Jen and Mike Ch. 24 Pt. 01

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Welcome to my nightmare...
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Part 25 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/17/2014
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This story is a homage to another current literotica author Xleglover who has developed these 2 characters in another category. For the full history of Mike and Jen please go to the loving wives category and read He fucked my girl, All in my head, Making it work and Consequences. All of his stories are excellent but those four in that order tie into the first part of this story somewhat. I have taken the characters in a slight different direction into an alternate universe that it is now 18 years in the future and the have a daughter who will through circumstances discover all about her parents past. He was kind enough to give me permission for the use of his characters as long as I let Everyone know this is an alternate reality to the one his stories take place in.

Well here it goes folks, the last part of what some of you have called my bastardization of the two main characters in the story. Others have enjoyed the direction I have taken the story. I will admit that the incest angel in this story was my initial reason for writing my little tale.

I couldn't help wonder what would happen if Jenny and Mike had a child and what would happen if she was exposed to her parent's sex games. So as is stated in the opening disclaimer this is an alternate universe from xleg's characters. I thank any of you who have stuck this out till the end and I hope you enjoyed the ride at least a little.

This was my first ever effort at writing and I have the first chapter finished in my next story series. (My own characters not someone else's) but first let's finish up here. This is split into two chapters to make it less daunting a read. They should be posted pretty much back to back depending on the moderators.


What happens in Vegas...

Mike sat on the flight out of JFK with his mind in turmoil. He was sitting next to the woman he was married to and their daughter. Jenny was in the middle seat with Jesse by the window, both of them asleep. They were flying Jetblue because of all the carriers they still seemed to have some respect for the passengers. Over the years since he had last flown passengers had seen their rights and perks drop by the wayside to where now most airlines charged for every piece of checked in baggage.

It wasn't the state of the airlines that had Mike's mind spinning though it was all the events of the last few days and what was supposed to happen this weekend. He was being constantly torn in two emotionally over the last few days and he felt almost schizophrenic.

True to her word on Monday Jesse had made sure to create a week of utter humiliation with plenty of participation from Jenny. In all the years he had played the game with Jenny all those years ago he could never remember the low points being anywhere as deep as this week.

Even with all the things he had suffered through already this week the trip they were on promised even more humiliation. The three of them were going to meet up with Scott and Allie, his wife's best friend and former lover. Now of course they were also Jesse's lovers after the previous weekend in Connecticut.

This weekend was going to be a three way celebration, the twentieth anniversary of Scott and Allie's wedding, Jesse's nineteenth birthday and the most ominous of all, the twenty second anniversary of the infamous video made between Scott Allie and his wife. If there was one item that could have defined Mike and Jenny's early days of marriage that was it. On the surface to most men it would have been something that inspired hatred and the need for revenge. In Mike it had initially angered him and hurt him but it had also turned him on.

In fact if he were asked and was able to be honest he would tell whoever had asked that it was the single thing that still turned him on the most from their earlier days of being married. You see Mike is a cuckold, a man who whether he likes to or not gets turned on by the idea of his wife getting physically pleasured by another man. Well at least it used to mean by another man but in recent weeks it was a woman, their daughter Jesse.

On the infamous video from all those years ago Mike had watched Jenny betray him both verbally and physically. She had no idea that Scott had been filming them and had proceeded to tell Scott all types of things that she wouldn't have said if she knew Mike was watching. Then she had practically begged Scott to cum in her pussy something she had promised Mike wouldn't happen. She had also included Allie and the two of them had sex with each other for Scott's benefit something she never had done for Mike.

It wasn't the fucking going on in the tape that had inspired years of lust in him because he knew of her affair with Scott and even encouraged it. No, it was the shameless disrespect and disregard for him that she had showed. It was those two things that had fueled more than twenty years of masturbatory fantasies in him.

Disrespect and disregard for his feelings were at the heart of his humiliation and the feelings of rejection that came along with it. Even though he had given up the game with Jenny for almost twenty years now when she had suggested playing again he jumped at the chance. An outside observer could clearly see that the type of game he played with his wife was an addiction and was as self destructive as being addicted to drugs. So many couples who dared to play with a cuckold lifestyle wound up torn asunder and divorced, Mike and Jenny had not, at least not yet.

That was where his mind was being torn in between two trains of thought. He still got excited at the feelings of humiliation but it had lost its luster to some degree. There were moments where he was not excited at all, moments where he was nothing but sad about everything going on with Jenny and Jesse. He kept fighting the two feelings but had no clue where the dice would land.

His thoughts were turned to this past Wednesday just two days earlier. If the week had only been a continuation of Monday nights session in his former bedroom he would have been fine. That was a brutal night but it only involved the three of them. Wednesday broke every boundary he could have imagined.

Unlike previous guests at his house that had come to play with his wife and daughter Mike was well aware ahead of time what Wednesday night would bring. Jesse had told him in advance that Cheryl and her mom Stacie were coming over for a repeat of the previous Wednesday's activities. If that had been the case he would have been excited because the week before had been off the charts in so many ways. He had been treated to humiliations from all four women at one point but it had been tempered and not extreme.

Of course the one main point he would never be able to forget about that night was Jesse tying him up and fucking him without him knowing. He had been blindfolded and knew that someone had sat on his cock but when the blindfold was removed and he saw her bouncing on him he had almost had a heart attack. It was also the first time Jesse had revealed the stern side of her mistress self. He had made the mistake of addressing her by his old pet name for her, pumpkin and she had blasted him.

So if this week had just been a repeat of that all would have been fine but of course that wouldn't have been in line with his mistress's theme for the week, extreme humiliation. Jesse ad asked him in Monday for his acceptance of her fully exploring the Mistress Jesse persona with no holds barred this week. He had reluctantly agreed believing that it really wouldn't be too bad.

Well Wednesday night had been bad on so many levels. Along with Cheryl and Stacie had come two men, Steve and Bob. Steve was Cheryl's boyfriend and Bob was one of his close friends, they were both in their mid 30's and really had no reason to be dating girls Cheryl's age. Of course age differences were the last of things to be concerned about nowadays in Jenny and Jesse's circle.

He had been slightly surprised to see that Stacie had adopted a complete submissive role to her own daughter in their new incestual relationship. Cheryl had explained it simply; Stacie was a woman who needed guidance in anything she did. She would go along with what she was told as long as she trusted and believed her handler. It explained a lot about how Stacie a strict conservative religious housewife had been able to be seduced into having an affair with a man she had met in the supermarket one day.

That affair had led to her involvement with Jesse and her mom and eventually with her own daughter Cheryl. She explained that part of the reason her mom had been so strict and conservative had been her father's control over her. Once she had met her lover Tony that control had been transferred to him. It was kind of ironic when they all thought about it because Stacie's husband Paul could still have taken control back if he had been willing to become a more sexual person with his wife. Unfortunately for him he wasn't willing to do that and had discovered his wife blatantly masturbating in the kitchen one day.

That had led to the fight that had fractured their family; he believed she had been taken possession of by the devil. In his opinion masturbating was allowing oneself to give into the animal within oneself. That animal was ruled by the devil and it was only through the touch of god that we kept in control. So in his eyes his wife had become a slut and a whore without him even knowing the path she was truly on.

So Stacie was now Cheryl's submissive but he noticed the difference in the way Cheryl guided Stacie. Their relationship wasn't based on the need for humiliation like his and Jesse's was. Instead theirs was a loving guiding type of dominance which didn't take long to be demonstrated. In fact it took all of two minutes once the door was closed in the Andrews household.

While they were all standing around saying hello Cheryl had whispered to Stacie that she thought it would be a good idea for her to drop to her knees and suck Steve's cock for him. Mike watched in amazement as Stacie did exactly that without even batting an eyelash. While Stacie's head was bobbing up and down on what was once again another large cock in his house his mistress called him over.

She introduced him to the two men and both of them couldn't help but snicker at the sight of him. He was dressed in a Speedo thong that emphasized his lack of size in the face of the huge cock in Stacie's mouth. He was also dressed like this to show off his hairless body; Jesse had made sure he was freshly shaven before their guests arrived. As he watched his own daughter walked up to Bob, it was obvious they had met before, and dropped down to her knees to mimic what Stacie was doing to Steve. She gestured to Jenny to join her and Cheryl joined her mom so then both mother and daughter teams were working over the two men with their mouths.

Mike was left to stand there and watch as the four women sucked the impressive cocks of the two men in front of him. At one point Jesse had stopped and said something to her mother who in turn whispered something to Cheryl and Stacie. Then the four of them continued sucking the two cocks right in the hallway of the house while he stood there. Of course once again his whole kinky side was kicking in; the sight in front of him was like a cuckold's candy store. His wife was sucking another man's cock in front of his face along with his own daughter. It was obvious by the sounds coming from them and the expression on their face that they were loving every second of this.

It was Jesse who took her mouth off Bob's cock and started the taunting. She told him that it was such a shame that he had such a little boy cock. She teased that maybe his wife wouldn't have had to look elsewhere if he'd just at least had a man sized cock. Both men chuckled over this, they had been forewarned by Cheryl what to expect but neither would believe it before they saw it.

Jesse had decided that for what she was working towards to possibly happen she would have to allow both Steve and Bob free reign in humiliating Mike tonight. No one could see that it pained her to do this but tonight in some ways would be just as hard for her as her daddy.

Of course Mike had no clue that Jesse had an agenda with this while week other than his relentless humiliation. After Jesse had started both Bob and Steve started in each one thanking him sarcastically in advance for the use of his wife and daughter's bodies. They told him how they were each going to have every hole in them over the course of the night. Mike had shuddered when he realized that there were four other's besides his wife and daughter.

He shuddered because he knew that there would be some point tonight where both Jesse and her mom would be dp'ed at the same time. He wondered at the possible combinations of groupings that would take place tonight. Jesse had made a point of telling her pet to let the two men know that anything in this house was free for them to use tonight. That he was giving them total control over everything under his roof especially his wife and daughter. He had told them exactly that at Jesse's urging even though he was a mass of conflicting feelings at that moment.

The real humiliation started when he saw both Steve and Bob grab the heads of the woman whose mouth was on his cock. Steve grabbed Cheryl's head and Bob had Jenny's they held them in place as they were obviously in the middle of filling the two mouths with the semen form their balls.

As Bob was filling Jenny's mouth Jesse whispered something to her mother, then she lay back and waited with her mouth wide open as Jenny let the cum fall from her own mouth into the waiting mouth of her Daughter. Both Bob and Steve had seen Jesse's cum craving first hand so they were surprised when she didn't swallow but instead went over to Cheryl who proceeded to snow ball Stacie.

Jesse took Stacie by the hand and led her over to her father, she then spit all of the cum in her mouth into her hands urging Stacie to do the same thing. She then shocked the whole room by taking her hands and rubbing the cum filled palms all over her father's face. She had Stacie do the same thing but she hesitated until Cheryl commanded her to do it. She then did as she was asked. Jesse wasn't quite finished yet and told him to stick his tongue out and clean hers and Stacie's palms with his tongue.

He felt nauseous and could even feel like he was ready to vomit because he could feel the slimy coating of their cum all over his face. He didn't dare look Jesse in the eyes because he didn't want to see what was there. He hesitated just long enough that she leaned over and simple told him the number 5 signifying the number of spanks with the paddle he had just earned.

He then did as he was told and as he was doing so Jesse told him loudly, "Good daddy pet, I hope you like the taste because you're going to be eating a lot of that tonight!'

With that both Steve and Bob couldn't hold back the laughter anymore; they stood there guffawing as Mike obediently licked their leftover cum from the two women's hands. Then Jesse had him stand up and while the two other men were laughing she asked them if they really wanted something to laugh about.

They of course said yes and Jesse ordered Mike to remove his shorts revealing his hairless caged cock and balls. Cheryl couldn't believe that her best friend had actually gone through with this. If Jesse hadn't asked her help in her plans and explained why she would probably have been up her ass about how this was way too over the top. She knew that Jesse loved her father to death but on the surface of what was happening in front of all of them it was sure hard to believe that.

At that point Mike was in shock at how fast things had gone downhill already today. He knew that his mistress wasn't bluffing about him eating a lot of cum, it wasn't her style. She had been up front and honest with him about everything that was happening this week. She had even told him about Steve and Bob in advance.

He listened while his mistress ordered him to make them all a round of drinks and she didn't mean orange juice. He noticed that Jesse seemed to be drinking a lot these last few days. He wanted to say something but he knew he couldn't right now considering his role in her life. He had mentioned it once to Jenny the day before but she just accused him of being overprotective.

When he had gotten all the drinks mixed her took them out to the backyard because that was where he would be serving dinner. He was so thankful at that point for their backyard being secluded from view of any neighbors. He could imagine if any of them could see what was going on right now him and his family would be run out of town. Cheryl had made Stacie strip and as he walked out back he heard her gently command her mother to service everyone orally finishing with her.

So as he was handing each person a drink he couldn't take his eyes off Cheryl's mom going down on his wife. Jenny had her heels pulled up on one of the recliners and had her pussy lewdly displayed for her friend. Stacie was making satisfied sounds like little moans and whimpers from the taste of Jenny's pussy. He knew it was delicious from all the years of enjoying it himself.

He then heard Jesse command him to start up the dinner on the barbeque. He was to cook and serve the six of them but he wasn't allowed to eat with them. He had been commanded to take one of Jesse's old play tables and set it up within view of the 'adults' table. She had decided that since he was such a little boy that he didn't deserve to eat with the adults. That was how the night continued, one humiliating moment after another.

It all culminated with Steve and Bob fucking all four women and each of them leaving a load in each woman. They were all in the master bedroom at that point and Mike had been secured to his chair once again. After Steve and Bob had finished depositing their last loads Jesse had taken the two men by the hands and led them over to her father. She tried to keep one hand cupped over her pussy.

She told the men to tilt her father's chair back so that it would be possible for each of the women to squat over his face. When he heard that it almost broke him, so far Jesse hadn't kept her promise about him eating lots of cum. It was then he realized why he hadn't had any yet, she was making them all save it up for this last ultimate humiliation. He started to say something but received an angry glare from his mistress so held his tongue.

"Daddy pet, I think it's time for a nice snack for you before we send you off to bed. I promised you some cum earlier and you know I never break a promise," his daughter teased him.

She selected the order and was also told that since the only useful part of him sexually was his tongue that while he was cleaning each woman he had to make them cum. He was also warned that if he failed to make any of them cum he would be forced to suck one of the men till completion. When asked if he understood he just shut his eyes and nodded his head, normally a punishable offense. Jesse let it escape though and he was thankful for that because he had lost count of all the spankings he had accumulated that night. He wondered when she would dish out his punishment.

One thing he did notice about himself was that even though his cage controlled his erection he hadn't felt one trying to swell almost all night. The humiliation he was feeling was so overwhelming that he just wanted it to end for the night. He just wanted to crawl into his new bed and cover his head so he wouldn't have to hear his wife and daughter screaming out how great Steve and Bob's cocks felt as they got fucked.

Jesse had selected the order obviously, she sent Jenny over first and as he looked up a stream of cum escaped her pussy and landed squarely on his nose. Jesse had jokingly told her mom not to waste a drop because a growing boy needs his lunch! Jenny squatted down with her hand over her swollen well fucked cunt and moved her hand aside.
