Jason - My Sister's Boyfriend

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Virginity surrendered for a second time?
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It was my last day at high school. I'd finished my final examinations ten days before and we'd had our Prom the previous Saturday evening. It was just a case of going in to sign-off, return any school text books or equipment that we had and to say farewell to the teachers and in some cases, fellow pupils. Some would be starting work and others, including myself, were heading off to University.

Tradition had it that we'd finish by lunchtime and then all decamp to a local pub for a few farewell drinks. I was eighteen -- just! - but wouldn't be joining my classmates: Having returned from our Prom Night looking dishevelled and a little the worse for drink, my mother had last night decreed that I 'couldn't be trusted to behave myself', so must come straight home after finishing at school.

I was apoplectic, we had a stand-up row, but there was no way I could disobey Mum's edict; once she gave me the 'if you expect us to support you through college, then we make the rules' argument. I couldn't even go there on the sly; my parents drank there occasionally and knew the publican well, he'd recognise me and tell them if I went. As my friends set off for the pub, I walked disconsolately toward the bus station.

I was home by one o'clock, but with my parents both at work, my sister Sarah having moved in with her boyfriend -- much to Mum's disgust! - a few months earlier and all my friends at pub, I was expecting a quiet and lonely afternoon, listening to music and watching YouTube videos. It was as I stepped through the front door that I heard an explosion in the kitchen.

OK, explosion's a bit of an exaggeration, it was more of a hollow, though very loud 'Pop!'. I rushed through to investigate and came face to face with Jason, my sister's boyfriend; he was grinning from ear to ear and held a glass of chilled prosecco in either hand. "Congratulations Julie! Schools over; welcome to the world of the grown-ups."

I was flabbergasted, what was Jazz doing here and how had he got into our house? And why wasn't he at work -- Jason had a hard-landscaping business. Not that I was complaining, Jazz was totally lush! Twenty-five -- which was why mum considered him 'too old' to be dating Sarah -- around five-ten, with dark hair, designer-stubble and real muscles, generated through hard work rather than a gym.

Jason had handed me a glass, raised a toast and poured us each a second before I got any answers: Jazz had 'heard about last night's bust-up' -- 'everybody deserves an end of school booze-up' -- he'd 'borrowed the spare key to ours that Sarah still kept' and 'when you're the boss, you can decide for yourself when you get back from lunch'. By the time Jazz had finished, he'd refilled my glass for a third time.

We hadn't moved from the kitchen, but were now sat on adjoining stools beside the breakfast-bar. Jazz was enquiring about my morning, plans for the summer and hopes and expectations for the future; Bristol University and beyond. Jazz was also -- as always! - flirting with me outrageously; I still wasn't complaining... Jason's made more than one appearance in my bedroom fantasies.

I was sipping on my fourth glass of prosecco when it happened. I wasn't and indeed still aren't a big drinker, but in hindsight I'm surprised at how quickly that slightly... tipsy buzz arrived that afternoon. Did Jason add a little... something extra to my glass, or was it just my own raging hormones that tipped the balance? Whichever, when Jason's hand settled on my thigh, I didn't slap it away.

We continued drinking, chatting... flirting and all the while I ignored Jason's hand. Rubbish! It was at the very forefront of my mind! It'd landed just above my knee, I wasn't wearing panty-hose and could feel the heat of Jason's fingers on the skin of my inner thigh. Over the next few minutes it stroked gently back and forth, never straying indecently high, but each stroke never quite returned to where it had started from.

By the time Jason leant forward to top up my glass once more, his hand was sitting about half-way up my thigh, only visible, because the hem of my skirt had ridden up ahead of it. Our conversation had now stopped, I could hear the strength of Jason's breathing as loudly as I could hear my own, was Jason's heart racing like mine too? Jason's hand held firm as I slid forward on my stool.

I felt the work-hardened skin of Jason's hand scrape across my own, more sensitive flesh as it slipped along the rest of my thigh. Jason's index finger was pressed against my panties, his other hand trembled as it filled my glass. Jason must've felt the heat pouring out from my pussy, did he feel the moisture leaking into my panties too? Our eyes met, Jason lowered the bottle and I put down my glass; perhaps before we dropped them both?

Save for our breathing, the room was silent. Jason leant forward and began to kiss me, tentatively to begin with, but his ardour soon increased, no doubt encouraged by my eager response. When our tongues entwined I wrapped my arms around Jason's neck, Jason's left hand encompassed my breast while his right, still sat between my legs began stroking over the gusset of my panties.

Our lips vibrated against each other when I purred in delight at his touch. Encouraged further, Jason's hand pressed harder against my breast, his thumb flicking back and forth across my distended nipple; his other hand hooked beneath my panties, lifted them aside and a finger slipped all too easily into my lubricious cleft. My response to that intrusion went far beyond a gentle purr.

Jason's wasn't the first finger to have entered me; my own had visited often and on occasion my boyfriend Tom's had been allowed there too, but none had felt like this. Jason's finger was fatter, more abrasive, altogether... stronger and that strength in Jason's touch increased in direct relation to the increasing fervour of my response. In moments my hips were jerking, to meet and increase the force of Jason's penetration.

It took a handful of seconds, certainly not a full minute. Jason's hand was clasped about my mound, his finger deep inside me, while his other hand now... mauling my breast, the nipple trapped between his finger and thumb. One final buck of my pelvis -- the largest yet! - and an orgasm exploded in my belly; I announced it with a gasp, then released that breath with a wailed "Yes -- Yes -- Yes -- Oh Fuck Yessss!"

I slumped forward, my head resting on Jazz's shoulder. How long for? God only knows. My mind whirled as I recovered my senses: 'What had I done?' My emotions were equally tumultuous, a mixture of embarrassment, shame, guilt; Jazz was my sister's boyfriend for Christ's sake! If at that moment Jason had apologised or said anything to indicate he thought similarly, things would've been so very different.

But Jason didn't. As I lifted my head to meet Jason's gaze he was wearing that gorgeous roguish smile of his and he casually enquired: "So... Are you still a virgin Julie?" My concerns disappeared in an instant, I smiled back at Jazz and shook my head... Technically, I wasn't lying.

I'd agreed to... do it, with Tom on Saturday evening, so we'd slipped away from the Prom early, driven to a discrete spot and climbed into the back seat of the car. Disappointing would be an understatement; Tom barely got his prick halfway inside of me before he shot his bolt. Before he could get hard again, a dozen other cars arrived; some clearly just hoping to watch the action; I was too embarrassed and we drove away.

That debacle had also been the cause of my strife today: While Tom had remained sober to drive his father's car, I'd drunk rather too much; Dutch Courage? That, along with the semen stains that my mother had discovered on my dress and panties the following morning was why she'd been so adamant that I wasn't going to the pub today and yes, Tom and I had hoped to try again this afternoon.

With no answer from me beyond that shake of the head, Jason's smile turned wicked as he went on to say: "Then why don't you slip off your panties and climb up on here?" Jason began unfastening his jeans without waiting for my reply. I was shaking like a leaf, but it took me only a few seconds to realise that I was trembling with excitement rather than from fear or reluctance.

I hurried to comply with Jazz's suggestion, only speaking once my panties were gone: "Can we do it in my bedroom, or on the couch; that'd be easier."

It was Jason's turn to shake his head 'no': "I don't want any repercussions from this Julie... No waking up tomorrow morning feeling remorseful and then accusing me of tricking you into it... or worse. If we're going all the way, then it's you who's fucking me."

I pondered on that for oooh, a whole half-second, before putting a foot onto the frame-rail of Jason's stool and swinging my other leg over him, dragging my skirt out of the way as I did so. When I sat down and our naked thighs met, I noted how cool the skin of Jason's felt; I suspect that he perhaps noticed how wet the skin on mine was... I was absolutely soaking down there!

Jason's cock was sticking up between us, it looked absolutely huge. How were we going to fit that inside me? How would we even get it into the right place to begin with? Jason perhaps saw these questions etched on my face? "Straighten your legs and lift yourself up Julie, then guide my cock to where you want it and lower yourself down again... do it slowly."

Oh God! Jason had said that it was me who had to fuck him, but this... I'd never touched a cock with my hand, not even Tom's. I was shaking like a leaf as I rose up, was that in fear or excitement? Probably a some of each, though in the moment I wrapped my hand around Jazz's cock, it was mostly fear; it felt even bigger than it'd looked, like the relay-baton I'd carried in last month's school sports-day!

I paused in mid-air, absorbing the sensation of Jazz's cock in my hand, it was as stiff as that relay-baton too, but warmer and with an overlayer of... softness. That, along with Jason's reassuringly whispered "That's it Julie, take it slowly." saw excitement taking precedence. I wasn't really high enough and the tip of Jason's cock scraped harshly across my mons-venus as it dragged through my pubic hair.

The toe-curling tingle that movement sent through me was only the half of it; a second later Jason's cock reached its target and... nothing, I didn't have to do a single thing! My labia parted and it simply popped inside of me... of its own accord my slick pussy having opened to welcome Jason with open arms. A good job that I was so wet; in that moment I forgot Jason's 'slowly' advice and dropped like a stone!

There was a small stab of pain which drew a yelp from me and I'd guess about half of Jason's cock drove into me with that first thrust. I recall the look of concern flashing across Jason's face as I landed, but that faded away in an instant, the instant when I crooned "Oh fuck yesss" as I rose up and dropped again in self-penetration; a third effort saw Jason's full length accommodated within me.

It was then that I took a... time-out. Savouring what even then I knew was the true loss of my virginity; my whole body seemed to vibrate with a sense of fullness... no, repletion..., What was it Jazz had said earlier about entering 'the world of grown-ups'; I knew that I'd now arrived there. I've no idea how long I sat and savoured that arrival, though it must've been a while and Jazz hadn't been idle.

I resurfaced to find that Jason had unbuttoned my blouse the whole way and in that very moment he was tugging it free from my skirt. As Jason's hands moved toward my bra strap I arched my back to shrug free of the blouse and make his task easier; a moment later my bra followed my blouse to the floor. Jason paused for a long moment and stared at my boobs, positioned as we were, they were right before his eyes.

"Oh Julie, they are bloody gorgeous... even sexier than I'd imagined... way better than Sarah's" The last was an appalling thing to say, most especially given the relationship that each of us had with Sarah. I didn't get the opportunity to see if Jazz's expression showed regret for his final few words, I was too overcome with delight at those that went before and pressed my boobs full into Jason's face.

Jazz thought I had 'gorgeous tits!' and he'd 'imagined' them; Jazz had been fantasising about my tits! Had he been playing with his gorgeous cock while he'd thought about my gorgeous tits? By then I was even comfortable with Jazz's conclusion; he liked my tits better than Sarah's and Sarah was gorgeous too. I'd too often heard that Sarah was prettier than me... but her tits were smaller and her boyfriend preferred mine!

By then I was on fire! A series of small explosions were going off in my belly while my nipples felt to be sparking with an electrical charge between them. Was that from those thoughts rattling around in my skull or the attention Jason had been giving to my gorgeous tits while I'd been having them? Jason had and still was being very attentive, his hand pawed at one whilst almost half of the other was inside his mouth.

I could feel another orgasm beginning to build and I'd not even started fucking Jason; it was time I put that right. To be honest, I hadn't a clue what I was doing, but I've always been a good student and that day I was especially eager to learn. It helped that Jazz proved a very willing and tolerant guinea-pig, as too did the pedestrian pace that the situation demanded; no way was I dislodging my tits from Jazz's hands or mouth!

The up and down motion brought me off for the first time, but it soon had my calves and thighs aching. I then discovered that a gentle slide, back and forth along Jason's thighs, with his cock buried deep inside me was just... peachy and that took me over the precipice twice more before I ran out of energy completely; Jazz meanwhile, was still feasting on my boobs.

It only occurred to me as I sat exhausted in Jason's lap: His cock was still deep inside me... and remained rock hard! Jason certainly didn't suffer from the premature ejaculation problem that Tom had -- Oh God! I was doing it now; making comparisons... at least I hadn't -- quite -- voiced mine. Instead, I pulled myself upright, kissed Jason on the mouth and pleaded: "Will you fuck me now please?"

Clearly now content that I wasn't going to cry rape, Jazz grinned and replied "It'd be a pleasure babe, shall we move it somewhere more comfortable... your bed perhaps?"

I stumbled as I climbed off Jason's lap, my knees buckling beneath me for an instant; I fell forward against the breakfast bar, grasping its far edge for support. I swear that the thought hadn't crossed my mind until that moment, I'd seen it in a film... or at least a soft-core pretence; looking over my shoulder to Jazz, I growled "Not upstairs, right here, on the breakfast bar... hard and fast, I can cope with that now.

Jason didn't need a second invitation, he was grinning like a Cheshire-cat as he got up and moved around behind me and was probably still doing so when his cock slipped into me once more. Jeesus! It felt to have grown, Jazz's first penetration drove it all the way home, he sank into me like a hot knife through butter, that thrust took my breath away and I never got an opportunity to recover it.

Jazz rode me fast... and VERY hard; just as I'd asked; accommodating his assault proved more strenuous than I'd expected, but bloody enjoyable. I'd come like the proverbial train -- twice! - in the two or three minutes before I felt Jason tense-up and begin unloading his seed inside me. Jason's hands were back around my boobs by then and twisting my nipples, that, coupled with the sensation of being flooded with cum, made that last orgasm the best.

We hung on to each other... and the breakfast bar for long minutes before moving. I felt Jason's cock soften inside me and then slip free; that sensation too was just.. yummy. I could feel my pussy still gaping open as his cock disappeared and in my hyper-aware state, heard the sound of his semen and no doubt my own juices, dripping from my pussy to land on the vinyl floor. That would need wiping-up before Mum got home.

That thought brought me back to reality. I whipped my head around to look at the clock and saw that Jazz too had perhaps had the same thought, he was also looking in that direction. It was a quarter to three, Mum would be home in half an hour, possibly even sooner knowing I was at home. That was perhaps for the best? I was now deeply embarrassed and I suspect that Jazz was too, there was no time too discuss what we'd just done.

Jason threw on his clothes while I cleaned up the mess we'd made; I eventually realised that I needed to wedge a second tea-towel between my legs... I was leaking as much out as I was clearing away! As I handed Jazz the prosecco bottle to take away with him, we shared a long, deep kiss; thereafter we both reaffirmed that we'd never mention the encounter to anyone and a moment later, Jason was gone.

Mum walked through the front door just a few minutes after three o'clock, by when I'd replaced the tea towels, fired-up my laptop and logged it on to YouTube. After checking for any incriminating stains, I'd discarded my clothes on the bedroom floor for Mum to find. The two tea towels were buried in my wardrobe, I'd wash and dry those tomorrow when Mum was safely back at work; I heard Mum's feet on the stairs, just as I stepped into the shower.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Would have kept my sttention if you had left out dog style. Ruk s every good story. Esoecially eith how unnecessary it was in this one

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