Jean: The Box Cutter Murders Ch. 05


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Herod noticed I was staring at the man and said, "Krystal, this is Staff Sergeant Wilson. He did three tours in Nam. I was in his platoon when we got ambushed near the DMZ. Our point man triggered a mine that killed the first three men in line. Wilson was badly wounded. Our medic came forward to treat him and took a round that blew out the back of his head. Our green Lieutenant was shouting fucked up orders when he took several rounds to his chest. Fortunately for us, the radio operator called in support fire before taking a bullet in the neck that also shattered the radio. We lost half the platoon before we were rescued. Wilson got burned by the white phosphor in one of our artillery rounds."

Wilson said, "Pleased to meet the lovely lady."

I thought he was extending his ruined hand for me to shake. I gulped and extended my hand. His hand brushed mine aside and grabbed my breast instead. I squealed as he pinched my sensitive nipple. I grabbed his wrist, but I couldn't free myself from his painful grip as he rolled my hard nipple between his rough fingers. Herod's arm around my waist held my body tight against his chest.

Wilson mauled my breast as he said, "Corporal Herod neglected to mention that he saved my life that day. Despite the heavy fire, he crawled over and applied a tourniquet to my arm. I would have bled out long before the rescue force arrived."

"Sarge, cut the lady some slack. She's rolling on Molly, and your touch may be more than she can handle. Come over to my place next week, and I'll let you fuck her for free."

Sargent Wilson reluctantly released my nipple and said, "I'll certainly take you up on your offer. She's exquisite."

I shook my head but failed to clear it. I couldn't believe these macho assholes. I had managed to convince Herod to buy me a few drinks and then coach me for the dance contest. I knew he was a pimp, but how did he think he had the right to offer my body to strangers?

Herod slipped his hand between my thighs and began working it up to the bottom of my short dress. I grabbed his wrist with both of my hands and stopped him for the moment. His hand was burning my thigh. I felt another wave of ecstasy flood my senses. I twisted in his lap and steadied myself with one hand. I jerked it away when I realized I had placed my hand on something long and hard. Only the thin cloth of his shorts separated my hand from his erection. Herod laughed and grabbed my wrist. He shoved my hand inside his shorts and held it against his cock. I closed my hand around his hot shaft. Oh, my God, it was so fat and hard. I leaned against his chest and slowly stroked his erection. I was out of my mind with lust.

I felt two hands on my knees that weren't Herod's pushing my legs apart. At the same time, Herod slid his hand up the tender flesh of my inner thigh and slipped it under my skirt. I was powerless to stop him with only one hand clutching his wrist. I gasped as he kneaded my bare pussy. I glanced down and was shocked to see he had brushed the bottom of my dress up to expose my glistening pussy to the world. Wilson slid his hands up the soft insides of my trembling thighs. He was leaning over my legs, and a stream of saliva was dripping onto my upper thighs. I moaned when his mangled fingers slid into my wet vagina.

I heard the Sergeant inhale sharply and mutter, "Sweet."

I closed my eyes tight. I knew everyone in the bar must be watching. I couldn't believe I was letting these two men maul my nearly naked body in front of a mob of horny men. I will confess I like sex more than any woman I've ever known. When I attended a workshop on women's health, I was troubled to learn that none of the women masturbated more than twice a week. Hell, unless I had a boyfriend available to satisfy my needs, I had done the dirty deed three or four times a day ever since I reached puberty. In school, I took frequent bathroom breaks. My current boyfriend, Steve, called me his little nymphomaniac. I loved Steve for his hard body and sharp mind, but more than anything I loved his stamina in bed. Still, despite my raging sex drive, I never had sex in public. I kept my sex life very private. I couldn't understand why I was happily stroking Herod's cock while he mauled my breasts and his friend thrust his mutilated fingers into my dripping pussy.

I saw colored lights flash in the dark behind my closed eyelids. I rolled my hips and whimpered as the Sergeant thrust two of his battered fingers in and out of my wet vagina. The odor of my sex permeated the air. Herod's body gave a jerk, and my hand slid up to the head of his cock. I felt something wet and sticky. My body shuddered as Wilson drove two rough fingers into my core. I was surprised when I tasted cum in my mouth. When had I moved my hand from Herod's cock to my mouth?

Herod's thumb mashed my clit, and I came hard. My exposed breasts shook as my body shuddered with my orgasm. I must have screamed because when I opened my eyes, everyone was staring and laughing at my plight.

The bartender set a couple more whiskeys on the bar in front of us. He added two water bottles to the mix.

John winked as he said, "The double whiskeys are on the house for entertaining the crowd. The water bottles are also doubles."

I sipped my whiskey and wondered what John meant about the water bottles being doubles. Herod grabbed his glass and downed it in a couple of swigs. He slid the whiskey intended for me over to his buddy Wilson.

"Come on, let's go upstairs. I must get back to managing my escort service soon. If you want to work for me as an escort, you have to come now."

John laughed at Herod's escort service comment. We both knew the wiry little man was a notorious pimp. I wondered what Herod would say when he found out I wasn't interested in working for him. All I wanted was to talk about his girl's murder.

Despite the hallucinogenic effects of the Molly someone had slipped me, I knew what was in store for me if I went upstairs. Herod had made no attempt to hide his physical attraction for me. I had to decide quickly if the information I wanted was worth having sex with him. I laughed to myself. Now was no time to protect my long lost virginity. The price of learning that Jamel and Youssef had been with David on the night of the murder was getting fucked by the two brothers. I had repeatedly been fucked by four Philadelphia Eagles players and their driver to find out that Marian had seen Jamel, Youssef and David go off with her friend Inesa on the night she was murdered. Mariam had also said that Herod had followed the foursome. I had to talk to Herod about that night.

I murmured, "Ok, but just for a short talk."

Herod put a wad of cash on the bar and said, "John, could I have the key to the room in the back on the second floor? I'd like a little privacy for our chat."

Herod picked up the key and led me to the stairs. He had his hand under my short skirt cupping my ass as we climbed the stairs. At least when I was wearing the thong, I could pretend my ass wasn't naked. I was still aroused from being finger-fucked at the bar in front of everyone in the club. His hand on my bare skin burned. I was struggling to fight the effects of the Molly. I had hoped it would wear off, but now it was stronger than ever. I had grabbed the two water bottles John had prepared and was drinking one as I climbed the stairs. I stumbled and, I would have fallen in a quivering heap if Herod hadn't been holding my arm.

As I leaned against Herod, I heard Scav yelling from his table. "Hey Krystal, I knew you would be going upstairs tonight. It's my turn next, sweetheart."

Herod paused and turned to look at my heckler. "Hey Scav, I'm seasoning a new girl at my place later tonight. I could use some help. Why don't you and your buddies stop by around 2?"

I heard cheers from Scav and his friends. Herod pushed my ass up the stairs. I stumbled again, and he gripped my upper arm tighter. The hand that was cupping my ass slipped between my thighs. I jerked upright and moaned when he pressed a couple of fingers into my wet vagina. I heard more catcalls from Scav's table as they laughed at the sight of Herod's finger grinding into my dripping pussy. His fingers in my sex guided me up the stairs. He didn't remove his fingers until we reached the door at the end of the hallway.

Herod escorted me inside with one hand on my neck. The grimy room was sparsely furnished with a bed, an upholstered chair and a small table with a lamp. The only window was open to let in air. I could see a fire escape outside the window. I heard Herod lock the door behind us. I was trying to figure out how to bring up the subject of Inesa's murder when he began fumbling with the ties on the top of my dress with his other hand.


Herod solved the problem of my Gordian Knot by ripping the ties from the dress. The top of my ruined dress fluttered to my waist.

Herod, please wait."

I tried to turn around, but his strong hand on my neck restrained me. He shoved his hand under my waistband. I heard the elastic snap and the flimsy cloth tear. My ravaged dress dropped to my feet. I almost tripped on the remains as he shoved me forward against the back of the chair. My upper body fell forward. Herod kicked my feet apart, and he grabbed my hips. I screamed in anticipation of the pain that never came when he drove his fat cock into my pussy. I was still distended from fucking the beer bottle. Herod's cock was smaller than the bottle, and he easily drove it all the way in. I was relieved to realize he was also smaller than those two freakish brothers, Jamel and Youssef.

I felt his pubic hair momentarily tickle my ass before he began fucking me hard. His powerful thrusts drove my hips across the top of the chair. My clit was dragged back and forth over the rough cloth. I screamed with an intense orgasm.

My vagina squeezed his cock and Herod grunted. He took a couple of deep breaths as he waited for my pussy to relax. He soon resumed fucking me faster and harder. I was rolling so hard on the Molly I was burning with desire. The feeling of his fat cock stretching my pussy drove me to one orgasm after another. Each of them was more intense than the last. I soon reached a state of almost constant orgasms. I was out of my mind with lust.

I was surprised when he drove in deep and clutched my sweaty ass tight against his crotch. His body shuddered as he filled my unprotected womb with his potent seed. He kept my pulsating vagina plugged as I milked him for every drop of his semen. I felt the whipping tails of every single one of his energetic sperm as they swam in search of an egg to fertilize. His sperm flooded my brain. I was swimming naked in an ocean of Herod's semen. I raced his seed towards the sparkling surface of the ocean. I opened my eyes and gasped for air when I broke the surface.

I was back in the room. The wave of Molly induced hallucinations had passed for now. I felt somewhat clearheaded for a moment. I knew I needed to focus. There was a reason I was here.

Herod was still gasping for air. When his flaccid cock slid out of my pussy, I felt a stream of warm cum run down my thighs. He pulled me off the chair and turned me around to face him. I would have collapsed to the floor if he wasn't holding me up against the chair.

Herod bent down and picked up the last bottle of water from the floor. I was so hot and thirsty, I grabbed it from his hand and chugged it.

"Thanks, for the water. I'm so thirsty I don't even mind the taste of the water purification tablet. It's sweet of John to worry about my health."

Herod laughed. "You're a stupid cunt. There's nothing wrong with North Philly water. John's been spiking your water with Molly all night. True, it's just club strength for college students, but with all he's given you tonight, you must be in heaven."

"Oh god, no. John promised to keep me safe. I thought he was my friend."

"John only cares about the bottom line. He slipped you the Molly to make his customers happy. Hell, you can't complain. You earned second prize in the dance contest and make a ton of tips. Not bad for your first night as a waitress, but you can do better working for me."

I felt another wave of Molly fueled lust and I reached for Herod's hard black body. I moaned, "Oh God, no, no, no."

My shaky hand was pressed against his muscular chest. I was staring down at his cock. Even partially erect, it was well above average. I raised my other hand to grasp his cock. It was slippery with my fluids and his semen.

"Well bitch, I guess we know you like sex."

I was breathing hard. My body was so hot I thought I had a fever. "Oh God, yes, that was fucking amazing! I like sex a lot, but then there is sex, and there is awesome sex. I've only had awesome sex a few times in my life."

I'd had thought my sex life was great. I had put a lot of effort into teaching my boyfriend, Steve how to pleasure me, but I hadn't realized what my body could do until Jamal had driven me to one orgasm after another on top of a rumbling clothes dryer. I'd rarely had an orgasm with a man while he was fucking me and multiple orgasms from masturbation were almost as rare. Now after I finished law school, I planned on going to California and give Steve an advanced course in sex. He was strong and fit enough to match Herod's performance. His cock wasn't as large, but it was bigger than average. It was certainly big enough; he just needed to learn better technique. I was going to enjoy teaching Steve as much as he would enjoy the lessons.

My hand was sliding up and down Herod's cock as I thought about Steve. I could feel the black cock stiffen in my grasp. I wondered if I could manage another bout of awesome sex without dying. I slid to my knees and licked our juices from his cock. I had to stretch my jaws to take the bulbous head into my mouth. I ran my tongue around the tip while my busy hands stroked his shaft and kneaded his large balls. There was no way I could handle more than the first couple of inches of his cock. I doubted anyone on Earth could deep throat his thick cock. I slid my hand from his balls and found my pussy. I rubbed my clit hard as I stroked his cock.

Herod let me worship his cock until his breathing became rapid. I was afraid he would come in my mouth, and I would miss out. He surprised me by bending down and pulling me to my feet. His hands cupped my ass, and he raised me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he lowered me onto his beautiful cock. As soon as I was mounted, he began fucking me hard. He used his hands on my ass to hammer his cock into my vagina. I used my legs to help. I had one hand around his neck, and the other was still rubbing my clit. My brain was rolling with the Molly again. I couldn't believe how much pleasure I was capable of feeling. I screamed as another torrent of intense orgasms began. I have a feeling that Herod lasted longer this time, but I was so fucked up, I couldn't think straight.

I became aware of my surroundings again when Herod lowered my feet to the floor. He pulled my fingers from my clit and said, "Well, bitch, if you want to work for me, we need to get going."

I remembered why I was here tonight. I had to play along and pretend I was interested in working as an escort.

"Herod, I'm interested in your offer, but I'm worried about my safety. Jasmine told me that the girl who was cut in two worked for you. How come you couldn't protect her?"

Herod grabbed my ponytail and dragged me to my feet. He spun me around and got in my face.

"You dumb, fucking cunt."

He slammed his fist into my stomach, and I crumbled to my hands and knees. I fought to draw breath back into my lungs as Herod yelled curses down on me.

Herod stood over me and hissed, "Fucking cunt. Krystal my ass. Do you think I'm stupid, Jean? Do you think I don't know you're one of Samuel's whores? I asked around after that asshole stole my top earner. Several girls saw Samuel drop you off at the corner where Marian was working. They saw you and Marian get in a limo together. Samuel used you to recruit my girl. I don't understand why you're coming after me now with bullshit questions about Inesa. Are you hoping I'll take you back to my stable so you can recruit the rest of my girls."

I used the wall to struggle to my feet. Herod slapped me across the face and yelled, "Well, I'm going to take you back to my place, but you won't be recruiting anyone. You're going to work for me until you pay back all the money I lost on Marian and Inesa."

Another blow spun me around, and the back of my head slammed against the wall. Everything went black.

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