Jeong Park's First Frosh Ball Ch. 06


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"Slutty," Jessica whispered, almost panting, and she knew without looking that her nipples were swollen with excitement. They ached. She glanced sideways at her daughter.

"Really slutty," Sally whispered back, her cheeks burning. Oh my god, it was tiny, and it was a G-string, really, it was. Just big enough to cover her... barely.

"Erik would like it," Jessica whispered.

"He would," Sally whispered back, going weak at the knees.

"Let's get a couple each," Jessica whispered. "I like the black and the red."

"Me too," Sally said.

"I might need to, you know, shave," Jessica said, taking another off the rack.

* * *

Jeong looked at her mobile, horrified and annoyed. What was Wilfred thinking? He wanted to talk? She didn't want to talk. She wanted action, and she was getting out of here before he arrived and made a scene. She wasn't even going to take time to change clothes. If she did, he might get here before she left. Her old tee, and the short denim skirt she'd thrown on when she'd rolled out of bed, they'd have to do. At least she was wearing a bra.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad, see you tonight. I'm going round to Annie's for the day. If Wilfred comes around, don't tell him where I've gone." Jeong shut the door behind her parents, and leaned back against it. Annie's? Yeah, she really needed to talk to Annie.

Her mobile buzzed again. She looked. Wilfred. No way was she answering, and she waited until the voicemail lit up before she listened.

"Hi. Wilfred here, Jeong. I'm on my way round, want to go dim sum after church?" After last night, he was the last guy she wanted to see. He could have had her last night. She'd been ready. Ready? She'd been going to do it to him, until he pushed her off his lap and onto the floor.

Marriage? He wanted to wait until he was married. Was he serious? Did he actually think she was going to marry him? She was eighteen. She was in her last year at high school. She'd be going away to university or college next year, and she'd never see him again. What was he smoking? Well, there wasn't going to be any third time lucky for Wilfred. She was so outta here. Good thing her parents were on their way out too. With luck, they'd be gone before he got here.

Jeong bolted out the back door, jumped the fence into the Pennyroyal's back garden, gave Mr. Pennyroyal a wave as she jogged down the side of his house. Annie. She was going to go see Annie. She paused before she walked out onto the sidewalk. Fingers flying, she texted, and yeah, she was dumping Wilfred by text.

Wilfred was history. Over, and she told him.

Yes, he'd seen it, and he was replying.

She didn't want to see his reply.

She turned her mobile off.

* * *

"You should wear a bra, Annie," her Mom said to her back as she bounced out the door.

"I'm off, Mom, Dad, see you later this afternoon." The front door shut behind Annie. Her mom smiled and shook her head, remembering her own eighteen year old self.

"Where's she off to?" Max asked, looking out the front window, refilling the percolator, sipping on the last of his coffee as his youngest daughter disappeared into the red Corvette in the driveway.

Be nice to have one of those. Be nice to be that young again, dating hot girls. He'd never regretted marrying Jenny, never, but sometimes he did regret not sowing a few more wild oats. More than that one night with that Korean girl in Seoul, anyhow. Last night's sex, well, he felt good. Hadn't felt that good in a while, and he was smiling.

Maybe he should pull seniority at work, and head to Seoul the next time there was an opportunity. He could do it, but did he want to? It was one thing to reminisce about one night long ago. It was another thing entirely to do something about it.

"Who knows," Jenny shrugged, giving her husband's cheek a quick kiss. "I'm off, meeting some of the girls for a late lunch, then going shopping and stopping after at Charlene's. Be back too late for dinner, maybe nine or ten. Don't wait for me. Why don't you barbecue again?"

"Barbecue? Sure," Max grunted, inhaling the coffee fumes. Brew faster, dammit! "Where's Suzy?"

"Sleeping off last night," Jenny laughed. "She was out with her date. He seems a nice boy, she came in around three or four in the morning. She'll probably wake up for dinner." She smiled, remembering a few late nights of her own when she was Suzy's age. "See you tonight, honey."

"Bye, honey." Max waited for the coffee maker to do it's stuff, poured himself another mug of coffee, inhaled, sipped. Walked out to the deck. What a mess. Time to clean up, then catch some sun, maybe swim, or at least, float in the water. Fire up a steak and some baked potatoes on the grill for lunch. Do some for Suzy if she made it out of bed, but otherwise, he was just going to chill.

* * *

"I love your car," Annie said enthusiastically, as Chuck pulled his Corvette out of her parents' driveway and into the street. His right hand moved to rest on her thigh as soon as he'd changed gear, and she'd worn a skirt. A short loose skirt, just like he'd asked last night. Not too short, because her panties were in her handbag, and she hadn't wanted her mom and dad to notice that, as she was leaving.

Apart from her sandals, all she wore was that skirt and a t-shirt. She knew Chuck liked the t-shirt. Although he probably liked that she wasn't wearing a bra under it even more, and she knew he'd noticed. She had a bra in her handbag though, for wearing when she went home, of if they went somewhere. The Corvette growled, surging ahead as Chuck lifted his hand from her thigh long enough to change gears a couple more times.

"Where are we going?" she asked, glancing sideways at him. Her boyfriend. Wow.

Chuck's hand returned. He gave her a quick grin. "Back to my folks. They're away all summer, and my older sister's married. Got the house to myself." His hand slid higher. Not quite high enough to discover she was going commando, but close. Really close, and she'd never gone out without panties on before, and she was already wet and hot, and she was going to leave a wet patch on his seat, she knew. She didn't think he'd mind.

"You like that idea, baby?"

"Mmmm," Annie smiled, glancing at him. She liked that idea a lot.

* * *

It was Annie's dad that opened the door. "Oh, hi Jeong. Annie's out with her boyfriend." He saw the disappointment on her face. "Something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," Jeong shrugged. "I just wanted to get away from home for a while." She didn't say "and Wilfred" but that was what she was thinking.

"Well, you're always welcome here, Jeong, even if Annie's not home," Max said, standing back, holding the door open and his cock was twitching because yeah, those boobs were gorgeous, and he had to tear his eyes away, but he didn't want to. "Come on in."

"Are you sure?" Jeong said, smiling, because she'd seen that look. Someone had the right idea, anyhow, and she felt happier immediately. "I wouldn't be intruding?"

"No way," Max said, meaning it one hundred percent. "Come on through, I was going to start cleaning up the deck. Jenny's out for the day, and Suzy was back late, she won't be up for hours. You can keep me company if you like."

"I can help," Jeong volunteered.

"Had breakfast?" Max asked.

"No," Jeong said, suddenly hungry.

"Why don't you get yourself something first, ignore the mess. I'll clean up in there later," he said. "Annie said she'd be back later this afternoon, she's out with that new boyfriend of hers, for most of the day, I think..."

"Chuck?" Jeong asked.

"Yeah, him," Max said. "Seems like a nice boy. Nice car, anyhow. Corvette. Wish I'd had one when I was his age. Chick magnet, those cars."

"I don't think you needed a Corvette back then, Max," Jeong smiled.

He might have been almost fifty, but he was really fit, and he was handsome. He'd probably been a real hunk when he was at high school and college, and she knew he'd played football. The sort of guy she'd like to date, if he was nineteen or twenty instead of fifty. Sort of like that guy Erik, and a little frisson ran through her when she thought about Erik. That, and a twinge of jealousy that Sally had left with him last night, but she'd been with Wilfred. It's not like she could've left with him.

She'd have liked to, though, and she remembered the way he'd looked at her. Looked her up and down, in her bikini. Like he was interested. Like he was hungry.

"Thanks, Jeong." Max grinned, and he couldn't help looking at her tits again.

Jesus, they were gorgeous, and Jenny was right. They were way bigger than they had been at the start of summer, when she'd gone off back to Seoul with her mom. Had she really had them...? His mind shied away from that one.

"We're having a barbecue this evening, told Annie to bring Chuck back for it. If you want to get away from home for a while, just call your parents and tell them you'll be here until this evening. I'll run you home, so they don't need to worry."

"Are you sure, Max?" Jeong asked. "I'm not imposing on you?" She enjoyed calling him Max. Like he was a friend. An older friend, and he was... he did look... he was her bestie's dad, she shouldn't think of him like that, but she did like the way he looked at her. Hungry eyes, that's what it was. He had hungry eyes, like Erik. Erik had hungry eyes too, and she liked the way both of them looked at her. A little scary, but exciting.

"No way," Max said, smiling. Jesus? Imposing? Where'd she learn to talk like that? He wished his girls had manners that good. He wished his girls had boobs like... no he didn't. But jeez, he'd happily look at Jeong's boobs all day. "You're not imposing at all, Jeong."

He grinned. "And you know where everything is, you've been here often enough. Help yourself to breakfast. I'm going to clean up out there, just call me when the coffee's made. Going to do some steak on the grill for lunch."

"Thanks, Max," Jeong smiled.

* * *

"Annie, you know something?" Chuck grinned, his hand high enough on her inner thigh, high enough that he knew.

"Ohhhhhh." Annie bit her bottom lip, but that didn't stifle her moan, because he was touching her. There. She looked. Down. At his hand. Touching her. There.

"What?" Her cheeks burned with the heat of her embarrassment. And excitement, because she'd known he'd find out, and she'd hoped he'd find out sooner, rather than later, and he had.

"You're a bad bad girl." He glanced at her, grinning. "And I'm sorta wishing I wasn't driving a manual."

"Ohhhh." Chuck was changing gears, and Annie was wishing he wasn't driving a manual too. Cheeks flaming, she slid her hand over to rest on him, and he was big and hard, and she explored. She couldn't help that excited little noise she made when she felt him. Felt how big and hard he was.

"I like that," Chuck said, grinning.

He liked it even better when her fingers began to stroke him through his jeans.

* * *

"There's a nice young man out here just arrived for you, Ariana," Ariana and Fernanda's mom called out as she walked in the side door from the garage.

"Madre de dios, get your butt upstairs, Fer," Ariana hissed. She stuffed Fer's panties into her hand. "Don't drop these, and for god's sake, you're dripping everywhere."

"Uh..." Fernanda stuttered, cupping her sex with one hand, and Erik's cum was slippery all over her inner thighs as she just about waddled up the stairs. Wadding her panties up and using them helped.

"Oh, hi Dave," Ariana smiled, turning around just as Fer disappeared from sight. Jesus, that'd been to close. Way to close. "You're early. I was just going to get ready." Which wasn't true. She'd been totally distracted by Fer, and that prick, Erik.

"This is the boy you're going out with today?" Mrs. Menendez eyed Dave, and then she smiled.

"Si, Mamá. Este es Dave," Ariana said.

"You go get ready, Ariana. Dave? Is that your name? Come and have a coffee. Ariana always takes forever to get ready. My husband will be inside soon, I know he'd like to meet you."

"Thanks, Mrs. Menendez," Dave said, eyeing Ariana desperately.

She giggled. "Mama's gonna give you the third degree, Dave," she said, turning to flee up the stairs. The last thing she heard was her mom's voice. "Now, Ariana said you were at college? What are you studying? Something that will get you a good job, I hope."

"Mom," she called out. "I'm eighteen, and it's America, not Mexico. It's a date. I'm not marrying him."

She liked Dave. A lot. But not that much. Not yet, anyhow.

* * *

"There's nobody home," Chuck said, as soon as the front door was closed behind them, and she was in his arms, and he was holding Annie, kissing her gently. Those slow romantic kisses girls liked, and he didn't flip her skirt up and fuck her on the foyer floor the way he wanted to. He'd learnt a few things from Erik. That romance shit, he guessed it really worked on the chicks.

It was working on Annie.

"Ohhhh, Chuck," she sighed, her arms vined around his neck, and Jesus, no bra and no panties. She was one hot chick, and blonde too. Naturally blonde and the thought had his dick throbbing.

"Ohhhh." She felt that, and her sex, oh my god, she was so wet. Wet enough that the insides of her thighs were wet, and she wanted it. Wanted him. Badly. Badly enough that she wished he'd just do her right here, on the floor in the foyer, without waiting. Badly enough that her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment at her own words. "Can we go to your bedroom?"

She smiled up at him, panting. She was panting.

"Sure," he said, resisting the urge to just brush that skirt she was wearing out of the way, and ram his dick into her the way he wanted to.

"Is this your bedroom?" Annie asked, following Chuck in through the doorway, and she'd liked the house, what she'd seen of it.

"Yeah," Chuck said, not bothering to shut the door behind them. Wasn't like anyone was going to be walking in. "This is my bedroom." He grinned, leading her across the room. "And this is my bed."

"It's a huge bed," Annie said, and her sandals were at the front door. There wasn't much else to take off, and she wanted it. Him. It. Whatever. Her hands peeled her t-shirt up and over her head in two seconds flat, her nipples aching, like they wanted to burst, and he was unbuckling his belt.

Her hands unhooked her skirt, unfastened the little zipper, pushed it down, so that it fell to the floor, and just like that, she'd undressed herself for him, and he'd already started to kick his jeans off. Her hand held him through his boxers as he got rid of his jeans, peeled his t-shirt off, and the only thing between him, and Annie getting what she wanted, were those boxers.

His hands got rid of those boxers just about instantaneously, and she had him in her hand, heart thumping with excitement.

"You're so hard," Annie gasped, gazing up into his eyes, not quite adoringly, but she just knew she was in love. Or lust. Or something. It didn't really matter, because he was lifting her up and onto his bed. On her back on his bed, and she spread her legs wide for him without even thinking about it, because all she was thinking about was what she held in her hand, and where she wanted it to go, and what she wanted him to do to her...

"You want hard, baby?" Chuck's eyes looked down into hers as he moved down on her.

"Yes," Annie breathed, drawing her knees back, guiding his cock to her. He brushed against her, pushed against her hand, pushed inwards, and she felt him there, thick and hard. So hard...

"Nnnnuhhhhhhhhhhh." Chuck thrust into her, and Annie got hard. She got hard right where she wanted it, and it wasn't as good as she remembered from last night.

It was better.

"Ugghhh," Chuck grunted, filling her with his cock, sliding up inside her, not fast, but steady, not stopping, not until he was buried to the balls in her tight hot slippery cunt.

"Ohhhhhhh," Annie moaned, back arching, hands clutching at Chuck, and then she said what she desperately wanted to say. "Fuck meeeeee Chuck... fuck me..." Because that was what she wanted.


"Sure, baby," Chuck grunted. "I'll fuck you." Because that was what he wanted, too.

"Ohhhhh." Annie cried out, feet bouncing off his hips, jolting under the impact of Chuck's next thrust. Fucking her. He was fucking her.

"Ohhh... ohhhh... ohhhhh." Jolting again and again, because she was getting exactly what she'd asked for. She was getting what she wanted. She was being fucked.

"Okay?" Chuck grunted, and he wasn't stopping now, not even if the San Andreas fault shifted, and he probably wouldn't have noticed if it had, the way he was pounding Annie on his bed, and she was his. She was all his, every bit of her five foot seven, blonde haired, blue-eyed, tanned, slim, taut, bouncy boobed, long-legged, completely fuckable body.

"Yes... yes... oh God, yes..." Annie moaned, and if this wasn't heaven, Chuck fucking her was the next best thing, and she loved the weight of his body on hers. She loved him above her, spreading her legs wide, pinning her to his bed and doing it to her. She loved Chuck, she loved him fucking her, and lying on his bed with him taking her like this? She knew she was made for Chuck to fuck.

"Good, because now I'm going to really fuck you," Chuck grunted, and with that first ram-driving plunge of his cock into her, that first crushing smack of his body against hers where they joined, Annie realized she hadn't known what hard was. Not until now, and now she didn't moan or sob or gasp.

"Huuhhh." She grunted. A sudden short sharp exhalation as the air was driven from her lungs by the power of that driving thrust, a battering ram of male hardness shafting her, slamming into her, and now his hands seized hers, pinned them to his bed above her head, and his body rode hers.

"Huhh... huhh... huhh..." Rode her hard, slamming her down onto the mattress, his hands gripping hers, his eyes looking down at her as he rode her, and in the back of her mind, the part of her mind that wasn't completely absorbed in the sensations generated by his body on hers, fucking hers, Annie understood that this was what it was to be possessed, to be taken, to be fucked, and she loved it. Loved what he was doing to her, loved that helpless surrender as his cock plunged deep inside her, his cockhead thrusting high, filling her with his male length, again and again.

"Huhh... huhh... huhh..." Those breathless grunts huffed from her uncontrollably, and her body was no longer her own. She was his, reacting to his movements, her body a receptacle for his cock to sheathe itself in, as a sword sheathes itself in a scabbard, except that this sword was withdrawn and sheathed again and again, sawing into her, hard and fast, that thick friction against her sensitive membranes where he entered her driving her half out of her mind.

Those sensations, that mix of pleasure flavored with a little pain from the violence of his use, those thick thrusts pistoning inwards where her channel walls stretched around his rigid girth, his body spreading her legs wide, riding her, taking her, she revelled in every sensation. Revelled in her own surrender. Revelled in his taking of her, in her submission to him, and her helplessness as he took her. Because she was helpless.

Surging thrusts, the pleasure of his taking filling her, so that her sex pulsed with sensations, spasming on him, and it was almost unbearable, and she had no choice. The sensations Chuck was creating within her body as he took her, they were overwhelming, and those deep hard strokes took every thought away from her, and there was nothing except what was happening. Nothing but him and her, moving together.