Jason 03 - My Niece's Boyfriend

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The morning after the night before.
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It was after four-thirty by the time I'd walked home from Danny and Annie's; I'd promised to return the mini-bus 'by Sunday evening', so I would go back to collect that later. As expected the house was silent and in darkness, My girlfriend Sarah along, with her Aunt Karen and Uncle Ted would've crashed out hours ago; I showered quietly then slipped stealthily into bed beside Sarah.

It was almost ten when I awoke, I'd slept like that proverbial log; it was perhaps the first time that I'd slept soundly in months. All talk recently had been of 'Julie and Tom's baby, but I knew that I was equally in the frame and Julie must know that too? I'd not raised the subject with Julie -- let sleeping dogs lie. - but with she and Tom married, I felt the time for any change of mind in that regard had finally passed.

Last night's escapade with Annie, felt almost a confirmation of that; I'd got out of jail free, moved on and regained my confidence. It was perhaps much needed too: Sarah's a fantastic girl, drop dead gorgeous and a marvellous personality; we fit each other like a glove. I really do love her and hope that we stay together forever; but in the bedroom, Sarah is somewhat... pedestrian.

I'd always blamed her mother for that and while it may be true, it's something which Annie's taught her daughter rather than any genetic trait that Annie had passed down. What Karen let slip last night - Jesus, she must've been drunk! - about what she and Annie had got up to when they were Sarah and Julie's ages, suggested that they'd been a pair of right little whores.

While that set the wheels in motion, it was Annie's responses last night which confirmed that for she at least, that hadn't changed. Unlike with Julie I'd no concerns about Annie spilling the beans, her demand that I "not breathe a word about this to anyone" rang true and applied equally to us both. However, Annie's statement that 'There won't be any next time'!" wasn't voiced with quite the same degree of authority.

I was smiling to myself as I slipped out of bed -- Sarah remained comatose beside me -- and headed for the bathroom. Today was the first day of the rest of my life and that life looked like being fun! I was pretty sure where I could satisfy any... desires which Sarah didn't share and without my having to worry about a disgruntled partner revealing all to Sarah.

Only after my shower did I hear the sounds downstairs. Shit! I'd forgotten all about our house-guests I pulled on a set of sweats -- not even any underwear -- and rushed downstairs to play the genial host. I stepped through the kitchen door to be confronted by a smiling Karen, placing a cup of coffee on the breakfast bar. "There you go Jazz, you'll need something to wake you up."

"Thanks Karen. But I'm fine this morning; I hardly drank anything last night."

"I know you didn't, but it must've been 4:30 when you snuck in and close to five by the time you'd showered and got yourself into bed."

I didn't reply; what I did do was glance around looking for Ted.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe. Ted went out an hour ago, he's picking Danny up and they're playing a round of golf; though given the amount they both drank last night, I'm guessing that their scores won't be too clever."

I remained silent, just nodding my understanding.

"So, I'm guessing that you poured Danny into bed and then fucked Annie's brains out?"

While I wasn't silent, the garbled squawk I managed wasn't really an answer either.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' shall I?

'Of course I didn't', 'don't be ridiculous' or even a simple 'no' should all have been easy enough to say. Instead I must have stood like a rabbit caught in the headlights; Karen's peal of laughter confirmed that. My mouth open and closed like a goldfish... the only words coming to mind being: 'Don't you dare say a word about this, not to anyone!

Karen was still laughing as she next enquired: "Did you fuck Annie's pussy, arse, or both? Or maybe she just sucked you off? Annie was always bloody good with her mouth... But I suppose I already told you that last night?"

Finally, I managed coherent speech: "You were rather... indiscrete Karen; do you remember all that you told me?"

It was Karen's turn to look embarrassed: "Not really. It only hit me that I'd said anything when I heard you coming home; I glanced at the clock, thought 'where's Jason been until now?' Then had an 'oh-shit' moment two seconds later. Does Annie know that I've been telling tales out of school?"

"Annie did ask me to tell you that you'll be hearing from her."

"Bollocks, damn, shit and bollocks! That's going to be a lively conversation." I'd finished my coffee and Karen chose that moment to snatch up my empty mug from across the breakfast bar and enquire if I wanted another one. Karen turned and headed toward the coffee maker without waiting for my reply; I'm guessing that she was the one now uncomfortable with our conversation?

When Karen moved away from the breakfast bar I got a fuller picture of her attire. I'd seen that she was wearing a silky sort of robe, which was tucked-up tight at the neckline and cinched at her waist with a matching belt. But as Karen walked across to the coffee maker, the lower half was revealed too: That robe might've been knee-length or below on most women, but on Karen it finished a good three inches shy.

Despite being sisters, Karen and Annie are like chalk and cheese. Annie, is an archetypical 'blonde bombshell'; all tits and arse, straight out of the Marilyn Monroe mould; built for comfort rather than speed. Karen meanwhile is more on the lines of a Julia Roberts or Nicole Kidman, slender, auburn haired and very tall; I'm 5' 10" but Karen topped me, even without the kitten heeled slippers on her feet.

Notwithstanding last night, I wasn't 'in' to older women, in fact just the opposite and Karen was now forty, even older than Annie. That said, despite Karen carrying a bit of age, even I could appreciate that she was attractive. Karen had been a promising gymnast until a growth spurt at puberty put paid to her ambitions, but those years of training and the discipline that training instilled have stood her in good stead.

With that ambition thwarted, Karen had grown up to instead become a sports-physiotherapist specialising in gymnasts and worked with the national team at their training centre near Lilleshall. Karen works with quite a few swimmers too; though I don't know if that's because they suffer with similar problems to gymnasts or just because she and Ted live close to their training pool in Loughborough?

Perhaps due to last night's conversation and/or my subsequent tryst with Annie, I paid Karen a lot more attention than I usually might as she crossed the kitchen. Karen's legs were spectacular -- they go on forever! - and I could see her trim bum moving beneath the robe; was Karen wearing anything beneath it? Karen was seriously fit, using either connotation of the word 'fit'.

In many respects Karen could be seen as an older version of her niece and my girlfriend, Sarah. Both are slender, red-heads, albeit that Sarah's adamant that Karen's hair colour is at least in part 'from a bottle'? Karen's the taller by three or four inches and has bigger boobs too, though they're still far from large and with a few more years and a couple of kids, Sarah might match those too?

I'd got so engrossed in those thoughts and indeed watching Karen's legs flex and her trim arse wiggle, that I missed the moment when she looked back toward me. As Karen turned around and leant against the kitchen worktop, she was already speaking: "Enjoying the view Jason? Or perhaps wondering how sweetly the other twisted-sister might taste?... Does this help?"

Karen released the belt on her robe, gave a shimmy and the robe slipped from Karen's shoulders to pool on the floor around her feet. It certainly did help; my eyes must've been out on stalks! Karen was fucking amazing, she had a six-pack that was better than mine and those tits sat high on her rib-cage like two grapefruit-halves; shortly after I discovered they were as firm as grapefruit too.

After wallowing in my undivided attention for a good twenty seconds, Karen waltzed -- or perhaps sashayed? -- back across the room toward me. I recall noting that the suntan Karen boasted both summer and winter was total, save for the smallest and narrowest of vees over her groin and also... that I still couldn't tell whether Karen's hair colour was natural or dyed.

It was a stunning display, I was open-mouthed, so gobsmacked that when Karen came around the breakfast bar I stood up and took a step back; I'd only seen the half of it: Karen stepped into the space that my retreat had created, stared me straight in the eyes, then jumped, or perhaps just bounced, upward and back ward, to land on the breakfast-bar, with legs pointing straight out horizontally.

Karen's legs weren't quite together, one was on either side of her wrists and that was the truly gobsmacking part of it: Karen hadn't landed on her bum but the palms of her hands, with arms pointing straight down, her bum was still a couple of inches above the worktop. Karen held that pose for several seconds and threw me a salacious smile before ever so slowly, parting her legs.

I couldn't say how long it took, certainly five and probably more like ten seconds, I was enthralled. Only when Karen's legs had spread wider than I'd believed possible, did she lower her trim bum gently down onto the worktop; her heels settling onto it too. Karen's legs were damned near in a straight line and with that extension, the lips of her shaven pussy gaped open almost as wide as my mouth!

Karen's hands now moved apart too, pressed onto the worktop behind her for support as she crooned "How's the view now Jason? Are you ready to find out how sweetly this sister tastes?" I silently nodded, like some sort of imbecile and didn't -- couldn't? - move until Karen pushed out her tongue and lasciviously wiggled it by way of encouragement.

That worked! I was on the move in an instant, squatting between those wide spread thighs and pressing my face into Karen's crotch; my tongue probing into the very centre of her womanhood. Karen's response was equally immediate, a primal moan as her hand grasped my hair to press me deeper still and a groaned "Oh Fuck... Yesssss" when I obliged.

Karen was wet, very warm and very very sensitive; not just around her clit, but bloody everywhere! A tongue or fingernail drawn across Karen's tensioned and highly visible abductor muscles drew a tremble, while teeth nibbling at her labial lips -- Karen shared the protruding curtains of her nieces, rather than the tightly closed cleft of her sister -- drew a squeal of delight.

I must've feasted on Karen's pussy for fully fifteen minutes, by when her thighs, the worktop and my face were awash with her juices. Karen climaxed a half dozen times, but more awesomely, her legs remained wide-splayed along the worktop, I'd only been crouching but my thighs and calves hurt like hell! I was done; with knee-joints cracking I was forced to stand upright.

I was met by a wicked smile from Karen, while in evidence of the ease with which she'd maintained her pose, Karen's legs swung forward, her big toes hooked onto my waistband at each hip and she casually tugged my pants down. As my cock bounced free Karen purred "Oooh you are a big boy Jason, just as Sarah claimed... my cunt's ready for a fat cock."

There didn't seem any need to reply; my cock was equally hungry for Karen's dripping snatch. Stepping forward I steered my cock between the delicate curtains of Karen's vulva and slipped inside her like a hot knife through butter. The growl of pleasure which accompanied my penetration became a mutual affair in the moment I bottomed out in Karen's gaping pussy.

As I drew back, Karen's long legs snaked around me, to rest lightly on my hips and her ankles linked together in the small of my back. Every subsequent thrust was given an added 'bump', by Karen's lithe legs, ensuring that she received the fullest benefit from each penetration; it wasn't a hard or a fast coupling -- My remaining self control wouldn't allow for that! - but it was memorable.

I ought to give Karen the credit for that: My initial penetration made Karen's tits quiver, they were right in my eyeline, I could hardly miss them! An instant later Karen's left nipple and half her breast were inside my mouth, whereafter I gave little conscious thought to prolonging our shared pleasure. Only in hindsight did I appreciate that Karen's muscle-control wasn't limited to her legs.

Beside Karen's flexing legs ensuring that my shaft gave a double-tap to her clit on each intrusion, her internal muscles too were controlled; Karen could seemingly tighten or ease the constraint of her canal at will. The sensation was gorgeous, it probably helped me to keep going far longer than I might otherwise. It also meant that Karen was the one who decided exactly when I did climax.

The other muscle that Karen exercised was her tongue: besides the groans, yelps, moans and squeals in my ear, Karen whispered a steady stream of lewd encouragement; Karen wanted her 'cunt spread, filled and split wide open by my fat cock!' and I was more than happy to oblige. While I might have given her sister the benefit of the doubt, Karen was certainly the consummate slut.

In the moments after I felt Karen's shudder of orgasm, her muscular pussy clenched tight and stayed that way; my own climax exploded inside her an instant later. It was a full load, which Karen welcomed with another round of colourful invective, while her cum-hungry cunt pumped me dry. If Karen and Anne were examples of what older women had to offer, why the hell wasn't I into them?

In deference to Sarah's presence upstairs we'd both stayed fairly quiet throughout; it was Karen's final yelp which broke that mandate, but as I'd sunk my teeth into Karen's right nipple in my climax, I guess I'd only myself to blame. A minute afterwards we heard Sarah heading into the bathroom and an instant later, Karen pushed me away and snarled "pull your pants up Jason!

I hesitated a few seconds, head cocked and listening for further movement, then glanced at the clock before hissing "Wait a second; it's only eleven, Sarah won't get up for another hour at least. I still want to-"

"I don't give fuck want you want Jason; it'll have to be another time, we're not doing it now that Sarah's awake." Karen had replaced her robe as she spoke and now grabbed a tea towel to clear up the liquid mess both on the counter and between her legs. "Get your pants on and piss off before Sarah comes downstairs."

Piss off where? This was my house. Karen answered that one too: "Jog around to Danny & Annes to pick-up that mini-bus; if you still look flushed when you get back, at least you'll have an excuse." Only then clocking the high colour and perspiration that Karen displayed, did I realise what an obvious pair we must look; nodding agreement I headed for the back door.

I was almost through it when Karen's voice checked me: "Jason! Remember, Ted and Danny are at the golf course, they won't be back until one o'clock at least; so, whatever it was you still wanted to do... you'll have time to do it with Anne."

"I'd love to, but Anne's already told me that she won't take it in the arse, or indeed anywhere else a second time." I hadn't thought before responding and immediately realised that my reply wasn't good, perhaps even offensive?

I needn't have worried, Karen greeted them with another of those salacious smiles of hers: "You're such a lovely boy Jason; but still so very naïve... What Anne wants is irrelevant; if you want to fuck her in the arse, then just tear of her panties and fuck it! Anne might squeal, complain, perhaps even try to resist you... but I can promise you that Anne won't fight hard or loudly enough to stop you; that's exactly what she gets off on."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This series gets better and better!

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