January 17th


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I don't know how long I sat in that damn parking lot with my car running. I don't even know what the hell I was thinking about only that I was in a friggin daze as I replayed over and over the events of the last hour and a half in my brain.

"Close so close," I said to myself as I came out of my dream state, put my car in drive and headed back to my place. Everything was like I'd left it. Lights on and the French doors still opened to the deck. Grabbing her glass of wine and sitting down on a lounger I took a sip from the same side Robin had drank from. I smelled the rim of the glass and licked off the lipstick residue from the side. I wanted her.

When the sun came up I was still sitting there. My shirt was un-tucked, open and I was barefoot. I had drained the liquid from her glass and was twirling it in my hand by its thin stem closing my eyes and inhaling what was left of her scent on the rim. It had been so long and I'd forgotten what she smelled like as I now cupped my hands together and covered my face.

Her perspiration, her sweat had been absorbed into my pores and I was now drunk with desire for her. I had wanted to crawl inside her. To bring her in so close that I could wrap her around me like a child rolled up in a comforter on a bed. It had gone beyond want. I needed her. I needed her so badly I started to scare myself.

I just sat there and looked out over the water dreaming of days past.

"You didn't call," I heard the voice say as I snapped my head around. You said you would call but you didn't. I went home, checked my messages and there weren't any from you," she said softly standing in my living room. "Also, you didn't lock your door," she now said with a smile.

I covered the distance in less than three strides as we crashed into one another.

"I love you, I've always loved you," I said kissing her as she hung onto me for dear life as I almost knocked her over. She just smiled as I started to reacquaint myself with her body.

I tasted her lips, neck and was going to take her there right on the living room floor when she pushed me away for a split second.

"Don't you think we'd be a lot more comfortable upstairs?" she said now racing for the stairs.

She'd gotten a good head start but I caught her just as she hit the landing and was now covering her lips with my own.

"I feel gross after being on the floor all night. Do you have a shower up here?"

"Your wish is my command as I led her into the bathroom. It was a grotto shower with a view of the beach.

"My, my, my, it's big enough for five people in there," she said with a laugh. "Do you have anymore surprises for me?" she said pulling me in clothes and all.

Did we us soap? I haven't a clue. All I know is that I had her in my arms and I wasn't letting go. I chased her wet from the shower to my bed as I let our body heat dry the moisture from our bodies and my tongue consumed that what was left.

I ate her like I'd never eaten any woman before including herself. I swear my tongue grew two inches as I probed her honey pot as deep in as I could go. She was hot, wet and smelled wonderful as I climaxed her once before driving her over the top again. But I never let up.

On her back with her legs over my shoulders I eased in just the head before her pussy sucked in the other six inches. She met every one of my thrusts with one of her own. I wanted to be a macho man and last until the sun went down but after less than ten minutes I was filling her pussy with my fluids. For a split second I thought about that night a million years ago and instead of pulling out I just kept pumping, giving her all I had. It was almost like we'd never been apart.

We lay on the bed saying nothing. Was she satisfied? Did I ring her chimes? Robin say something, that damn voice in my head screamed as I looked at her lying next to me with her eyes shut.

"Not bad but you could use some practice," she said still with her eyes shut.

"Well if you want, I could call Sandy over and get back to you later in the week," I said before getting hit across the head with a pillow. I threw it across the room and continued kissing her until I started to get hard again.

We made love the rest of the weekend. Thank god her phone never rang again. We christened every room of the house including the two chairs on the deck, one at sunrise the following morning and the other that night after dinner with our lights out while listening to the surf. Did we become an item? We were an item the first night as I stood in the hallway when she opened the door.

For three months we live the life of two horny teenagers. I tried to live on love, but I was losing too much weight. I was thinking of asking Robin to move in with me when I said something stupid and she did something really dumb.

We were enjoying a glass of wine on the deck after a magnificent dinner I'd prepared. She was staring out onto the water when I came up behind her and put my arm around her waist.


"Very much so," she replied. "But you can't be horny again are you?"

"No, just enjoying you being here with me," I said kissing her on the nap of her neck.

"David, where are you and I right now?"

"I was going to say something cute but thought better of it. "I'm here with you making up for all the years we wasted."

"They weren't wasted years," she replied. "I got my degree and have made a lot of couples happy by bringing babies into the world."

"I didn't say they were wasted only that we weren't together," I tried again.

"We were pretty immature back then, and probably wouldn't have made it because of all the stress of everything that was going on around us," Robin said.

"You mean even if I hadn't gone up to see you that weekend you're saying we probably wouldn't have made it?" I said now getting a little agitated.

"Who knows what would have happened if you wouldn't have over reacted. I might have moved back to Minnesota and opened up my own practice," Robin said.

"Over reacted? What would you have done if you'd come home and found he in bed with someone else? Would you have over reacted Robin? Would you have gone back to New York and told me to fuck myself," I said getting angry now.

"David, that's all in the past. I just need to know where we're going now. Do you see a future for us? If not, I need to know," she said in a serious tone.

"Robin, I can't say we're going to be married in two weeks or two months from now. I just know I want to be with you."

"It's just that I don't want to be just a fuck buddy or a friend with privileges, I need more," she told me.

I was about to really get into it with her when her cell went off.

"I've got to go in," she told me giving me a quick peck. "Call me," she said running out the door.

"Saved by the bell so to speak," I told myself.

This time I pulled back a little. I hadn't liked her attitude and the way our last conversation had gone. But I now agreed with her, we probably wouldn't have made it back then. She was on a mission and I was just one of many stepping-stones to where she wanted be.

I made excuses the following week telling her I needed to look at an out of town project that I was bidding on. Then she ran into problems with two of her patients. One almost died and it shook her up pretty good. She'd never lost anyone before. I sent her a quite card with a puppy saying I missed her.

A week later I tried to make a date and she said that an out of town doctor was coming in Friday and Saturday but we could plan something for Sunday. I agreed and we made some tentative plans.

The first crack came Friday when I called her after 11:00 and a man answered her phone.

"Robin there?" I asked.

"She's busy right now, can I take a message?" was his reply.

"No, I'll just see her later," I told him. Who in the hell was that I wondered? Her out of town guest?

I used a security company on my jobsites to cut down on theft. "Danny, David here. I have another job for you tomorrow. I need someone followed and taped," I told him. I gave him Robin's address and scanned in a picture of her for him. She had checked up on me, and I guess it was my turn.

Sunday at 7:30 am he dropped off the disk.

"Have you seen it?" I asked.

"Nope, one of my best guys did it and say it's not too bad what ever that means," he told me.

I thanked him and told him I'd put in a little extra this week for him. Tape in hand I went into the living room and dropped it in the DVD player and watched all five and a half hours of it. A lot of it I could have fast-forwarded through it but I watched it all. I paid the courier an extra $50.00 to make sure Robin got the tape before 2:00. I took off on my motorcycle for a fast one and a half hour jaunt down A1A to Saint Augustine, had dinner and took a slow ride back. I stopped for gas and noticed I had eight voice mails from Robin. I turned off my phone again.

It was dark when I pulled my bike into the garage. I'd seen Robins car parked on the side of the house and it didn't surprise me to see her sitting on my step.

"Hello Robin, nice night out. You want to come in?" I asked. She walked in without saying a word. "You want a glass of wine, a beer or something stronger?"

"Wine will be fine," she told me. "You were the one that called Friday night weren't you?" she asked.

"Yes it was," I said pouring her a glass and handing it to her. "You want to talk about it or do we just chalk it up to deja vu and let it go at that."

"His name is James Corner and we were engaged to be married before I came down here. He's been calling and e-mailing me ever since asking if I'd reconsidered or changed my mind. He was supposedly coming down for a training seminar but I found out that was just a lie. He came down here to get me back."

"I guessed as much looking at the tape," I told her. "I guess you didn't have to watch it like I did."

"Why did you have me followed Saturday? Didn't you trust me? I guess not because if you did, you wouldn't have done it."

"Put yourself in my place Robin. You call me late at night and a woman answers the phone. You ask if I'm available and you're told that I'm busy right now. What would you have done?"

"And the following night you go to dinner with your 'friend' and he's all over you. You hold hands, you kiss, you dance close together and the only reason I'm still here talking to you Robin is because when he grabbed your butt you laid him out. Nice punch," I said looking at her.

"David, you invaded my privacy and didn't trust me," she shouted at me.

"And your point? I'd do it again in a heart beat considering our last conversation," I told her as I could see she was getting agitated.

"When I got the tape I was so angry I just wanted to scream at you. I just hope you erased those messages I sent to you earlier today," she said as she started to calm down. "They were a little raw," she said as she now paced back and forth.

"Alright I may have gone a little over board sending you the tape," I said looking at her. "Ok, maybe a lot. But I've still got two questions to ask you and I need the truth," I told her as she got this ugly scowl on her face preparing to jump down my throat again.

"First one," I said trying to look as serious as I could. "Robin will you marry me, again? And second, when can you move in?"

She never even saw it coming as her brain was preparing for something entirely different. I think I counted to two before the expression on her face changed.

"Oh my God are you serious?"

"No not really. I say that to all the doctors I'm having sex with," I said with a smile.

She balled my eyes out that night and every night after that until one week before our wedding.

"The next time you have me will be on our wedding night. I want you to be rested up," she told me.

"Don't worry babes, by Saturday I'm going to be so horny my eye balls will be floating. But, I've already had your cherry once and that pussy now fits me like a warn velvet glove," I told her.

"Who said anything about my pussy?" she said walking into the spare bedroom swaying her ass from side to side looking over her shoulder. "See you Saturday," Robin said closing the door and locking it.

"Five days and a wake up…I'll never make it."

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Darkie10Darkie105 days ago

I don’t get the ending. He has her followed, it’s deja vu, then a marriage proposal?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This clowncouldn't find his way out of a brightly lit room in the daytime.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Never underestimate a woman's capacity for deceit and avoiding accountability. Never underestimate a man's capacity for stup!dity and shamelessness.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

"But you two were still so young and never had a chance to be a normal couple with her going to school and all."

====> sage advice. Suspect that once he filed, if he had not pulled a runner or soon returned, they night have made it. They were bot immature and never got off to a sound Starr before life threw a bunch if challenges and obstacles their way. Look she got drunk and went to first bade with a guy. That is not why he divorced her. He divorced her because she was showing entitlement behavior, didn't return his calls or texts, and her friends were all looking down their nose at him. Seeing her at the party broke something in him and he ran. Had he confronted her in NYC or better yet back home in Minnesota after he filed and she returned home, they night have made it with some counseling and some changes. Clearly he needed to move to NY/NJ. Years of this forced separation while she is under immense stress in medical school is crazy. They really did love each other deeply. He sacrificed all for her and felt like he was being left behind. She took off with her career, but got entitled. But see how she acted when she got home after the filing. She didn't cheat any more than first base and she was clearly still in love with him, but he wss gone. She got hammered by his father and took her own father to the woodshed. Meanwhile the MC suffered grievously for two years. Both we so hurt and afraid of rejection that they didn't make moves that coukd have reconnected them. They celery had a strong spark and emotional connection, but their early life and immaturity was grinding away at their marriage. Don't get me wrong they were immature in different ways. He in his emotional insecurity and feeling of neglect, some of it rightfully so and she in her entitlement and not making the effort to maintain communication or stand up for him with her friends. But she never intentionally disrespected him beyond getting drunk at a party and kissing a guy. They are both justified in their pain. They both made mistakes. Her first. Him in running away. And what did that serve them? Their early marriage was rough: too young, shotgun wedding, tight finances, different worlds and expectations, miscarriage, her infertility, separation, difficult in laws (for both), neglect in long distance romance, really tight finances, lack of communication, her entitlement, his flight yo freedom, and missed opportunities. Medical school is unbelievably challenging. That doesn't excuse her going to first vase with a guy at a party while drunk. Buy it explains why the drop in communication. He needed help from parents and in laws to be able to see her more often or moved to somewhere at least outside NYC for work. It isn't like Minnesota is the only place teeming with low skill jobs. Heck he coukd have worked on Long Islan in Suffolk County. They didn't have kids. Each mourned the death of their first marriage. The mother waiting five years to tell her where he was, was too long, and when she hesitated for 12 months (bad communication, insecurity), he ended up with Sandy the slut, who he never really loved. Finally she got her act together and broke off the engagement and cane down to make her attempt. They still had issues. But they both hurt each other. Honestly if he had NOT gone to NYC unplanned then yeah their marriage woukd have died, because he had to send her a wakeup call with the divirce filing, but he got the right reaction from her and things coukd have been salvaged, but he did a runner, feeling unworthy, used, neglected and being replaced. He had that wrong. Yes some neglect and her entitlement factor but as you saw she owned up to what she did and she wss his biggest fan. Even years later. But her being hurt for many years, denied her happiness, will always leave pain and hence her quip about his overreaction, because it is how she felt when he abandoned her. Then the side detour with the prick ex fiancee, and notice he realized all this back and forth didn't mean sh$t. They were meant to be together and now have stable, successful lives and careers where the troubles of yesterday are no more. He can trust her to be faithful (his PIs verified that) and she can trust he will not abandon her. After that it was a well warranted reconciliation, and certainly not a RAAC. Great story of a marriage ruined by external pressures and then a new one reborn years later that will last them the rest of their lives. Kudos. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She shows the 7 warning signs of being an entitled bitch. The bit at the end would make a normal man take his time, if not simply move on. The net result is that the story because painfully unconvincing.

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