Jeong Park's First Frosh Ball Ch. 09


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Erik smiled and held up the shopping bag. "Would you like to show me what you and Penny picked? We can decide what you're going to wear to school tomorrow." He grinned. "I want you looking hot when I pick you up."

"Uh," Jeong hesitated.

"Here," Erik said, taking her hand and leading her through to the family room, where he tipped the contents of Jeong's shopping bag out onto the couch. Panties. G-string panties. Bras. Camisoles. Slips. A couple of lacey tops. A sheer tank top. Those skirts he'd picked. Those boxes of condoms. He picked up one of the skirts, the short black one, and placed it to one side, along with black lace g-string panties and matching bra, and a black sheer tank top.

"You can wear these for me tomorrow," he said. He didn't ask her. He told her.

"Do you have a jacket that would match the skirt and top?" he added.

"Uh, maybe," Jeong said. "In my closet."

"Here," he said, bundling everything else back into the shopping bag. Including those boxes of condoms. He handed her the shopping bag, and then the clothes he'd selected. "Go upstairs and try them on with the jacket."

"Okay," Jeong said, faintly.

She was sure he was watching her butt as she walked up the stairs.

In her bedroom, she placed the bag on the floor and the clothes he'd handed her on the bed. Opening her closet door, she found the jacket she'd thought of. Lightweight linen, black, casual. It'd match. She eyed them on the bed. Try them on, he'd said. Heart pounding, she peeled her top and her skirt off, then, after a moment's thought, her bra and those white cotton panties.

Taking the black G-string panties, she stepped into them.

Her heart pounded all over again as she eyed herself in the mirror.

Erik had bought these for her. That meant he must want to see her in them. She'd thought that before, but seeing herself brought home what he wanted. What she thought he wanted. Max had seen her naked. Max had been about to take her, and she would've let him. If she went back downstairs wearing these....

Her knees almost buckled, and she couldn't resist. She closed her eyes and touched herself. Just for a second.

She reached for the skirt and slipped it on, fastened it. Short? It was so much shorter than anything she'd ever worn, and he wanted her to wear this to school tomorrow? Jeong shivered, her aching nipples reminding her that she wasn't wearing a bra. She reached for it, hesitated, and instead picked up the sheer tank top and slipped it on over her head. It clung to her, everywhere, covering but not concealing. The jacket next, and when she saw herself in the mirror, she knew Erik was right.

She looked hot.

Another moment looking at herself, and, heart pounding, she turned to walk downstairs to where he was waiting. Every step sent ripples of excitement racing through her. Her breasts quivered, unrestrained. He was there, standing, his back to the stairs. He must have heard her. He turned, and her breath caught at the look he gave her. Hungry. That look was hungry.

"Nice," Erik said, and the way he said it tensed Jeong's insides tight.

He smiled, and her heart pounded. "Are you going to wear those to school tomorrow for me?"

"Yes, you bought them for me, so I will if you want me too," Jeong said, swallowing.

"Oh, I want you too, Jeong," Erik said, taking two steps over to her and taking both her hands in his. "But do you want to?"

"You bought them for me, and if you want me to wear them, I will," Jeong said, swallowing again, looking up into his eyes. God, he was so hunky. Max was good looking, but Max was in his forties. Late forties. Good looking in an older guy kind of way.

Erik was just gorgeous.

His hands held hers, and he smiled and stepped closer. Almost brushing against her, and she wanted him to brush against her. She wanted him to crush her against him. She wanted his hands on her. His mouth on her. His...she shivered, looking up into his eyes, the tip off her tongue wetting her lips.

She shouldn't, she'd heard the stories.

She'd heard him, with Fer.

She wanted to.

Jeong looked at him looking at her. She saw that slight smile that made her heart pound. She found her mouth half opening in expectation, and he did it. He did what she'd...wanted? Expected? Been scared of? His lips touched hers. She half closed her eyes, and Erik did kiss her. He kissed her as she'd never been kissed before in her entire life, unlike any kiss she'd ever experienced from Wilfred or from Max; gentle, delicate, magical. It was exciting, it was sensational; it was incredible. Jeong had never realized a mere kiss could be all those things.

Now she did and it was heavenly.

She opened her mouth wide to Erik, let him kiss her however he wanted, let her lips and her mouth do whatever he wanted her to, her entire being focused on the experience, the sensation, the feel of his mouth on hers, his lips sealed to hers, his tongue delicately sliding and exploring inside her mouth. With Wilfred, kissing had been wet and slobbery. With Max, it had been powerful and masculine. With Erik, kissing was pure magic, pure sensation, as if his soul had somehow melded with hers.

His hands released her and he moved closer, hands on her hips holding her, gentle pressure of his body against hers as he turned her and eased himself back into the leather armchair behind her, drawing her down with him to sit on his lap, one of his arms around her, the other once more resting on her leg, just above her knee, sliding upwards to the hem of the short black skirt.

Jeong tilted her head back, gazing up into his eyes as his lips once more found hers. His mouth took possession of hers with a passionate assurance that brooked no resistance, not that Jeong had any intention whatsoever of resisting. His hand continued to caress her thigh, moving to slowly stroke upwards between her inner thighs as he kissed her, under the skirt that he'd bought for her, all the way up to the panties that he'd paid for.

Without thought, Jeong parted her legs a little to make more room for his hand, the hand that now moved to cup her so delicately between her legs, the way Max had cupped her there, at the juncture of her thighs, sending new sensations of unbearable pleasure washing through her body so that she found herself moaning into his mouth as he kissed her, and she was as hot and liquidly slippery as she'd been for Max. His fingers gently touched and stroked her through the thin lace of her new G-string panties, making her even more aware of how wet she was.


At last, at long last, his mouth lifted from hers. She found herself limply looking up at him, her breath coming in panting gasps as his hand continued to move on her, between her legs. She knew he must be able to feel that wetness, her excitement, and now Jeong believed all those stories she'd heard about him. How could she not?

"I meant to ask you something Jeong," he said.

"Uh, uh, what? Jeong gasped, her chest heaving. Her mind blank. God, this was way beyond being kissed Max, and Max kissing her was exciting. This was better.

"You've probably heard a few stories about me?" he said, and his tone was sad, accepting and questioning. This wasn't what she'd been expecting at all, and one of her hands slid down to rest on his where his hand cupped her.

"Uh," Jeong gasped again, "Uh...yes."

She almost squeaked. She was having trouble thinking, his hand between her legs kept touching her, delicately exploring her through the thin black lace of her new and tiny G-string panties. Oh God, she was so wet, her panties must be soaked through. There was no must about it; she knew they were soaked through, and if she hadn't been so excited, she'd have been embarrassed.

He could tell. She knew he could, how could he not? His fingers were touching her, sliding across her sensitive flesh, pushing her panties inwards slightly, where she was wettest. She could feel herself parting wetly where his finger pushed against her.

"What sort of stories?" he said.

Jeong was having trouble thinking, let alone talking. " and girls," she gasped. " you and...and your friends...and Suzanne...and Fernanda...."

Erik smiled. "Yeah, I guess you must have heard about those two," he said. "They haven't been the only ones."

"People say things about you," Jeong gasped. His fingers. Oh god, his fingers. She could feel the muscles of his hand moving under her own hand, and she could feel his fingers moving on her there. Touching her. God oh god oh god how could he make her feel so excited? Limp, she gazed up into his eyes.

"They do," Erik agreed. "And did you hear what else they said about me?"

"I...I heard," Jeong moaned, "I heard what you and your friends did to Suzanne at that party last year too." She managed to look at him. "Annie told me about you and Chuck and Dave and her...what you were her bedroom."

"She did?" Erik smiled. "You do know about me then."

God, that smile. Those fingers on her. She could feel her hips jerking, and she was sitting on his lap. He must know. He must know she was so wet, too. So very very wet.

"Yes," Jeong moaned. She knew. Every girl at their high school knew about Erik and the girls he dated.

"Do you know what else I like, Jeong?" Erik murmured, his lips teasing hers.

"No," Jeong gasped, her lips seeking to capture his.

"I like girls without any experience at all," he said.

"Uh huh," Jeong managed to respond. " Suzanne?" she managed to gasp. She tried to put some sarcasm into it but all she could manage was desperation.

"Well, Suzanne was inexperienced when I started with her." He chuckled. "She's not now, though."

"And I heard you with Fernanda."

"Well, you know, girls, once you fuck 'em, they get experienced pretty quickly."

"I guess," Jeong half-moaned. She didn't know, but she believed it.

"Like you Jeong, nobody's ever touched you like this before, have they?"

"Ohhhhh," Jeong moaned, knowing Max had, but Erik didn't wait for an answer.

"But now I have, haven't I, and you know what it feels like and you like it. You do like it don't you, Jeong?"

His fingers found the swollen nubbin of her clitoris through the thin lace of her new G-string panties and brushed her there, circled and stroked so that the sensations hit her body like an electric shock. Like a series of electric shocks, jolting her again and again.

"Ohhhhhhh," Jeong sobbed, "ohhhhhh." Her thighs seemed to fall apart. She didn't want them to, she didn't intend them to. They just did.

Erik smiled. "Yeah, I like girls without any experience at all," he said. "Like you, Jeong."

He kissed her, slowly, his tongue sliding into her mouth, meeting hers, dominating hers, exploring, tasting. Teasing. That was her, Jeong knew. No experience. Well, except for Max. Getting slobbered on by Wilfred didn't count. God, his fingers, they were driving her wild. What was happening to her? But she didn't have to ask that question. Max had showed her what would happen to her. She knew.

"And do you know why I like girls like you, Jeong?" Erik breathed.

"I heard...I heard you like...." She couldn't complete her thoughts, they wouldn't form into words that she could articulate, but she knew. Girls talked about Erik. They eyed the girls who went on dates with him, and they heard the stories, and they shivered with delicious horror. She'd heard, she'd thrilled with that same excited horror.

Now that girl was her.

"I like fucking innocent little virgins," Erik murmured, his hand teasing her sex. "Innocent little virgins like you, Jeong. You are a virgin, aren't you, Jeong?"

"Of course I am," Jeong gasped indignantly. Well, she was.

"Take your jacket off for me," Erik said, his lips brushing hers.

"Huh?" Jeong took a moment to understand.

"Take your jacket off for me," he said, again.

Jeong looked at him, and then she sat up a little and shrugged her black linen jacket off, letting it fall to the floor. Erik's arm welcomed her back, his shoulder a cushion for her head, and she could see his eyes drinking her in.

Looking down at her, he smiled as he eyed her slender body nestled against him, that figure-hugging black top clinging to her like a second skin, doing absolutely nothing to hide her large, firm breasts or those swollen nipples. A tiny waist, slim hips, long slender legs. God, she was exquisite, and she was even more totally fuckable than he'd first thought. She even smelled delicious.

"You didn't wear a bra, did you?" Erik smiled.

Under his eyes, seeing the direction of their gaze, Jeong burned. A deep burning heat that spread from her face, down her neck to her chest, then to her breasts. Her nipples seemed to swell and swell and harden until they hurt, and her sex pulsed hotly under his hand, cupping her, resting on her.

"Remember what you did for me in my car when I asked you?" Erik murmured his nose brushing hers.

"Yes." Jeong did remember, and a sudden wave of heat left her limp in his arms.

"Would you do that for me again?" His words shivered through her. Would she? She had in his car.

Jeong said nothing, but her hands moved to grip the hem of her shirt little skirt. A moment's hesitation, and she raised the hem, exposing the bottom of her little G-string panties.

"Further," Erik said, softly, looking.

She could see his hand on her, cupping her. Further? Jeong shivered, and then she did it. She lifted the hem of her skirt to half way up her hips, exposing those little black G-string panties completely. She exposed her stomach to her navel as well.

"Ohhhhhhh." She moaned softly, for the first time that evening, trembling with excitement as she exposed herself to him.

"Sexy," Erik's voice breathed, eyes looking at her. There. "Really really sexy." His hand uncupped her, one fingertip tracing the outline of that little black lace triangle that barely covered her sex. Black lace that was wetly transparent.

Seeing herself visible through that now transparent lace, Jeong's cheeks flamed hotly, but she didn't move. She couldn't move. She watched and felt his fingertip on her body, sliding gently across her skin, every touch bringing more wetness, a heightened sensitivity that wanted more.

"Does my little virgin like that?" Erik asked, his eyes looking into hers as his fingertip brushed downwards, a featherlight caress of her labia through those panties.

"Ohhhhhh." A featherlight caress that brought another hushed moan from Jeong.

Without any words, not even asking her, his hand eased her tank top upwards, exposing her belly. Was he going to take it off her? Jeong looked up at him, her heart pounding, that slow flush of heat permeating her entire body.

"I like it that you didn't wear a bra for me," he said, his hands moving to guide her upright again.

She raised herself as he directed, lifting her arms for him to peel her tank top off her, leaving her naked from the waist up before he eased her back into the cradle of his body and his arm behind her.

Jeong made no move to cover herself, no move to hide her breasts from the second man ever to have seen them. She knew she should, but somehow she was unable to stop herself acquiescing. No, it wasn't that she was unable. She knew. She wanted this. She wanted to expose herself to him, like she'd wanted to expose herself to Max. She wanted him to do to her what Max had done to her. Maybe she even wanted him to do to her what she knew Max wanted to do to her. His hand traced its way across the smooth skin of her flat stomach, then upwards to trail across her breasts. Jeong breathed in sharply.

He smiled, and at last he spoke. "Take your skirt off for me."

Jeong looked up at him, that wet heat taking her breath away. Her hands shook as she reached behind her back to unhook and unzip the little skirt. Exposed. She was going to be so exposed, and now, seated on his lap, she could feel his hardness pressing against her. She remembered Max's cock. She wondered what Erik's cock was like, and the thought sent more of those hot shivers rippling through her body.

Wriggling, she worked her skirt down over her hips, and his hand finished the removal.

G-string panties. That was all she was wearing now, and she was sitting on his lap, her eyes half-closed, waiting for him to touch her, breathing hard, half ashamed of herself, half excited beyond anything she'd imagined was possible. What was he going to do? What would it be like? Would it hurt the way the other girls said it did? Would she enjoy it? Was she going to be just another of those girls of Erik's that everyone talked about in shocked whispers?

Jeong's stomach churned at the thought, but it also gave her excitement an edge that did nothing to detract from the feelings within her body. She knew as she sat in his embrace that she was going to let him do whatever he wanted to her.

Without conscious thought, Jeong moved one hand to protect her sex. Her fingers covered herself, confirming at the same time that her panties were soaked through. She felt her own slickly excited wetness through that thin lace, accidentally brushing her clitoris, making herself shiver and moan.

Erik looked down at her, nostrils flaring, breathing hard as he eyed her slender body, her delicate little sex, her full firm breasts, her flushed, scared and excited expression. He knew he could have her now if he wanted to, but there was the Frosh Ball coming up, and now he was convinced she'd be perfect for her part. She obviously thought he was going to fuck her though. He knew that look, and he knew that in her mind she'd already surrendered herself to him. From here on it was going to be as simple as the cat playing with the mouse.

Jeong Park made a delightful little mouse.

"I liked that red G-string," he said thoughtfully, lifting her hand from her sex, exposing her.

Jeong looked at him blankly, breathing hard.

"The red G-string," Erik said, sitting her up, patting her butt as he helped her to her feet. "Go and change into it and come back down."

Would she?

She eyed him wordlessly for a moment before turning and walking out of the room and up the stairs. Almost staggering as she climbed the steps.

Erik eyed her taut little butt as she walked away from him and up the stairs, and he smiled. Oh yeah, obedient too. She was going to be a real star, he knew it. His cock throbbed at the thought.

In her bedroom, barely knowing what she was doing, shivering with excitement, Jeong tipped the contents of the shopping bag onto her bed, and there, on top, was that little red G-string. It took her seconds to slip the black G-string off, and the red G-string on. Heart pounding, breathing hard, she looked at herself in her mirror. Was she really going to go back downstairs to him dressed like this? Undressed like this? She'd dressed for him. She'd let him undress her.

Should she wear something? Even a t-shirt?

She looked at the pile on the bed, and her heart stopped as she saw the boxes of condoms. Hand shaking, she took one of the boxes. The studded condoms. Extra sensation. That was what Erik had said. He'd bought them to use, that's what he'd said in the pharmacy. That there was a girl he was going to fuck. Was that her? It must be. He'd left them in the bag for her.

She opened the box and took one out, looking at it, and then, not thinking, feeling a little faint, holding it in her clenched hand, she turned and walked out of her bedroom. At the top of the stairs, she hesitated, covering her breasts with one arm and hand before she walked down the stairs towards where he still sat, her insides a churning black hole of fear and excitement.

She walked towards him wearing nothing but those red G-string panties.

Erik smiled and patted his lap.
