Jason’s Ride Home

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Jason gets a ride home from his best friend’s dad.
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Jason's Ride Home

Everyone in the story is above the age of 18.

Jason sat on the couch waiting for Mr. Lewis; Mr. Lewis was Jason's best friend's father. Jason and Conner grew up together, and had been best friends since the third grade. While they were growing up, they were inseparable, and spent almost every day together. Conner's parents separated when Jason was fourteen years old because Conner's mother and Mr. Lewis were always fighting. When she left, Mr. Lewis dated a little, but no one stayed around for long. Mr. Lewis always treated Jason almost like a son, buying him gifts for the holidays and inviting Jason on vacations.

When the boys graduated high school, Jason decided to go to a college in upstate New York, while Conner decided to take online classes. While Jason enjoyed his time at college, he was excited to come home and spend the summer with his friends and family, having finished his first year of college.

Conner typically picked Jason up from the airport when he visited, and he was glad this time was no different. They agreed to hang out at Conner's house before dropping Jason off at home, but just as they pulled up to Conner's place, he got called into work. Conner was reluctant, but ultimately had to say yes, since he was the only other manager on staff. Mr. Lewis was just arriving home from work when Conner was called in, so he greeted the boys and offered to take Jason home instead. They both said goodbye to Conner, wishing him a slow shift. Mr. Lewis said that he would take Jason home in just a moment, but that he wanted to grab a quick shower to clean up before taking off.

Jason did not mind waiting because the house was like a second home to him. He liked Mr. Lewis; he was a great guy and Jason had had a small crush on him since he hit puberty. Jason primarily liked girls, but he would be lying if he said that his mind hadn't wandered to men sometimes, and would even look at gay porn on rare occasions. Jason found Mr. Lewis to be a very attractive, stern, older gentleman. Jason had never acted on his gay fantasies; he just figured he was going through a horny faze. He put it in the back of his mind and decided not to dwell on it. He ended up waiting on the couch for only twenty minutes before Mr. Lewis came out of his room into the living room, trying to keep his fantasies in the back of his mind where he put them.

"You ready to go?" Mr. Lewis asked.

Jason, playing on his phone while he waited, looked up at Mr. Lewis. He was a tall man, standing 6'3" with broad shoulders. In college, Mr. Lewis said that he used to play football as a linebacker but never stood out enough to go pro. Now, he runs and owns his own mildly successful construction company in town. He's kept fit throughout the years by going to the gym regularly. As he aged and spent more time in the office, his stomach poked out a little bit. His brown hair, although speckling with a little grey and receding a touch, was still full. He had it cut with a few inches on top, with the sides faded nice and tight. His eyes were chocolate brown, and he was also sporting a short beard. He dressed in a plain a black t-shirt, a pair of basketball shorts, and an old pair of flip-flops. Jason eyed Mr. Lewis up and down, taking an extra second to look at the bulge that stood out in the thin shorts Mr. Lewis had on. Jason stood up from the couch and adjusted his own clothes. I'm

"Thanks again, Mr. Lewis, for giving me a ride. When I get home, I'll have my mom's car to get around for the summer." Jason said, as he made his way to the door.

"No worries. This means I get to spend time with you. I know Conner has missed you, and the house felt a little empty when you left, but I'm glad you were able to get into a great college."

Jason grabbed the few bags he had from near the door, and Mr. Lewis opened the door for him to pass. As Jason passed, he could not help but compare himself to Mr. Lewis. Jason's average build and modest physique felt small next to Mr. Lewis, even though he was 5'10". Jason kicked himself mentally for not spending more of his free time in the gym. Conner had a similar build to Mr. Lewis, but was about an inch shorter.

Jason made his way out of the house, and into the drive where Mr. Lewis's truck sat. It was a beautiful night, and even though it was still early at 8 o'clock, Jason could start to see stars coming out.

"Throw your bags in the back," Mr. Lewis said, as he walked around the truck and got in.

Jason walked to the rear of the truck, placing the bags in the bed, and making his way to the passenger side door. He opened the door and got in. The truck was nice, with a very spacious front seat; the back seat was full of work supplies, but very organized. Mr. Lewis made sure his truck was clean and kept up, as he had to do a lot of business back and forth across town. Mr. Lewis started the car and they were off.

The trip to Jason's house was about 20 minutes, along a few back roads. They could take the highway, but there was no reason to, since it would take them off into the opposite direction. They drove for a few minutes, the radio playing quietly in the background.

"So, how's school going?" Mr. Lewis asked as he drove.

"It's good, I just took the basics this year so it was not too bad. I had a professor that was a bit of a hard ass, but other than that, it's went well."

"That's good. I'm very proud of you."

They chatted for a few more minutes about Jason's school until they hit the first back road.

"So, how's the love life going?" Mr. Lewis asked.

"Not so well. I've had two girlfriends over the last year, but with school, I don't have enough free time. I also don't like hanging out at clubs and bars. It's not my scene, but they always wanted to go out.

"Well, what about the guys?"

"What do you mean, 'the guys?'" Jason asked, slightly confused.

"Are you dating any guys?"

"No, why do you ask?" Jason questioned, starting to get a little excited.

"I mean, the way you always look at me, I figured you may swing that way."

Jason was shocked by what Mr. Lewis had asked, much less what he had implied, even if it was true.

"I... ah... no I've never... done anything with ah... guy." Jason stumbled through his words, his face as red as a tomato.

"We have a few minutes before I drop you off if you want to try something." Mr. Lewis reached down to his crotch and started rubbing back and forth slowly.

Jason glanced down as Mr. Lewis's hand as he rubbed back and forth. Even in the dark car, Jason could see Mr. Lewis's bulge getting bigger. Jason was beside himself: he never thought in a million years this would ever happen. The man Jason had a crush on for so long was offering himself to Jason. Mr. Lewis was his best friend's dad. Could he act on his urges? It felt so taboo, but that excited Jason.

"Yes," Jason said quietly, not finding his voice.

"What was that? I could not hear you." Mr. Lewis said in a demanding voice.

"Yes, I would like to try something," Jason said, his voice a little louder this time, but with a little bit of stutter.

Mr. Lewis stopped rubbing his crotch and lifted the center console, which made the front seat into a bench. He reached over and put his hand on Jason's shoulder.

"Why don't you get a little closer?" Mr. Lewis asked, slightly tugging at Jason's shoulder.

Jason scooted to the middle seat and stopped when his legs met Mr. Lewis's legs. Jason reached down and rested his left hand on Mr. Lewis's leg. Jason could feel the taught muscles in Mr. Lewis's thigh and he could feel that he did not skip out on leg day. Jason eyed the bulge in Mr. Lewis's pants. It looked big.

"Go ahead." Mr. Lewis said, which scared Jason a little because he was so focused on what he was looking at.

Jason reached down and ran his fingers along Mr. Lewis's bulge before grasping it.

"Mmm" Mr. Lewis replied, sitting back a little in the seat to give Jason more room. Jason could tell that Mr. Lewis was not wearing any underwear because of how thin his shorts felt. He could also tell that Mr. Lewis was thick. He started stoking up and down, getting more excited by the moment.

Jason was beside himself; he could not believe this was happening. It seemed so surreal: he was enjoying rubbing another man's penis. It was a lot like his own, but it felt different in a way. Jason rubbed the shorts for a few moments, but wanted to feel the real thing.

He was about to reach into Mr. Lewis's shorts when Mr. Lewis started pulling off the road and announced: "Why don't we stop for a few minutes? I'll let you admire it more."

Mr. Lewis pulled into one of the parking lots of a walking trail. He pulled into a spot in the corner and shut off the headlights.

Mr. Lewis then reached down to his shorts, pulling them off. He turned his body so that one of his knees pressed up against the back of the seat, giving Jason his first view of Mr. Lewis's cock. Jason estimated he would need both his hands to grip the whole thing. Appearing slightly thinner than a soda can, the thickness started at the base, up the length, and then tapered to a smaller head. His balls, which also seemed large, sat snuggly at the base of the shaft. Mr. Lewis's bush was trimmed and well maintained with a little grey showing.

Jason, after staring at it for a moment, gained enough composure to reach out and grab Mr. Lewis's cock. It felt soft but firm in his hand. He began stroking Mr. Lewis's cock. He liked the feel.

"What do you think of my cock? Is it everything you fantasized about?" Mr. Lewis asked, laying back slightly, enjoying Jason stroking him.

"It's bigger than I thought, and it's perfect."

Mr. Lewis reached his hand behind Jason's head, grabbing his hair. He pulled Jason into a kiss. Mr. Lewis's beard hair dug slightly into his face, but he didn't care. This was the hottest thing he had ever experienced. When Mr. Lewis' tongue protruded into his mouth, he gladly accepted it. They kissed for a bit before Mr. Lewis broke from the kiss.

"How about you give my cock a kiss."

Jason, who was still stoking Mr. Lewis's cock, did not object, just lowered himself so that he was only an inch from it. He gave it a small kiss on the tip of the head. Jason could taste salty pre-cum, and he liked it. Jason then took the opportunity to open his mouth and lowered his mouth onto the cock. Because of Mr. Lewis's girth, it was difficult to get the whole cock in his mouth. It filled most of his mouth, going slightly down his throat. He started bobbing up and down. Mr. Lewis let out a loud moan.

Jason felt Mr. Lewis' hand reach beneath him and press against his crotch. Mr. Lewis unbuckled Jason's pants before reaching in and grabbing his cock. Mr. Lewis then started stroking. Jason was in heaven, the bliss washing over him. He started moaning around Mr. Lewis cock. He reached down with his left hand and cupped Mr. Lewis's balls, passing them between his fingers. Jason admired how hefty they felt. Jason's right hand kept stroking, while his mouth sucked the large cock.

Jason could now hear Mr. Lewis moaning getting louder. His breathing became ragged and he started twitching. Jason knew he was about to come.

"Hey... I'm about to come...." Jason took the warning as an opportunity to suck Mr. Lewis dry. He took a deep breath and drove his head down as deep as he could, shoving as much of Mr. Lewis as he could fit. Another second, and he could feel Mr. Lewis tense up before big spurts of cum flowed into his mouth and throat. Jason greedily swallowed as much as he could, savoring both the moment and the taste. Some of the cum had escaped through the sides of his mouth, and only after Jason had concluded that Mr. Lewis was done coming, did he take Mr. Lewis cock out of his mouth. Jason ran his tongue along Mr. Lewis's shaft, cleaning up any cum that had spilled out.

While Mr. Lewis came, Jason had also come. Between the sensation of Mr. Lewis stroking his cock, to the excitement of giving Mr. Lewis a blowjob, he was pushed over the edge. His pants, Mr. Lewis's hand, and parts of the seat were covered in his cum.

Jason sat up, his mouth a little sore, but euphoric. Mr. Lewis laid his head back against the back headrest and signed. He rested a moment before bringing his hand covered in Jason's cum to his face, giving it a quick lick before grabbing his shorts to wipe the rest off.

"I think we might've had enough fun for tonight. I should probably get you home."

"Yeah, you're right."

Mr. Lewis put his shorts back on and started the truck. Jason buckled up his now wet pants. They took off before they had started talking again.

"That was amazing, are you sure you've never done that before?"

"No, that was my first time."

"Well, I couldn't tell. You were fantastic." Said Mr. Lewis, placing his hand on Jason's thigh.

Jason felt his heart racing.

"I'm sorry about your seat, Mr. Lewis."

"It was worth the mess," Mr. Lewis said, cracking a dark smile. "By the way, you definitely have earned the right to call me Ryan. I'm sorry about your pants," he chuckled a little as he said it.

"For as many years as I've fantasized about you, the pants are a small cost."

"So have you thought about me a lot?"

Jason's face turned red. He was getting shy and embarrassed again. He replied in a low voice: "Yes."

Mr. Lewis chuckled again.

Mr. Lewis's truck pulled off the back roads and into Jason's parent's neighborhood. Pulling into the driveway of Jason's parent's house, he stopped and put the truck in park.

Before Jason got out, he thanked Mr. Lewis for everything.

"Oh, believe me, it was my pleasure," Mr. Lewis replied.

Jason got out of the truck and grabbed his bags out of the back. Passing back by the passenger window again, Mr. Lewis rolled it down.

"Hey, don't forget to stop by a lot this summer. We have to see what else we can get into."

Jason for the second time in one night, could not believe what Mr. Lewis insinuated. The thought excited him.

"Yes Sir."

Mr. Lewis gave a big grin before rolling up the window, and driving away, leaving Jason with new memories, more prospects, and the taste of his best friend's dad's cum.

A huge thanks to the volunteer editor that helped me finish and edit my story, I was unable to confirm if they wanted their name posted.

This story may not have a part two, because even though I wrote a possibility. I just don't want people to be upset if I never write it, so I want to warn everyone now.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
JerkinbenJerkinben3 months ago

Part two please !

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerover 1 year ago

Jason wasn't the only one that was excited by the thought of doing more. But even if you decide not to continue this, you did a great job with this hot ***** short story.

Reggie2xxReggie2xxover 1 year ago

Great first story I liked it.

JgsexyJgsexyover 1 year ago

Nicely done. Enjoyed this short first story

SpiremanSpiremanover 1 year ago

Love to see where this goes for the rest of the holidays.

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