Jenny Says

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Jenny and Lorna have one plan, I have another.
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This is another of my stories with a twist that I haven't seen before. Elements of the build up to this story may piss some people off, but stick to the end, you may be pleasantly surprised. I have tried my hardest to put something in here for everyone except the hard-core reconciliation crowd.

Again, if what I think are original ideas have been done before, I apologise in advance, both to the original author(s), and for wasting reader's time.

Many thanks to all those who checked this one for me, including XTCHR and the very talented Creativitytakescourage.


Hi, my name is Dave and rather than physically describe myself I thought I would detail what I believe in. That way you should get an idea of what sort of guy I am. Despite what I've just done, I assure you I'm not an evil man. An evil man would have enjoyed what I just did. I didn't. It was just something my sensibilities demanded.

My driving belief is in respect. Respecting yourself and others is critical. I will respect you until you do something to lose it, at which point I will just walk away. I will never darken your doorway again. I think everyone has a duty to be as good as they can possibly be. Sure, some will achieve more than others, but so long as you try your best I will respect you. One word of caution; disrespect me and you'd better duck.

Next to respect, what I value most is loyalty and trust. I will never lie or be devious to those that have my respect. I am loyal to a fault, again to those that deserve it. Note the careful wording. If you lose my trust, then loyalty and respect are also off the table.

I have a strong belief in justice. Good things should happen to good people and bad things to bad people. I'm also old-fashioned. If you wrong me then you won't have to worry about writs and court, but you'd better be very careful walking down any dark alleys. If I shake hands on a deal and it doesn't happen, then check the death notices; my name will be there.

I believe I am methodical, romantic, and loving.

I also have a strong belief in equality of the sexes. Not the lip service many people have, but an innate conviction that whatever genitalia you happen to be packing it won't make a damn bit of difference on what I expect or how I will treat you.

That may explain why I just did what I did.

Did I say I was methodical? I'll prove it to you by starting at the beginning.

My suggestion that my wife of seven years sever contact with her friend Jenny fell on deaf ears. Jenny moved in down the street the previous year. Her husband Bill is a shift worker that I've only met a couple of times. Jenny makes my palms itch. I don't know what it is about her, but I just have a real, instinctive bad feeling about her. But I respect that it's my wife, Lorna's, decision. She tends not to have many friends but is fiercely loyal to the ones she does have.

Jenny doesn't like me, and it's obvious that she's trying to influence Lorna. More than once, when I've walked in the room, their conversation has stopped abruptly. Oh yes, I started having a real bad feeling about their friendship.

The signs that my marriage was in strife began accumulating. Several small things, that by themselves, meant nothing started to niggle. Not being able to contact Lorna sometimes on her days off, and evasive answers when I asked about it later was one of them. Her recent trouble in making eye contact with me was another. I firmly believe the old saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul and added my own ending; that sunglasses are the blinds.

The biggest clue, of course, was our sex life reducing from at least twice a week down to zip overnight, with nothing at all in the previous four weeks. Doubly strange was that, on more than one occasion, when I approached her for a bit of loving, she appeared to go along with it for a while then changed her mind. It was like shutters came down over her eyes and she turned off. I asked many times what the problem was, but she denied we even had one. Exasperated, last week I suggested we needed to think about counselling. Lorna just turned away and started crying. Once she'd finished, she looked like she really wanted to say something but then the shutters came down again.

The most confusing aspect of her behaviour was it's total inconsistency with a woman trying to get pregnant with her first child. Unless... shit. A bad thought entered my head. What if she'd given up on me being the sperm donor and was auditioning other guys? It would explain why she wasn't as sexually frustrated as I was and why she was avoiding me. Guilt. But that doesn't make sense. We'd only been trying for two months before she cut me off.

Well, if she wasn't going to admit to her cheating, then I was going to have to catch her the old-fashioned way. Lorna controlled the finances in our family as she had the most time. Not wanting big, unexplainable purchases to show up on our statements I had to be careful and keep any surveillance cheap. And that's what I did. I paid cash for two tiny voice recorders that relayed to a base station. A good start I thought. If they didn't pick up anything, I could always upgrade and do the old GPS monitor thing later. I set one of the recorders up in the kitchen. That would cover that room and also the lounge. The second I placed in our bedroom. The receiver I hid in the ceiling space. Lorna never went there; too many spiders.

The only relevant conversation the recorders picked up, about a week later, confused the hell out of me. At the same time, it offered me some relief. It didn't sound like Lorna was cheating on me, but I still had no clue what she was up to. The recorded conversation happened in the kitchen on one of Lorna's days off.

"Well, Lorna, what did you think of that?"

"I dunno, Jenny. It was as hot as hell but are you sure Bill enjoys it, he certainly didn't look like it."

"I told you before, he doesn't particularly get off on what I do at the time but afterwards he knows he's going to get at least a week of mind-blowing sex. The only time I've seen him really upset was when I misjudged the timing and my period started that night. Bill missed out and sulked for a whole week."

"I still don't know, Jen, I can't see how you could possibly respect Bill if he puts up with all that."

"Fuck, today was tame, girl. You should see what we normally get up to. I didn't want to humiliate Bill that much today as it was only the second time you were there as a spectator. You would not believe the buzz I get when I go up to Bill tied in his chair with his little cock in its cage and give him his choice for the day."

"What choice?"

"Well, it's different every time. The best one was when I told him that he was going to taste the meat's cum and had a choice of whether he wanted it secondhand or direct from the source, as it were."

"Which did he go for?"

"Secondhand, of course. He's not a faggot. After I'd done the meat, I pushed Bill's chair over and just sat on his face. Fuck, girl, I must have cum three times in five minutes that time. I'll ask Bill if we can do something like that next time you come over. Shit, I'd better go, Bill's still tied up."

The bedroom recorder cut in slightly after that. A distinctive buzzing noise and two screaming multiple orgasms demonstrated that whatever happened had turned Lorna on immensely and her vibrator received a workout.

It was obvious that Lorna had witnessed something with Jenny and Bill that turned her on, but I couldn't understand all of it. The only thing that fit all the conversation was... no, surely no man would put up with that? Yeah, naïve or what? The 'meat' reference I just didn't get. I also didn't understand where all this was heading. I decided to wait and see.

I only had to wait till the following week for the next episode. Again, it was during my wife's day off and again the action was in the kitchen.

"Fuck, that was hot. When you told Bill to hold still while that guy rubbed his cock on his face was awesome."

"Yeah, well, I asked Bill if I could do the whole secondhand or straight from the source thing again but he put his foot down. He said not with you there. It's only because he thinks he's going to get a crack at you that he even agreed to you being there in the first place."

"Well, that's not going to happen."

"For fucks sake, girl, don't tell him that. If you burst that bubble then your viewing days are over."

"Okay, how was last week with Bill?"

"Fantastic, as always. After I returned home from here, I untied him and he cleaned me out as usual and then we screwed from then till supper time. I told you the sex with the meats is great but the week after with Bill is almost as good. It's like honeymoon sex all over again."

There was a pause in the conversation and the sound of a kettle boiling on the recording.

"So how are things with Dave going?"

"The poor guy must have blue balls something chronic. It's been six weeks now and I can tell you it's getting harder and harder to turn him down. If it wasn't for mother's little helper I would have exploded by now. You know vibrators though, they feel good at the time but leave you feeling kinda unsatisfied."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But hang in there. How about you tell him you are cutting him off to build up his potency? That might buy you some time. Another few weeks and Dave will say yes to anything. How about next week you have a go with the meat and pretend that Bill is Dave? It won't be nearly as good but at least you'll get your rocks off and it will buy you the time you need."

"No way, Jen. I will never ever cheat on Dave. I love him too much to disrespect him like that. Then there's the whole prenup thing I told you about. If he ever found out I cheated, I'd be out in a flash. I'm thirty-nine, Jen, if I don't have kids now I never will."

I paused the recording. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lorna. I particularly liked the comment about respect. Although it seems you may have different ideas than me about disrespect. Yes, you are very wise to remember the prenup. The cheating party leaves with fuck all.

I could now see where this was likely heading and mentally vowed to schedule some time for myself to decide how far along I'd allow it to go. I returned to the recording.

"I still don't know, as horny as Dave must be, I still just can't see him going along with all this. I'm thinking of backing out. I can't risk losing him. Not just for a bit of extramarital. Shit, it's hard enough as it is, looking in his eyes and seeing sperm in them. It's just not right."

"Haven't you listened to a word I've said, girl. It's not just a 'bit of extramarital'. It's the massive high you get from the feeling of control. Having him sit there helpless and horny, knowing he's going to do absolutely anything you want him to do, for as long as you want, just to get to keep you. There's nothing like seeing your wife screwing a piece of meat to trigger the competitive instinct in the dumb male. Deep down, all men just want to be dominated. Bill did it. My ex did it. Sure, they all protest for a while for the sake of appearance, but once their fragile little pride is satisfied they run to the chair every time."

"No, Jen, I've decided I don't want to risk my future happiness. It's not worth it. Dave brought up counselling again this week."

"What risk, Lorna? There is no risk. Let him stew for a few more weeks to maximise your chances, then hit him with it. You're not cheating, so he has no reason to leave and the prenup isn't triggered. What's the worst that can happen? He says no and you've lost nothing. No way will he want a divorce where he loses the house, half the money, and has to pay you alimony. So, no risk and the possibility of mind-numbing sex for as long as you want it. I tell you, girlfriend, you just can't lose."

"Okay, Jen, I'll think about it."

"Well, make up your mind soon or your watching days are over."

The vibrator got another flogging that afternoon.

I was sick of the situation. Time to put the pressure on. I still had no idea how I was going to react when their little charade played out, as I was increasingly sure it would. Jenny was offering Lorna the possibility of an experience that no one mortal man could compete with. I've gotta say, my initial reaction was that the idea was totally alien to my sensibilities, but then again, I'd never given it any thought before. You never know, watching Lorna get screwed in front of me might be fun. Time to force a decision.

When Lorna came to bed, I made my desire known, but got the expected knock back.

"Lorna, have you ever heard of conjugal rights?"

"No, what are they?"

"That is the right of a husband to have sex with his wife."

"Well, I'm claiming anti-conjugal rights. The right of a wife to say no."

I didn't say anything for a while, choosing my words carefully.

"Well, if you keep refusing me and won't tell me why and refuse to consider counselling, then will you give me your blessing to fulfil my needs outside the marriage?"

There was what I can only describe as an explosion on the other side of the bed.

"Wha... what? No bloody way. No way are you going to get any outside of this house. I should be able to provide you with all you need."

Lorna stopped abruptly as the fundamental stupidity of her own statement struck. A look of pain, anger, and confusion interchanged across her face. She jumped out of bed and disappeared out the door.

"I have to talk to Jenny."

I left her alone to go into the living area and I could hear mumbling from the kitchen phone area.

She tiptoed back into the bedroom half an hour later. Assuming I was asleep, she gently eased in beside me. I gave her five minutes to settle down.

"Lorna, I don't know what shit Jenny is filling your head with, but can't you see how destructive it is?"

"She's my friend."

"Well, Lorna, I sincerely recommend unfriending her before she destroys any more of our marriage. I don't know exactly what shit she is filling your head with, but Blind Freddie can see it isn't now, or ever will be, good."

The next morning, I stayed in bed until Lorna left for work. Once I heard the front door close, I got the ladder and went into the ceiling space. The kitchen recorder had picked up the late-night phone call. Or, one side of it anyway. It started with Lorna explaining the conversation she'd just had with me. She sounded desperate and I was shopeful she was going to pull out. To say I was disappointed at the outcome would be an understatement. After Lorna's tearful tirade there was silence. Then.

"Jen, are you sure about what you said the other day? Are all men like Bill and if you push them hard enough they'll enjoy being subservient?"


'Well, as you said I really have nothing to lose and even watching you and Bill makes me incredibly hot. Yes, I'll do it, but I can't keep this up for much longer. Can we move the timetable up a bit?"


"Right, I'll come over tomorrow night and we'll talk tactics. Bye."

It was a very quiet Smith household the next day. After dinner, Lorna told me she was going to Jenny's.

"Are you going to break off with her like I suggested?"

"No, Dave."

I grabbed her and forced eye contact.

"Please, Lorna."

Without another word she broke away from me and left. I snuck over to Jenny's house thinking what a powerful driver lust was. As it was dark, I circumnavigated the house but couldn't find a vantage point where I could either see or hear what was said inside. I would be flying blind for the next stage of the drama. I was fast asleep when my loving wife returned.

The next day, I again stayed in bed until Lorna left. This time I went to Jenny's house. I figured that because Lorna had raised Jen's name, in the context of our marriage problems, I wouldn't be tipping my hand with this social call. She opened the door still in her dressing gown. She wanted to get dressed but I explained that my message wouldn't take that long. I never made it off the porch.

"Jenny, I know you and Lorna are up to no good. I'll even guess that you are trying to talk her into something she doesn't really want to do. I would also hazard a guess that you think that there is no risk to you. I realise you don't know me, but I should tell you that I don't forgive and forget easily. I harbour grudges. For your own safety, can I suggest you turn your obviously powerful persuasive skills towards talking her out of whatever it is rather than into it?" At that point, the door was slammed in my face.

After another quiet dinner, Lorna again went to Jen's house. When I followed this time I noticed the kitchen light was on and the window was ajar. I'd missed the start of the conversation, obviously an explanation of my visit this morning. I was just in time to hear,

"No, this is good news, Lorna, I reckon this proves he thinks I'm trying to get you to cheat on him. That means when you hit him with your speech he'll be off balance, and what's more, he'll be so relieved that you aren't going to cheat on him that he'll jump at our suggestion."

At that point, clumsy here knocked over a small pot plant and to prevent having to answer some embarrassing questions, did a runner.

Again, I was asleep when Lorna came home.

The next night I got home to wonderful culinary smells. Lorna had gone all out on taste and presentation. Here we go, I thought to myself. She kept up with inane chatter all night. The few times she made eye contact all I could see was nervousness. I waited for her to get it off her chest. Bed time came with no confrontation. Just to apply a little pressure, I snuggled into her and squeezed her breasts. She actually responded for a good half minute before shutting me down. I piped up with the obligatory, "Have I done something wrong, dear? Tell me," and, "Lorna, I really think we should consider counselling." Again, only the expected angry responses.

In the morning I decided to start fighting dirty. I retrieved her vibrator from the bathroom drawer and removed the spring from the battery compartment. Two can play the blue ball game.

Two more evenings of the same and the game was getting boring. When I returned from golf, Jenny was there but beat a hasty retreat. It was Saturday night, and using the excuse of getting up early for church, I retired to bed by 9:30p.m. Lorna followed me. I thought she may be more open with me in the darkness, so I turned the light straight off. Once she was settled, I asked, "Okay, Lorna, what's on your mind?"

She was silent, so I continued.

"Okay, well, I'm guessing you've got something on your mind that you can't quite bring yourself to tell me. You've cut me off from sex for the best part of two months, so I'm guessing it is sex related. Lorna, are you cheating on me and are you working up the courage to confess?"

"No, Dave, how could you possibly think that? You know I love you and would never do anything like that," she erupted.

"Then please tell me what it is before I just leave, or even worse, give in the next time some woman propositions me."

This got her interested. "What women proposition you? When?

"All the time at work. I'm well off, big and fit, and, with all due modesty, not bad looking. I doubt a week goes by without some girl trying to crack on to me."

"Okay, Dave, just give me a minute and I'll tell you what's on my mind."

It was more like five.

"Like I said, Dave, I have never cheated on you or would never want to. But there is a thing that I would like to try."

More silence.

"I know you don't like her, but Jenny has been telling me what she and Bill get up to, you know, in the bedroom, and it sounds a lot more exciting than what we do."