Jenny Cums to College Ch. 05


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John kissed me and said, "You have nothing to apologize for. I went home satisfied. I loved what you did for me the other night."

I asked, "Do you want to stay and watch TV for a while?" Although we did turn the television on neither of us knew what channel the thing was on. We immediately began to make out. We were both enjoying the way that he was playing with my tits. When he started to open the front of my pants, I said, "We can have more privacy in my room."

Once in my room, I tossed my top aside and sat down to start removing my shoes and socks. John came over and began to kiss me. I asked him, "Do you plan on keeping your clothes on all night or what?"

John sat down and began to remove his shoes and socks. He told me, "I didn't want to act like I was getting ahead of things. I wasn't sure if we were just coming in here to make out or if we were going to do more." He had his shoes, socks and shirt off and I was naked. I began to help him with his pants and he was soon as naked as I was.

John began to kiss me and soon started sucking on my tits. I was extremely turned on when John began to put his condom on. His cock slid into me and I started to cum profusely. John continued to pump that cock into me and I continued to cum. When he collapsed against my body, we held each other tightly.

As we were holding each other and kissing, I told John, "I'm sorry; but I have an eight o'clock in the morning. We can have a longer session when I don't have to get up so early in the morning; but you're going to have to go home now." John was not overly crazy about the idea of leaving right then; but he did not complain too much. He dressed and I pulled a T-shirt over my head before I walked him to the door. I kissed him goodbye and then returned to my bed.

When I returned from my run in the morning, Mia was in seventh heaven because she had a date for Friday night. I could understand her excitement. Here was a girl who would be twenty-one years old in a few months and she was going on the third date of her life. This would be the first time that she had a date in nearly two and a half years. After last Friday, she had to go on this week's date plus one more before the number of dates in her life outnumbered the times that she had been fucked.

That Friday night, the entire household had dates. Donnie and Valerie always went out on Friday nights. Generally, they were home before nine o'clock and Valerie usually spent the night. That was normally the only night of the week that she spent the entire night, although she was there several nights a week. As I found out later, Max brought Mia home shortly before ten and she had invited him in. Mia had turned the television set on and they made a pretext of watching television while they made out.

It was sometime after ten o'clock when John parked his car in the driveway. We sat there kissing and caressing each other's bodies for some time. When I thought that it might be time to take John inside, I noticed Max's car in the driveway next to us. I didn't want to rub it in Mia's face that I was going to be having sex. Also, I didn't want to put any pressure on her to think that it was expected that she should take Max to her bedroom. I took John through the garage and we went in through the kitchen. We could get to the hallway that way without having to pass through the living room.

John and I quickly undressed and got into bed. We resumed from where we were in the car. On this night, John ate my pussy before he fucked me. We laid together for a while talking. Soon, we were both ready for round two. After we recovered from a very satisfying fuck, I noticed that it was about one o'clock. Although I enjoyed being with John and the sex was fairly good, I was not yet close enough to him to let him spend the night. I suggested that he should get dressed to go home. He was not anxious to leave; but he didn't put up too much argument. As I had done the time before, I pulled on a T-shirt to walk him to the door. We kissed good night and he reluctantly left.

I checked all of the doors and made sure that they were all locked. When I was on my way back to my room, I heard the distinct sounds of sex coming from Ann's room and from Donnie's room. As I approached my own room, I heard low sobs coming from Mia's room. I walked through the connecting bathroom and saw Mia sitting on her bed. She was naked and she was crying. I approached her bed and asked, "Hey, what's the problem? I hope your date wasn't a bummer."

She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes, as she said, "No, the date was fine. In fact, I enjoyed the hell out of it. I had fun when we were out and I had a lot more fun when we were making out on the couch. I was getting worked up and I am sure that he was. He didn't complain when I told him that it was time to leave so that I could go to bed. I really wasn't ready to have sex with him tonight. But after I got in bed, all I could hear were the sounds of the rest of you having sex. It was making me wish that I had let him come to bed with me."

I tossed my T-shirt aside and took her in my arms. As we sat next to each other on the bed, I told her, "You wait until you're ready. You don't have to be on anybody's schedule but your own. You don't need to have sex with him just because Max is pressuring you. You definitely don't need to have sex just because the rest of us moral degenerates are doing it."

She kissed me and said, "Thanks, Jenny. You just told me what I had been thinking deep inside. Hearing you say it out loud confirms that my conscience is right."

I rubbed her pussy and asked, "What does your conscience say about this?"

She grabbed my wrist and pushed harder against her crotch and said, "It says that it is about time for Jenny to make Mia cum." I pushed her back onto the bed and began to make love with her. I had already had my pussy eaten once tonight and been fucked twice, so I didn't need to worry about whether I came or not. I gave Mia my expert attention and she got off several times. We held each other and told each other how great we were together. Then we fell asleep.

As was usually the case, particularly on weekends, Mia and I were the first ones up on Saturday morning. We were sitting in the kitchen talking and enjoying our coffee when Donnie and Valerie came to have their morning coffee. They told us that they were going to be out all day. As they were leaving, we were joined by Ann. It was not too much longer before Jason came out for his coffee. Jason stayed at our house until Sunday. This became the normal routine for Jason and Ann.

The following Saturday morning when Mia and I were enjoying a cup of coffee together, Mia said, "Jenny, I've got something that I've got to tell you." "What, you're pregnant?" "Oh god no. Don't even think that. I haven't even started on the pill yet. I went to the health center and got a prescription after that night with Donnie. My period comes in a week or so and then I am supposed to start them." "I'm sorry, Mia. I'm always making jokes when you're trying to be serious." "Last night, I took Max to bed and we fucked for hours." "Because you wanted to, right?" "Damned right I wanted to. It was great. Not as good as the night with Donnie; but hell, maybe Max will get better." "Mia, that is why we suggested Donnie for you. He is so gentle and considerate. That's why sometimes I get jealous of Valerie. When I told you about Max and me, I said that he was fairly decent and you shouldn't try to compare him to Donnie. Was Max good enough that you want to try him again?" "Oh hell yes."

On a Tuesday about a week later, Mia came to see how our study group was going at about nine o'clock. That was normally about when it started to break up. The four of us were discussing the homecoming football game that was being held on Saturday. We decided that we would go to the game and then do something together that evening. On Thursday, Max and Mia went out to eat after our study group ended. Later that night I could hear the two of them in her room giving the bedsprings a workout. The sounds coming from that room told me that Mia was really enjoying having sex with men.

Fortunately, the weather on Saturday was fairly decent. We didn't have to bundle up for the football game. It was somewhat of a lopsided game, as our school was playing one of the weaker teams in our conference. That is probably why that week was homecoming. Everyone wants an easy win at their homecoming game. The game was over by four o'clock and we all went out to get something to eat. There were several parties on campus that evening and we began discussing some of the ones that we had been invited to. As it turned out, none of us was all that excited about any of the parties that we had been invited to. I offered, "The reason that people our age go to these parties is so that we can drink and socialize with people that we know. Well, none of us particularly likes that many people who are going to be at the parties. We have beer and snacks at home. Why don't we go there and drink and enjoy people that we all like."

Everyone else was in agreement with that idea and we drove to our house. I began getting the snacks ready while Mia got everyone a beer. We had been talking most of the day and we had just about run out of things to talk about. We had a few beers and realized that none of us really wanted to watch the programs on television. Just about out of options, we began to make out. Max and Mia were on the couch, while John and I were relegated to the love seat. I noticed that Mia's clothes were becoming discarded little by little. She had her hand in Max's pants.

Mia then shocked the hell out of me. She said, "Jenny, I don't really know how to give a blowjob and I've heard that you give the best blowjobs around."

John interrupted, "You got that right, Mia."

I gave a mock bow and said, "Well, thank you sir, for the testimonial." Then to Mia, I asked, "What does my supposed ability have to do with you giving a blowjob?"

Mia said, "I was hoping that maybe you could show me how."

I told her, "It's a hard thing to teach. When you teach something, you have to show them how it is done; but you also have to explain what you're doing. That's why teaching a blowjob is difficult. It's hard to explain something when you mouth is full of dick." Then looking at Max, I kidded, "Or half full, as the case may be."

Max said, "Damn, she's mean tonight."

I told Mia, "All right, if I can get some cooperation from someone with a hard dick around here."

Max said, "I'm here, willing and hard."

I said, "No. You're Mia's practice dummy. Does anyone else around her have a hard cock that they'd like sucked?" John stood up and fished his hard cock out of his pants. I laughed, "I didn't think that I'd have too much trouble getting a volunteer. Go sit down next to Max." As he was sitting down, I said, "You both need to pull your pants all of the way down. Mia has to be able to see what she is trying to learn."

Both guys kicked their shoes off and took their pants and underwear off. When they were seated again, I said, "Okay guys, bend over and suck the cock on the guy next to you." They both stood up and started to reach for their pants. I said, "Sit back down; I just was curious about how close your friendships really was. If Mia was horny and there was no guy around to help her out, I would eat her pussy; why won't you suck each other's cocks?"

They sat down; but neither of them said a word. Mia and I got on our knees in front of our dates and I took John's cock in my hand and Mia followed my example. I started to give her instructions as she took Max's cock in her mouth. I continued to give her pointers; but it appeared that she was doing quite well without my help. I told her, "I won't have to give you any instruction on deep-throating tonight. You won't need that until you find a bigger partner."

Max yelped at that remark, "Mia, your friend is being a bitch to me tonight."

Mia took her head off of his cock and said, "Max, she's right; I had the whole thing in my mouth and it was no where near my throat; but size isn't that important."

I told him, "That's right; you don't see John complaining because my tits are a lot smaller than Mia's."

Somewhat placated, Max fell silent and enjoyed the blowjob that Mia was giving him. I dropped my mouth over John's cock and began to suck him. When both guys had cum, I suggested that everyone go into my bedroom for some more activity. Mia hesitated a little bit; but I guess that she thought that she could learn something from watching John and me.

The four of us ended up on my bed and John was eagerly lapping at my pussy. My own experience and the things that Mia had said about Max led me to believe that he normally did not have the patience to take the time to eat pussy before he fucked it. It was probably the fact that he had just gotten a blowjob, coupled with the fact that John was eating my pussy that caused Max to follow suit. John was taking his time in his attempt to bring me pleasure with his mouth. Max, on the other hand, was eating Mia's pussy like he wanted to get it over with. Apparently, Max was doing just the right things with Mia's clit because it wasn't long before she began to moan from the orgasmic feelings that were overwhelming her. I was nowhere near cumming; but I was enjoying the hell out of the journey.

Max had driven his cock into Mia as I was beginning to feel my own cum approaching. I suddenly pushed John's mouth away from my cunt. I could feel that a huge cum approaching and I wanted a cock inside of me when it came. I screamed, "I want to feel your hard cock, now!"

As John was putting a condom on his hard dripping cock, I reached for my ankles and pulled them toward my head, elevating my ass and my cunt. John moved to his knees and slid that piece of meet between those swollen lips and began to drive it into me. As he fucked me, he blocked my legs with his arms to keep my ass elevated. The angle with which he was penetrating me was causing his hard shaft to brush against my clit and it sped me toward the release that I so much desired. I was whimpering as he increased his pace and began to release his load of cum into that latex hood that covered his cock.

My legs had been released and I was prone on the bed with John on top of me holding me tight. Max was on his back with Mia sitting next to him. As I caught my breath, I reached for Max's soft dick and, after lifting it and allowing it to fall back against his leg, I said, "Mia, that thing isn't doing you much good in that condition."

Mia said, "I notice that John's isn't standing too tall right now either."

I boldly proclaimed, "Let me see what I can do with Max's cock and you see if you can get John up." I leaned down and began to lick Max's cum from the sides of his cock and it was beginning to respond.

Mia took a couple of licks on John's cock and looked at me commenting, "His cum tastes a little different than Max's. You were right. Different guys' cum tastes different; but it all tastes good." She then slid her mouth over the head of his dong and tried to bring it to full hardness.

I was progressing a little bit slower with Max's cock and I paused long enough to ask, "Mia, do we get to fuck the one that we get hard?"

Mia's eyes rolled and she glared at me. Then she took her mouth off of his cock and said, "Might as well. I guess that I'm going to have another new experience tonight."

Both cocks had now hardened and we each reached for a condom to slide over their cocks. I simply stepped over Max and slid his five-inch member into my tight pussy. As I began to rock up and down on it, I heard John command, "Roll over, Mia, and get on your knees."

Mia was unsure what to expect; but she did as John had told her. John moved behind her and began to slide his tool into her from the rear. Since they had each cum twice before, neither of them was in any hurry to cum this time. Knowing that this would happen was why I had chosen to get on top. I wasn't sure how much stamina Max had and I wanted this to be a slow fuck at my own pace. The sounds that Mia was uttering told me that she was again nearing orgasm. I could feel a nice one building up inside of me and continued the slow pace in an attempt to let it build further. John and Mia had both cum and they had collapsed on the bed. They had turned to their sides and they were kissing each other when I quickened my pace. I was just feeling my cum when Max's eyes began to bug out of his head and he unloaded into his condom.

Mia and I continued to kiss the guys in an attempt to arouse some interest from them; but neither of them acted like they cared if they got hard again that night. We turned from the guys and faced each other and began to kiss. In no time at all we had moved into a sixty-nine position and we lapped at each other until we each had experienced enjoyable climaxes.

Their exhaustion had kept the guys from witnessing this erotic sight and the two guys slept through the night. Mia and I had slept in each other's arms until we awoke shortly before seven in the morning. As I was fixing the coffee, I told Mia, "I think that my sister was anxious to get fucked when she came home last night." "Why do you think that?" "Well, that's her top over by the door to the garage and that is her bra on the floor over there. I saw a shirt that was probably Jason's by the door to her room. Although I didn't bother to peek inside, her door wasn't even all of the way closed." "More power to her. Jason probably took care of her all by herself; it took three people to get me satisfied last night." "Mia, you're looking at it from the pessimistic angle. Look at it from the point that you satisfied three people last night."

Mia simply smiled and began to pour the coffee. About an hour later, John and Max came from the bedroom fully dressed. They both declined a cup of coffee and left. It was my opinion that they were both embarrassed to have awakened in bed alone with another naked man.

Jason Madsen and Ann had been dating regularly for most of the semester. It had become a routine for them. They usually did something on Wednesday evening before returning to the house for some quick sex. Jason usually left before ten o'clock. He insisted that he needed to be fresh for his first class the following day. They normally went somewhere on Friday and did not rush home the way that they did on Wednesday. When they did return, they spent the remainder of the night in bed. Jason stayed at our house on most weekends. Sometimes, they went somewhere on Saturday evening; but at times they would stay in bed for almost the entire weekend. When they stayed in all day Saturday, Jason usually came out to talk with the others for a short while.

I knew that my sister thought a lot about this guy; but I knew that Jason would have to change his ways or Ann would end up miserable. My conversations with him led me to believe that he was a nice interesting intelligent guy. What's not to like, right! The strict schedule and regimen that he imposed upon himself was unnerving to me. I had to find a way to let Jason know that or he was going to lose my sister. I had not really liked that many of my sister's boyfriends in the past; but I knew that Jason showed promise. Otherwise, I wouldn't have worried about this quirk in his lifestyle. He usually returned home late on Sunday afternoon so that he was ready for class on Monday morning.

When we all returned to our various homes for the Thanksgiving weekend, the house had been empty for the first time since Mia had moved in. The first weekend after we returned, I had dated John on Friday evening and we had an enjoyable evening of sex. John had left early on Saturday morning and I was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee alone at about nine o'clock wearing a very thin short nightgown. Mia had gone to the library to do some research on a paper that was due in a couple of weeks. Donnie and Valerie had spent the night in bed and they had gone somewhere for the morning.