Jamie's Descent Pt. 04

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Jamie discovers what submission is.
5.5k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/18/2016
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Fiona stood in front of me and said sharply, 'Stand, slut!'

It was a tone of voice that made you think arguing about it wasn't such a good idea. I got up as quickly as I could, nearly falling over in my haste to obey. The tip of her pink tongue appeared and slid along her full lips. She had seemed tall before, but now she towered over me. I saw that somehow she had put on a pair of spike heels; open toed sandals really, with two-inch spikes and thin leather straps that fastened around her ankles. Her toes were painted a vivid scarlet and I wondered what my toes would look like painted that colour.

'Take off the robe, you little sissy,' she ordered sharply.

I slid the robe from my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I stood before her now just in my panties and the mules I had been wearing. I was now so nervous I was shaking.

'Are you scared, Jamie?' I nodded and she smiled.

'That's good, honey, because fear is good for you. It strips away your inhibitions. Fear is a drug, Jamie. It bares the nerves, it lets you feel as if for the first time, again and again. Embrace your fears, Jamie. Let them take you to worlds of pain and pleasure that you could never imagine. Let fear be your guide. Let the fear release you.'

She moved her head to one side, reminding me of the way a cat watches a mouse before it decides to go for the kill. She reached out a perfectly manicured finger and brushed my right nipple. I had become so tense that her first touch just blew me away. Something burst deep within me and an unbelievable sense of release surged through my body; my knees buckled, my eyes closed and I couldn't stop a moan escaping from my throat.

I had been as taut as a bowstring and Fiona's touch had released me. The touch of her fingernails, gently circling my nipple was so overwhelming that I felt another slice of whatever self-control I still possessed slip away into the darkness. I could not have cared less; all I wanted was for Fiona to keep on making me feel this way.

I still had my eyes closed and I felt her fingers slide away from caressing my nipple and they gently traced their way down to first to my belly button, and then to the top of my panties. She stopped briefly, making gentle circles on my skin. I could feel my tummy flutter as she did this and then suddenly she slid her fingers into my panties and right down over my cock. I was instantly hard as she massaged my cock. I felt her dig her nails in, and my cock now felt on fire.

With my eyes still closed I could feel her lean in towards me, her lips first brushing mine with a gentle kiss, and then suddenly, shockingly, crushing my lips to hers. I shivered as I felt my lips slide across hers and I felt for the first time the sublime and erotic charge of lipstick upon lipstick. Her tongue snaked past my lips and I let her invade me. I nervously began to respond and my tongue fenced with hers.

I felt a surge of pleasure at being taken this way and I felt myself go limp and press myself closer to Fiona. I instinctively reached around her waist with one arm; my hand in the small of her back, and with the other arm reached up and put my hand on the back of her head. I felt her arms envelop me and she pulled me closer to her, our lips mashing together and tongues now wrestling wildly. I could feel her breasts against my chest and her nipples were now as hard as pebbles. She growled as we kissed ever more passionately. I could now barely stand as my legs felt like jelly and Fiona had to hold me up as I gave myself to her.

'Ooowww!' I shrieked as her nails found my nipple and twisted it viciously.

'Be quiet, slut,' she rasped.

She stepped backwards and I almost fell as she let me go. I rubbed my nipple with my hand and whimpered, 'Why did you do that?'

'Because I wanted to,' was all she said. 'From now on, you will address me as Miss Fiona and you will only speak when you are spoken to, is that clear?'

My nipple still hurt like hell and I felt tears spring to my eyes, as I stared, open eyed, back at her.

'Stop pouting like a school girl, you little sissy,' she said. 'Do you understand what I said?'

Her eyes blazed as she spoke. What choice did I have? I nodded, still sulking and massaging my tender nipple.

'Say it, sissy.'

'Yes, miss Fiona,' I said through clenched teeth.

'Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?' She paused and tilted her head in that feline way of hers.

'Mmm, maybe the naughty schoolgirl look would work, white blouse, short pleated skirt, tie, boater. Yes, that would work nicely for tomorrow.'

'What's happening tomorrow?' I asked, quickly adding 'Miss Fiona' as I saw the look on her face.

'Don't worry, sissy, we'll come to that later,' was all she said. She moved behind me and I turned to see where she was going. She slapped my pantied bottom hard with her hand.

'Did I say you could move?'

'No, miss Fiona.' I whispered.

My bottom stung where she had hit me.

'Good, you're learning, sissy Jamie,' she sounded pleased.

'Another thing, I want you to keep your eyes down when you speak to me. Don't look me in the face unless I say so, clear?'

She hit me again on the bottom, not quite so hard this time, but it still stung. Tears of humiliation filled my eyes and I managed to snivel, 'Yes, miss Fiona.'

'You are so lucky, Jamie. Not many people get to fulfil their wildest fantasies in the way that you will. This is what you have secretly dreamt of, isn't it? You have longed to be a cocksucking slut, haven't you? You knew that deep down inside you were a sissy. You want to take it like a girl; on your hands and knees, on your back, up against the wall, bent over a chair. You want to be fucked like a girl.'

She spat the last words out and as she did my head was spinning. Between the pain of the slaps, the assault on my nipple and the force of her words, I had lost all control. I could only think that, yes, this was what I wanted. Her words seemed to slice into my heart and soul and I cried out, 'Yes, yes, I want to be fucked like a girl. I need to be fucked.'

Fiona's hands snaked round from behind me and cupped my nipples. I could feel her breasts against my back, but this time she wasn't wearing her tunic. Her pebble hard nipples were pressed hard and hot against my back and I could feel her rubbing her groin against my bottom. My cock, iron hard now, tented out my panties and. I longed to have a release from the frustration that had been building in me all day.

'You want tits, don't you?' she whispered in my ear as she massaged my nipples. Her voice was deep and dark and I felt unable to resist whatever she wanted.

'Yes,' I almost shrieked, 'I want tits. I want them to be sucked and grabbed and felt up by anyone who wants to.'

'But, you want to keep your little cockette don't you?' her voice was now low and soft, the words cooing into my ear.

'You want to keep this little thing don't you Jamie? Because it's what makes you so special, isn't it?'

As she said this, her hands dropped to my panties and she slid them down a little to free my aching cock. I looked down to see her dark brown fingers pumping my cock, bringing me to the point of release. I fell back into her body, not trusting my legs to keep me upright. The sight of those brown fingers wrapped around my white shaft made me even harder if that were possible.

She sensed my approaching climax and slowed down. She cupped my balls and squeezed, the pain immediately taking me back from the edge. I cried out in frustration, 'Please, please, please, let me cum, let me cum.'

'Oh not yet, my sissy, you get to cum when I decide you've earned it and not a moment before.'

Her hands left my cock and she moved away from me. I nearly stumbled, but she stopped me from falling with one hand on my back.

'Close your eyes, and enjoy what is going to happen, sissy.'

I stood there, limp and almost past caring what was going to happen. My senses had been finally overwhelmed and I just wanted her to let me cum. I felt I was in a trance and almost without knowing it, my hand dropped to my cock and started to rub my cock, as hard as ever.

'Oh, no you don't,' she snapped, slapping my bottom again, this time harder than ever and I yelped in pan and surprise.

'Do not touch yourself without my permission, do you hear?' she snarled.

'You do not own that cock anymore, it belongs to me right now, and I decide what to do with it and when. Do you understand?'

I was in tears now, my face red with hurt and humiliation and my bottom sore from her slaps.

'What more do you want from me?' I snivelled.

'Kneel,' she said in reply.

'What?' I said, as I hadn't heard her properly through my snivelling. 'I said, kneel, you miserable sissy slut.'

I sank to my knees, grateful to alleviate the strain of standing up.

'Now turn round and face me, but keep your eyes down until I tell you that you can look at me.'

I shuffled round 180 degrees with my eyes cast down.

'Come towards me' Fiona ordered.

I shuffled forwards, eyes down until I saw her feet encased I those fuck me sandals. I guessed she had sat down on the chair I had occupied, but I dare not look up. She crossed her legs and her right foot was now only a few inches in front of my downcast eyes.

'Put your hands behind you and then bathe my feet,' she said as casually as if she were asking for a cup of coffee.

I was either stupid or totally confused.

'Bathe them with what, Miss Fiona?'

'With your tongue, of course, you stupid little slut,' she snarled this at me.

I must have hesitated a fraction too long, because she leant forward and slapped my face, not hard enough to mark, but badly enough to make my head spin.

'Do it now!'

I bent forwards and began to lick her foot. I began with the toes, licking and kissing each one in turn.

'Stop,' she ordered. Relieved I thought it was over, but she continued, 'Now take off the sandal.'

I moved my hands from behind my back, but before I could, she snapped, 'Not with your hands, with your teeth.'

'But, I can't, not with my teeth,' I mumbled, my eyes still firmly cast downwards.

'You never know what you're capable of until you try, do you, slut?' she said with a trace of irony in her voice.

I leant forwards and saw that the sandal was tied in a knot with soft leather thongs just above her ankle. I opened my mouth and grasped one end of the knot between my teeth and pulled. With some tugging and wriggling I managed to loosen one end of the knot and then took the other end in my teeth. Pulling my head backward I managed to separate the knot and the ends of the thongs tumbled away.

It was easier than it looked and I guessed that it was just an excuse to put me in my place. Fiona kicked the sandal off and offered her foot to my mouth once more. I was a quick learner and I didn't want any more slaps so I went to work on her feet with gusto. I had expected them to taste bad but in fact they tasted only of some kind of sweet scent, shower gel maybe.

I sucked and kissed each toe again, then licked and kissed my way up her foot as far as the ankle. Fiona kept up a constant running commentary, encouraging and insulting me in turn. I could sense that she enjoyed the power and control she had over me. I lapped rhythmically up and down her feet, kissing and licking, bathing her feet with my tongue.

My back was beginning to ache from the strain of holding my hands behind my back and my mind started to wonder a little. How had I sunk to this? How had I let myself be dominated so quickly and so completely by the three women I had met in the past 48 hours? I tried to make sense of what had happened to me; Vanessa tricking me with the Ladyboy website, sucking my first cock, being transformed into a sissy and now on my knees worshipping the feet of a beautiful black girl. The three girls had played me like a violin. They knew so easily what tunes to choose to bend me to their will, what music would reach out and touch the fantasies that lay buried so deeply within me.

How could they have known? Was it so obvious in me? Did those secret desires really show through to them? Something nagged uneasily at the corner of my mind. All this must have some purpose; there was too much planning involved for it to be coincidental. What was that purpose? Someone was behind this. Who was pulling the strings? It did not seem likely that it was the girls, and most importantly of all, what would happen to me next? Fiona must have noticed that my attention was wondering as a sharp slap of her hand on my head brought me back to what I was doing.

'Enough,' she said and crossed her legs to offer me the other sandal.

As she crossed her legs I sneaked a fast look up and Fiona was sitting naked in the chair and as she moved her legs I saw a flash of her vagina, pink and glistening with her juices in the light. I quickly lowered my eyes again and concentrated on working on her left foot. Now I know what was expected of me, it did not take so long, but my back was so sore from bending forwards with my hands behind my back.

'Good, that's very good my little pretty princess,' Fiona cooed gently as I finished licking her foot.

'Now, because you've been so good, I will let you look up. Look at me, Jamie.'

I looked up obediently, and saw Fiona sitting back in the chair, her legs apart and her sex fully exposed to me. I stared open mouthed at the sight.

'Well, what are you waiting for girl?' she said, smiling wickedly at my expression, 'get over here. I need your tongue right now.'

I managed to close my mouth and I inched forwards on my knees. I bent forward and I gazed at her shaven pussy. I had never seen one so close up before and I stared at the glistening folds of skin in front of me. Her lack of pubic hair was somehow arousing and my cock hardened again for what felt like the millionth time that day. Fiona reached forward and put her hands behind my head. She looked down at me and locked her eyes with mine.

'Come to mama, little sissy.' Her voice sounded husky and thick with desire. 'Come and use that sweet little pink, sissy white boy tongue on my black pussy. Come and show me if you deserve to be rewarded, my little slut. If you make me happy with your tongue, I might just let you cum.'

Oh, I so desperately needed to be allowed to cum. I knew I would do anything to get rid of my unbearable frustration. Fiona's hands increased their pressure on the back of my head as she pulled me down towards her waiting sex. I broke away from her lust filled eyes and looked down to see that she was obviously heavily aroused.

Her pussy was visibly wet and she was pushing her hips towards my face. I closed my eyes as I caught her musky smell and as she increased the pressure on my head, I fell forwards so that my lips suddenly touched her pussy. I instinctively tried to pull back but she easily pushed me back into her.

'You must do what I want, you fucking little sissy, or I won't let you cum for a year!' she snapped at me.

I swallowed, my mouth and tongue were so dry from washing her feet, and I tentatively pushed my tongue through my lips and onto her pussy. She was so wet that my tongue slid easily over her outer lips and I heard Fiona gasp and she pulled me roughly onto her. Her hips were bucking, grinding herself against my face. I felt her wetness on my face as she pushed against me.

'Lick me good, you fucking little fag whore, you cocksucking sissy boy slut. Make me cum, you little trashy white queen. Show me you're good for something, you miserable worthless bitch. Make mama cum and I'll let you cum, you faggot, you little fairy, you arse licking miserable pussyboy.'

She was screaming by now and her stream of abuse made me more aroused than ever. I began to slide my tongue up and down, she squeezed her legs tight around the side of my head and locking me in place with her hands at the back. I felt I was suffocating and struggled to get my head away, but she was too strong and tightened her grip. I began to panic and felt myself start to black out when the pressure suddenly eased and Fiona relaxed her grip on my head a little. I spluttered and gulped in air.

'Get on with it, or I'll do that again,' she growled and quickly squeezed my head and then relaxed again.

My head stopped spinning and I realised that I could only escape by dong what she demanded. I worked my tongue inside her and felt her react. I moved my tongue around and found her clit; she was already hard and I sucked on it. Christ, she almost jumped out of the chair, her back arched and she screamed.


I sucked some more and then flicked it with my tongue. She yelped again and bucked her hips so much I had to let go and she slammed me back into her pussy.

'Rub my tits,' she ordered and I moved my hands from behind my back, where I had managed, incredibly to keep them, and reached up to her breasts. They weren't large but her nipples were huge and they were standing out hard. I rolled the nipples between my fingers and Fiona again jumped around.

'Fuuuccckkk, keep going you slut, make me cum hard, bitch.'

I stuck my tongue back into her pussy and flicked and sucked on her clit again. She was moaning and screaming again, pushing harder and harder against my face. I could feel her tense and then she arched her back for the last time, screamed one more obscenity and slumped back into the chair. Her knees and hands released my head and as the pressure disappeared I felt a roaring noise in my head and I felt I was falling into a long dark well and then I felt no more.

It couldn't have been very long before I came round, tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth, lying sideways on the floor, my face against the wooden floor. I raised my head and tried to move my hands. It was only then that I realise they were bound behind me. It didn't feel like rope and not a pair of handcuffs. I think it must have been a pair of those plastic ties they use these days to secure criminals.

I tried to wriggle my hands free and all I succeeded in doing was to make the thing cut into my wrists. I tried to sit up but with my hands bound this way, there was no way I could manage it.

'Oh, you're awake at last.'

Fiona's voice came from somewhere behind me. I managed to move my head enough to look in the direction of her voice. She moved across to me and knelt down so that she could look into my eyes. She was still naked and her skin glistened like oiled ebony.

'Slut, look at me,' she said. 'I will keep my word. I will give you the chance to cum. But, there is one condition.' Her face was now very close to mine and she brushed my hair away from my face, almost tenderly. 'Do you want to know what the condition is, Jamie slut?

I was so desperate to get some kind of satisfaction so I nodded. She looked straight into my eyes as she spoke, 'I will let you cum if you can do it without touching your cock. Do you understand?'

I stared at her, 'How can I come without touching my cock?'

She smiled as she brought something from behind her back into my line of sight. I gasped out loud as I realised that what she held in her hands was a black strap on dildo. My eyes widened as I realised what she intended to do. This was how she was going to get me to cum. I stared at her, 'No, no. Please, no.'

Fiona smiled wickedly, 'Oh yes, you little sissy. You know this is what you really want. You said it yourself 'I want to be fucked like a girl',' she imitated my voice and I shivered as I remembered what I'd said.

'That's what you begged for, you slut, and that's what you're going to get.'

Fiona disappeared from my sight and she pulled me roughly to my feet. I was unsteady on my feet and I had to lean against her. She pushed me across the room to a table and had me stand facing the table. 'Bend over.'