Jean - The Birth of Venus Ch. 05


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I wrapped my legs around Ray's waist and squeezed his body against mine. He took it as a sign to begin rocking his hips against mine. I moaned when he pulled his cock out to the entrance of my vagina. I pulled him back inside with my legs. Ray slowly picked up the pace as I adjusted to his thick cock filling my wet pussy. Before long he was fucking me hard. I slammed my hips against his. I tried to pull him deeper with my legs.

I cried when he came and stopped fucking his wonderful cock into my desperate pussy. "Ray, no. Oh God, no. Please don't stop."

Ray laughed. "Sorry babe. Better luck next time. My dad taught me to always leave them wanting more."

"Fuck your dad."

"Ah, come on, slut. You loved my dad's fat finger. I know you loved every inch of my big cock. Don't think I don't know what a whore you are. I saw how you loved it in the back of the plane. My dad had you coming like a bitch in heat. You loved putting on a show for the passengers. I can't believe you fell for his act. Did you really think he was fingerfucking you in his sleep?"


I rolled over onto my hands and knees and reached for my swimsuit. It was getting late, and the fun was gone. I felt a pair of hands grab my hips.

"Stop it. Let me go! I'm done here."

I shrieked as a big cock slammed into my vagina. I looked between my legs and saw a big black cock pull out of my wet pussy. I groaned when James slammed it back in. Fuck, it really was larger than the damn Samoan's cock. I struggled in his grip, but I was trapped by the big football players huge hands. He pumped his massive cock into my tight pussy. I shrieked again when one of his hands slid around my waist and rubbed across my clit. His fingertips flew across the top of my slit. At least someone had paid attention to my stupid lecture.

I hadn't come all the way down from my coupling with the Samoan. Thank God, Ray had warmed me up for the football player's massive cock.

James slapped my sweaty ass a couple of times. "Come on, bitch move your ass."

My ass was stinging from the sharp blows. I didn't want another. I shoved my hips back against the biggest cock I had ever taken. Again, and again, I drove my hips back hard against James as he fucked me deep. I was panting hard as my sweaty ass slapped against his crotch. His fingers were rubbing my clit too hard, but I didn't have the breath to complain. I just wanted him to come and leave me alone. Instead, I came hard, and he didn't even pause. My pussy spasmed around his cock, but he powered through it. His fingers continued their assault on my clit. His massive cock kept slamming into my quivering body. I felt my dangling breasts shake with each powerful thrust.

I knew I was going to be sore for days, but I was lost to my lust. My nose was filled with the aroma of James' hot body. I howled and bucked my hips harder. My hands dig into the beach towel and the warm sand underneath. I knew James had already cum once inside Sonya, and I had no idea how long he would last a second time. His forceful fingers rubbing my tender clit drove me to another orgasm. I would have collapsed into a coma except his strong fingers were still rubbing my sweaty sex. He was fucking my pussy like I was a sex toy. All I heard was his grunting as he fucked me on and on. I screamed as I came again. I was out of my head by the time he finally came. He buried his cock deep and shot his semen into my unprotected womb.

He left me lying curled up on the blanket. I felt his semen leaking out of my gaping vagina. I was panting hard. Every now and then my body would shudder, and I would gasp for breath.

Someone kissed me on the cheek. I opened my eyes to see Sonya leaning over me with a smile. She stroked my face with her small hand. I grabbed her wrist and turned it to check the time on her wristwatch. Oh God, it was almost six. My aunt's note had insisted that I get back by six for dinner at a fancy restaurant. I pulled myself up to a sitting position and grabbed my suit top. Sonya was kneeling beside me guzzling from the jug of punch. She watched me fumble with the top.

She said, "Fucking on the hot sand makes me thirsty."

She handed me the jug and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hog it. I'll bet you need a drink too. Why don't you finish it?"

I didn't need any more alcohol, but she was right; I was thirsty. There were maybe two cups of punch left in the gallon jug. I tilted the jug back and eagerly swallowed the last of the potent drink.

"What in the hell did you guys put in the punch. It has a kick like a mule."

Pat laughed. "I emptied some of the punch out and added a fifth of tequila. Pretty awesome, huh?"

James handed me a bag stuffed with marijuana and a couple of joints. "This should keep you for a couple of days."

I held the bag for a moment before shaking my head and handing it back. I knew my aunt seemed to have an endless supply of weed. I was nervous enough about driving back after all the punch I had guzzled without carrying a huge bag of weed. "Thanks, but I have all I need."

Sonya saw me trying to fasten my top and said, "Let me help."

She tied the suit behind my back. It was too loose, but I was in a hurry. I stood up and reached for my bottoms. My pussy was still leaking semen, and I wiped myself with a beach towel. Thank God, for birth control pills. I stepped into the bottoms while the three guys watched. I tied the strings on my hips.

I grabbed my bag and said, "You can return the beach towel later."

Pat said, "Hey, I didn't get my turn. How will you know who the best man is? Can you come back tomorrow?"

I smiled at him and said, "See you in your dreams."

As I walked away, I heard Pat turn his attention to Sonya. "How about a happy birthday fuck for your eighteenth?"

Sonya replied, "What is it with boys? You can never get your important dates straight."

"Hey, at least I'm thinking of you."

"All you are thinking about is getting some pussy. Just shut your mouth and fuck me."


Chapter 8

I was reeling as I stumbled over to the path up the cliff. I had to hold onto the railing on the way up. I couldn't believe how wasted I was. I tossed my bag onto the passenger seat and climbed in. I sat in my aunt's convertible for a moment before starting the expensive car. It was only a couple of miles to my aunt's house. I could do it. I had driven drunk lots of times. I took a deep breath and slid it into gear. The car lurched when I let out the clutch.

I felt better once I made it across the main drag and was winding my way up the hill. The wind in my shoulder length hair felt invigorating. I loved the feel of driving the pretty convertible on the winding road. I was surprised to see I was going close to fifty. I slowed down for the last corner before my aunt's house. I looked both ways and rolled through the stop sign. Only a half mile to go.

I cursed when I heard the siren. I looked in the mirror and saw the flashing lights. I hit the brakes too hard and slid to a stop by the curb. I think I scared an old man working in his yard half to death. I grabbed my beach bag and fumbled around for my billfold. I pulled out my driver's license just as the officer reached my car door. He put his hand on the door and leaned over the open convertible.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

I looked up at the officer. His eyes were focused on the gap between my loose top and my barely concealed breasts. I recognized the police officer who had been taking photos of us from the top of the cliff. I squinted and read his name tag.

"I'm sorry, officer Joseph. I'm not sure. I'm late for dinner with my aunt and uncle. Maybe I was speeding?"

"You were definitely speeding. I would have let that pass except you seem to be having trouble staying on your side of the road. I hit the lights when you ran the stop sign. We have too many accidents on this road. I wouldn't want to see you wreck your aunt's car. I certainly wouldn't want to see you spoil that gorgeous body you were flaunting on the beach."

I blushed, "Then you know my aunt and uncle?"

"Everyone in Santa Teresa knows the president of the Arts Exposition and his sweet wife. It's hard to miss when your license plate is 'ART EX2. Now, why don't you show me the driver's license you are holding?"

I took a deep breath and leaned forward enough to expose more of my breasts. I thought showing the police officer some cleavage might end this troublesome discussion. I was sure my uncle could take care of a minor traffic ticket, but I wanted to get home before my aunt got worried. I handed the license to him. He stared at the license and compared it to my face.

"Please remove the dark glasses, mam."

I pulled off my glasses and wondered how bloodshot they were.

"I guess ignoring stop signs and speeding is normal in New York City."

"Officer, most of New York State is rural. I'm from Ithaca in Upstate New York. We don't speed much. There are too many deer."

"Well, Miss Williams, we have a lot of deer in the hills around this city. You're just as likely to hit a deer as another car. Ok, I need to see your registration."

I thought I was doing well. I knew I was wasted on alcohol and weed, but I felt I was doing an excellent job of hiding it. I had to think about where my aunt had the registration. I remembered my aunt saying it was in the glove box. I unfastened my seat belt and leaned over to get the document. I knew I was giving the police officer a good look at my butt. From the feel of the cool ocean breeze on my ass, I knew my damn suit was wedged in my crack, and my ass cheeks were showing. I tugged on the glove box, but it was locked.

I sat up to get the keys from the ignition and said, "Sorry, it's locked."

I leaned back over with the keys but dropped them when I missed the keyhole. I was almost upside down as I fumbled around on the floor searching for the keys. My suit top was hanging far enough away from my dangling breasts, I knew he had a clear view of my nipples.

My fear was confirmed when I heard him sigh and say, "Relax. Take your time and do it right. I've got another forty minutes left in my shift."

I found the keys and grabbed the one for the Mercedes. I managed to unlock the glove box this time. I rummaged around for a moment before I remembered Cathy saying the registration was in a black folder with the car manual. I found it buried in the bottom.

I sat back up and waved the folder. I flashed officer Joe a smile and said, "I got the folder."

I tugged on a stubborn snap, and the folder flew open. A large plastic baggie stuffed with weed and a couple of joints fell into my lap. Oh, God!

"Officer, I've never seen it before. Honest."

Officer Joe held out a brown paper sack and said, "Miss Williams, please put the baggie and joints in here."

I grabbed the mystery bag and stuffed it in the officer's sack. I watched as he wrote his name, badge number, my name, and the date. He walked back to his car and put the sack inside.

When he got back to my car, he said, "Miss Williams, please step out of the car."

Finding the large baggie of weed had me rattled. I made a complete mess out of the simple act of getting out of the car. First, I locked the door and tugged on the handle. It took me a moment to realize my error. When I got out of the car, I stumbled, and the officer had to catch me.

"Miss Williams, I don't have to give you a sobriety test to know you are driving under the influence of alcohol and probably marijuana. I'm taking you down to the station for a blood test."

"Am I under arrest?"

"Yes. I'm arresting you for felony possession of more than an ounce of a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

I stared at the officer in a state of confusion. After a year of law school, I never expected to have a policeman reading me my Miranda Rights.

"Miss Williams, do you understand what I said?"

"Yes, officer. I understand."

"Please turn around and place your hands on the hood of your car. I am required to perform a search for weapons and contraband before I transport you to the station. Do you understand?"

"Really? Is that necessary? I doubt I'm hiding anything under this skimpy swimsuit."

"I don't make the rules, sweetheart. Now, do us both a favor and turn around."

I wished the car wasn't so sporty. I had to bend way over to reach the low hood. I felt the ocean breeze on my sweaty breasts as the top of my suit fell away from my body. The police officer grasped my left shoulder and reached around my chest to squeeze one breast then the other through my swimsuit. I wanted to slug the asshole for groping me, but I remembered what the judge had said at my aunt's party about assaulting an officer.

When he slid his hand under my suit top and squeezed my nipple, I protested, "What the fuck do you think you're doing? You aren't searching me. You're molesting me."

Joe pressed his crotch against my suit bottom and tugged on my tender nipple. I could feel his erection pressing into my ass. "I knew you were a fucking whore the moment you and that little Mexican slut got naked on the beach. I enjoyed watching the two of you fingerfucking each other. I also watched you fucking those guys on the beach in exchange for a little weed. I've got it all on film. Tell me, Jean, do you prefer little girls or little boys? I can promise you there are a lot of real men at the station that would be glad to take care of your needs."

Joe's hand pressed hard against my taut abdomen and slid down toward my suit bottom.

"Please stop! You can't do this. If you don't stop, you'll be sorry."

I squealed as his hand slid inside my swimsuit bottom. His fingernails scratched through my small triangle of pubic hair. I was afraid he was going to rape me right there.

I sobbed, "Please, stop. Oh God, please."

Joe's fingers slid down my slit. I jerked against his hard body when his fingernails rasped across my clit. I was shaking when he pressed his rough finger into my vagina and ground his erection against my ass. I felt a moment of relief when he pulled his finger out of my wet pussy. I shrieked when his fingers grasped my clit. He pinched hard, and I lost it.

"Asshole get your hands off me!"

I spun away from the hand grasping my shoulder and tried to slap him. He pulled away, and my fingernails raked across his cheek. I heard something snap as I fell to the ground sobbing. Joe was on his knees with a hand pressed against his cheek. He looked surprised when he pulled his hand away and saw blood. There were three long gashes across his cheek.

"Fucking bitch! I'm through being nice."

Joe sprang up and slammed me face first across the hood. He cuffed my wrists tight behind my back and dragged me toward his patrol car. I tripped when my suit bottom fell to my feet. He pulled me up and dragged me the rest of the way to the car. He took the time to unfold a blanket on the seat.

"I don't want any fucking semen oozing all over my patrol car."

He shoved me in the back seat and slammed the door. He walked back to my car and bent down to retrieve something from the ground. I was in shock from being manhandled. It took a moment to realize he had gone back for my suit bottom. I realized his hand had gotten caught in my suit bottom when I hit him. The flimsy string had snapped, and I was sitting in the back of a police cat wearing only my tiny bikini top. The loose top had ridden up, and my right breast was exposed. I tried to shake it down, but the thin fabric was plastered to the top of my sweaty breast.

I was exposed to the world as I sat in the car. I looked around and saw the old gardener and a friend staring at me from ten feet away. I watched Joe walk over to them and talk for a moment. He wrote in his notebook and returned to the police car. He groaned when he sat in the car. I was shocked at the amount of blood running down his face.

I said, "I think you're making a mistake..."

He cut me off. "Fuck off, bitch. I don't want another word out of you. If you say one more thing, I'll pull the car over to the side of the road and introduce you to my Picana Electrica. Maybe 16,000 volts from a cattle prod will shut your trap."

Joe parked the car in a lot next to a wide stairway leading up to the Santa Teresa Municipal Office Building. I was in a panic. He intended to walk me up the steps in broad daylight with most of my body exposed.

When he opened the door, I pleaded, "Please don't make me do this. At least let me wear the blanket."

"Either walk or I'll prod you up the stairs."

I slid across the seat to get away from him, but he leaned in, and he grabbed my bicep. He yanked me out of the car and tore the blanket out of my hands.

"The blanket stays in the car."

I cried all the way up the stairs. The entrance to the building led to a long hallway. It was after 6:30 in the evening and most of the city employees had gone home. The hallway was deserted except for a couple of middle-aged men. I thought the fat bald guy's eyes were going to jump out of his head as he ogled my exposed pussy. He poked his friend, and they both stared my bare pussy as Joe led me down the hall. The fat guy quipped, "Policemen have all of the fun."

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