Jennifer Cheats


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My arm was tired from holding the phone and my knees were starting to hurt so I started to leave. Just then they began their big finish.

"Oh, fuck", she said. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Cum with me please. Oh, God hurry."

"I'm there." He said. "I'm cumming right now. Uh, uh, uh, oh, motherfucker here it it comes!!"

And it was over. Silence for several seconds. If I knew Jennifer, she would lie there for several minutes basking in the afterglow and then she would head for the shower before starting round two. A plan started to form. It would only work if they showered together, however. I had dropped my arm and, again, started to leave but his words stopped me and I stuck the phone back up to record their conversation.

"So how long do you think it will be?"

How long will what be, I thought.

"There's no way of knowing", Said Jennifer. "For a while it seemed like he was at death's door but recently he seems to have found a reason to live. The old bastard is starting to piss me off."

"Well I don't want to wait forever. The sooner he dies and Little Al Asshole inherits, the sooner you can divorce him and we inherit everything. Assuming that you get it all."

"Oh, I'll get it all. I am going to accuse him of molesting Laura. He can deny it and she can deny it but I have been reading about it and the way things are today he doesn't stand a chance legally. The courts always take the wife's word and his ass will be in prison for a long time and I will get every fucking penny. Even if he's found not guilty his reputation will be shot and we will get the most of it anyway. If our estimate is anywhere close to being accurate we should have around 30 million. That will put us on easy street for the rest of our lives. All we need is for Big Al Asshole to die and the sooner the better."

"God, I hope I never piss you off."

"That's right, lover and don't you ever forget it. Come on let's get in the shower. You wash my back and I'll wash yours."

Who the fuck are these people? Never in my worst nightmare could I have ever thought her capable of something like this. I was now no longer calm and relaxed. I was scared shitless. Accused of molesting my own daughter? My ass would be toast and the legal system would eat me alive unless I came up with a way to fuck up their plans. I started back toward the kitchen so I could make my way out of the house but stopped as an absolutely brilliant idea came to me.

I went back to the bedroom and listened to hear the shower and the giggling. Then I collected all of Flatt's clothes. I already had his carryon and telephone and now I had his clothes. This would be funny if I weren't so fucking scared. I took the clothes and was on my way out. Going through the kitchen I saw Jennifer's purse on the table. I took it. I now had everything he brought with him as well as her purse with her phone, wallet, credit cards and car keys. As I left the kitchen and entered the garage I took her spare set of car keys from the key board on the wall. I hoped this plan was half as good as I thought it was.

I put everything I had collected in my car and walked back to our garage. I figured they should be out of the shower by now so took out my phone and dialed the house number. It rang about ten times and I hung up. I called again. This time Jennifer answered on the fourth ring.


"Hi, sweetie. I finished early and came home. I called your cell phone but it went to voice mail so I called the house phone. I'm at the airport and will be home in a few minutes. If the kids aren't there get naked and wait for me. On second thought get naked and wait even if they are there." Then I pressed end call and waited. It didn't take long. As soon as the garage door started to open I started recording. Jennifer was wearing her bathrobe and frantically searching all around for something. Car keys, maybe? Flatt was urgently trying to fasten a pair of my pants while holding one of my shirts and a pair of my shoes. I started to giggle as I watched the Keystone Kops routine taking place in my garage. Absolute panic and mayhem. After some desperate scrambling it occurred to them that they had no keys so driving him away wasn't going to happen so Jennifer started pushing him down the driveway. He had managed to get my shirt on but it wasn't buttoned and as she pushed him he has half skipping half hopping trying to put on my shoes. The fact that he was about 30 pounds heavier than me thus making my clothes and my shoes too small made the whole scene even funnier. I was now laughing my ass off as I watched him hop, skip, jump and scamper up the alley trying to finish dressing himself. I walked over to Jennifer. Up to this point she had been too busy to notice me. As I approached her eyes opened wide and a look of panic appeared on her face. Laughing, I went up to her.

"That is the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen." Indicating Flatt going down the alley. By now I was laughing so hard I was crying. At least I think the tears were from laughing. "Don't you think that's funny?"

She just stared at me. Fear written all over her face. I walked a few steps away from her and looked up the alley. He had stopped and was trying to put on a shoe.

Still laughing I yelled. "You better run motherfucker. If I catch you I will cut your nuts off and shove them down your throat."

He looked back over his shoulder at me and started running losing one of my shoes in the process. I walked back to Jennifer. She hadn't moved and her face hadn't changed. "You have one hour to get your shit together and get out of this house." Then I walked to my car. I drove up the alley to the garage. Jennifer had apparently gone inside. The garage door was still open so I put her purse on top of her car after I took out her phone, credit cards and ATM cards. I was the principal account holder on the cards and the phone so I figured I had the right to keep them. Then I drove up the alley. I wanted to see where Flatt had gone.

There was a city park about half a mile away. I drove in that direction and arrived just in time to see him stagger in to the park. He almost fell onto a bench and just sat there in a daze. I went across the street to a convenience store and used the pay phone. Yep. They still had one. I called the police department and voiced my concern about a seemingly disoriented half dressed man sitting in the park. Then I sat in my car and waited. I could still see him and as I watched I felt only scorn. This man had fucked my wife. I had no idea how many times. But she was mine and he had no right to her. By the same token she had no right to give him what was mine and I hated her as well.

By now a police cruiser had pulled up and the officer started talking to Flatt. With no ID, ill-fitting clothes and what was probably a cock and bull story it didn't take long before he was handcuffed and put in the cruiser. I grinned as I thought about what his next few hours were going to be like.

The cruiser pulled out onto the street just as Jennifer's car pulled into the park. She had apparently seen them put him in the cruiser. I drove back home. Both the bedroom and bathroom were in a mess. Jennifer had taken most of the things from her closet, dresser drawers and bathroom. Some items had apparently been dropped in her haste to leave. I thought about packing a few things and going to a motel, but decided fuck it. This is my house and I did nothing wrong. Besides, the kids would be home in a few hours and they would need an explanation.

In the mean time I had things to do. A quick call to my attorney and thirty minutes later we were in her office watching the images I had recorded on Flatt's phone. I had not seen them before as I just had my arm inside the bedroom as I recorded the two adulterers. The picture was amazing. I was very lucky in that I got the perfect angle to see virtually every detail. As we watched I again felt a calmness fall over me. Dispassionate is the best word I can use to describe my feelings as I watched them fucking. Those feelings changed to hate as I watched and listened as they talked about framing me for molesting Laura. I was engulfed by blind, cold hatred.

My attorney sat there in shock. I had told her the whole story. Even the part about Flatt being put in the police cruiser. She replayed their plans over and over. Finally she looked at me and said, "I will make a copy of this and get it to the District Attorney's office. We can't sit on this. I know the DA is going to tell us that they can't use the video as evidence because your wife invited him into the house where they had a reasonable expectation of privacy, but they will be aware of a conspiracy in the making and will be able to take steps to deter them. Even though a conspiracy may exist, before a crime is actually attempted no attempt charge will succeed unless the requisite attempt is made". She sounded just like a lawyer. "I will make a couple of additional copies. One for me and one for you. In the meantime take care of your financial concerns and go home and be ready to talk to your children. I will tell you what the DA's office has to say."

"Sounds good to me. When can I get the phone back?"

"You can have it back right after we make the copies."

"In the meantime let's start on the divorce paperwork."

I left her office and went to the bank and took care of all the financial stuff. Then I drove by the office. I still had some time before the kids got home. My meeting with the company staff went well. I was told that the sale of the company was not unexpected due to my father no longer taking an interest. They all felt that it was for the best and, without exception, everybody felt optimistic about their future. I then passed out their bonus checks and when I left there were some very happy people.

Returning home I took what had been our bed and threw it in the alley. The trash people would pick it up on Friday. I replaced it with the bed from the guest room. I then threw the rest of Jennifer's stuff in the alley with the bed and proceeded to clean the bathroom. I was going to continue living in my home. Fuck those two assholes. They weren't going to drive me out. I had just gone into the kitchen for a glass of iced tea when the door to the garage opened and in walked Jonathan and Laura.

"What's all that stuff in the alley?" asked Laura.

"Get yourselves something to drink and come into the living room and have a seat. I have a story to tell you."

"Holy shit." Said Jonathan after I relayed the day's events. "I can't believe it. How could something like that?"

I had even played the conversation her mother had with Flatt. I did not play the fucking noises nor did I show them any portion of the video. They sat there in shock. It was time for dinner but nobody felt like eating. They just drifted off in the direction of their rooms and said nothing else the rest of the night.

I went to my father's office and sat at the desk. I opened Flatt's phone and it dawned on me that I had opened it without regard to needing a password. Just another strike against that fucking slime ball. Anyway, I opened the phone and started looking through his contacts. I realized that I didn't know if he was still married. He had been when he worked for us. His wife's name was Louise so I looked for her in his contacts. There it was. So I called her.

"Hello, Lenny. I was hoping to hear from you. How's the trip so far? Have you spoken with Big Al about coming back to work for him?"

"Uh, hello, Louise. This isn't Lenny. It's Little Al."

"Hi, Little Al. Why are you calling on Lenny's phone? Is he alright?"

"I don't know if he is or not. I found his phone in my house when I discovered him in bed with Jennifer."

Long pause

"Louise? Are you still there?"

"This is a joke, right?"

"No it isn't I'm sorry to say."

"Where is the son of a bitch now?"

"I don't know and I don't care. I just thought you needed to know."

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, I kicked Jennifer out of the house and I've talked to my attorney about starting the divorce process. And I've told my children. I have no idea where she is and frankly I don't give a shit."

I heard sobbing on the phone. Then crying.

"What am I going to do, Little Al? What the hell am I going to do?"

"I can't tell you what to do, Louise. That's a decision you will have to make for yourself, but in my opinion the useless, selfish bastard should suffer."

"Oh, he will. I guarantee it."

And she hung up. I then called my father and brought him up to date. Needless to say he was stunned, shocked and disappointed. He asked how the kids were taking it and I told him that they were in their rooms dealing with it each in their own way. I took Flatt's phone and erased the video I had taken. Then I took it to the alley and threw it on the pile of stuff already there. Later that evening I received a visit from the police. They told me that my wife had come to the station to try to help Flatt. They told their stories and had concluded that I had stolen his clothes and carryon and that I had also taken her purse. They wanted me arrested for theft.

By that time, however, my lawyer had talked to the DA. The DA's office had assumed that Flatt was in custody pending verification of his story so they called and asked the police to detain him until someone from their office had a chance to interview him. At that point they were informed that Jennifer was also there so they asked that she be detained as well.

My police visitors wanted to know my involvement in the day's activities. So I told them. Except the part about my taking his clothes. But since both Flatt and Jennifer had accused me of taking them, they felt obligated to ask me about it. I told them that when I came home after visiting my attorney I found his carryon in the kitchen and his clothes scattered around my bedroom so I threw them out with the bed and that they were probably still in the alley. I told them the phone was there as well and that I hoped somebody found the phone and ran up a huge bill on it. They laughed and left.

I never heard from Jennifer. I did hear from my attorney that hers and Flatt's interviews with the DA's office scared the shit out of them. They were informed that had they made any effort to actually proceed with the false accusation that they could spend up to 8 years in prison.

Jennifer had tried to talk to the kids, but they refused. The next week Jennifer's parents called Jonathan and Laura and asked them to stop by for a visit. They asked if their mother was there. When told that she was, both of the kids told the grandparents that they would love to see them but not if their mother was there. The kids visited them the following week when they were assured their mother would be gone.

That was two years ago. The divorce went through with no effort. Jennifer never signed the papers and never showed up in court so she got nothing. She didn't even ask about the jewelry she left in the safe. As to Lenny Flatt? Who gives a flying fuck?

To my knowledge the kids still have not seen their mother, but they do arrange to visit their grandparents on occasion. As a matter of fact the grandparents went with us to Spain to visit my father. He was stopping off there for a few days with friends. A lot of friends. As a matter of fact it was a whole ship load of friends. During my divorce process he had gone on an ocean cruise. Then he went on another. Then another. For a year he almost lived on cruise ships. And then he did live on one. On one of his cruises he learned of a ship which was owned by the people who sailed on her. Her name is 'The World'. They actually bought their apartments on board the ship and live there. Now the ship travels wherever the majority of her owners want to go. Spain this week. Italy next week. Rio for Carnival next month. Even Sydney, Australia, for New Year's Eve. It's a hell of a life. And he is loving it. And the wealthy ladies who live aboard love him.

As for me I, too, am enjoying life. The kids are in Baton Rouge in college and I travel almost as much as my father. I fly off to exotic places to meet and spend a bit of time with him before he sets sail again. But most of my traveling is done in a luxury motor coach which was designed especially for me and my life style.

You may remember back in the beginning of this story where, in my first two years of college, I told of fucking any white, black, oriental or hispanic pussy I could get my dick in. Well, I'm doing it again. My goal is to fuck at least one of each in every state in the union.

I'm well on my way!

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moultonknobmoultonknob8 days ago

Complete load of fucking bollocks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Horseshit story. Yea, the wife doesn't sign the divorce papers and neglects to show up for the divorce proceedings, thus walking away with nothing...Horseshit! She left millions on the table that she would have received from the divorce even though she planned to commit a crime ,but in fact she did not. Ridiculous tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Loved it. One for the good guys.5

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great story. I don't understand why he would marry a slut like Jennifer though. 1 other complaint, when using Lenny's phone to call Loise why didn't he attach the video to an email and forward it to her? And then why erase it? That was evidence.

6King6King2 months ago


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