Jean: The Box Cutter Murders Ch. 06


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It had been dark for hours when they left me alone to sleep undisturbed for the first time in days. It was bright outside when I woke up naked and hungry with a painful bladder. I was confused about my surroundings. I slid off the bed and took a couple of steps toward the door. Something grabbed my ankle, and I fell with a crash. I cried out in pain. I couldn't understand why I was chained to the bed frame.

The door flew open, and an old woman stared at me. Her grin revealed the gaps in her teeth. "We were laying bets on when you would wake up. It's nearly four in the afternoon, so I think Rosie won. Come on, let's get you to the bathroom."

She bent down and unlocked the chain. She held onto the end as she walked me across the hallway. She watched as I squatted on the toilet and relieved myself. I washed my hands and face. My cheeks were crusted with dried tears.

"Come on, Krystal, you need to eat and get dolled up before the Johns arrive. I think you should expect more customers tonight because the word is out on the street that Herod has a hot new white girl."

Julie led me into the kitchen and locked my chain to a table. She got me a mug of coffee and brought me milk and sugar when I asked. Rosie brought me a plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and a pile of toast. I couldn't remember when I had last eaten real food. My stomach rumbled at the smell of the hot, greasy bacon. I ate everything in front of me. Rosie even scrambled another three eggs for me.

When I was done eating, Rosie led me back to the bathroom. She removed the ankle bracelet and helped me into the tub. The two women repeated the previous day's preparation. As soon as they finished the makeup, they led me back into the bedroom and chained me to the frame.

I held Julie's hand and begged, "Please no. I can't."

Julie laughed, "Of course you can. You'd be surprised at what you can do when you have to."

I didn't put up a fight when the first man entered the room. I recognized him. It was Scav.

Rosie began calling several of Herod's regular customers. I was the new girl in town, and she had no problem lining up paying customers. In one evening, I had more sexual partners than I had in my entire life before I was taken by Herod.

I woke up around noon and was surprised to find the chain gone. I got up by myself and bathed. Rosie came in to help me with my hair. She handed me the same piece of clothing that had been stripped from me before. It was a semi-transparent wrap that was sized for a ten-year-old. The sides didn't overlap, and the bottom of the garment only covered the top of my ass. Rosie led me to the dining room table. I sat my bare ass on the wood chair she held out for me. She brought me a mug of coffee while Julie cooked me breakfast. I was sipping the strong coffee when Julie placed a plate heaping with scrambled eggs, hash browns and several slices of bacon. I ate everything and asked for seconds.

Rosie said, "Herod was pleased with your performance the last two nights. You will find he gives rewards to good girls. We're going to see how you do today without the chain."

After breakfast, I went back to bed until it was time for Rosie to prepare me for my night's work.

When I went in for dinner, I met the rest of the women in Herod's stable. They weren't pleased to find a skinny white girl sharing their dinner table. They looked at me as a rival for the rewards Herod occasionally handed out. Their attitude pissed me off. They might turn half a dozen tricks on a busy Friday out on the streets. I was doing twice as many every night of the week.

I had a dinner of pork chops, collard greens, and mashed potatoes while keeping an eye on the other women. Rosie brushed my hair and did my makeup as soon as I finished eating. I only had a few minutes before I was led back to my bedroom. The well-worn mattress was covered with a pink sheet. Word had spread that Herod had a new white girl in his stable. I was busy from early evening until dawn. Rosie and Julie kept the line moving. They performed the minimum effort cleaning me up between customers. Their only concession was to occasionally rinse out the washcloth they used to wipe the semen from my crotch.

After Herod took the women he trusted on the streets alone to their posts, he came in and watched me perform. Over breakfast, he gave me advice on improving my performance. His goal was to reduce the amount of time I spent with a customer while ensuring their return. He recommended using my hands and mouth to get them so aroused that they would cum soon after shoving their dick into my vagina. His second recommendation was to talk to the customers and praise them for the size of their cocks and the skill of their performance. We spent an hour practicing my sweet talk. Of course, it was a hands-on lesson. I was impressed with his ability to last a whole hour, so it was easy to praise his performance. He made it even easier to praise him when he used his mouth on my pussy. He brought me closer to what would have been my first orgasm since the day after I was kidnapped from the Velvet Groove. I think he left me unsatisfied on purpose.

That night I followed his advice. I cut the customers' visits in half, but every one of them left with a smile. Even the ones who came in my mouth promised to return. I slept until two in the afternoon. I took my bath and put on my tiny bathrobe. I headed into the kitchen for my afternoon breakfast. Herod was sitting at the table drinking a beer and chatting with Julie and Rosie. Herod turned to me with a huge grin.

"Krystal, I was very pleased with your performance last night. I've never had a girl turn over twenty tricks in one night. Working you out of the apartment is much better than putting you out on the street. With another week of performances like last night, I'll have the money to buy the new girls from Moldavia."

"However, I think we can get the money together even faster. Jose wants afternoon sex lessons from you. You may not remember him, but he's the son of our neighbor across the hall and helped break you. The kid's rolling in dough from selling coke to the suits in the business district. I want to get my hands on some of his money. I'm sure you were his first pussy, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting an eighteen-year-old addicted to sex. I'll let you have an extra half hour soaking in the bathtub."

I was surprised he even asked me. I guess he was feeling that good. I just nodded and said, "Yes." I enjoyed my alone time in the tub. I imagined some of the street girls would be pissed but fuck 'em. I was turning over three or four times as many tricks in a night since I didn't have to wait around on a corner for the next John. Hell, I had a line running down the stairs every night.

"Great, I'll tell him he can come over at four. Enjoy your lunch."

Herod was out the door like a rocket. I took my time eating and chatting with Julie. I noticed a calendar on the wall by the stove. Someone had crossed out the days as they passed. I had lost track of time. I wasn't sure when I had arrived. I walked over to the calendar and studied it. One of the days was marked with a note that read 'K's birthday.'

I pointed to the crossed-out date and said, "Julie, who's birthday is this?"

"Why honey, that's your birthday. We celebrate our girls' birthdays on the day they arrived. You've been here for almost two weeks. Next year we'll throw you a party."

I was stunned. I stared at the calendar as I gulped my coffee. I had missed so much of Contract Law; I would never recover. I laughed. Law school was another life, a life that was long gone. It took me a little longer to realize that my period was due soon. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I thought about my life while I peed. I had wanted to make something of myself. I had dreamed of doing something to impress my father. What a stupid fantasy.

Instead of heading back toward the kitchen when I was done, I walked to the front door. It was unlocked. I opened the squeaky door and looked outside. The hallway was empty. I stared at freedom for a moment before I closed the door and headed back to the kitchen. Herod said I was born to be a whore and he was right. I was a whore. Every man that saw me wanted me. My dream of being a lawyer had only caused me pain and misery. A beautiful, desirable whore was the best I could be.

I sat down at the kitchen table. Julie turned and smiled. I knew she had heard me open the door. She walked over and massaged my shoulders. She knew I could never leave.

I said, "Could I get a glass of white wine? I need to get in the mood for a horny eighteen-year-old."

Julie laughed. She found two large glasses and poured each of us a large amount of cold wine. She sat across from me, and we savored the sweet, fruity wine. We sat without talking until four. Her smile got larger when she refilled our glasses. Without Herod around, Julie could reveal her softer side.


There was a knock on the front door. Julie rose and walked to the door on unsteady feet. I held onto the wall as I stood. I was feeling no pain. I headed to my bedroom. I put Miles Davis' album 'Kind of Blue, on the turntable before hanging my tiny bathrobe on the back of the door. It was my only article of clothing, and I didn't want to have the tattered garment torn.

I laid back on a pile of pillows and crossed my ankles. A floor fan blew across my naked body and made the nipples on my ample breasts become erect. I looked down my pale body and smiled with satisfaction at the presentation. My thighs were pressed together with my glistening pussy lips peeking out. I was surprised at my arousal. Perhaps it was because Jose had requested an hour. This tryst might provide me with some amount of pleasure. Certainly, my normal hasty encounters provided nothing more than exhaustion and sore muscles. My fingers lazily stroked my clit as I struggled to remember Jose out of the many men who had assaulted me. I hoped he wasn't ugly. At least, he had to be young if the man across the hallway was his father. A younger man would be a welcome change from the endless stream of flabby middle-aged Johns.

Julie opened the door to my bedroom. I jerked my hand away from my sex and linked my hands together behind my head. I bent my knees a little and tilted my hips toward the door. I put on a smile and did my best imitation of Francisco Goya's painting 'La Maja Desnuda.' I was blond and too pale to pass for the dusky Spanish beauty, but I could imitate her sexy pose. At least, my breasts were just as large and perky as the Maja's. However, I was also missing the black pubic hair of Goya's model. Instead, my bare labia were peeking out from the hairless juncture of my thighs.

Julie said, "Krystal, this is Jose. Make him happy. We want him coming back."

She stepped aside and slid out of the room. A tall, strapping youth ambled into the room just far enough for Julie to close the door behind her. I caught my breath as I stared at the boy. My eyes slid up his brown body to an attractive smiling face. His pitch-black eyes bored into mine for a second. He seemed uncomfortable with my intense gaze, and his eyes dropped to my pussy. He was wearing a tight sleeveless tank top that was glued to his muscular chest. He was wearing the tiny basketball shorts that seemed to be the summer uniform in the ghetto. The official NBA shorts emphasized his slim hips and did little to hide his erection. He looked athletic and built for speed.

We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Jose's eyes darted up and down my naked body. I let my knees drift apart a couple of inches and heard him catch his breath. The bulge in his shorts twitched. I began to suspect that Jose was shy. Herod had said that Jose had lost his virginity to me during the long nights after I was taken. I guess it had been easier for Jose to fuck me when I was tied to the bed. I realized I was going to have to take charge.

"Welcome to my bedroom, Jose. You paid for an hour. What would you like to do together?"

Jose swallowed hard. I could barely hear him at first, but as he talked he gained in confidence. "I want to learn how to give a woman pleasure. Herod said you were very skilled."

I smiled. This could be enjoyable for both of us. I knew I could use some pleasure. It would be a welcome change from the mindless rutting that filled my nights. I moved my hands from behind my head. I cupped a breast with one hand. The other one slid into the gap between my sex and my thigh. The swelling in his shorts increased.

I licked my lips and said, "I would be happy to show you all of the ways I know to satisfy a woman. A gorgeous young man like you could attract any woman you want. If you make her happy she'll never leave you."

The nervous young man cleared his throat. "I don't want any woman except Alissa. She's the daughter of my minister. She's beautiful but shy. Her Dad controls her every move. I know he beats her anytime she even looks at a boy. I think she likes me. Last week, I drove her home from high school in my new Cadillac DeVille. We were parked in front of her home talking. Her Dad came out and grabbed her. She was crying as he dragged her into the house. He called me a dropout and a junkie before he slammed the door. I'm not a junkie. I never touch any of the coke I sell to the suits downtown. I work hard."

"How old is Alissa?"

"She's a senior in high school and will be eighteen in a week. She won't need her Dad's permission to marry. I want to take her away and make her my wife. I want to make her happy."

"I'll be pleased to teach you how to pleasure her sexually. I think you already know how to take care of her other needs. Before we start, I would like to know more about you. How old are you? Are you in high school with Alissa? How are you going to support Alissa? What does your Dad think about your plan?"

"I'm nineteen. I repeated my senior year twice before dropping out. I wasn't learning anything useful. When I met the guy, who controls the coke traffic downtown, I dropped out. He thought I'd be perfect for the job. I wear a uniform and make deliveries of express packages to his customers. He said I looked like a delivery guy since I'm a mixture of Mexican and black. Coke is booming. The business guys can't seem to do their work without a steady stream of the drug. Please don't tell my dad. He thinks I'm still in school. I mentioned my feelings about Alissa to him, but he just laughed. He said I was too young and should concentrate on finishing school if I wanted to get ahead. Hell, I make more in a month than my dad does in a year of back-breaking labor."

I swung my feet to the floor and stood up. I smiled at Jose as I walked up to him. I put one arm around his neck and the other on his shoulder. I inhaled an aroma of citrus, vanilla, and musk that failed to hide his masculine scent.

I stared into his eyes and said, "Let's begin by finding out how much you know, beginning with kissing."

I raised up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. He seemed hesitant and unsure. I licked his lips with my tongue before sliding it into his mouth. He inhaled sharply. His mouth tasted of whiskey. I guess he had also drunk a little courage before his session. Judging by his reaction, my kiss may have been his first. Imagine losing your virginity before your first kiss? I pressed my naked body against his. I felt his erection pressing against my stomach. I ground my hips against him and was rewarded with a deep groan. I was pleased when he pressed his tongue into my mouth. I held the kiss longer than I had planned.

I pulled back and stared into his eyes. "We'll work on kissing as we go. Now I want to see how you handle skin on skin."

I didn't give him time to react. I grabbed the bottom of his tight top and skinned it up his magnificent torso. He had only a few small curls of black hair on his brawny chest. I was going to enjoy teaching this man to pleasure me.

I remembered the first man I had taught to give me an orgasm. My nerdy boyfriend, Steve, had been clueless. I got tired of masturbating after sex while he slept beside me oblivious to my needs. I bought him a copy of "Joy of Sex." He enjoyed learning all the positions and techniques while I pretended they were all new to me as well. He became a competent and eager lover. Now, he was long gone. He was off chasing California girls in San Francisco, and I was a whore in Philadelphia. I wondered if he would miss me when I no longer returned his weekly phone calls.

I pressed my generous breasts against Jose's warm chest. I was aroused enough that my skin was glowing with sweat. My nipples slid across his bare skin. I pressed my lips against his. I clutched his hand and placed it on my breast. He kneaded my soft breast until he found my hard nipple. I groaned when he pinched it lightly. He was a fast learner. He drove his tongue into my mouth, while I ground my hips against his growing erection. I was convinced he was wearing nothing under his thin shorts. I had planned on taking it slow, but now I was eager to see what he had. I slipped my hands inside his waistband and wrapped my hands around a large hard cock. I whimpered into Jose's mouth.

I slid to my knees and pulled his shorts down. His beautiful erection was inches from my face. It was large and hard but not a freakish monstrosity like Jamel or his cruel brother. Jose's cock was maybe a little larger than my ex-boyfriend Steve's and much larger than most of the older men who lined up on the staircase night after night. It was made to give women pleasure, and it was my joyful obligation to teach him. When I was done, Jose would be a danger to all womankind.

I gave my student's cock a couple of firm strokes. I licked the precum from the tip of his cock and smiled up at Jose. He returned my gaze with a look of wonder. I knew then that no woman had ever touched his cock with her mouth. I might even be the first woman to clasp his lovely erection. I licked around the bulging head of his brown cock. Jose groaned. His hands found the back of my head, and he pulled my face toward his sex. I opened my mouth wide, and I took the first couple of inches of his erection into my warm wet mouth. His hands pressed on the back of my head so hard only my hands wrapped around the base of his cock prevented him from driving it down my throat. I needed to talk to Jose about letting the woman control how deep she took the man. For now, I distracted him by running my tongue around the tip of his erection.

I could feel his body trembling under the lashing I was giving him with my tongue. When his hands finally relaxed on the back of my head, I began bobbing my mouth on the end of his cock. My hands stroked his cock in time with my mouth. I slid one hand down to his firm balls and gently squeezed. I relaxed my throat and worked more of his cock into my mouth. His hips were rocking to meet my bobbing mouth.

I didn't expect Jose to last long his first time. So, I wasn't surprised when he clutched the back of my head to hold his cock deep in my throat. His first jet of warm cum went straight down my throat. I pulled back to take the rest of his tasty cum in my mouth. My hands were flying up and down his hard cock as I milked every drop of his cum into my mouth. When I thought, he was done, I sat back on my haunches and looked up at him. I opened my mouth to show him I had captured every drop except for a trickle that oozed out of the corner of my mouth and fell onto my heaving breast. I closed my mouth and swallowed. I looked up at him and smiled as I scooped the wayward cum from my breast and licked my finger.

I was surprised at the amount of cum I had swallowed. Even more surprising was the still firm cock I held in my hands. I knew it wouldn't be long before Jose was ready to go again. A small droplet of cum appeared at the tip. I leaned forward and licked his beautiful cock clean.