in your room on her wall."

"Whatever, you already know about that poster, you are just trying to fuck with me."

"You want to see them? I have them stored on my comp, let's go see them."

"Of course you saved them, thinking they were me. God, you are such a perv."

They went upstairs, with Jake leading the way. Cass had convinced herself that he was full of shit. He probably found some pictures of a girl who just looked like her and was trying to freak her out. She knew that those pictures were often really poor quality; he probably could barely see her face. She would just get up there, prove him wrong, and make fun of him for being a pervert. They entered his room which still had that hangover smell thick in the air.

"God, open a window in here once in a while! Let's see what you have."

Jack sat at his computer, with his step-sister standing next to him, her arms folded stiffly across her chest. She looked on a little apprehensively, though still convinced that he was full of shit. Jack opened a folder on his desktop simply marked Cass. The thumbnail mode enabled, and Cass saw a colorful spread of small squares, though she couldn't make out any details on them. Jeff opened one to show her and four of her friends out at a party. It was definitely her, but clearly not naked.

"Oh come on you idiot. You just pulled that off Facebook! Stop wasting my time."

"I don't think Facebook allows you to post some of the other pictures I have. Shall I go on?"

Cass still thought he was bluffing, but knew she had to force his hand. Even if it wasn't her, she really didn't want to look at porn with her stupid step-brother. But she had to force him to show her. If she didn't, he would hold the fake pictures over her head forever.

"Of course I don't want to see them, I'm not a perv. But I guess we'll have to. Go on."

Jack scrolled further down, revealing some pictures that clearly showed a lot of skin. He looked up at Cass, who glared down at him. He clicked on one of the pictures and opened up a picture of Cass kneeling on a bed in her nighty, with the dildo next to her. He grinned at the gasp that emerged from behind him. He continued clicking through the pictures, selecting some of his favorites; a shot of her on her back with her legs spread and the dildo sticking out of her, one of her pushing it inside her using the bed. He heard another gasp when he opened one in which she was sucking the dick. He showed a few more of those before finishing on the last one.

"This one made me cum," he pointed out.

She made a small peep and then stumbled backward toward the bed, lowering herself roughly to the bed. Jake turned his swivel chair to face her, grinning. She was looking down at her feet with her hand shaking again. Jake noticed that the shaking was causing her cleavage to bounce a little, something he probably wouldn't have noticed before.

"Fuck, I can't believe this," she said in a strangely choked voice. "Oh my God, fuck! Where did you get those?"

"From a website, and you are crazy if you think I'll tell you which one. Don't worry, it's not super big, not a whole lot of people will see this. It seems that someone hacked into the computer of who ever took these, your boyfriend?"

Cass was about the answer, but realized she really didn't want to get into her relationship status at the moment.

"Well, you have to get rid of them."

"I don't think so. Besides, they are online. And this is a duplicate folder anyway, don't think that it is right there on my desktop for you to erase. This is all there were at the moment, but the guy says he has over a thousand that he will post when he has time." He saw even more color drain out of Cass's oval face .

"Fuck. Ok, what do you want?"


"Come on, you didn't just show these to me for the hell of it. You want to get something for them, don't you?"

"Well, I had been thinking a few things."

Jake had spent all day thinking about what he could get her to do. Summer had just started; he had three months to exploit this situation. As he was thinking of what to have her do, he realized that it basically circled back to her being his slave for the summer; do his laundry, drive him around, go shopping for him, whatever else he needed. It was going to be great to have this chick that had treated him like crap at his beck and call. He had a whole speech ready, and had worked on it all afternoon.

But when he opened his mouth, something else came out.

"I want to see you do all that stuff."


"What, you mean you want me to masturbate for you? And then, you know..."

"Yes, and blow me too. I want to see you use that dildo and then blow me."

"Fuck, Jake! That's fucking gross! You're my brother, asshole. I'm not gonna do that, just forget about it."

"Fine, I'm sure your dad will love to see what his little angel had been doing at the expensive college she didn't even get a scholarship for."

Cass was halfway to the door and froze. She slowly walked back to the bed.

"You wouldn't do that, would you?" Her voice was quiet.

"I sure would. And you know that I can hack your school's network and post some pictures on their front page." He couldn't, but she didn't know that. "And besides, it's not gross. It's not like we are blood related or anything. I mean, we hardly even know each other! For example, I didn't know you were a slut!" Jake gestured toward the picture that was still filling his screen.

She looked up at him, and he had second thoughts when he saw her eyes were a little moist.

"You're serious about this?"

"Dead serious."

"Ok, fine." She sighed. "Let's just do it. Our parents are still at work, give me 20 minutes to get ready."

"Great, make sure it is just the same!"

Jake couldn't believe his luck as he watched her ass leave the room as the situation lowly hit him. He had been planning on turning her into his servant all summer, but he now had a hot babe just a thin wall away who had to have sex with him. He had a sex slave for the summer! The fact that she was his step-sister didn't bother him at all; they weren't blood related and had barely been raised together. He started tidying up his room a little, not sure why. Then he took a leak and brought a couple glasses of water back to the room. He sat on his bed, but then realized that is where the show would have to take place so he moved back to his desk chair.

Before long, Cass entered the room. To Jake's delight, she had on the same teddy from the pictures, through which he could just barely make out her nipples. The teddy extended just past her crotch, but Jake could tell she had no bottoms on. She carried her small dildo with her and sat down on the bed. Without looking up at Jake, she twisted the bottom of the dildo, making it emit a light buzzing noise. She moved it down between her legs and started sliding it up and down. Despite her obvious discomfort, Jake noticed he eyes close tightly as the vibrating tool made contact with her sensitive regions.

"Why don't you open your legs, you wouldn't want to block the view now would you?"

Cassandra sighed and reluctantly opened her legs, revealing the beautiful pussy that Jake had found in the photos. It was perfectly shaved and the red lips were stretched around the intruding dildo. Her clit didn't seemed to be quite as engorged as it had been in the pictures, but Jake noticed some glistening on her bald lips as the vibrations started to turn her on. Her head tilted back a bit further and her motions sped up slightly. Jake even thought he heard a small moan escape from her lips. His own cock was starting to get hard and his hand slipped under his loose basketball shorts and started lightly stroking it as he continued to watch his step-sister fuck her own pussy.

"Don't forget to pull your tits out." Jake had loaded a shot of Cass tugging on an exposed nipple with one hand while maintaining the pumping with the other. "Just like you did in the photos."

Cass looked up, saw the picture and groaned a bit, not in pleasure. But to Jake's delight, she reached up and pulled the top of her teddy down exposing her luscious, perky tits. Despite herself, Cass's nipples betrayed her arousal. This time Jake was positive he heard her moan as she touched her sensitive nipple for the first time. The speed of the dildo sped up as she started tugging on her sexy nipples. Her hand started moving rapidly back and forth between her breasts; caressing, squeezing, tugging. Her other hand was now a blur, pumping that dildo in and out of her. Jake could sense a change in her, the shame of the pictures being found and being forced to perform like this losing out to the desperate need to reach climax. Jake knew this was the time to make his next move and approached the bed.

Cass's eyes were closed tightly against the frustrating pleasure. She opened them briefly to find Jake's hard dick right in her face.

"Fuck, Jake. No! I'm not doing that, I can't!"

"Yes, you will, Cass," Jake stated firmly. "Just like in the pictures; you know you are going to."

Cass needed no further prodding and obediently opened her mouth, her judgment dulled by the dildo vibrating her pussy. Jake moved his hips forward, sliding his hard cock into her warm mouth. He was coming at an odd angle and felt the tip run into her cheek before being forced back toward her throat. He felt the back of her mouth and pulled back. They both shifted slightly to gain a better angle and Jake started moving her head back and forth on his dick. Jake had received head from a handful of girls in college, but none of them had the blow job talents that his step-sister had. It wasn't long before he felt himself approaching the edge and fought to gain control. He also noticed that he was no longer controlling her movements; she was sucking his dick all on her own, pulling nearly all the way back and swirling her tongue around his tip before taking about two thirds of his length into her mouth, letting the tip bump against her throat. Knowing that Cassandra was no longer being forced to pleasure him sent Jake over the edge. He felt the warm ejaculate flow up through his shaft and explode into her mouth. He pictured the image of her smiling at the camera with a trickle of cum escaping from her mouth as he filled her orifice with his seaman. He felt her start to writhe and could hear muffled moans coming from her full mouth as she started her own orgasm. The thrusting of the dildo was no longer regular; she was now sporadically pounding it in and wiggling it around, desperate to extract the most pleasure from it.

Jake felt his last spurt of cum exit his tip and pulled back. Cass had consumed all of his love juice, leaving none to decorate her chin as it had in the pictures. He looked at his step-sister, kneeling on his bed. Her hair was a wild mess, thanks to Jake using it as a grip. Both of her glorious tits were exposed as her delicate teddy was roughly pushed down. She was no longer directing the dildo that was sticking out of her bald pussy and it slowly slid out with a barely noticeable sound. Jake saw it glistening and noticed a wet spot on his sheets. He almost stumbled backwards and fell onto his desk chair; his dick still sticking out of his pants was now soft and slick with Cass's saliva. He looked at his desk and saw his camera sitting there. Quickly, he snatched it up and caught a picture before Cass could complain.

"Damn it, Jake! What the fuck?" Cass demanding, the sound of the camera snapping her out of her sexual stupor.

"Oh, come on. I already have a bunch of pictures of you, I just wanted one to remember this by."

"But you are deleting those pics now, right?"

"I don't think so! That was never part of the deal, I just will be keeping this batch private."

"Wait, what do you mean by this batch?" Cass got up from the bed.

Jake approached her. "The guy who posted these says he has a ton more. He is going to post new ones each week. So each week, I'll find the new batch, and then we can do this again! Acting out whatever happens in the new pictures!" Jake's voice had an ironic cheerful tone to it, accompanied by a grin. "I guess we'll find out how much of a slut you really are. It's going to be a fun summer!"

Cass was crestfallen, and close to tears. She thought that this degrading incident would put all of this behind her. But now it was clear that the worst was yet to come. It looked like her bastard brother-in-law was going to be blackmailing her all summer. She knew that there were a large amount of pictures that had been taken of her, and knew what she was doing in them. In fact, she had them all on her computer. She could only hope that the creep who was posting them didn't have the complete set.

"Well, it's been fun. Why don't you go clean up?" Jake sent Cass out of his room with a chuckle and a hard slap on her bare ass.

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WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

A good story, but needs another chapter


Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

Story needs editing, Jake is the stepbrother in the beginning until he becomes the brother-in-law in the end. Another unfinished story on Lit.

Tinyman59Tinyman59almost 5 years ago
Wonderful !

I can but only hope there is more ! It can go many different ways from here. This is such a great start. It needs a little editing for spelling but it wasn't really that distracting. Please, by all means continue. This might not have really happened but it sure is more than possible. Defiantly possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bit of editing would help.

Just a bit of bad continuity, His name changed a few times.. Jack, Jake and even Jeff at one point. Then at the end the step brother became the brother in-law.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
this story was posted before

Good story but was posted before

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