Jean -- Hot and Crazy Ch. 01


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It was the first time I had eaten pussy, and I had to fight to focus on Jean's pleasure. Like most guys in those days, I was self-taught. I had no idea what I was doing and made it up as I went. If Jean responded to something I did, I kept repeating it. Thankfully, Jean regularly gave me helpful suggestions.

I was surprised when I got a massive response from licking a hard nub at the top of her slit. I knew nothing of female anatomy and certainly didn't have a clue about the existence of the clitoris. I am a big believer in evolution. It made scientific sense to me that a woman's greatest pleasure should come from vaginal stimulation. Any theory of intelligent design went out of the window when I eventually learned about the clit. Why in hell is it located so far from the vagina? How are you supposed to achieve the simultaneous orgasms that Playboy requires for couples to achieve fulfilling sex?

Tonight, I wasn't thinking about the science of sex. All of my senses were focused on Jean's delicious pussy as I pushed a finger slowly into her tight vagina. Jean moaned louder as I swirled my tongue across the top of her slit while repeatedly thrusting my finger into her sopping-wet vagina. She was humping her swollen pussy against my finger while she teased and pinched her firm nipples. Soon I expected her to beg me to fuck her.

I was surprised when she said, "If you want sex, you must wear a condom."

"Why? You're on the pill, aren't you?"

"I had to stop. My blood pressure was through the ceiling. My doctor wants to try a different pill. So, I'm not on birth control until my next cycle."

"But we had sex last weekend."

"That was right after my period ended. Today, I'm at the height of my fertility. You do have condoms, don't you?"

"Sure, I have a dozen at my apartment, but they're not much help now."

Jean said, "I have some in the drawer of my bedside table."

Time flies when you are having fun. I glanced at my watch and was dismayed at how late it was. I sat up and removed my finger from her quivering vagina. It took Jean a moment to realize that I wasn't going to fuck her. She opened her eyes and looked at me with an expression halfway between surprise and desperation. I smiled at her and licked her sweet pussy juices off my finger.

"I'm sorry, Jean, but we'll be late if we don't leave for the party soon."

"What the heck, Steve? I was so close. It wouldn't have made us any later if you'd just kept it up for another 30 seconds. Jeez, Steve, you are such a jerk!"

I was an inexperienced nerd. Everything I knew about the female orgasm came from Playboy. I couldn't tell if Jean was 30 seconds or thirty minutes from an orgasm.

"I promise I'll make it up to you later. Now please get ready. We could lose our reservations."

Jean slid out of bed and walked naked into the bathroom. She left the door open so she could continue to express her displeasure. I settled back on the pillows and admired the view from behind her.

"Damn it, Steve, I thought maybe you wanted to try for your mythical simultaneous orgasm. I wanted you inside me. I never expected you would leave me like this. Crap, I'm so horny I may start humping the legs of your friends during dinner."

I watched as Jean wiped the sweat from her body with a wet washcloth. I had a great view of her fantastic legs and gorgeous ass. Did I mention that I have a thing for women's legs? There are a lot of different types of legs. Many women have calves that taper straight from the knee to the ankle. My favorite female legs are ones where both the calves and thighs have a nice curve. Jean's lithe dancer's legs were fantastic by all of my standards. Her curvaceous but firm ass provided the crowning touch. From the side, it curved out nicely. From the front, her fertile hips tapered to her waist. I would have married her for her legs alone. Still, I did appreciate her pretty face and generous, perky breasts. Oh, did I forget to mention that she was smart?

Jean bent over slightly and spread her feet to wash her pussy. I wanted to jump off the bed and shove my hard cock into her from behind. At this point, I wouldn't last more than 10 or 20 seconds. It wouldn't make us that late. Now I tend to be impulsive, but I quickly realized what a ration of shit I would get if I satisfied myself after leaving Jean on the edge.

I sat back and watched Jean fasten her long blond hair into a ponytail. Usually, she leaves her hair loose, but with the heat and humidity, it would be more comfortable tied up. I momentarily admired her graceful neck before returning my gaze to her beautiful naked ass.

Jean finished in the bathroom and turned around to face me. She was stunning. I tried to imagine how jealous my friends would be if they could see her naked. Jean bent down and picked up her bikini panties. She shook her head and tossed the soaking wet garment in her clothes hamper. She opened a drawer and rummaged around for what seemed a long time to pick out underwear.

"Crap, I was planning on doing laundry tomorrow. My only clean panties are an uncomfortable G-string. I bought them to wear under my dance leotard so that I wouldn't show a panty line."

She turned to me, holding up her tiny white underwear. I could see her fingers through a small triangle of gauzy satin. The skimpy garment had no back panel, and the front bit consisted of maybe four square inches of semitransparent fabric.

"The problem with these panties is that they bunch up in my slit when I dance. They may be ok for dinner at Johnny O's if we come straight home to your apartment. What do you think? Am I going to be sorry if I wear them?"

I'd never seen a G-string before and was excited about panties that left her gorgeous ass cheeks bare under her dress. I also liked that the panties provided only a few square inches of gauzy silk to cover her pussy. However, knowing how Jean wanted to consider every aspect of a decision, I tried to be reassuring. I held the bottom of the dress she'd chosen up to the light.

"I know the beach dress is lightweight, but the leaves are dark enough that you won't see your panties in the dimly lit restaurant. You'll be fine."

Jean nodded and pulled on the panties. I whistled when I saw how sexy they looked on my girlfriend. They covered less of her mound than her skimpy swimsuit. Little tendrils of black pubic hair escaped around the edges, and I could see the shadow of her slit. When she turned around to look in the mirror, I admired the spectacular view of her bare curvy ass.

Jean tugged on the edges of the front panel and cursed. "The damn thing is smaller than my swimsuit, and I don't have time to shave. Maybe you should go without me?"

I handed Jean her dress and said, "No one will be able to see your panties but think about how exciting it will be wearing them around my friends, with both of us knowing that your sexy pussy is barely covered. You will be the naughtiest girl in the restaurant and the most beautiful."

All women love flattery, and Jean is no different. It also helped to know that my girlfriend has an exhibitionist streak she happily demonstrated when we went skinny dipping at Six Mile Creek a couple of weeks ago. She glowed when I said she was the prettiest girl at the swimming hole. I suppressed a laugh when I saw my girlfriend shiver when I mentioned that her sexy pussy would be practically naked.

I kissed Jean before tying the straps on her dress. I made sure the knots were tight, but I left the straps looser than before. The elastic waistband prevented the skirt from slipping down further. When I finished, the petals sagged enough that her breasts were almost completely exposed from the sides. From Jean's viewpoint, everything looked acceptable. When Jean leaned over to slip her feet into comfortable flats, I could see most of her plump breasts, including her hard nipples. I hoped my breast-obsessed friends would enjoy the view tonight.

I sighed when my sexy girlfriend stood up and announced she was ready. "I think your outfit would look better with heels, especially ones with straps."

"I know you're right, but you know how my feet hurt from heels."

"We'll be sitting most of the night, but you can bring the flats in the car."

I whistled when she put on a pair of strappy four-inch heels. It made her legs and ass look even more stunning.

I said, "I can hardly wait to get you to my apartment and ravage you."

"We could skip the party and go straight to your apartment. You jerk, you left me half ravaged."

I laughed, "Sorry, you'll have to stay horny for a while. I need dinner, and I really want to show you off. Besides, even though I left the windows open, my apartment won't cool off for hours."


We got in my car and drove up the hill to College Town, where parking was always tight. I found a space in the IGA parking lot since the grocery store was closed for the night. A white van pulled into the lot just after us. On the side, a sign read, 'Ralph's Construction Company.' There was a picture of a running football player carrying the ball next to a slogan, 'When the Going Gets Tough, call Ralph's Construction.'

When I opened my door to get out, Jean put a hand on my arm and said, "Please wait a minute."

"What's up?"

"The driver is a guy from high school I'd rather not run into."

I looked past Jean as a massive construction worker and four other burly, sunburnt men exited the van. When I'd opened the door, the overhead light had come on. By the time I closed it again, the driver noticed us. He grinned at Jean momentarily and waved before joining his friends and heading up the street. The boisterous men looked almost big enough to play the offensive front line for Cornell's football team.

Jean waited until they left before getting out of my car. "Come on. I want to see where they go."

We hurried up the street and saw them when we turned the corner onto Dryden Road. Jean was relieved when the group entered The Palms, a sleazy bar across the street from our destination.

College Town was always slow after graduation, and the restaurant was half full. Most of the physics crowd was already there and were seated at several tables they had pushed together. My best friend Jacob motioned us to take a pair of seats he had saved in the middle. Jean sat between Jacob and me. I looked at Jean's legs as she sat and was pleasantly surprised to see most of her bare thighs exposed between the parted leaves. I could see pale skin all of the way up her legs, almost to her panties. From the way Jacob kept darting glances at Jean, I realized he was enjoying how much of her plump breasts I'd left exposed.

Jean leaned toward me and whispered, "So you had to stop pleasuring me because we might lose our reservation? The restaurant is almost deserted."

I have poor impulse control. For some reason, I thought that teasing Jacob might break him out of his melancholy. I leaned towards Jean and put my arm around her shoulder. I placed my other hand on her knee and slid it up her thigh. I pushed through the green leaves at the bottom of her dress and cupped the bit of silk covering her pussy. As I expected, my hot girlfriend's panties were already moist.

Jean glared at me and whispered, "What the hell are you doing? Jacob can see everything!"

Jean was right. Jacob's gaze was now focused on her lap. My hand had slipped between the green petals, and he had a good view of my hand caressing her semitransparent panties. Jean pushed my hand away and rearranged her dress.

"I just wanted to give you a preview of what I'll do to you later tonight."

Jean smirked. "You're such an asshole! Just so we are clear, I intend to make you pay dearly for leaving me horny."

I couldn't do anything more than smile at her as I grabbed a flask of red wine and filled our glasses. Now Jean is very outgoing, and she knew several people at the party. Soon, she was chatting with a woman across the table named Tiffany, who had come in after us with her boyfriend, David. Tiffany is a vivacious redhead, and she was wearing red hot pants and a matching halter top over her massive breasts. I didn't think Tiffany was close to Jean in looks, but she definitely competed in the crazy department.

Jean leaned over and whispered, "I feel better about my outfit. Tiffany easily wins the slut of the evening award."

Jean didn't have much luck drawing Jacob into a conversation. He lived in an apartment across the street from me and was a frequent visitor at my place, so Jean knew him well. My best friend is shy, but tonight, he was quieter than usual. I watched him get up and go to the restroom after poking around at his salad for several minutes.

Jean whispered to me, "What's the problem with Jacob?"

I whispered back, "Melissa dumped him. He's totally devastated."

"Oh no! I thought they were engaged?"

"Yeah, he has a great job waiting in California, and she was supposed to join him. They had the wedding all planned for the fall. He was destroyed when she told him she couldn't stand the idea of spending the rest of her life with him."

"Damn, that's cold. What can I do?"

"At this point, he feels the world has ended, and he'll never find another woman to love him. Maybe you could be extra kind to him tonight. I had to beg him to come to the celebration."

Jean looked at me with the hint of a tear in her eye and said, "Poor Jacob. I'll do my best."

When Jacob returned, Jean leaned over and put her arm around his shoulders. What surprised me was that she slid her other hand high up his bare thigh until it pushed the bottom of his basketball shorts into his crotch. I watched in amazement as my sexy vixen got her revenge on me. She made sure I saw her give my best friend's cock a squeeze. She was copying the move I had just made on her. I knew she liked Jacob, but it was more likely that she was bored and had too much to drink.

She gave him a big kiss and whispered something in his ear. Whatever she said, I saw the first hint of a smile on his face in weeks. I noticed Jacob's eyes were staring at the gap between the rose petals of my girlfriend's dress, which had fallen away from her chest. My best friend is a breast man, and he probably missed Melissa's 40DDs more than he missed her company. I knew he was enjoying the view of my girlfriend's exposed tits when he licked his lips.

Jean picked up her wine glass and said, "I propose a toast. May everyone find happiness and success in their careers."

Jean leaned over to Jacob again and said, "Drink up, Jacob. I meant you, too." She gave his cock a squeeze as she told him, "You'll see. Beautiful California girls are going to be all over you."

Jacob is about as average looking as I am, but he is even more intelligent. Since he had landed a great job in the San Francisco Bay area, it was very likely that Jean was telling the truth. Her womanly instincts said that she needed to make him feel desirable to break him out of his grief.

Everyone at the table was drinking a lot of wine with their dinner. The waitress kept bringing out new flasks of the house red. Jean made sure that Jacob had more than his share. That meant that she had a lot to drink as well. Everyone sat around talking and drinking more wine after dinner. Slowly, people made excuses and drifted away. Eventually, there were only five of us - Jean and me, David and Tiffany, and Jacob, who had fallen deeper under Jean's spell. The waitress hinted that they wanted to close.

I was surprised when Jean said, "We should go across the street to The Palms and dance."

"I thought you didn't want to run into those guys we saw in the parking lot. It'll be hard to avoid them in The Palms."

"Steve, I made a serious mistake in high school and hurt a boy I was dating. It's time I apologized and made my peace with him. I'm tired of running and hiding."

I had no idea what she had done in high school, but we were all pretty buzzed, and I thought confronting an old flame tonight was a bad idea. Considering the size of Randy's muscular friends, it seemed like a terrible idea.

"Are you sure you're up to it? You've had a lot to drink, and the wine may be clouding your judgment."

Jean laughed. "If anything, I haven't had enough to drink, but I have to try. I may have to cry and beg Randy for forgiveness. Please, if you love me, stay out of it even if I have to humiliate myself."

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UncleBullyUncleBully3 months ago

More adventures of Jean. nice

loericsloerics4 months agoAuthor

In the second chapter, I start delivering the “Hot and Crazy” promised in the title. My inspiration comes from the nightmares that still wake me shaken years after Jean and I were young. After waking in a sweat, I spend wakeless hours reliving the terror. I hope that putting our story on paper will help me break the cycle of fear and regret.

If you don’t like dark stories, I suggest you quit reading now. Perhaps it will help those who ignore my warning if I confess it’s all a fantasy. However, my mother taught me not to lie. In any case, much of the story is hard to believe, and it will be safer for your mental health if you read it as fiction. I’ll let you be the judge.

loericsloerics4 months agoAuthor

I have everything but the last chapter complete and will be posting as fast as the heroic Literotica crew reviews them. I have an outline for the conclusion, so hopefully, I’ll be able to post it without my usual long delay. I know endings are my weakness and this year, I hope to finish a couple of other stories I have left dangling.

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