Jean, Rediscovered


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"And then what? Have sex with them?" I asked.

"What would be so wrong with that? You're divorced. They're legal. And even if you don't have sex with them, just get in some good flirting practice."

I hadn't thought about that. Yes, they were attractive, and yes I masturbated almost every night they were at the house, fantasizing about at least one of them fucking me, but I hadn't considered that flirting was permissible.

I rarely used the free health club membership that our company provided, and decided to change that.

I worked on toning my body enough to fit into some of my more revealing outfits. It didn't take long.

Brad joked in a way boys did half his age, twenty years ago. It was like he never grew up in that area. Even still, he and Ron felt it necessary to let me know whatever I was doing was working for them, although they thought it was just a change of hairstyle.

Michael's friends noticed the real difference before anyone else. The compliments did wonders for my self-confidence, and I became bold enough to wear sexier or more revealing clothes around the house. I think I was even more productive at work, because of it.

I knew Ron's wife, so I didn't take any of his sexual innuendo seriously. She told me he had a small dick but a talented tongue, so she wasn't worried about him running off to fuck some trampy whore. I wanted to ask if she ever met Linda.

Kevin always looked at me like he wanted to try something with me even before I was divorced, but never acted on it. He took his job seriously, and had horror stories about how inter-company relationships always ruined businesses. I'd let him look, though.

Brad was just Brad. His poor wife.

I decided I was worth looking at, as long as the look was followed with some form of compliment.

The occasional weekend college boy teasing went on for another year, followed by a Summer of all-over tanning at Marjorie's pool, and then, the Fall conferences and business trips.

"Do you know anything about the guys that were in the bar last night?" I asked Linda at the back of the conference room. We were between presentations, and it was time to get some calories and coffee.

"Not really. I think they were all college kids. Maybe a sports team or something. Cute though. Really cute," Linda answered.

"Do you think they'll be here tonight?" I asked. "Would you be able to pick any of them out"

"Why do you want to know?" Linda asked. "Are you looking to marry the guy that boinked you this morning?"

"No, of course not," I said. "Honestly, though, I can't remember the last time I was ever fucked like that. I think he would have lasted longer this morning, but seemed like he was in a hurry to get back to his friends. I didn't even get his name!"

"Jean, you slut!" Linda joked. "I'm kidding, of course. I wouldn't have bothered with a name, either. Just give me that dick, right?"

"I guess so," I said, just a little ashamed. "I'm not like that, though."

"Well, maybe you weren't like that," Linda explained. "But maybe you're like that, now, and just don't know it yet."

Linda looked around the room as if taking inventory. "I wish someone would slip something in my drink so I could wake up with a college boy next to me in the morning," Linda said with a wink, and then headed back to our seats.

Linda sat with me at the hotel bar that night, all the way until closing. A few patrons from the night before remembered me, and asked me to do that trick where I take off my bra and panties without showing anything. To everyone's disappointment, I declined. Even the bartender looked disappointed. No drugs in my drink, apparently. That's not to say I wasn't horny, though. I'd been thinking about my morning fuck all day, and wished I could remember anything from the night before. Was I just drunk? Is that what it took to lose all inhibition and unleash my inner slut these days? I drank enough to get tipsy, but I only became tired.

Lightning did not strike in the same place twice. Linda made sure I made it back to my room, and then walked a few doors down to her room. We called it a night, and checked out the next morning.

I sat naked across from Marjorie, a few weeks later. It was too cold to lay out by the pool, but she insisted I lose the clothes in her house, anyway. She approved of the laser hair removal results, and asked if I had my butt hole bleached, too. To her surprise, I did.

We talked about my most recent business trip, the young stud I woke up with, and Linda's story of what had happened the night before. She listened intently, and I was embarrassed to notice her pussy getting wet.

"You're wet, too," Marjorie said. "It's okay. Do you want me to go down on you?"

"No!" I said, a little shocked.

"Well, do you want to go down on me?" Marjorie asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay, just figured I'd ask," Marjorie said with a half-smile. "I think we need to have your son and his friends over here one weekend."

"What?!?!" I asked. "What about the no-clothes rule?"

"Strictly enforced," Marjorie said, smiling.

"But, that would mean I would see my son naked, and he would see me naked, too!" I exclaimed.

"That's part of it, yes," Marjorie beamed. "But, you'd also see his college friends naked, and they'd finally get to see you naked. Tanned, naked, hairless pussy, big tits, nice ass, great legs... They'd know you were a sure thing and would probably take turns fucking us."

I hadn't realized where my hand was.

"You sure you don't want me to go down on you?" Marjorie asked.

"Let me think about it," I answered.

"Which part?" Marjorie asked, smiling and putting two fingers inside her.

I smiled back, got up, and started putting on my clothes. I was going to masturbate as soon as I got home, if not in the car on the way.

I knew that Michael planned on being home for a week during Fall Break, but I wasn't sure if any of his friends were going to be joining him. When he showed up alone on Saturday afternoon, I was a little disappointed. My experience on the recent business trip was causing me to see his friends in a new light. The talk with Marjorie had me thinking of all sorts of possibilities - things that must have been in the back of my mind for years, but never acted upon. I loved having Michael home, but the thought of seeing his cute friends naked was giving me so much more to look forward to. I felt deflated.

He must have noticed, and he explained that several of his friends were on their way, but they wanted to spend a few days with their families, first, before heading our way. I told him about Marjorie's unusual invitation, and her no-clothes-allowed rule, and he seemed intrigued.

"Will Linda be there?" Michael asked.

"I imagine she can be," I admitted, and made a mental note of inviting her, too.

"Well, I know at least one of the guys will be down for it, then," Michael smiled. "How about you?"

"How about me, what?" I asked.

"Do you have to be naked, too?" Michael asked.

"I suppose so," I said. "Is it a bad idea? Too weird?"

"No, not at all," Michael said. "Dad's a jerk and you're entitled to some fun once in awhile, too, right? The only difference is, you're having fun while not being married. Besides, being naked is not the same as screwing around. It's just being naked."

"Yeah, but..." I started.

"Mom, it's okay," Michael said. "You are still a very attractive woman, and I'm sure the guys will tell you as much. If you want to take things further with any of them, I don't think any of them would say no."

"Really?" I asked, not sure what to say to that. Thoughts went back to the young stud in the hotel.

"Only one way to find out," Michael smiled. "I think it's a crazy idea, but not necessarily a bad one. It would certainly be a first. What's your friend, Marjorie, like?"

"Free spirited," was all I could think of. "Same age as Linda, prettier in the face, decent body, and unlike Linda, single."

"Well," Michael said. "Three experienced, mature women and a few inexperienced, immature college guys sitting around naked, probably drinking, and having a good time. How bad could it be? Whatever ends up happening, I'll make sure everyone is discreet about it."

I quickly changed the conversation to dinner, home repairs, oil changes, and grocery shopping. Michael graciously allowed the departure and didn't bring it up again.

Linda apparently couldn't wait for the following weekend, when we were supposed to meet at Marjorie's place. She was at my house at 8am the next morning, with some crazy excuse about needing to do laundry while her dryer was being repaired. It was also the reason why she was wearing barely-there Victoria's Secret pajama shorts and a half-shirt under a long coat in the middle of Fall. She had two loads of laundry, and by her estimation, she would only be over for a few hours.

Of course, I couldn't say no. I knew what she was up to, though. If she wanted to prance half-naked around Michael, it would be entertaining at the very least. I had told her about Marjorie's invitation the night before, and that sent her sexual urges into overdrive. Her husband was on an overseas assignment, so her favorite toys were getting a workout. She convinced herself it was not too much of a risk to dabble in the real thing on the side. I guessed living vicariously through me wasn't enough, anymore.

To her credit, Linda looked good with makeup. I could see through her top that she had new jewelry.

"Did you get your nipples pierced?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" Linda said, excitedly. "I actually wanted to get a tattoo, but after an hour I still couldn't decide.

So, Xavier recommended this instead."

"Xavier?" I asked.

"The artist, silly," Linda dismissed. "Don't they look great?"

I had to admit, they did. She wasn't flat-chested, but she'd barely fill a B-cup bra. Her nipples, though, were pretty. The barbells going through them horizontally pressed against the fabric and made me want to lift up her shirt to get a better look. She beat me to it and lifted up her shirt - just as Michael walked into the kitchen.

"Whoa!" Michael said. "Sorry, didn't mean to walk in on this."

Linda didn't lower her shirt. Instead, she just looked at me with a "you don't mind, do you?" look.

"Go ahead," I said.

"I just got my nipples pierced," Linda said to Michael. "What do you think?"

"They look great," Michael said, giving me a side-ward glance. Not sure what to say after that, he asked, "Did you get any other piercings?"

"I thought about the tongue, eyebrow, nose, or bellybutton, but wanted to keep the piercings more private, so I just went with this," Linda said, finally lowering her half-shirt. "And... one other one." Linda smiled.

I wasn't sure who was intrigued more, me or Michael. I heard of girls getting their clitoris or labia pierced, and I just imagined it being too painful, and too risky. Some women loved it, though.

"Wanna see?" Linda asked Michael directly. She was almost too obvious that she wasn't talking to me.

"Sure," Michael said, without seeking permission from me.

"You first!" Linda said.

"Can we wait until we go to Marjorie's for Show-and-Tell?" I asked, becoming just a little uncomfortable with where this was heading.

"Jeez!" Linda said, disappointed. "When did you become such a prude?"

"Ummm," I said. "I know you have the hots for my son, but do you have to be so obvious about it?"

"Really? You have the hots for me?" Michael asked innocently.

"Oh yeah," Linda said. "I've got it bad for you. I've fantasized about you for years."

"Linda!" I said. "What the hell?!?"

"Don't act so surprised, Jean," Linda said. "You aren't so innocent yourself, remember?"

"What?" Michael said, unable to conceal the growing erection in his pajama shorts.

"Your mom had an extra-special good time on the last business trip," Linda said, holding back from saying more as if she were blackmailing me into letting her do what she wanted with Michael.

"I got a little flirty after a few drinks, that's all," I offered.

We all looked at each other for a few seconds, and then the dryer buzzer went off.

"You two behave yourselves while I throw in the next load of Linda's laundry," I said.

I should have waited for a reply. Instead, I walked down the hall to the laundry room, pulled out Linda's clothes from the dryer, folded a few things because that's what I always did, and then piled the rest on top of the folded clothes. I pulled the washed clothes from the washer and threw them in the dryer. Finally, I threw the last basket-full into the washer before returning to an empty kitchen.

"Shit," I said, seeing a post-it note next to Linda's half-shirt and pajama shorts on the island.


Would you mind adding these to the last load?



I walked across the kitchen, through the living room and down the hall on the other side of the house. I approached Michael's room slowly and quietly. His door wasn't closed, but it wasn't wide-open like it normally was, either. It was opened just enough for me to see into his room from a distance, and when I looked through the gap, I watched as Linda and Michael finished a fairly passionate French kiss.

Linda bent down and pulled Michael's shorts down around his ankles. His erect cock smeared her cheek with pre-come as he stepped out of his shorts.

So many emotions ran through my mind at that moment. Michael was obviously turned on by Linda, and she was obviously turned on by him. They were both consenting adults, but... his cock. I couldn't look away. Michael was more well-endowed than I would have imagined. And Linda... she had a feline grace that made her body move sexier than I thought humanly possible.

Linda sat on Michael's bed, leaned back, and spread her legs. I could see the small ring through her swollen clit before Michael's mouth covered it. He had his back to the door, so I didn't think he knew I was watching. Linda, however, put her feet on Michael's broad shoulders and then had a clear view of the doorway. She looked at me, and mouthed the words "thank you."

I was frozen.

I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to be upset? Linda was obviously not taking away my son's innocence. From the way her toes curled while he licked her pussy, that had been taking away some time ago. Linda pushed him back and stepped off the bed. She was on her knees with his cock in her mouth in seconds. I was starting to see Ron and Kevin's attraction to her. She was a talented cocksucker.

Linda held Michael's butt cheeks in her hands while he pumped his cock in her mouth, and she never slowed down, even to take a breath.

I still couldn't move, and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Part of me felt ashamed that I couldn't let Michael have his privacy with Linda, but another part was shocked into a catatonic state.

Linda pulled Michael's cock from her mouth, stood up, motioned for him to move to the bed, and to lay on his back. He still didn't look toward the door. He must have known I'd come looking for them, eventually.

Instead, he did as Linda asked, and she wasted no time straddling him and guiding his long, thick manhood into her wet pussy.

Linda did all the work, and from the side and back, her ass looked fantastic. Her legs actually looked better than I had remembered, too. No wonder Ron and Kevin didn't mind taking turns with her on business trips. She fucked like a porn star. I could probably ride cowgirl on a guy like that, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to go at it for as long as Linda was going.

She leaned forward and I watched as her thighs and butt cheeks shuddered while they kissed. She was coming.

Well, good for her.

Michael whispered something in her ear, prompting her to kiss him a little more passionately. Before I realized what was happening, Linda stepped off the bed, then stepped back on, this time facing me. She straddled Michael in a reverse cowgirl, reached between her legs, and guided his stiff prick to her butt crack.

Linda twisted Michael's shaft and lowered herself onto him. His shiny helmet slipped past her sphincter with some resistance, but then he was inside her. Deep inside her.

In her butt.

My son was fucking my coworker up her butt!

My slow, deep breathing had become fast and shallow. I didn't even realize I had my hand down the front of my shorts until Linda looked at me. I couldn't help myself. Neither of us said anything as she continued to impale herself on my son's rigid cock.

After what felt like an eternity, Linda lifted herself off Michael's shaft, curled up next to him, and took his cock in her mouth. She licked his shaft and sucked the head for about a minute, before climbing back on top of him and sliding his dick back into her butt.

She did that three more times.

When Michael was finally ready to come, he was in her mouth. She looked directly at me as he held her head down and pumped his cock in her mouth. Linda swallowed and snot bubbled from one of her nostrils. She continued to look at me as Michael fucked her face. Her makeup had run a little from the tears, but there was still lust in her eyes. She was getting exactly what she wanted for so many years. Another snot bubble popped out of the other nostril as Linda swallowed again. After another minute, Michael's hips stopped moving and he removed his hand from Linda's head. She straddled his face and he pulled her hips back, bringing her pussy onto his mouth, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

I watched as Linda gyrated her hips while Michael lapped at her pussy. His cock - deflated and spent just a minute ago - was already semi-erect.

Linda looked from between Michael's legs to me. Her face was a mess of tears, snot, and come, but she smiled and mouthed the words, "Oh fuck!"

I bit my lower lip hard enough to draw blood as I stood and orgasmed in the hallway. I couldn't remember ever coming while standing up, so this was a first. The dryer buzzed, startling me, and I almost broke my wrist pulling my hand from inside my shorts. I stumbled backward, barely avoiding knocking over a lamp in the hallway, and retreated on shaky legs to the laundry room.

Linda would later tell me that Michael fucked her hard for another thirty minutes, and chose to come in her butt the second time around. She sucked his dirty cock in the shower, afterward, and again, she swallowed. They apparently talked afterward. Michael was concerned about what to say to me about the whole thing. Linda said she would do all the talking, and she did.

She eventually walked into the kitchen wearing one of Michael's t-shirts and nothing else. The bottom just barely covered her beautiful butt. I was pouring a late-morning cup of coffee.

"It was a one-time thing, Jean," Linda said. "Okay?"

"Somehow, I doubt that," I said. "Just don't pass anything along to him that you might get from Ron or Kevin."

"I make them use condoms, even when I blow them," Linda said.

"Really?" I asked. "So, why not Michael?"

"He offered," Linda said. "I wanted it without."

"Well, I guess you got it, too," I said, giving just a hint of a smile. "Were you really going to spill the beans about the conference trip?"

"I didn't have to," Jean said. "Michael already knew."

I almost dropped my coffee cup.

"What?!?!" I said in a loud hush.

"Yeah," Linda said. "That beefcake you took advantage of is one of his newer friends from school. He was there with a different group of friends while the conference was going on. Oh, and his name is Dru, by the way."

"Dru?" I asked. "And, Michael wasn't there?"

"Nope," Linda said. "But, Dru told him and his other buddies all about the MILF that took off her bra and panties at the hotel bar, and offered free blowjobs in the men's room."

"I did what?!?!" I asked. "How did Michael know it was me?"