Jedi Submissive Ta'tan'ia II Ch. 06


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Talon stared at her breasts for several seconds, let his eyes trail down her legs, then had her sit down next to the portable computer terminal they had brought. Then he attached the sensor thing to the front of Ta'tan'ia's chastity belt. Next he attached sensors to her tracking collar, chrono, comlink, bicep cuffs, and head harness.

Once she was hooked up, Talon and Piska began working on the computer. Talon quickly became engrossed in his work, only occasionally glancing up to check her out, and reassure her.

It took the two slicers just a couple of hours to unlock Ta'tan'ia's bicep cuffs. Turi brought them all lunch. Besides eating and exchanging a few words with Talon every now and then, Ta'tan'ia mostly just meditated.

By the end of the day they had gotten her durasteel head harness off. They had also turned off the transmitter in her tracking collar, although it was still locked on. Talon also told her that the maglocks for her head harness and bicep cuffs had been reprogrammed, and he gave her the remote that controlled them.

Ta'tan'ia happily locked the bicep cuffs back around her upper arms. She would have done the same with the durasteel head harness, except that it had the Chief of State's Seal on it. She would have to get one with the Jedi Order's Emblem.

After nearly eleven hours of work, Talon left to get some sleep. Piska stayed however. Since Ta'tan'ia basically just had to be still, she laid on the table while he worked. Several hours later, Piska announced that he was done for the evening as well. Her tracking collar, chrono, comlink, and chastity belt were still all firmly in place, along with her bicep cuffs that she had control of now.

Ta'tan'ia went to her room, cuffed herself and went to sleep. Early the next morning she went to the gym, took a sanisteam, and had breakfast. She was waiting on Talon and Piska when they arrived. Today she was wearing her black sports bra and hot pants, along with her clear plastex heels.

The main maglock on her chastity belt was at the joining of her waist belt and the front crotch strap, so Talon could attach the sensor without her having to pull her hot pants down. He quickly hooked the rest of the sensors back up to her collar, chrono, and comlink beskar restraints. Then she laid down on the table. After a while, she went into a deep Force meditation while they worked.

When Ta'tan'ia woke up, Talon and Piska were gone. Master Durron was sitting in a chair next to her though.

"Master Durron," Ta'tan'ia said as she sat up on the table.

"Ta'tan'ia," he replied calmly. "Enjoy your nap?"

"Yes Master," she replied distractedly. She had something more pressing on her mind. "Where's Talon and Piska?"

"Gone," Kyp answered.

Master Durron was making little effort to hide his feelings, so Ta'tan'ia could sense that he had some bad news.

"They couldn't unlock them," Ta'tan'ia stated.

"They were able to erase all programing from your collar, chrono, and comlink," Master Durron replied. "So you are free to use them without fear of being spied upon."

"But they couldn't unlock them."

Ta'tan'ia had to admit the idea of being locked in a beskar collar, wrist chrono and comlink for the rest of her life turned her on. Being locked in her chastity belt for the rest of her life was a bit different though. The idea turned her on, but she really did want to have sex someday.

"Talon and his dad have been working on the programing for a few months now," Kyp told her. "Even so, Talon and Piska have very little hope of unlocking your collar, chrono, or comlink."

Master Durron went on to explain how he had given Talon and his dad, Crypt Chief Ghent, a few of the tracking collars that Daala had locked on the Jedi several months ago. They had been working on slicing the programing all that time. Kyp also explained how while Daala's Mando friends happily supplied the beskar restraints, their Verpine allies had handled most of the programing for them.

"Since the Verpine don't hate us like the Mandos, their programmers were happy to help us out," Kyp explained. "Between Crypt Chief Ghent and the Verpine, I was confident I could free you. Talon tells me the maglocks are permanently fused though." He paused a moment, then added, "I'm sorry, Ta'tan'ia."

Ta'tan'ia loved her tracking collar, chrono, comlink, and chastity belt. She felt a thrill of pleasure at the knowledge they were permanent—especially since no one could track her or monitor her comlink. Well, a thrill that all except her chastity belt were permanent. She ran her hand down the front of her hot pants feeling the beskar crotch strap. Then she realized Master Durron had only said her collar, chrono, and comlink couldn't be unlocked.

"Hey, what about my chastity belt, Master?" she demanded, looking up at him with a mixture of hope and excitement.

Master Durron stared back at her solemnly a few seconds, then gave her a slight smile.

"Talon said that since Daala wanted to open your chastity belt every so often, she couldn't fuse it like your other restraints," he said.

Ta'tan'ia literally squealed with glee as she leapt from the table into his lap, embracing him in a hug. After barely a second, she stopped, and reached down to try to pull her chastity belt open.

"Talon and Piska reprogrammed the maglock like they did for your bicep cuffs and head harness," Kyp explained as she straddled him.

"So where the frakk is the remote?" Ta'tan'ia asked, practically demanding.

Kyp smiled back at her. "Someplace safe, Jedi Ta'tan'ia."

Ta'tan'ia's jaw dropped in shock—and she felt a jolt of arousal. This was just the sort of dominating she needed.

"Please, Master?" she asked, leaning forward in his lap. "I'll do anything for you to unlock it. All I need is like five minutes, I promise, Master," she assured him, smiling seductively.

Kyp smiled back at her a few seconds. "Actually I think I sold it to Arik the Hutt," he said.

"Master Durron!" Ta'tan'ia said, swatting his chest in mock exasperation.

"Hey, he gave me fifty credits," Kyp added with a shrug.

Now Ta'tan'ia let out an insulted huff, and hit him again, harder. "It had better have been at least fifty thousand," she informed him.

Master Durron snorted derisively. "Actually I offered to deliver you to him in shackles for just a thousand credits, but he said he didn't think you were worth it."

"Master Durron!" Ta'tan'ia said, hitting him again.

This time he caught her wrist, and twisted her arm behind her back. At the same time he grabbed her other arm, and pulled it behind her back as well. Ta'tan'ia didn't resist as he held them together with one hand. In fact, her mind was on something else.

"So Master, if Crypt Chief Ghent and Talon had already been working on the collars, and you knew the Verpine would help, why didn't you get them here when I first left Chief Daala?" she asked, slightly annoyed.

Kyp smiled as he carefully released her hands. "Because one thing I've learned over the years is, never use plan B until you have too. If Daala would have released you when you asked, then I could save my slicers for another time," he explained with a shrug.

Ta'tan'ia couldn't help but agree with his logic. He still could have told her earlier though.

"So you just let me think I would be stuck in my chastity belt and tracking collar for the rest of my life?" she asked as she put both hands flat on his chest.

"I did have some rather important things to take care of," he replied dryly. "Besides, I'm not the one that let Daala lock a chastity belt and tracking collar on me."

"I bet Daala would be happy to put one on you, Master," Ta'tan'ia told him with a smile. "Maybe we can use you as bait to lure her back so we can arrest her."

Master Durron let out a harrumph as he put his hands on her inner thighs. "Why don't you go find something constructive to do," he said, pushing her off his lap.

Ta'tan'ia landed on her fifteen centimeter stiletto heels with ease. Master Durron promptly stood up as well.

"And put some clothes on, Jedi Ta'tan'ia," he said as he headed towards the door. "This isn't a Hutt's harem."

"Yes Master," Ta'tan'ia replied obediently as he reached the doorway. Then she remembered something. "Hey Master, where is the remote to my chastity belt?" she asked, hurrying after him down the corridor. "You do have it, don't you?"

"Ask me in a couple of days, Ta'tan'ia," Kyp said as he continued walking away.

Ta'tan'ia groaned in frustration. She couldn't wait a couple of kriffin days. "Please, Master?" she called, her stiletto heels tapping on the floor as she followed him. "I really need it; just for like twenty minutes," she called out, practically jogging to catch up with him.

Master Durron ignored her as he disappeared around a corner.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Ta'tan'ia was lying on her back, on her bed, naked except for her beskar collar, chrono, comlink, and chastity belt, and her durasteel bicep cuffs and head harness. The head harness was new, with the Jedi Order Emblem on the front instead of the Chief of State's Seal. She had also had the Chief of State's Seal on the front of her chastity belt covered with the Emblem.

It looked like she would be wearing her collar, chrono and comlink for the rest of her life. At least Chief Daala had been nice enough to get her restraints suitable for long term wear. Master Durron had finally given her the remote to unlock her chastity belt the day before. Ta'tan'ia had practically dragged Seff Hellin to her room, and kept him there the next four hours. When he finally left, Ta'tan'ia masturbated to a couple more orgasms.

Ta'tan'ia's clear plastex shoes with fifteen centimeter heels were on her feet. Her knees were spread wide, with her feet near her ass. She was currently looking up at the ceiling, while idly tracing her finger along her chastity belt.

Suddenly Ta'tan'ia sat up, then stood and strutted to her dresser. She was going to see what was going on in the hanger; maybe pull maintenance on one of the StealthX's or something. Ta'tan'ia had enjoyed being Chief Daala's Jedi liaison, but she was happy to be back with her fellow Jedi again, especially now that her tracking collar was deactivated.

First Ta'tan'ia put on her twenty-centimeter-wide nerfhide waist-cincher, and pulled it tight. It went under her breasts, pushing them up. Then she put on her ProCorps-style uniform; which consisted of a pair of light-brown form-fitting pants, and an off-white top. The sleeves ended half-way between her elbows and wrists, leaving her chrono and comlink visible while covering her bicep cuffs. It was also vee-necked, leaving her tracking collar easily visible.

Next Ta'tan'ia pulled on her brown knee-boots with fifteen centimeter wedge heels. They also had hidden shackles at her ankles and at the top of the boots, but she could open them. Then she pulled her ten-centimeter-wide nerfhide belt tight around her midsection. The Jedi Order Emblem was displayed on the durasteel belt buckle. Her durasteel head harness was still locked around her head and lekku.

When Ta'tan'ia arrived at the hanger, she found Sanola Ti and Tyria Sarkin Tainer heading for the simulators. She joined them, along with Turi Altamik. All three human women were wearing durasteel chronos and comlinks on their wrists, although only Sanola and Turi were wearing collars. Once the four women were in their simulators, Ta'tan'ia paired up with Tyria against Turi and Sanola.

Ta'tan'ia had never stood out as an X-wing pilot—for a Jedi. Tyria logged more simulator time than probably any Jedi though. Sanola and Turi where both good pilots for Jedi—which made them frakkin' awesome for X-wing pilots.

Jedi had to use the Force to communicate with each other in StealthX's. Since each pair of Jedi were also flying against Jedi, their simulated enemies could sense what they were doing just as easily as their wingmates. Still, the foursome launched into combat. Ta'tan'ia did her best just to stay with Tyria and protect her.

After less than five minutes of dog fighting though, Ta'tan'ia's X-wing exploded from the combined simulated onslaught of Sanola and Turi's lasers. Her controls deactivated, while her screen stayed on, allowing her to view the rest of the battle.

Once Ta'tan'ia was out of the way, Sanola promptly backed off, allowing her wingmate to engage Tyria. With the Force as her ally, Turi managed to last nearly eight minutes before she was destroyed as well. That left Sanola and Tyria. Both were extremely gifted pilots, and strong in the Force.

Sanola had been recharging her shields and lasers though—and resting—while Tyria had been dispatching Turi. It was as hard-fought battle, but in the end, Sanola was victorious against the older Jedi. Afterwards, the four women quickly reset their simulators, and went again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Remember please leave me feedback, public or via email. - Bethany

I say this is the end, but I have more planned. Some with Tenel Ka, Ta'tan'ia going to the ProCorps Academy to make sure they aren't brainwashing people. But for now, the end.

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neosteeledneosteeledabout 12 years ago

I was going to suggest checking the bedside night stand. People are always forgetting the stuff they leave in the drawer.

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