Jan and Tim


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"Good morning." He said with a smile. "Any chance I could take you out for some lunch?"

The confident swagger up to the veranda was not lost on Jan. It reminded her of something or someone. Mike? No not Mike. This was a more quiet confidence and not the brashness that Mike exuded. This reminded her of a very old friend she had fallen in love with years ago and still loved very much.

"I'd love to." She said and as she moved toward him he took her in his arms and kissed her gently. She stared up into his eyes and said, "Did I just say I'd love to or . . . I love you? . . . No matter. They're both true!"

Later after a lunch, which neither of them touched, they went back to their home, both nervous, but Tim spoke up. "I'm not sure how this will turn out Jan, but if it doesn't, it won't be for lack of trying on my part."

Grateful that he had not only broken the ice but that he was sounding more and more like the old Tim, she responded, "Mine neither Tim. Give me half a chance and I'll spend my life trying to make up for the hurt I've caused."

After a brief exchange where Tim insisted that they were not going to forget what had happened but they did have to get past it, they began to kiss again, this time more passionately. Jan reached down and began to unfasten Tim's belt. He replied by pulling her sweater over her head and undoing her brassiere allowing her tits to fall freely into his anxious hands.

As he fondled her like that, she finished with his belt and zipper and pushed everything to the floor, his erect cock now pushing against her skirt. She quickly removed that, her slip and her panties and pulled him to their bed. Now on her back she revelled in his touch and thrilled to feel his hand trail down her stomach to her pussy.

He hesitated momentarily and she realized her anxiety had prevented her from being sexually excited and she was still dry. Knowing that she was not going to make the same mistakes again and wait for Tim to fix the problems, she pushed him off and sat and turned in one motion until her face was over his now sagging penis.

Moments after she took him into her mouth and feeling his revival made her silently shout for joy! Soon both were "lubed" and ready to go. She lifted her leg and mounted him, driving his now hard cock into her pussy in one smooth stroke.

As she settled into a rhythm she took both his hands and pulled them to her tits, her nipples now hard as rocks and as she looked down at his face she felt the love she had for him and as she was basking in the warm delightful feeling, she watched as he began his orgasm. It served only to enhance that delicious love she had for him and as he slowly recovered from the intense pleasure she dropped into his arms and lay beside him, happier and more content than she had been in years.

"Sorry Babe." He said, "I really couldn't last." Unlike the Tim of recent years, he didn't dwell on it just stated that he couldn't last and she knew it was true when she answered. "Tim. I don't think I've ever enjoyed making love as much as I just did, even all the times when I got off. I love you!"


"Happily ever after. . ." only happens in storybooks and not always then. For the next several months there were many difficult times for them both, but true to their words they kept trying.

Small things, well intended, sometimes put things awry. Feeling particularly horny one day after a long and sweaty walk in the summer sun, Jan had enticed him to their bedroom, for some afternoon delight. From there she had teased him with brief flashes of her naked body as she stripped to go into the shower and without thinking had invited him into the shower with her.

Too late she realized what must have been going through his mind as he walked toward her crossing the very carpet where she and Mike had cuckolded him. After a shower that served only to dampen the excitement they both had felt earlier, they had attempted to make love on the bed but Tim was unable to respond. Jan held him and in spite of the pain they were both experiencing just then, there was a small glimmer of fond remembrance of that night in Barbados when she had felt for the first time that he really needed her.

She longed to tell him about it but didn't for fear of other unwanted memories it might bring up. She was greatly relieved and even particularly pleased when he seemed content to stay in her arms rather than get up and go sulk and he had done in recent years and soon nature took its course and they made slow gentle love to each other for the rest of the afternoon.


Jan found herself unsatisfied on a number of occasions, not for lack of orgasms but rather quite the opposite. Tim was so attentive that he couldn't or wouldn't let her focus solely on him sometimes, as she wanted to do. He insisted that lovemaking was a two way street and, as logical as he sounded, she often came away from their lovemaking feeling somehow unfulfilled even though she had cum, sometimes more than once.

The underlying tension was managed however by their devotion to one another and their persistence in continuing to try.


The most surprising thing about the whole affair was the close friendship that they had with Mike and Marianne. Jan was uneasy at first but, after seeing how comfortable Tim was with it, she relaxed and enjoyed her continuing friendship with Marianne and a new and enjoyable kind of friendship with Mike.

There were a few times when she and Mike somehow ended up on their own.

One afternoon Marianne's car had broken down, again, when they were to meet at Tim and Jan's for dinner. Rather than wait for Mike to drive all the way out and get her, then drive back, she had called Tim, who wasn't far from Marianne, to pick her up on the way. Tim agreed immediately and when they arrived about 40 minutes later, Jan recalled being uneasy with the fact that she and Mike had been there alone when they finally arrived. Tim, if he noticed it at all, did not react and later, she too relaxed.

In one of their rare private discussions about all that had transpired, Tim told Jan that Mike had come to see him the night before he had invited her to lunch and that on hearing that she had called it off with Mike while unaware that he, Tim, knew about them, was what had made him decide to come and ask her out that day. Jan's newfound fondness for Mike went up a notch after hearing that.


They had been going through a particularly rough patch. Jan had not given up on trying to focus on Tim's pleasure, wanting, at least in some small measure to make up for the hurt she had caused, only to be met with his obstinate stand that they needed to be there for each other. He refused to hear her ongoing apologies, insisting that he would never hold what had happened against her and that if the relationship was to have any hope of surviving, they had to treat each other as equals.

It seemed only to frustrate her and she wasn't sure why.

Tim was under a lot of pressure at work. Jason Childs, V.P. of Operations had been offered a C.E.O. position with another firm. Although overjoyed for Jason, Tim needed to find a replacement and had struck a search committee right away. The committee has come back with three possibilities. For one, Tim had been unwilling to meet the guarantees the candidate had insisted upon. The second was working with another firm in California and Tim had been travelling back and forth to see what could be worked out.

Tim had vetoed the third recommendation, a Frank Rosen, as he didn't feel he had enough confidence in that person.

The pressure was on them both and it had put a strain on their relationship.

One afternoon while Jan was helping Marjorie with some client accounts Tim answered the doorbell and was surprised to see Marianne and Mike.

"Hi guys! Jan is working over at Marjorie's. I'm not expecting her back for an hour or so yet."

"No problem." Mike said, "We came over to talk to you."

"What's up?" he asked as he brought them in through the door.

"I'm hoping our friendship is strong enough to survive me giving you some advice." Mike replied, appearing to be serious.

After inviting them to sit and offering drinks, Tim asked again what was up.

"Tim, I'm not really good at this. In fact I'm damned uncomfortable but I owe you, big time, so here goes." As Tim started to object, Mike held up his hand and Tim stopped. "I just need to get this out Tim. Once I've done that, like with all advice, it's up to you to take it or leave it. O.K.?"

Tim nodded at least a little amused.

"Marianne is by far the best thing that ever happened in my life." He began, his wife showing equal parts of surprise and delight at his opening comments. "But I've done some very stupid things that hurt her in the past. When we were screwing around behind Sam's back I . . . I".

Mike was clearly upset with what he felt he had to say. "I was still lusting after your wife and not paying attention to what was really important. I should have stood up to Sam and to my dad when we got caught. It's one of two things I'm most ashamed of Tim. But I'm doing well. I'm sorry if this comes out wrong my friend, but I think I'm doing better than you and it's because of Marianne."

"Jan and I . . . " Tim started to say only to be silenced by Mike once again.

"Marianne has let me do things to make it up to her. . ."

Mike was actually blushing!!!! "Sexual things!" he continued. "Shit Tim. You're being an asshole!" Mike shouted, "Jan doesn't just WANT a chance to make up for what she and I did. She NEEDS a chance to make up for it and you, you pompous ass, won't let her!"

Tim sat in amazement as his friend, once his worst tormentor, laid it out for him. He was momentarily distracted as he had a vision of Mike and Marianne in some sort of sexual entanglement and unwittingly became aroused. When he looked at Marianne, she was smiling a very amused sort of smile and he saw, perhaps realized for the first time, how attractive and sexy she was, which aroused him further.

He was caught off guard when she said, "Wow! That's pretty impressive." As she glanced down at his erection pushing out his pants. "It has inspired me to take my husband home and let him make up for some of the bad things he has done to me. I can't actually think of any right now, but I'll make something up if I have to." She said, her smile now taking up her entire being.

"I'm sorry Tim." Mike said, "I'm not sure that came out right but I sure as hell wanted to deliver the message."

"You klutz!" Marianne said to her husband. "I am so damn proud of you I may have some difficulty letting you make it up to me. In fact, I now may have to make it up to you!"

Mike was momentarily speechless then he smiled and said, "Works for me!"

They all laughed, Mike and Tim shook hands and Marianne hugged Tim tightly and for a long time, letting his erection rub against her in spite of his will to do otherwise. It aroused him even more.

"Gee that felt good!" She turned to her husband and said, " Now I definitely have something I need to make up to you for." She kissed him on the cheek and the two of them left, Mike's hand on her behind all the way to their car where Tim watched Marianne lean across and kiss her husband tenderly before they drove off.


Tim called Jan's cell.

"Hi Babe." He said.

Hearing terms of endearment she had wanted for so long actually made her more wary than pleased, at first. "Hi Honey."

"Babe, I have a problem that has just come up." He said, grinning wildly at his own joke, "I need some help with it. How long are you going to be?"

"Marjorie and I are just cleaning up now. I'll be home in a half hour. Hmmm," there was a pause, "Marjorie says for me to leave now, make that 10 minutes. What do you need help with?"

"Well, you kinda need to be here to see. 10 minutes and Jan, . . . . . I love you!"

Jan had a mildly concerned look on her face as she came into the room, which turned to mildly confused when she saw Tim sitting on the sofa with a stupid grin on his face and a hard on in his pants.

She was thrilled almost to orgasm when he said, "This has just come up. Would you take care of it for me?"

The flare in her nostrils and the visible lust in her eyes inflamed him even more. She stood before him and began to unbutton her blouse. When she had removed that and her bra, with her eyes fixed on him, she took each tit and licked her own nipple making each one harder. Then she kicked off her shoes, undid and removed her slacks, then pulled off her panties. She licked her index finger and slid it down her mound and into her pussy, rubbing it around then as she pulled it out she walked over to her husband and put it into his mouth. When he had licked it clean, she leaned forward and kissed him, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth. She broke the kiss and whispered, "I'll be right back." Then she left the room.

A very few minutes later she reappeared with a bottle of champagne, a bottle of Drambuie and 2 each of flutes and liqueur glasses along with a video tape which she put in the VCR.

Before he could take it all in, Tim found himself seated on the sofa, his pants down to his knees, his beautiful wife, naked, kneeling between his legs, his cock in her mouth. There on the screen he watched as two naked women were servicing one equally naked man. In a moment of clarity he noted that neither of the women could hold a candle to the woman he loved, now here with him, and just before he became totally lost in the sensations she was creating, he felt a very brief pang of envy, noting too, how very well hung the man was!

Jan, as she took him into her mouth, concentrated every ounce of energy she could muster into pleasing her man. She licked up the bottom side of his harder than ever cock, moving her mouth over its head and then plunged it all back down into her mouth establishing a steady twisting motion as her head moved up and down. Every ten or twelve strokes and she would repeat the process allowing his cock to pop from her mouth, then dragging her tongue down the underside of his cock to his balls. After gently stroking his sac covered balls with her tongue she would drag it once more up the underside and take him back into her mouth. Tim tried to absorb it all but soon lost interest in the movie where the man was now flat on his back with one buxom woman riding his cock and the other, his face. He preferred to watch his wife whose eyes were fixed on his and soon the look of lust combined with the physical sensations she was producing, brought him to the edge and he touched her face softly to let her know. Her rhythm didn't change and in moments he seemed to slide into an explosive orgasm. As he did, Jan's eyes changed from lustful to determined and she concentrated on capturing every drop, Soon she was cleaning his sagging cock but she kept at that until the only sign anything had occurred was her saliva on him.

When that was done she stood, leaned forward and kissed him. He reached for her but she backed off slightly, pulled off the rest of his clothes, picked them up along with her own and once more left the room, returning almost immediately with two bathrobes. She put one on and then helped him into the other. That done, she spoke for the first time since they had begun.

"Champagne or liqueur?" she asked.

After opening the bottle and pouring for them both Jan sat beside him and he put his arm around her kissing her cheek and clinking their glasses. They stayed there a very long time discussing a wide variety of things that husbands and wives often do but which had been absent from their conversations for too long.


Things improved immeasurably after that as Tim often found himself to be the benefactor of one of Jan's sexual episodes. More often than not he would end up having a wonderful orgasm and Jan would go without. At first it disturbed him but two things brought him around! The first was Mike's advice . . . "she needs a chance to make up for it. . ." and the second was that Jan was visibly more contented, more radiant than he could remember, so he accepted what she gave.


Tim still had to replace Jason Childs and he had been unable or unwilling to come to an arrangement with his California contact.

"Why not Frank Rosen?" Jan asked, referring to the third candidate Tim had vetoed.

"Frank is too willing to please and to afraid to upset things. I'm afraid he'll say what he thinks we want to hear rather than how he feels. I need someone who will say things that need to be said even if it's hard to do."

Jan said something in response but Tim's mind was somewhere else. Something in what had just been said struck him as important.


As was often the case Tim had gone into the office late Saturday morning. It was a warm summer day and Jan, dressed in a light skirt and blouse with no bra was cleaning up at the table in the garden shed and hadn't heard Tim come in behind her. Tim noticed the braless look immediately and found himself not only in an excellent mood but strongly aroused as well.

He came up behind her wrapping her in his arms and rubbing her tits through the blouse. He loved to feel her nipples harden at his touch.

"Ummmm! That feels good! Hold that thought while I get cleaned up and. . . "

But Tim merely slid his hands down her stomach then back up again under her blouse taking her now bare tits into his hands. Jan could hear his breathing become ragged as if he had been running. She knew where this was going and she too felt instant arousal.

Tim pushed her forward on to the table, lifted her skirt and roughly pulled the panties down to near her knees. He lifted one foot up between her legs and pushed the panties to the floor. They heard them tear as she stepped out of them completely. He continued to maul her tits with one hand while dropping the other to her pussy. As he rubbed her pussy lips with his fingers he could feel the moisture build and in moments she was wet. Releasing her tits but continuing his assault on her clit and pussy lips he used his free hand to undo his belt, drop his trousers and pull his erect cock out of his shorts. He soon found her soaked cunt and pushed himself in and with no more preliminaries he began to pound in and out of her until he passed the point of no return then he relaxed and enjoyed a powerful orgasm which actually made him weak in the knees and he fell forward on to her to maintain his balance.

As he recovered from the intense pleasure he kissed her gently on the back and side of her neck in stark contrast to the rough way he had just fucked her while bent over the garden table. He pushed up and off her as she too pushed up and turned into his arms kissing him on the lips. He could feel the smile in her kiss.

"Ummmm! That was good. More fun than getting cleaned up first too, I think."

Later after they had showered together and were laying on their bed, Jan said, "I'd like to think I'm totally responsible for that good mood but I suspect there is something I don't know yet!"

"I'll tell you something you do know. I love you very much!" Tim kissed her and held her close. "And . . . " he added, "I've got a new V.P. of Operations. At least I do if his wife And I can talk him into it."


"Remember when I told you I needed someone who wouldn't just take the easy road, someone who would speak up even if it was something hard to say, someone who on making his own errors would identify what was wrong then step forward, take the responsibility then fix it?"


"He's perfect for it. Marianne and I will still have to talk Mike into it. Could we count on you to assist us in this matter?"

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I get the reconciliation, but Tim's walkabout and misreading the situation, then placing faith in Mike who is in reality a sleazy guy, just wrecked this story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I can understand Tim and Jan reconciling after a drunken on off, though complicated by her calling out Mike's name in Barbados.

But Mike is not a good guy. He has banged married women more than once. And hiring him at the end is just surreal. He is not trustworthy.

Wildbill1964Wildbill19648 months ago

It truly was a one off mistake. When they met every time afterwards, it was already understood that the 'one time' was it, and it satisfied both their curiosities, and would never happen again. Their meetings afterwards was to bring it to a close with very personal conversations to make sure that bringing Jan and Tim back together was of the utmost importance, and to help each other patch up the damage caused as much as possible.... Curiosities in the wrong places at the wrong times, truly do sometimes kill the cats involved. 5/5 indeed for a well written story, and a true to life format. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

To the prior commenter, it was only one time on thr bathroom floor while inebriated, when she called dout "Tim". Of course later in Barbados she called out "Mike" while banging hubby. Yes they did see each other twice since that "fateful weekend". That was after the incident occurred not when Tim went on tour. Here "sees" means is not usual but they met and talked and the lust was gone for both parties. Can see how it can be misinterpreted but it is made clear that it was one mistake at the party. The word is "see". Yes they saw each other and talked but there was no longer anything there, which fits with her character. Now meanwhile the story is still awful because (a) Tim is a pansy ass who despite being so successful in his career, cannot confront anyone worth a damn, and (b) Mike is an asshole, he is not a good guy, he screws married women, more than once, and hiring him? Ridiculous.

CimenRunarCimenRunarabout 1 year ago

Ok, the one time at the party was a mistake, I get that. But the author suggests that they did it again at the hotel when he said ‘Afterwards sitting side my side on the bed…’. After what? Then again he later says she met him again twice whilst Tim was away and they both appeared to have ‘satisfied their curiosity’. So, if I’m reading this correctly they did it at least three more times after the ‘mistake’. That puts a totally different spin on things. Please correct me if I have misunderstood.

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