Jenna's Post Virginal Frustration Ch. 03


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It felt so different with my attachment to James. I wanted to do unto him as he had done unto me; gliding my hand and fingers across and along the front of his swimmers, playing with his manhood, arousing him and arousing me at the same time. I wanted the tactile and visual sensation touching him up that way would offer.

As we talked, I tried to as nonchalantly slide my fingers up and down that hard shaft of his as he had the front of my bikini pants. I suppose I didn't have the distraction of a third person to hide my visual attraction to the bulge in his pants. So I'm talking to James but looking at his cock way more than was appropriate; very much an 'I'm up here' moment, but one James seemed more amused by than concerned.

The thing was, it kept surging as I stroked it. The bell swelled impressively up, exaggerating the depth of the recess underneath it and it extended and stretched out from his body. And I could see pre-cum oozing through the material at the top. It was compelling viewing -- at least to me.

I sort of got it. I understood why he wanted to play with my mons and breasts.

With my thumb, I spread the pre-cum weeping through the material down along the top half of his shaft. It made the material covering it silky smooth and slippery, enhancing the sensory pleasure of stroking it. Sort of like James had done, I rested my hand on his stomach, just above where the erection finished, and stroked my thumb along as much of its length as I could reach from that position.

It seemed to maximise the tendency of his erection to surge and swell; especially when I slid across the edge of the bell.

My other hand rested on his chest, feeling the strength of the pec's that lay beneath.

Leaning towards him, I broke into our conversation about his relationship with Liz...

"Do you mind me staring at your cock?"

"Did you mind me staring at your breasts and crotch?"

"No, I was pleased I had you so entranced."

"Well then, you know how I feel too."

Because I'd got such a consistent reaction by touching up the edge of the bell, I tended to concentrate on it a bit.

But I should have known that triggering a reaction was probably highly stimulatory. Mid-sentence, James went silent as his cock surged and, instead of dropping back, held itself in the surged position. A moment later, James threw back his head and groaned as I felt his cock pulsing in orgasm and cum seeping in relatively large quantities through his swimwear.

I undid the waist tie and pulled his swimwear off his erection to find a large puddle of semi-viscus cum collected at the point where the tip of his erection had been and an impressive erection still pulsing out smaller jets of cum.

In a way, I was disappointed that I'd triggered a climax. I'd been a little contemplating exposing his erection and riding him cowgirl, wondering what his longer and thicker cock would feel like doing that.

And yet, it felt quite different to my thought approaches with Cory. With Cory, I never knew when the next opportunity for sex might come and, to put it crudely, every opportunity for sex was precious. With James, even at this early stage of what I presumed was a relationship, I felt he was on tap. There was no need to overdo it, even if 'on tap' didn't mean I could go down and knock on his parents' door at 8 pm and demand access to their son for sex.

But for the moment, James needed some cleaning up. There was a box of tissues on the side bench next to the bed. Given Liz's comment, I suspect they hadn't got there because someone had a sniffily nose. Regardless, after removing his speedos, they were now put to good use.

As we finished, I lay down on James's naked body with its still firm erection and kissed him. We pashed, lying naked together, for about five minutes, until I sat up and said...

"I think Liz is going to be wondering where we are by now."

James put his boardies back on and we wandered back to where we'd been sitting to find Liz had returned from her walk. She looked at us with a knowing grin...

"That was a long look at the van you had. I didn't know it was that interesting."

Cheekily, James replied...

"You never know what interesting things you can find poking around in a van."

"I have a pretty good idea of what it was you were poking around in. Hope you enjoyed yourself."

"We had a great time."

Liz was looking at me with a giant grin on her face. Turning back to her brother, she added...

"You look after that girl. I think she's a keeper."

Our activities in the van had made a dip in the ocean somewhat desirable, so we excused ourselves and went off for a swim; both of us doing some body-surfing.

By mid-afternoon, it was time for me to head for home. But I'd left a bit earlier because I wanted to drop into the surf shop on the way home. I could see my new Ultra-Brazilian bikini was going to be getting a fair bit of wear and having a second one might be a good idea. I went for the burnt orange colour because I knew it was a colour that looked good against my skin and having a different colour at least announced I wasn't wearing the same bikini day after day.

I also dropped into a nearby boutique to buy myself some new underwear.

James had arranged to take me out to dinner again that night; this time to a slightly more upmarket place.

As much as my wardrobe permitted, I went all out to impress him.

I was tempted to wear the ball gown I'd bought for the end of school formal. It was, in a way, my first breaking out; even before Karen came along. Plunging neckline, string shoulder straps and a split side, it was pretty daring and sexy. But it was too formal for this dinner.

I didn't really have what you might call a cocktail dress, but what I did have was a pretty out there party dress. I'd made it myself when Karen and Greg wanted to drag me along to a rock and roll party and dance night.

I'd found some red 'party spandex' to make it with, the difference between that and swimwear spandex, apart from the sparkly bit running through it, was that the party spandex was, thinner, softer and way more stretchy.

The design I'd chosen was one intended, if not to compete with, then at least match Karen's style.

Backless, the bodice at the front was little more than a couple of cross-over triangles that only half covered my breasts with the v between them terminating well below the bottom of my breasts. The shoulder strings that held it up then zig zagged across my back, drawing the bodice tightly under my breasts and otherwise tautly against my body. Then from the waist down, it flared out in a loosely drapped A cut, terminating not all that far below my crotch.

The softness and stretchiness of the material did two things of particular note. First, when they cupped my breasts, the way it sat against them hid basically nothing modesty wise except change the colour of what you saw. Every aspect of their shape, including my nipples, even when not provoked into rising, were clearly imprinted on the material. Secondly, the static in the material drew the bottom hem in between my legs when I was standing still; enough that my mons bulge was clearly identifiable.

While pleased with the outcome, I chickened out when I wore it to the party.

I wore a red string beach bikini underneath it.

The bottom was partly because, when I spun while dancing, the hem lifted up like an umbrella, revealing everything underneath up to the waist band of my panties, to just about everyone in the room. That was part of the design for a rock and roll night dress, so I figured having underneath something designed for public viewing in the form of a beach bikini was fair enough.

Where I really chickened out was wearing the bikini top with it too. The design of the dress would not accommodate any sort of bra -- or at least one I had -- without the bra dominating the view. At least the small triangle bikini acted like a sort of lining and protection against down blouse peeks if I bent forward over someone; even if it gave a VBL (visible bra line) and the extra tie strings associated with the bikini top spoilt somewhat the overall effect of the dress.

Karen, who had made an identical dress in yellow for herself and influenced my choice of style, didn't wear any bikini top under it and tried (without pushing it too far) to talk me out of wearing mine. But at that stage it was, for me, a step too far.

For the night with James I was being much bolder. Nothing underneath the top and, as much as I contemplated going commando with no panties, I found a gorgeous and very sexy pair of silk semi-g string (or what I call ultra-Brazilian) panties at the boutique.

Finished with a pair of heels, and well blow dried long hair, I thought I looked as hot as I could make myself.

James, when he arrived, showed he had gone to some effort too.

The chinos and shirt were of a classier cut and very well pressed, the shirt with cuff links, his shoes were leather, highly polished and his hair nicely styled.

The camper as a form of transport looked positively down market by comparison with the passengers; not that I was complaining.

The dinner and the venue were positively exquisite. I'd never been somewhere so upmarket before. I knew my parents had been her for celebrating wedding anniversaries and such, but kids weren't included.

But again, we became so engrossed in each other and the conversation, the food almost became secondary to the company. Yes, I could see James was completely distracted by my breast display; even more so as my nipples hardened with my arousal in his presence and stuck out rather provocatively. I wondered if there was a boner in his pants underneath the table cloth.

I was cheeky enough to reach across the table and undo two more buttons on his shirt to give me a better chest and ab display to fantasize over. I had such a lady boner I worried about whether he'd simply find a soggy bit of rag as my panties by the time he got around to taking them off. Because, while it hadn't been discussed, if he didn't suggest parking the camper somewhere for a good root, I certainly would be.

We were just about the last ones out of the restaurant again by the time we finished. That was the interesting thing. As randy as I was -- and I assume he was -- there was no sense of hurry. The pleasure of his company was something to be savoured while I had it. What would (I hoped) would follow, would come in time; yes with a play on the work come.

As we got in the van, he asked...

"Would you like to go for a walk on the beach?"

"Let's park at the beach and work out what we do from there."

The drive was only a short one. When he pulled up and cut the engine, there was a brief pause that left us both staring silently out the window at the breaking surf. One of us had to make the call. I was hoping it would be James, but recognised he was reasonably shy about pushing me for sex. He circled around the issue by asking...

"What would you like to do?"

"That depends. Would that erection in your pants like to take me for a walk, or prefer to spend some time in private with me?"

He turned towards me, grinning and blushing at the same time...

"Private time would be nice."

We moved to the back of the van, next to the bed and stood awkwardly looking at each other. It was a funny feeling. I was nervous. Not just uncertainly nervous because I didn't want to make the first move. We'd already got past that with the decision to move back here and have sex.

It was stranger than that. I felt like I imaging a virgin would on her first night after a wedding; except I didn't feel that way when Cory and I first got down to it.

What seemed to be different was we were fully dressed. Until now swimwear had been the main item of clothing between us and the melding of our bodies; wet flimsy things that just had to be got out of the way.

Undressing in front of James, or being undressed by him, when more formally dressed seemed, well I don't know, different.

I steeled myself and, as he stood there in front of me, started undoing the buttons on his shirt from the top to the bottom; exposing his wondrous chest. I ran one hand across it, while the other continued the path down; undoing the belt of his pants, the buttons securing the waist and then the front zipper. The front of his pants opened up and dropped down a bit, revealing a full erection; half of it extending exposed over the waistband of his undies.

James was grinning at me, in a nice sort of encouraging way.

I dropped the shirt back over his shoulders and down his arms removing it completely.

As that freed his hands, James captured the lower him of my dress and lifted the garment over my head, folding it and putting it on the side bench next to the bed. Since I'd already kicked off my shoes, that left me naked except for my silken panties.

I kneeled in front of James, my face for a moment looking straight at his impressive erection. Bending down, I took off his shoes, then lowered his pants and undies and removed those as well, leaving him completely naked.

As I looked up, that meant his now fully exposed erection was back in front of my face. The possibility of giving him head occurred to me, but the size of it put me off and in any case I was hoping for more intimate sex than that.

As I stood up, James lifted me in his strong arms and transferred me to a prone position on the bed. He climbed onto the bed between my legs and bent down to kiss my panties over my mons...

"That is one very sexy pair pf panties."

"I'm glad you like them. Do you want to take them off?"

"I want to kiss them again and then I'll take them off."

He did more than kiss them. Wrapping his jaw around the turn of my mons, I could feel his tongue search out my clit as his lower lip sat about where my vaginal opening was. He found my clit, boring his tongue into it and circling around it. The delightful stimulation made up somewhat for the severe anxiety about him being so close to panties I'd spent the last few hours wetting with my arousal juices, let alone the flood of juices he activated as he tongued me through them.

But eventually I felt his hands on the sides of my panties and lifted my hips so he could pull them off. Next moment he was easing himself down onto me, his erection between my legs...

"Can I?"

"Yes. Do you want me to guide you?"

"I think it's learning how to find the spot."

He surged the erection through my crease until it stopped, shallowly penetrated into me. Then he slowly pushed himself in, finding little to no resistance.

When he'd fully penetrated me, he lowered his head alongside mine, gently biting my neck. I wrapped my arm around his neck and turned to kiss his cheek. Lifting his head slightly, he looked into my eyes...

"You know you looked absolutely beautiful tonight. That was a gorgeous dress. Right through dinner I was completely aroused by your presence."

"That worked two ways. Why do you think I opened up your shirt?"

"Does that mean I should have reached across and exposed your breasts as well?"

"I think I was offering you enough exposure for a public place. In private you can expose them as much as you want."

"It's lovely being inside you. Do you mind if we don't hurry it?"

His erection, delightfully filling my vagina with its thickness and length, had remained static inside my body since he'd completed his penetration of me. As he spoke, he screwed it around while pushing it deeper, as if making up for some sort of slippage. It triggered a whole lot of pleasurable feeling inside me.

"No, it's nice to take our time. I like it when our bodies are joined together."

He brought his lips to mine and we kissed passionately. From time to time, he'd screw and push again; the screwing, if nothing more grinding his pubis on my clit. But the movement inside me was also triggering my g spot. It was too intermittent to be heading me towards an orgasm, but the feeling was incredibly erotic.

It seemed like about five minutes of pashing and cuddling before James partly withdrew his erection and gently thrust it back in, screwing it firmly around inside me and grinding his pubis against my clit. With both moaned with the erotic sensation of our highly sensitised erogenous zones being intentionally pleasured for the first time.

He repeated the process.

Then again; increasing the pace and force.

It was only on the fifth thrust that, massively turned on by being made love to like that, I came; hard, loudly and with all the hip throwing force my body could muster against James weight on top of me.

James's response was to start thrusting faster; using longer strokes but no longer grinding and screwing.

Still stimulating my g spot with his thrusts, it prolonged my orgasm.

He was getting really excited. Putting a hand alongside each of my shoulders, he elevated his torso on outstretched arms; staring fixatedly down at my breasts as he grunted loudly with every thrust. I could feel the whole back of the van rocking with the enthusiasm he was putting into it.

The thing was, his elevation had changed the angle of his thrusts, stimulating my g spot even more than the mere presence of his thick shaft. Whether it was a new climax, or just a reactivation of the old one I didn't know or care; but almost immediately I was in the thrall of intense orgasmic forces. They were intensified even more as James slid a hand under the small of my back and elevated me, changing the angle again.

Now with only my shoulders on the bed, my whole body was rag-dolling to his thrusts. It was almost too much. I'd become hyper sensitive.

It was then, with a bellowing groan, James climaxed. You could see the power of it had overwhelmed him. He immediately lowered me back to the bed and lowered his own torso back onto mine, his face planted into the bunk next to my head, slightly turned away, as he continued to loudly groan and thrust -- now at a slower, more intermittent pace.

It had all happened so quickly and so dynamically, I could barely take it in; for all James's changes in position, it was only somewhere around fifteen to twenty thrusts from start to finish. Fifteen thrusts that drive us both to brain exploding orgasms.

I was still contracting and James was still moaning and jerking his erection with what seemed to be little mini after-climaxes when, filled with endorphins, I rolled myself on top of him and started passionately kissing him, caressing his face with my cheek and biting his neck; doing anything that conveyed my loving feelings towards him.

We pashed like that for what seemed like the lengthy period James erection remained hard inside me. We kept pashing as it went semi flaccid; only just firm and long enough to stay inside me.

And we were still pashing when I felt it inflate and harden inside me again. James was nothing if not quick to refract.

I would have liked to have stayed there longer. To have spent the night asleep on his body. But my own body was telling me it was too sensitive for more sex and it was late and my parents were likely to start worrying about me if I didn't get home soon. Yes, I was a big girl now, but they weren't familiar with routines that kept me out very late at night.

I lifted my hips to extract James's erection from him. It crashed down on his stomach with a dull thud, followed by a flood of cum and juices.

I sat up, straddling his erection, my wet vulva embracing half its diameter...

"I think it might be time to go home. That was a beautiful evening. Thank you."

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