Jennifer's Story Ch. 03


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But in the third round Sam seemed to be inspired, and the other guy did not know what had hit him. He was groggy at the end of the third which Sam won easily, and less than a minute into the forth round, Sam floored him with a sharp swinging upper cut from which he never recovered before he was counted out.

Tom and Maxwell shook hands and Jed looked amazed. "You did know something, didn't you?"

Tom smiled. "Well, I told you to get on him."

Jed shook his head slowly, smiling.

Jennifer was in a state of panic. She knew she now had to do whatever it was Sam wanted. The only thing in her favor was that she had quite fancied the guy. Maybe if they were left to their own devices, she might enjoy it. But she guessed that Maxwell would have to get involved in some way.

A couple of bouts later Sam and his trainer joined them at the table. Tom congratulated him. "I knew with a bit of inducement you could do it."

Sam grinned. "After that little display in the dressing room, I only had one thing on my mind, and that was to win the bloody fight at all costs."

Jed looked puzzled. "Come on, you lot; what's going on here? What am I being left out of?"

Tom looked over at his brother, and then at Maxwell. "Can I tell him?"

Maxwell shrugged. "You may as well. It's all over now. You did tell him to get on Sam, but he wouldn't listen."

"It was Maxwell," Tom said. "He made Sam an offer he couldn't refuse."

"What offer?"

"He said he could have our pretty friend's pussy if he won the fight," he said, looking over at Jennifer.

Jed looked in the same direction. "Fuck me!" he gasped. "No bloody wonder he won."

They all laughed--that is apart from Jennifer who was totally dismayed about the whole conversation.

With the evening over, Maxwell invited everyone back to the Post House. "We can continue drinking there and maybe have a little fun." Jennifer cringed when she heard those words. She knew what Maxwell's idea of fun meant: it definitely included her.

All eight of them got in the limo for the drive back to the hotel. Jennifer was sitting with Maxwell on the seat behind the driver facing the others who were sitting on the long side seats. She wasn't looking forward to arriving back at the hotel, because she knew it meant more humiliation and degradation.

Jennifer noticed Sam looking at her exposed legs. Maxwell must have seen him looking. "What did you get for winning tonight?" he inquired.

"Two hundred and fifty quid and a trophy and a chance to move on," Sam replied.

"Not bad for a night's work, and of course, there's always the bonus."

Sam looked puzzled for a moment. Then he smiled as Maxwell eased up Jennifer's skirt. She felt herself getting warm and embarrassed as he held it up around her waist so everyone could see the brief white thong.

The lighting was not too bright in the car, but Sam as well as everyone else in the car could clearly see the outline of her pusssy lips under the thin band of cloth. But this wasn't enough for Maxwell, especially as he could tell she was upset about him displaying her to everyone in the car. He reached over and hooked his finger in the band of cloth and eased it aside and displayed her clean shaven pussy to everyone.

"What do you think, Sam? Was it worth all that effort?"

Sam grinned and licked his lips in anticipation. "It sure looks that way, Mr. Maxwell."

Jennifer was revealed when he let her dress fall back into place just as they were arriving back at the hotel. She was not too happy about going back to the suite with seven guys, knowing that at least one of them was going to fuck her, maybe more before the night was over. Also, she worried about what other things Maxwell had planned in that warped mind of his for her to do to entertain his friends.

When they got back to the hotel room, Maxwell told Jennifer to supply drinks to everyone from the small drinks bar. When everyone had a glass in their hands, Maxwell congratulated everyone on a good evening, and especially Sam whose win had more than paid for the evening. She noticed Sam was taking an extra special interest in her, eyeing her up over his glass of whiskey; she knew what was on his mind.

Offering up his drink as a toast, Maxwell thanked everyone again for a good evening. He thanked the Logan brothers for completing the work on the new club on time, and Colin and Robin for their part in the work. He turned to where Sam was sitting with his trainer. "And to you, Sam, thanks for paying for the night with your good performance." Everyone clapped, and Sam smiled and nodded his thanks.

"Right! I think it's entertainment time."

Jennifer was dreading hearing those words; she knew what they meant. "I think we all ought to get a look at Sam's prize."

All eyes turned in the direction of Jennifer.

"I think you know what we want," Maxwell said, smiling at her. "You have been teasing everyone all night in that nice little dress so I guess it's about time you showed them what you have under it." Jennifer looked around the room. All eyes were on her, apart from Colin. He was looking down at his drink. She remembered his concern for her on the train. Maybe they were not all like Maxwell; maybe there were decent people in the world.

She placed her drink on the bar and got to her feet. She reached around her neck and undid the small button. The top fell down to her waist. There were nods of appreciation as her breasts were revealed.

"Nice pair of tits, wouldn't you say?" Maxwell commented. Jennifer seethed; how she hated that man.

She unfastened the button at her waist and the skirt fell open. She removed the dress and placed it over a chair. She stood there in just her thong and stockings feeling their eyes on her body. Were all men lechers like this, happy to degrade her? Were there any decent guys left in the world?

She knew that they were waiting to see the rest of her: the prize, her pussy. They had already seen it in the car, but now they wanted to see her naked. She slipped her fingers into the waistband and eased the thong down over her hips. It dropped to the floor. She stepped out of it not bothering to retrieve it. There were more murmurs of approval and comments now that she was totally naked.

"Well, Sam, what do you think? Not a bad piece of arse," Maxwell said, turning to the boxer.

Sam smiled. "You said it, Mr. Maxwell; she a beauty."

Maxwell grinned. "Well, she's all yours. You can use one of the bedrooms, but don't keep her too long. I think Jed and Tom might like some of her."

The two contractors looked at each other and smiled. "You sure know how to pay out bonuses," Jed said with a wide grin.

Maxwell held up his whiskey glass in salute and nodded.

Sam got to his feet. He looked over at Jennifer. She knew what was next. She walked over to him. He took her arm and led her over to one of the bedrooms. After closing the door, he sat her on the bed. He stood in front of her and began removing his clothes. When he was down to his boxers, she could see the already pronounced bulge. He looked a big boy. She had seen him stripped this far in the ring, and she knew he had a good strong body.

He smiled at her, hooked his fingers in the boxers, and slid them down. His cock was already erect. It was smaller than she imagined, but thick: probably not over six inches in length, but she would need two hands to hold it.

"I've never had a classy bird like you before."

"Well, there's always a first time," Jennifer said with a smile, looking up at him.

He reached out and ran his hands up her arms. "You have a wonderful body, and your skin is so smooth."

Jennifer felt herself warming to him; he seemed a nice guy. And he was attractive in a rugged sort of way. She reached her hands out and ran them over his muscular chest. His body was firm and hard.

Sam dropped his hands down and cupped her breasts, kneading them gently.

"You have great tits," he said hoarsely. "They feel wonderful."

Her nipples were already hard, and they tingled as he worked them between his thumb and finger. Then he pushed her down on the bed, got on the bed himself, and knelt beside her. She hunched herself up until she was fully on the bed. He knelt there looking down at her. He seemed to be mesmerized by her body, like a kid looking in a sweet shop window, not knowing where to start. Jennifer slowly ran her hand up his leg until she felt his cock against her fingers. She gripped it, but could not close her hand around it.

"You are a big boy," she said with a grin.

Sam moved closer to her and laid himself beside her. He put one arm under her neck and pulled her face toward him, kissing her roughly, his tongue pressing into her mouth deep down her throat. She could feel his muscular chest pressing against her breasts. Then she felt his other hand on her stomach. Next, she felt it between her thighs working its way toward her pussy. She helped by opening her legs. She groaned as she felt him slid a finger into her. She could feel she was already wet. She groaned again as he began thrusting his finger in and out. She squealed as his thumb uncovered and manipulated her already sensitive clit.

She felt him move between her legs. She raised her knees as his fingers continued to work on her. He spread her pussy lips, and she felt the head of his stubby cock spread her open even more. He worked his way in gently; it was a tight fit, and she tried to spread her legs wider to accommodate him. Now she felt the sensation of his pubic hair rubbing against her pussy; he was fully into her. She groaned and applied pressure, squeezing him.

He began to rock gently, thrusting himself into her body. Jennifer was actually enjoying this. She was doing it because she liked the guy. Yes, she was doing it under orders, but they were alone; she didn't have Maxwell watching.

He came quickly the first time, apologizing profusely. She smiled up at him. "Don't worry, Sam, we can do it again. I'm yours for as long as you want." She knew she would rather be in here with Sam than out there with Maxwell and the others.

They did it again; in fact; they did it twice more. Both times she orgasamed, and afterwards they lay on the bed recovering. He was lightly fingering her nipples and stroking around her breasts, "Don't you mind him letting guys like me use you?"

She was quiet for a minute. "I don't have any options. I got myself in a mess. Maxwell got me out of it, and the price was I have to work for him."

"Doing things like this?"

"Doing anything he asks. I don't have the option to refuse. It's either do this or go to jail."

"The man's a shit."

"I guess he is, but I'd rather be out here doing this than inside."

Sam shrugged. "I suppose you are right." He looked at his watch. "I need to be going. I have a wife to go home to. Mind you, I'd rather stay here with you."

Jennifer smiled and pulled his head down to her and kissed him. "I enjoyed it; thank you."

He grinned. "Not half as much as I did. The guys will never believe me when I tell them what I got for winning the fight."

Jennifer watched as he slid off the bed and dressed. Before he left, he leaned over and kissed her again, and ran his hand tenderly over her breasts. "I hope we meet again sometime."

"So do I, but under better circumstances."

Then he was gone. She lay on the bed for a while, then got off the bed and went into the shower. She was still under the shower when Maxwell came in. He watched her under the shower. "We were just wondering what had happened to you. Get your self cleaned up, and let's have you out there again. You still have some entertaining to do."

She finished off in the shower, dried herself off, and combed out her hair. She applied fresh make up, and sat for a moment looking at her reflection in the mirror wondering what more she had to do. She knew there was no point in covering herself. Maxwell would never approve of that.

When she walked back into the lounge, the numbers had dwindled. Sam and his trainer had left, and Colin and Robin were missing as well.

"Can I get anybody a drink?" she asked.

Maxwell shook his head, but the Logan brothers both held their glasses out. She refilled them and made herself a long drink of white wine and fresh orange juice.

She dropped into a chair. Maxwell looked over at her. "Was he as good at fucking as he was at fighting?"

"He was okay," she replied without enthusiasm. She wasn't going to let Maxwell know she had actually enjoyed it.

Maxwell looked over at the Logan brothers who it seemed had drunk too much. "You two want to get some of her before you go?"

Here we go, she thought to herself, as she saw the two guys look over at her. Jed looked at his brother and grinned. "Why the hell not?" he said as he stood up and began unfastening his pants. Tom watched him for a moment then stood up as well. While Tom was struggling to get his feet out of his pants, Jed came over and pulled her up out of the chair. He roughly pulled her up against him. She could feel his cock pressing up against her stomach as his hands grabbed at her back side.

"Which end do you want, bro? Heads or tails?"

Tom had at last managed to free his feet and was watching his brother holding the naked girl up against him.

"She any good as a cock sucker?" he said, turning to where Maxwell was sitting watching the scene.

Maxwell smiled and nodded. "She's very good."

"She can suck me first," Tom said, "and you can use the other end." He grinned at his brother.

He pulled her by the arm out of his brother's arms. "Bend over and get your sweet lips around this," he said, waving his cock in front of her. Jennifer knew there was no point in refusing his request. As she was about to go on her knees, he stopped her. "Don't go down, just bend; Jed wants your cunt."

For a moment she didn't believe that both of them were going to take her at the same time, but when Jed gripped her firmly around the hips and she felt his cock nudging up against her pussy lips which he was spreading with his fingers, she realised that this was just what was going to happen. Tom had grabbed onto her hair and was forcing her face against the head of his cock. She had no option but to open her mouth and take him in.

It was an unreal experience for her to be taken like this, with one man fucking her face and the other her pussy. She dared not look over to where Maxwell was seated, but she guessed he would be thoroughly enjoying her degradation. She just stood there and endured it getting no pleasure from it, but the two brothers seemed to enjoy every minute, and even changed ends before they finished with her.

Afterwards, Jennifer felt physically sick because she had swallowed so much cum, and her pussy was now feeling sore after so many penetrations. She did not ask permission, but quickly ran to the bathroom and swilled her mouth out. Then she ran a bath, and when there was enough water in, she lowered herself thankfully into it. As she lay in the warm soapy water, she hoped that Maxwell didn't have any thought on taking her, as she really couldn't take any more tonight.

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OneMoreStoryPleaseOneMoreStoryPlease2 months ago

What is a giant turn off in this story is that there is no innocent victim, here. Stealing constantly and systematically is not the same as a one-time thing or when desperate. By targeting a person who , to her at that moment, would be perfectly innocent really disqualifies our supposed heroine, morally. If she was using her body out of necessity, of her own choice, it would be perfectly understandable. So , having two characters like the two above really detracts from any rooting. I jumped to the end to see if there was any redemption but, no luck.

BradehoftBradehoftover 13 years ago

Maxwell is using her and can still put her in jail when he gets bored.

She was a victim who became a criminal out of necessity.

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