Jenny and Bobby Grow Old

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But do they grow old together?
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Note: This story was submitted in late March, but has nothing to do with April Fool's Day.

Anyone portrayed having sex is over eighteen. This is fiction; as always, all characters and events, etc. are figments of our imagination and have no connection to any living or dead persons, or true events. In other words, we repeat - this is all fiction.

Jenny and Bobby Grow Old

March 18, 2020

I checked my account balance using the online banking program and there it was, my first social security deposit posted to my account today. I guess this makes me 'officially old'.


March 14, 1972

"Promise me we'll grow old together, Bobby."

I looked into those beautiful blue eyes. Jenny had just given me my birthday present; the finest present a woman can give to a man. My present to Jenny on her eighteenth birthday last month now seemed lame in comparison, Jenny received a very small pearl hanging from a fourteen-carat gold chain, I received Jenny's virginity.

Not only that, Jenny took my virginity at the same time. It was just after school, her parents were still at work, we were cuddling on her double bed with all thirty stuffed animals watching when Jenny explained what we were about to do on this sparkling Spring afternoon, "Bobby Long, I want to make love today. This is my birthday present to you."

I could barely get the words out of my mouth. "Jenny, we can't. I don't have any condoms."

Birthday present number two -- Jenny's reply. "We won't need them. I started on birth control pills two months ago when I planned for this."

And so, my first time with a woman was in a bed, not the back seat of my car or with a layer of rubber between my girlfriend and me. The feeling was extraordinary, I barely held on long enough to break through her hymen. Jenny's hands gripped my arms as it broke, she gave a slight gasp of pain. I didn't move, but the feeling of her warm velvet glove around my cock was too much and I came. We held each other for another few minutes, looking into each other's eyes and kissing. My youthful exuberance kept my cock steel hard and we slowly started to move our hips; Jenny raising her hips to meet my downward jerk halfway. I'm almost positive Jenny didn't have an orgasm that day despite the fact I had two, but she didn't seem to mind and I was too inexperienced to know the difference.

Afterwards, Jenny sat on the side of the bed, watching as I got dressed before her parents came home. Her body was a thing of absolute beauty. Jenny was five-five and one-hundred twenty pounds of athletic firmness, blue eyes and blonde hair with smallish breasts that were just perfect on her compact frame.

Jenny and I started dating the year before, when we were both juniors. She was a member of the cheer squad and one of the most sought-after girls in our school. She was the girl who dated the varsity captain of our football team, the girl who seemed to be unattainable as I sat on the bench, waiting for my opportunity to get in the game. Throughout my entire junior year I wanted to ask her out; but something always held me back.

It's not that I wasn't a good-looking guy; without bragging let me just say I didn't lack for dates. By my junior year I was already six-one and my time in the weight room gave me a decent physique. I had the required 70's hair style and blue eyes to match Jenny's. And although I was a backup tight end on the varsity football team, I was the starting third baseman and batted clean-up on the baseball team.

I worked up the courage the day our baseball team won the conference championship. What gave me that courage? I was so pumped after hitting a walk off home run over the right field fence that nothing could stop me. As the team left the field in front of the cheer squad and the screaming student section, I stopped in front of Jenny.

"Can I take you out tonight to grab a pizza?"

Jenny said "yes" and that was it. We were a couple from that day forward. Ten months later, she was giving the birthday gift that sealed our love for each other.

Jenny and I continued to make love for the remaining two months of high school, then throughout the summer, whenever our summer work schedules allowed us to get together alone. We did a little experimenting, but looking back, I have to say it was all very vanilla. Vanilla and wonderful.

I was enrolled at a state university fifty miles from our hometown; Jenny took some classes at the local community college and worked full time as a receptionist at a law firm. Every other weekend I would come home and we'd spend the weekend together. We were in love and the only question was -- when will we tie the knot? For Christmas that first year, I bought Jenny a promise ring.

I had to endure some of the taunts of the other guys in the dorm. I made some friends among the girls in the women's tower that shared the common area of our dorm, but never went beyond talking and friendship. My heart belong to Jenny. The guys would call me 'pussy-whipped', etc.; but I didn't let it get to me because, for one, Jenny was such a gorgeous woman, I knew most of the guys were just plain jealous. And two, while these guys were working their tails off trying to get laid, I was making love to the love of my life.

By the end of the first summer after freshman year, I saved enough to get Jenny a one-quarter carat diamond. With her father's permission, I asked Jenny to marry me before I headed off for my sophomore year. Jenny said 'yes'.

One thing I should add; although my father adored Jenny, he dropped hints, without ever saying it out loud, that he thought I was too young to commit myself for the rest of my life. And although I understood what he was saying, what are you going to do when you've found that one girl, even if you're only a teenager?

It was spring break my sophomore year, Jenny and I joined a group of my friends from college on a camping trip at Holland State Park on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. We were having a great time hiking, cooking over a campfire, telling scary stories by firelight and singing songs the girls had learned in their Girl Scout days. It was past midnight when Jenny and I went into our tent with every intention of making love. Jenny was rifling through her backpack.

"I can't find my diaphragm. I know I put it in here." (Jenny had quit taking the pill a few months before this because of the side effects; we'd been counting on the diaphragm for birth control.)

"I could pull out or maybe ask Ted if he has a condom to spare."

"Go ask Ted."

I went over to Ted and Kelly's tent and, embarrassing as it was, asked Ted if he could give me a condom. Ted gave me one and I headed back to our tent. It was the first time Jenny and I used a condom and I have to say, I understood why some guys hate the things. It just felt different. But Jenny and I made love and fell asleep.

Some time in the middle of the night I woke up with Jenny snuggled against me to keep warm. I started to rub my hands against her back under the sweatshirt she was wearing. I rubbed down to her ass and caressed the cheeks under the sweatpants. Jenny snuggled closer and hummed. I started to kiss her neck and my hand moved to the front of her pants to play with her vagina. Jenny's hand reached into my pants and began to squeeze my cock, using the pre-cum to glide over the crown.

By now we were half-awake and kissing with our tongues. I lifted the sweatshirt above her head and suckled her breasts. Jenny continued to stroke my cock. I rose up to my knees and pulled Jenny's pants off.

"Let me give you a hand-job."

"I want to be inside you."

"You can't, we don't have any birth control."

"I'll pull out."

During this entire exchange, I continued to play with Jenny's nipples and clit. I leaned forward and used Jenny's pussy lips to slide my hard cock back and forth. Every few strokes I wedged the head of my cock into the folds of her wet lips, then backed off and stroked again.

"Make sure you pull out."

I pressed in and my cock rested in her wet warmth; I didn't move a muscle as I bent down to kiss Jenny. I started to push in and pull out until I felt her little shutter and the clench of her pussy on my cock - then moments before I lost control, I pulled out and came on her belly.

Jenny used the pair of boxers next to my sleeping bag and cleaned off her belly.

"You didn't cum in me, did you?"

"No, we're OK."

We put our sweats back on, cuddled and fell asleep. The next morning after breakfast, Jenny and I drove to the nearest town and I bought enough condoms to last the week.

Too little, too late. Four weeks later, Jenny gave me the news. "I'm late." Three weeks later she confirmed it after a trip to her doctor.


June 10, 1974

Two weeks after my last final, we became Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long. I was twenty years old. On December 29th, Robert Junior was born, a healthy eight-pound boy. (And looking just like me when I was born -- I know what you guys are thinking.)

I finished school, Jenny and I lived in married student housing. What a riot. The building was filled with other couples, most in the same situation as Jenny and me, barely twenty and with a child. We made the best of it considering our meager resources. We'd meet our friendlier neighbors in the back parking lot for bar-b-ques, most of which consisted of hotdogs or on some rare occasions, a cheap cut of steak.

Thinking back on those days, I can't help but smile. Those were two tough, but wonderful years. My folks and Jenny's folks helped a bit. I have to say how surprised I was at the time; her parents were kind to me considering I knocked up their daughter. Some fathers wouldn't have been so understanding. I think it helped it was their first grandchild and Jenny's mom did her best to spoil Bobby Junior.

After graduation I got a job working in the Purchasing department of a local manufacturing plant supplying parts to the various Michigan auto plants. We also made after-market parts. Things were pretty good, I was making enough money to support our family and we had a few extras since Jenny's mom was watching Bobby and Jenny went back to work at the law firm.


March 4, 1980

There are many ways a spouse learns of the betrayal. Probably one of the 'shittiest' ways is to be told you need to see your doctor and get tested for an STD. I stood at the urinal as the pain while I pissed nearly drove me to my knees, I knew without being tested that very soon, that's exactly what I would have to tell my wonderful, faithful wife.

Of course, it started with the innocent flirtation between me and my co-worker, Lynn. Physically, Lynn had nothing on Jenny. Even after giving birth to Bobby, Jenny had a body that ninety-eight percent of twenty-somethings would love to have. What Lynn had that Jenny didn't was a wicked mouth that suggested overwhelming acts of debauchery into my immature brain. My big head was stupid enough to listen and my little head reacted by getting hard, as if pointing to my eventually downfall.

Lynn had me hooked the first time I fucked her. She wasn't teasing with some of her previous suggestions of what she'd do to me if we ever 'got together'. Our first fuck was something out of a porno movie. Lynn got on her hands and knees and offered herself to me. As I fucked her that first time, she told me to stick my thumb in her ass. After I finished coming and my cock started to soften, Lynn sucked me hard again -- without first washing my cock off -- she just wrapped her lips around my wet cock and cleaned our juices off. I was hard again and we were fucking again.

I missed a few of my night classes (I was trying to earn my MBA through the local university's night school program). I started to make excuses for being away from home for two or three hours during the weekends (research at the school library -- this was before the internet).

About six weeks after we started the affair, I showed up at Lynn's apartment and found her on the couch with another man. I must admit that I was jealous and pissed. Imagine that, I'm cheating on my wife and here I am -- pissed that my 'girlfriend' is with another man. I turned around and was about to head out the door when Lynn stopped me.

"You should get your ass back here, Bobby. If you do me this favor, next time I'll give you a treat any man would die for."

I stepped back into the apartment and fucked up the next few decades of my life.

The other guy (Neil) and I double-teamed Lynn for three hours. I was getting a blow job while Neil rammed his more than impressive sized cock in her from behind. We switched positions more than once. Once, Lynn was lying on her back with her head off the end of the bed, I face-fucked her clear down to my pubes and Neil fucked her missionary. The grand-finale was a double penetration, something that's a good deal more difficult than it looks like in the porn movies. Lynn was sitting cowgirl with Neil's cock fully embedded in her cunt and I was fucking her ass from above. It took a while, but we finally got in a groove and rhythm. I was surprised Lynn's neighbors didn't call the cops; she was screaming like a banshee.

Two weeks after that event, Lynn came through on her promise. At Lynn's suggestion, I told my wife I'd be gone several hours that Saturday. When I showed up at Lynn's apartment, I wasn't too surprised to find another woman there with Lynn waiting for my arrival. Within thirty seconds, we were all naked and engaged in some of the most obscenest acts imaginable.

I fucked them both in a variety of positions. I fucked Lynn while she ate out Nancy. I fucked Nancy while she sucked my cum out of Lynn's cunt. At one point I was fucking Lynn missionary and Nancy got behind me and stuck her tongue up my ass. She tried to kiss me right after that and got really pissed when I wouldn't kiss her.

I'm almost ashamed to confess to it, but at the time I stayed hard for over three straight hours. Any time I needed a breather, I watched the two of them eat other out, suckle each other's tits and use a two-headed dildo to get each other off.

It was two weeks after that wild afternoon when I stood in front of that urinal with a blazing flame of hot fire passing through my urethra. Before I finished my piss, I knew I was screwed. I made an appointment at the clinic, they took a culture and, given the likelihood of infection, I filled out the County's Health forms (who, when, etc.).

It turned out I was not only infected with gonorrhea, but chlamydia as well; it would be months before the HIV tests would be over.

The look on my wife's face when I told her she needed to be tested for STDs will haunt me for as long as I live. What kind of monster hurts a person he supposedly loves in such a way?

No matter how often I apologized, no matter how many times I asked Jenny what I could do to show my remorse over my betrayal, my willingness to do anything to make it up to her, we couldn't get past the hurt I caused her and the loss of trust that every marriage requires. We were divorced within a year.

And do you know what? I didn't deserve to be forgiven. And what I had done didn't deserve to be forgotten. I've had people try to salve my conscious by making excuses for my behavior. "You were too young when you married", "that bitch Lynn seduced you with her charms", "you only had one woman and any man would want to know what he's missing". They were all just excuses -- poor ones. I knew I was playing with fire and did the dirty deed anyway.

Despite the fact I was unfaithful and gave her an STD, Jenny wasn't vindictive in the settlement. She allowed me unlimited access to Bobby Junior. She was awarded child support, of course, and alimony until she remarried or could support herself; she was still working at the same law firm, now as an admin assistant to the senior partner. I didn't end up living in a hovel eating beans. I could afford my car, a nice one-bedroom apartment and a decent lifestyle. What I'd never have is my family again.

I won't bore the reader with all the tall tales of my fantastic single life, fucking big-titted super models; making up for all the time I was tied down with one woman during my youth. Mostly because there weren't any super models sharing my bed. Yes, there were a couple of women I picked up at the tavern over the next two years; and they weren't bad looking. They just weren't Jenny.

I've heard people say the best revenge is a life well-lived. I doubt Jenny thought of her life as revenge, she's too nice of a person for that. I was still spending every other weekend with my son, and there wasn't any mention of another man in Jenny's life during the first year after our divorce. That changed the following year. Bobby started talking about a 'Mr. Fry'. I didn't pry, but the name came up from time to time. It turns out 'Mr. Fry' was John Fry, a young high school Phys-Ed teacher who Jenny was seeing.

I met John Fry one Sunday evening when I dropped Bobby off at Jenny's home. It was a year and a half after our divorce was final and at least a half year after Bobby first mentioned his name. I wish I could say the guy was a complete ass, but he certainly didn't give off that vibe as a first impression. He stood to greet me, looked me in the eye as we shook hands, his grip being firm without any macho squeeze play, and offered, "Finally glad to meet Bobby's father." Jenny stood off to the side, waiting to see my reaction. All I could think to say was a feeble, "Nice to meet you." before turning to walk back to my car.

Four months later, Jenny married John Fry; it was a small ceremony held in the backyard of the home I once shared with Jenny and Bobby Junior.

My boss called me into his office. "Robert, with Travis retiring, we've decided to eliminate his position and we're putting you in charge of Purchasing and Logistics. Congratulations, you'll be getting a nice bump in pay and an assistant VP title."

This was pretty heady stuff for a thirty-year old. Sure, I had a business degree and an MBA (having taken advantage of so much free time to finish night school at Western Michigan), but it was still a lot of responsibilities. So, as much as my personal life sucked, my professional life was going gangbusters.

It was a beautiful day in early June almost a year later; the weather hadn't gotten into the hot, humid days of summer yet. I was downtown, walking down the street and enjoying the sun on my face when I saw them; Jenny and John were walking toward me. It wasn't a surprise to see the bump, Bobby had told me Jenny was pregnant and he was looking forward to having a baby brother or sister. I forgot to tell the reader earlier how Jenny just glowed when she was carrying Bobby. Jenny and John were holding hands, looking at one another as they talked. Although Jenny was facing John, I saw that glow.

Hoping they hadn't seen me, I ducked into the nearest store. I was pretending to look at the store's merchandise with my back to the door when I heard her voice.

"Bob, you could have said hello. We share a son you know." Jenny said this, not in anger, but as a statement of fact.

I turned to her; I could see the surprise on her face as she saw the tears in my eyes. I quickly said, "I'm sorry" and left the store, walking past Jenny and John.

The following Monday, I put in for a transfer to another facility. It took eight months, but finally a comparable position opened up in our Florida plastics extrusions division. I left Michigan and moved eleven hundred miles south to Jacksonville. I didn't abandon Bobby; he spent his winter breaks and the entire summers with me; at least for a while.

Florida was nice. After living my first thirty-one years in the Midwest, I admit to enjoying the ocean beaches, warmer winters and different vibe. I made some new friends, including some nice ladies, and despite my Yankee accent, seemed to be accepted by my new staff. The years rolled by; I lived for the summers when Bobby would stay with me and we could re-connect. I did my best to make those summers as entertaining as possible; but this all came crashing down the fourth year I was living in Florida.