Jedi Submissive Ta'tan'ia II Ch. 01


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It took Ta'tan'ia a few moments to comprehend what she had said. Arik had owned—and bred—them and their family for TWENTY-THREE GENERATIONS like they were his pet nerfs or something.

"That . . .that's horrible," Ta'tan'ia finally said in disbelief.

Aileen and Neelia glanced at each other again, and smiled politely.

"We're proud our lineage has served Master Arik for so long," Aileen answered.

Ta'tan'ia ran through a Jedi calming exercise. "That still doesn't make it right," she told them.

They glanced at each other again, then back to her. "We're fine, Ta'tan'ia," Neelia insisted.

"And perfectly happy with being Master Arik's slaves," Aileen added, squeezing Ta'tan'ia's waist. "Hey, are you wearing a corset?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Ta'tan'ia answered, since they both obviously already knew. "Are you?" she asked, glancing from Aileen to Neelia and back.

"Of course," Neelia replied with a smile. "Black durasteel." Then she leaned in close to her. "With matching chastity belts."

Ta'tan'ia smiled at both of them. "Sounds sexy," she responded. She didn't mention her own, as it might embarrass Chief Daala.

"It is," Aileen agreed as she reached over Ta'tan'ia and patted her sisters crotch.

Ta'tan'ia sat silently as she contemplated the situation a moment. Chief Daala or Master Durron still might be able to free them. She definitely wanted to keep in touch with them.

"Can we exchange comm frequencies?" Ta'tan'ia suggested. "So we can keep in touch?"

"Sure," Neelia replied cheerfully. "Master Arik will have to approve it though."

"Okay," Ta'tan'ia agreed.

"And just so you know, he records and monitors all of our communications with our comlinks," Aileen added.

Ta'tan'ia couldn't help but smile with embarrassment. "Chief Daala does mine too," she admitted.

As the three Twi'leks continued chatting, they continued comparing their respective uniforms, and talked about how they served their superiors. Ta'tan'ia found out that their collars and comlinks were durasteel instead of beskar like hers. She had figured they were, since beskar was a lot more expensive than durasteel, which was plenty to restrain a Wookiee, much less a Twi'lek.

Their belts were locked on, and their boots had hidden shackles just below their knees and at their ankles, just like hers.

Ta'tan'ia politely declined to reveal whether or not she was wearing a chastity belt. She wasn't about to embarrass Chief Daala by telling the galaxy that she was wearing one underneath her uniform. She also didn't mention that Chief Daala had had some padding added to the knees of her uniform, since she spent so much time one them. She had done the same for DP's uniform as well.

Eventually Chief Daala finished her meeting with the Hutt. All three Twi'leks leapt to their feet to their feet as Chief Daala and Arik exited her office. The two groups said goodbye, and Arik left, followed cheerfully by Neelia and Aileen.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"I see that you made some new friends," Chief Daala commented once the Hutt and Lethan Twi'leks had left.

"Um, yes, Your Excellency," Ta'tan'ia answered, momentarily caught off guard. Still, she quickly seized the opportunity. "About that, Your Excellency," she said as she followed Chief Daala back towards her office. "Aileen and Neelia are Arik's slaves. Is there some way you can free them?"

Chief Daala stopped just inside the doorway to her office, and turned around to face her. "Arik has diplomatic immunity, Ta'tan'ia. Besides, I have far too much to do to try to free a pair of slaves that don't appear to be being mistreated in any great way."

"They're slaves," Ta'tan'ia protested.

"Ta'tan'ia, slavery is not illegal in Hutt Space," Chief Daala said patiently. "As matter of fact, Arik offered to buy you."

Ta'tan'ia stared at her, her mouth agape in shock. "I'm not a slave, Your Excellency!" she practically shouted at her after a moment.

"Calm down, Ta'tan'ia," Chief Daala instructed her. "I told him as much."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Ta'tan'ia replied breathlessly.

"And I told him that even if you were, I wouldn't sell you."

Ta'tan'ia couldn't help but smile in appreciation. "Thank you, Your Excellency," she said earnestly. She was surprised that Chief Daala cared so much. "But what about—"

"Ta'tan'ia," Chief Daala cut her off, "unless the Jedi want to invade Hutt space and free all their slaves, don't bother me with this again."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Ta'tan'ia replied obediently. That still didn't mean Ta'tan'ia was going to forget about Aileen and Neelia's plight. "Um, one more thing Your Excellency," she said as Chief Daala turned to go back into her office.

"What is it, Ta'tan'ia?" Chief Daala asked with a hint of impatience.

"May I add Aileen and Neelia's comm frequency to my comlink and chat with them when my duties permit?" she asked politely.

"Of course you can, Ta'tan'ia," Chief Daala answered with a smile. "They are just the sort of friends you should have. Two beings as dedicated to serving their Master as you are to serving me."

Ta'tan'ia didn't really care for the implication—she wasn't a slave—but she let it go. "Thank you, Your Excellency," she responded with a cheerful smile. "May I get you anything before I return to my duties?"

"Since you asked, I believe I'll have a caf," Chief Daala replied. "And a shoulder massage."

"Coming right up, Your Excellency," Ta'tan'ia answered happily as she headed to the Chief of State's beverage station in the corner. There was another station in the reception area for Chief Daala's guests.

Chief Daala liked her caf with several exotic ingredients precisely blended, but Ta'tan'ia prepared it effortlessly. DP had shown her how the first day she had started serving Chief Daala, and she had only messed it up once. That had earned her ten licks with a crop, and DP five for not instructing her properly.

A minute or so later, Ta'tan'ia was massaging Chief Daala's shoulders, while she relaxed and drank her caf, and read a report on her datapad. While she kneaded her shoulders and neck, Ta'tan'ia wondered how soon she would be able to talk to Master Durron about freeing Aileen and Neelia.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

When Ta'tan'ia arrived at the Jedi Temple that evening, she ran into the holojournalist Javis Tyrr going in as well. Kani Asari met him in just inside. Then, to Ta'tan'ia's surprise, they shared a passionate kiss. After a few seconds, they headed towards the dorm floors, arm-in-arm. Ta'tan'ia shook her head in bemusement, and went off to find Master Durron.

After a couple of minutes Ta'tan'ia ran into Sanola Ti, who directed her to one of the training rooms. She quickly found Master Durron through the Force, and waited patiently outside the room for him to finish.

"Good evening Master Durron, Master Katarn," Ta'tan'ia said as the two Jedi Masters exited the training room a while later. Both were covered with sweat, obviously from a strenuous training session.

"Hello Ta'tan'ia," Kyp replied with a smile.

Kyle simply nodded his head politely. Then he glanced at Master Durron, and back to Ta'tan'ia. "I'll let you two talk," he added after a heartbeat, no doubt picking up on the vibe from Ta'tan'ia.

"Thank you, Master Katarn," Ta'tan'ia said with obvious relief.

Master Durron turned and went back into the training room, and Ta'tan'ia obediently followed him. He winced noticeably as he sat down on a nearby bench.

"Are you okay Master?" Ta'tan'ia asked in concern as he gestured for her to sit down next to him.

"Yeah, Master Katarn just got a couple of good shots in on me," he replied with a dismissive waive. "What's on your mind?"

"Oh, okay Master," Ta'tan'ia replied.

Then she quickly explained that Arik the Hutt had come to visit Chief Daala, and brought two slaves with him. She explained how he had owned their family for twenty-three generations, and bred them to look how he wanted them too, like they were his pet banthas or something. She also told him that Chief Daala wasn't interested at all in freeing them.

Kyp let out a sigh. "I'm afraid there's not a lot we can do," he replied. "As long as Arik's on Coruscant, he's protected by diplomatic immunity."

"What about when he leaves?" Ta'tan'ia asked earnestly. "Can't we send a rescue team to ambush his ship or something?"

"Not with Daala around," he answered. "She would either accuse us of trying to start a war, or somehow extend him diplomatic immunity, and try to arrest whomever was involved, and me."

"So you aren't going to do anything?" Ta'tan'ia asked, obviously upset.

"I'm sorry, Ta'tan'ia," Kyp said. "We just can't risk upsetting Daala for two slaves."

Ta'tan'ia had expected something like that. At least she knew that Master Durron wanted to help though. She could sense his sincerity through the Force.

"Okay, Master Durron," she answered resignedly. "I guess two slaves aren't important enough for the Jedi Order to bother with."

She knew she was being unfair, but she couldn't stop herself from adding the dig.

"Ta'tan'ia," Kyp said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry Master," she quickly replied. "I know you want to help them. I'm just upset that you can't."

Kyp regarded her a moment. "So you do understand that we can't risk Daala's wrath on this. Even if you did something on your own, she would probably blame the whole Order," he pointed out.

"Yes Master," Ta'tan'ia responded with an affirmative nod. Then she paused a moment. "Actually Master, they both seemed pretty happy with being slaves."

"That sometimes happens," Kyp answered after a slight hesitation. "Not many people would be happy with the way Chief Daala treats you," he added carefully.

Ta'tan'ia couldn't help but grin slightly. "They—Aileen and Neelia, Arik's . . . slaves—said something like that too, Master," she replied. "As matter of fact, they even had uniforms just like mine. They said Arik based them off DP's, and some Imperial ProCorps troopers."

That information caused Kyp to pause and think a moment. "They said he patterned them on Imperial ProCorps troopers?" he asked pointedly.

Ta'tan'ia thought back. "Um, no Master. They said Imperials' assistants," she told him.

"Ah, so he probably just saw them, and copied the uniforms," he answered.

"Um they had durasteel corsets and chastity belts underneath their uniforms," Ta'tan'ia said after a moment's hesitation. "Just like me . . . and the others," she added after a few more moments' hesitation.

Master Durron sat in silent thought a few seconds. "I wonder how he found that out," he finally said. "The ProCorps program is supposed to be a closely guarded secret, for obvious reasons."

"I don't know, Master," Ta'tan'ia answered honestly. "Maybe the Imperials sent him one for . . . entertainment, and he found out?" she suggested.

"Probably something like that," Kyp agreed with a smile. "But enough of that. How are you other than worried about Hutt's slaves?"

"Fine, Master," Ta'tan'ia answered cheerfully. "As usual."

"Good. If anything changes on that, you make sure you let me know," Kyp told her firmly.

"I will, Master," she assured him with a grateful smile. Then her smile turned seductive. "Do you want me to massage your side, Master?" she asked as she squeezed his muscular thigh. "Or anything else that gets stiff?"

"Not tonight Ta'tan'ia," Kyp replied as he picked her hand up by her chrono, and moved it off his leg.

"Okay Master," she answered with a twinge of disappointment. No doubt Jaina had already taken care of him at least once today. She was probably waiting for him in his bed too. "Let me know if you change your mind though."

Kyp climbed to his feet, smiled down at her, then shook his head in amusement. "Goodnight, Ta'tan'ia," he said as he walked out.

Ta'tan'ia went to her room, then stripped down to her tracking collar, chrono, comlink, chastity belt before sliding a black tank top with the Chief of State's Seal on her left breast over her head. Her room was small, and thus, her 'fresher was less than two meters from her bedside. Still, Ta'tan'ia paused to slide on her clear plastex heels before she used the 'fresher.

When she finished, she strutted back to her nightstand, slipped off her heels, and sat down on her bed. Next Ta'tan'ia pulled out a short length of chain, and a set of beskar ankle shackles Chief Daala had gotten her. Ta'tan'ia locked the shackles around her ankles, and pulled her blanket over her. Then she maglocked one end of the chain to her chrono, and the other to her comlink. Last of all, Ta'tan'ia ran through a Jedi calming exercise, and drifted off to sleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Over the next several days Ta'tan'ia rose early, worked out, then got ready and went to Chief Daala's office. During her fourteen plus hour work days, Chief Daala sent her on quite a few errands—both personal and official. Ta'tan'ia also dusted Chief Daala's lightsaber display case twice a day, and helped DP keep the rest of the office clean. Ta'tan'ia also eagerly gave Chief Daala massages and performed other personal, intimate duties, up to licking her pussy on demand. Chief Daala didn't allow her to orgasm at all though.

Ta'tan'ia's frustration only made her even more aroused. The more frustrated and aroused she got, the more delighted Chief Daala got. Quite a few days, the last thing Chief Daala had her do before dismissing her for the evening was to lick her to orgasm, making sure her Jedi pet left with the taste of her pussy on her lips, and her own locked behind her indestructible beskar chastity belt. The Chief of State's official Seal on the front of the chastity belt, so she could never forget who had control of her purple pussy.

Most evenings when Ta'tan'ia finally returned to the Jedi Temple, she trained. She had to borrow a lightsaber though, as hers was still in Chief Daala's office, in her display case. Kani, Sanola Ti, Turi Altamik, Jaina, and a lot of the other Jedi found out she was going by DJ, around Chief Daala's offices. They refused to call her DJ though, like they had done when Jaina had the nickname. Ta'tan'ia didn't mind, while she liked being called DJ, but she was still Jedi Knight Ta'tan'ia.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The End of Chapter 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remember, vote me a five, and please leave me feedback, public or via email. -Bethany

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I love the twin Lethan slavegirls. Hope they wind up recurring characters in interesting and intimate situations.

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