Jean - The Birth of Venus Ch. 16


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Earlier in the summer, I had expressed my concern about the large doghouse built to imitate a Southern mansion. Once my aunt explained that their Saint Bernard had died, I hadn't given the ornate structure a second thought. Now, I found myself squatting down to look inside while my aunt held a flashlight. The big doghouse wasn't quite tall enough to let me stand up, but the floor was covered by a stained mattress coated with dog hairs. My aunt demonstrated how to operate a water fountain designed for the touch of a paw. I smiled when I saw that my aunt had thought to leave me with a vibrator in case I couldn't sleep.

Cathy said in a voice devoid of emotion, "The chain is long enough for you to take a dip in the shallow end of the pool in case you want to clean up. However, you need to be careful wandering around at night. The chain is also long enough to allow you to fall off the cliff. If that happens, you'll be lucky to break your neck and die quickly. Otherwise, the choke chain will slowly strangle you. It's too steep to climb back up."

She walked me toward the back of the yard and pointed the flashlight downward. A concrete embankment kept the landfilled lot from sliding down the hillside. There was a ten or twelve-foot drop to a steep slope covered with the scraggly chaparral typical of Southern California.

"If you need to use the bathroom, it will help keep the yard clean if you'd squat on the edge when you do your business. Just don't fall over the edge."

It had been a couple of hours since I wet myself when the dogs attacked me, and I was desperate.

"Cathy, can you let me use the bathroom in the house before I go to bed?"

My aunt sighed. "It's too much trouble with the chain. Besides, your uncle is taking a shower. I think now is the perfect time to get used to your outdoor toilet. Don't worry. Nobody in the house can see."

I knew arguing with my aunt was useless. I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was right. Thanks to the slope, I couldn't see the house. I squatted on the top of the embankment while tightly gripping a sturdy sapling. My aunt grinned at me as I emptied my bladder over the edge. I smiled back at her. It was a beautiful place to pee. The moonlit fog now covered most of Santa Teresa except for a handful of lights on the hillside far below us. The magical light display suggested I wasn't over the massive quantity of Ecstasy my aunt had slipped into my drinks.

As we walked back to the doghouse, my stomach let out a rumble. It had been hours since I'd eaten one thin slice of pizza.

"Cathy, I'm hungry. Can I get a bite to eat? Maybe there's some pizza left??"

My aunt sighed like my request was some Herculean task. She disappeared inside the house for a few minutes. When she returned, she was carrying an opened can and a large bowl.

"The pizza is all gone. I think Ray and Manu fought over the last slice. I'm sure I don't need to remind you that I'm not a cook. I found this can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew in our earthquake survival kit. It's only a couple of years out of date."

I watched in stunned surprise as she spilled the unheated contents into a bowl painted with the name Barnabas. She set the dog bowl next to the water fountain. She handed me a pill and turned to go.

"Cathy, I —"

"Jean, don't forget to take your pill. We wouldn't want to get you pregnant while we're treating your nymphomania."

"Cathy, I think I've already had two birth control pills today."

Cathy stopped and turned. She placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head. After a pause, she said, "Well, it's already tomorrow. Besides, with all the sex you're having, I think it's a good idea to double up on birth control for the rest of the week."

"But what good will that do? One pill is all anyone needs. What about side effects?"

"Didn't you pay attention when your gynecologist prescribed birth control? The protection isn't perfect. Five percent of sexually active women taking birth control pills become pregnant each year. Thanks to your nymphomania, you're fucking guys as fast as I can round them up. Believe me, doubling or tripling your dose is in your best interest."

I had no idea birth control pills had such a high failure rate. I was glad my aunt was looking out for me. If I got pregnant, my plans for the future would be ruined.

With her quick retort, my aunt started back to the house. I stared at the dog dish heaped with cold stew but didn't see any utensils or even a napkin.

I shouted to her back. "Could I please have a fork or spoon?"

Cathy turned and smiled. "Sorry, I forgot utensils. Thanks to your running off, it's been another long day. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed. You'll just have to manage without. Just stick your face in the bowl and gobble up your yummy dinner. After all, you're a dog now."

I cried as she walked away, ignoring my feeble protests. My stomach growled in protest. I knelt by the dead dog's bowl and wiped away the tears. There was no way I was going to stick my face in the cold stew. I scooped out a mouthful and stuck the mess in my mouth. I gagged once on the congealed fat, but I was so hungry I somehow managed to empty the bowl. I pressed on the fountain and washed down my dinner with a few gulps of warm water. I curled up on the mattress and wrapped my arms around my body. It had been a long crazy day, and I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Chapter 39

I slept for maybe a couple of minutes before I was disturbed. I heard the chain clanking as I fought my way back to consciousness. A gentle tug tightened the choke collar. My hand went to my throat to ease the pressure as I crawled out of the doghouse. I was disoriented and frightened. Who was pulling my chain?

My eyes followed a pair of massive brown legs up to a thick muscular torso before my gaze settled on a smiling Samoan. It was the police chief's son, Ray.

"Cathy asked for a volunteer to help with your nymphomania treatment. You've worn everyone else out, so I felt it was my duty to take care of your needs before I rouse my sleeping Dad and take him home."

I watched as the big Samoan stripped off his tee-shirt and stepped out of his tennis shoes. I licked my lips as I felt my body instantly respond. He teased me for a moment as he slowly unzipped his fly before wiggling his hips and letting his shorts fall to his feet. His underwear strained to contain his massive erection.

I crawled over to his feet and hooked my hands in the waistband of his tight briefs. I yanked the cotton garment to his feet and was rewarded with the sight of one of the fattest cocks in Southern California. I believed my aunt might be right about the Tatupu family. I knew of only one cock that was thicker and that one belonged to his Dad. Ray's massive brown cock was bigger than the porn star who had performed all summer on the rotating platform in front of my exhibit. My uncle's cock was a smidgen longer but not as fat. Was there something in Santa Teresa's water?

I smiled up at Ray as I captured his bouncing erection in both hands and peeled his foreskin back to reveal an enormous mushroom head. I gently twisted my hands in opposite directions as I pumped his hard organ. I was rewarded with a glob of precum. I kept pumping as I licked the delicious seed from the tip. I smiled up at my friend as I strained to open my lips wide enough to take him inside my mouth. My eyes teared up from the strain. I moaned around his erection as he slipped past my lips. He grabbed the back of my head and fucked a couple of inches of his cock into my mouth as I licked and sucked. I felt sad for Ray. He would never enjoy the pleasure of deep throating a woman. Certainly, no woman I knew could handle a cock that thick.

I tried to make up for his misfortune by massaging his huge balls. I heard Ray inhale sharply as I gently squeezed them. When I was sure he couldn't get any harder, I pulled my mouth off his cock and smiled up at him.

I kept pumping his erection and fondling his balls as I said, "How do you want to fuck me?"

Ray laughed. "How is that even a question? You're sleeping in a doghouse and wearing a dog collar. Obviously, we're going to do it doggy style."

I ignored his annoying attempt at humor. I tried not to care about the implied insult. I just wanted his big brown cock inside as fast as possible. I moved to my hands and knees and pivoted to face the lights of Santa Teresa.

I wiggled my ass and said, "Well, hurry up. It's not polite to keep a lady waiting."

Ray laughed and knelt behind me. He grabbed my waist with a hand so large his thumb was touching my anus, and his middle finger was pressed against my labia. He slid his cock up and down my slit. I squealed as the hard, hot organ rubbed across my clit. He pulled away for a second, and I started to protest.

"Oh, God, Ray. Please fuck —"

I saw stars as he buried the whole length of his fat cock in my wet pussy with one firm thrust. I shrieked with intense pleasure and pain as every part of my straining vagina was stimulated at once. Ray held his cock steady, deep in my core while my pussy adjusted. He kept one hand on my waist and grabbed my shoulder with the other. I was panting hard as the pain faded. I realized he was politely waiting for a sign from me before he proceeded. What a gentleman.

I rocked my hips forward a few inches before slamming my ass back against his crotch. After a couple more lunges, Ray got the message. He pressed the first joint of his thumb into my anus and flicked my clit with his fingertip. I shrieked with pleasure. I closed my eyes and held still as I waited for what I knew was coming.

Ra pulled back slow enough that I felt every ridge and vein on his gorgeous cock. He paused for a second with just the tip inside. I took a couple of quick breaths before he slammed his cock back inside. This time he didn't pause when he bottomed out. His crotch bounced off my muscular ass, and his cock flew back to the entrance to my hungry hole. Again, he didn't pause. My body shuddered as he rebounded from my quivering butt. My breasts swayed and then juddered at the violent impact.

I picked up his rhythm and drove my hips back to meet him. My body broke out in a sweat as I bucked against his hard ride, his fingers flying across my clit. I screamed as my body responded with a long, intense orgasm. My vagina squeezed his iron-hard cock, but Ray never broke stride as he upped the pace and rode my slim body harder. My second orgasm came faster and harder, and a glorious third one followed on its heels. I fought for breath between orgasms. Ray was a fucking machine. He fucked me harder and faster than the big black dildo at the Exhibition had ever done. God, a real hot cock was so much better than a piece of plastic.

I have no idea how long Ray fucked me. I had gone limp in his grip and was semi-conscious when the big brown Samoan let out a bellow and held his massive cock against my womb as he shot a ton of his warm seed into me. I was still crying when his flaccid cock finally slid out of my quivering vagina. Maybe it was the lingering effects of the Ecstasy, but I had never been fucked so well in my life. Ray carried me into the doghouse and held me until I stopped shaking. I fell into a deep sleep with his warm, sweaty body wrapped around mine.

Chapter 40

The vicious pack of dogs found me sleeping in the doghouse. Ray had left me alone and unprotected. My body froze in terror and refused to obey my head that was screaming for me to flee. The monstrous, snarling beasts jammed through the doghouse opening and were on me in a heartbeat. I opened my mouth to scream, but I couldn't utter even the softest squeal. Sharp teeth tore at my tender flesh.

I woke from the terrifying nightmare whimpering. My trembling body was coated in sweat as adrenaline coursed through my veins. My nostrils flared at the overwhelming stench of stale dog from my uncle's deceased Saint Bernard. My aunt's vibrator was humming in my wet pussy. I released a piercing scream as I jammed the fat pulsating plastic cock deep in my wet pussy. I arched my back and thrust the vibrator against my G-spot again and again. I screamed even louder as I came hard. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I tried to forget the horrifying dream.

I tensed when I heard cries from the dog pack again. I forced myself to relax after I realized the nasty animals were miles away. I felt stifled in the hot, smelly doghouse. I took the now quiet vibrator with me as I crawled out of the shelter. I pulled the chain with me to keep the choke collar loose. I laid on the soft grass staring down at the twinkling lights of the beach town sprawled below my aunt and uncle's palatial home. The fog had drifted in from the ocean and now covered half of the city. The moonlight shining on the cloud bank made it look like Santa Teresa was tucked in a glowing silken sheet for the night. The smell of sagebrush and mesquite reminded me I was high up on a California hillside. The peaceful night sounds of a soft chorus of insects completed the relaxing setting.

The surreal vision made me aware that the drugs my aunt had slipped into the numerous Pina Coladas I'd consumed were still distorting my perception. In a word, I was stoned and somehow perpetually horny. I turned the vibrator back on and ran the dancing tip up and down my wet slit. My body jerked excitedly when I brushed the vibrator against the gold band encircling my exposed clit. Maybe my aunt was right. Perhaps I was a nymphomaniac. I certainly couldn't get enough to satisfy my cravings.

My whole being was focused on my clit. The sound of the powerful vibrator drowned out every other sound. I wasn't aware the Reverend was sitting beside me until after I drove my insatiable pussy to another warm orgasm.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you. One of the 'joys' of getting old is losing the ability to sleep through the night. After staring at the ceiling for an hour in a room that is far too warm, I thought I'd escape my wife's snoring. Everyone in the house is exhausted from the party and competing with my wife for the world's loudest snorer. I didn't expect to find you awake. I'd be very grateful if you'd let me sit with you and stare at the stars."

I smiled at my uncle's father as he pleaded with me to ease his loneliness. His eyes were staring off into the distance as if he were trying to ignore my naked body glistening in the moonlight. I laughed to think the arrogant minister could possibly be embarrassed by my behavior. I flicked on the vibrator and moaned as I drove it back deep into my wet pussy.

"I would love your company. I need the advice of an expert on sexual deviants. I'm frightened that my aunt might be correct in her diagnosis. I can't control myself for more than a few minutes. Maybe I am a nymphomaniac, after all."

I shrieked as I held the vibrator against the gold ring around my clit. My other hand tugged at my nipples as my body shook. I made no attempt to hide the fact that I had driven my body into another mind-numbing orgasm. It seemed the summer's art exhibition had turned me into an exhibitionist as well as a nymphomaniac. Even if the minister's consul proved useless, I would still enjoy having an audience to my never-ending masturbation.

The Reverend gave me a look of understanding and compassion.

"Your aunt said she and my son took you in out of pity after you spent the summer as a volunteer at the immoral Exhibition of Erotic Art Through the Ages. Cathy said she couldn't believe what the decadent villains running the Exhibition had put you through. She said they were the ones who turned you into a nymphomaniac. As I drove down from Portland, I saw billboards all along the highway advertising the Exhibition. They featured Botticelli's pornographic painting 'The Birth of Venus.' Is it true that you played Venus? I don't understand why anyone would volunteer to appear naked in front of hundreds of thousands of strangers while riding a vibrator."

I realized that the Reverend had no idea his son was the President of The Art Exhibition. The elderly man had left to take a shower after fucking me on the kitchen counter and missed Cathy's confession of their guilt for aiding me in becoming a nymphomaniac. For now, all I wanted was for the minister to realize I was an innocent victim. If he was going to help me, he needed to know I wasn't a disciple of the devil.

"I didn't volunteer. The city fathers coerced me into performing. They framed me on a variety of bogus charges and threatened me with eighteen years in prison if I didn't agree to perform community service. I had no idea when I 'volunteered' that I would end up naked, playing Venus in front of thousands of tourists."

The Reverend sighed. "I am sorry for the ordeal the devils put you through. It's a wonder you have any sanity left. I can see you are still in crisis. These people are wicked. Even though Southern California is the home to the pornographic film industry and is crawling with homosexuals, Santa Teresa is the center of the foulest evil. The Art Exhibition is run by the most decadent people on earth since Sodom and Gomorrah. I hope God casts them into the deepest depths of hell."

I began sobbing as I gave into my torment. I sat up and wrapped my arms around the Reverend's muscular neck. He pulled me onto his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. I rested my cheek on his massive chest. He stroked my bare back as I thought about the threat of spending eighteen years in prison. I had hoped I'd left the menace left far behind, but just tonight, I had been reminded that I had been released to my aunt and uncle on probation. The Chief of Police warned me that my next attempt would result in being brought up in front of the judge. I knew the hateful bastard wouldn't hesitate to revoke my plea agreement. The thought of spending eighteen years in the state maximum security prison where I would be at the mercy of male guards was too horrifying to contemplate. Somehow the idea of being repeatedly raped by the prison guards aroused me. I dropped my hand to my sex and rubbed my clit.

I whimpered when the Reverend's large black hands began kneading my bare ass cheeks. He held me against his crotch as he laid back on the grass.

"Jean, I think it's time for your next treatment. However, I'm exhausted. My wife drank too much of the Ecstasy laced Pina Coladas meant to treat your nymphomania, and I spent much of the evening satisfying her demands. The best I can do is to lie on my back and let you use me to find relief."

The Reverend pushed he boxers down his legs and kicked them off. His enormous penis was flaccid, and I had to lick and suck it for several minutes before it was hard enough to ride. I straddled his lap again and guided his massive black cock to the hairless entrance to my throbbing vagina. I pressed the fat tip inside me and drove my hips down, taking his whole fat cock in one quick thrust.

I rode the corpulent Reverend hard for what seemed an eternity. His eyes were closed, and except for an occasional moan, he might have been asleep. One of my hands was busy rubbing my clit while I tugged on my nipples with the other. I hoped maybe his wife had left him hard but incapable of achieving another orgasm tonight, but all good things must end. The Reverend eventually became more and more aroused. His large hands found my hips and helped me fuck him faster just when I started to fade. I was sad when he came with a bellow loud enough to be heard in the sleeping town a mile or more below us. I clenched my pussy repeatedly as I milked every drop of semen from his massive balls.

I kept rubbing my clit even as his flaccid cock slid out of my hungry pussy. I stared at the lights of Santa Teresa and wondered how the small beach town compared to Sodom and Gomorrah.