Jersey Shore Games Ch. 03


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"What's that?" I asked.

"You'll know soon enough." Lis smiled devilishly at me. "So Jodi really did look good in front of the camera didn't she? She's in great shape."

"Yea she may even workout as much as you. Those big breasted women have nothing on you fit girls." I smiled over at Lis.

"Well I'm glad you liked watching Jodi because I've been talking to Reggie about performing in a couple of his productions myself." Lis dropped the bomb.

That was when it hit me. Reggie had wanted me to find Jodi's video. He was setting us up. If he got me excited about watching one of Lis' friends on video it would be that much easier. Reggie wanted to make Lis a star. And why not, you can't sell videos for an insanely high price if your star is a homely housewife. I had no doubt that just about every one of Reggie's special clients would want to buy Jodi's and Paula's videos. Yet with all due respect to them, they weren't in a league with Lis. By now I had seen most of the women that Reggie had filmed. Some were plain and others were extremely sexy, and while Jodi and Paula were the two at the top of that list, I wasn't being overly biased when I thought Lis was the hottest piece of ass Reggie had ever had. Both Alex and Jodi had all but admitted it to me themselves.

After hearing Lis express her desire to be in a video I wanted to pull the car over to the side of the highway. What I wanted to say was that important but there was no safe breakdown lane on the Merritt Parkway.

"Lis you're getting too caught up in this thing. I mean before you met Reggie you would have never thought about doing something like having sex on video." I implored.

"I haven't agreed to do it yet. I've talked to Jodi and I even met Paula. They really wanted to do it despite the potential drawbacks. Now that it's done they still have no regrets. It just could be so thrilling." Lis explained.

"Is that thrill worth the risk? I mean what will your reputation be if people in your life see you on a pornographic video?" I knew the only chance I had was to inject enough rational thinking into the conversation. I knew from experience that getting hysterical with Lis was useless. She saw that behavior as a weakness that wasn't worth a modicum of respect.

"I know. I know. Denny I have no family. You're the one person closest to me and you already know about this lifestyle. You're in it with me. I'm not as nervous about this as I thought I'd be." She told me.

We were silent for a while and then the subject changed. As we talked I thought about the possibility of Lis performing on video. Instead of Jodi sandwiched between the two black men it was Lis that lingered in my mind. As I imagined her glistening body writhing amidst the two ebony bodies I wasn't upset. I figured that Lis was going to make up her mind on her own. The chances of her asking for my vote on the matter were about as good as they were when she decided to go down to the Halloween party, slim to none. That was okay because once again there was a part of me deep down inside that was rooting for Reggie and his carnal world.

It was Thursday by the time I gave in and called Reggie. Lis was working late so I knew we wouldn't be interrupted. I had continued to daydream about Lis making a porn video all week and I was busting at the seams.

The black man answered the phone in his usual smooth tone. "Hey Denny how ya doing?"

"I'm good Reggie. You know I never thanked you for hosting such a great weekend." I offered.

"Oh no need my man. Besides your woman thanked me over and over all weekend long." He chuckled.

I took Reggie's jab like any cuckold would. "Well here's to hoping she thanks you again real soon."

"That's my boy." Reggie applauded my attitude.

"Lis tells me you want her to be in one of your videos. Is that true?" I inquired.

"We've talked about it. I have some ideas that I think would really show off her gorgeous body. I told her that as hot as she was I wasn't agreeing to anything until I talked to you about it." Reggie advised me.

"Oh I know. I didn't really get a definite answer out of Lis but she was certainly excited about the prospect." I replied.

"Yea I think she wants to do it Denny but nothing is going to happen without you saying it is okay." Reggie said.

"I appreciate that Reggie but you know as well as I that Lis is going to do what she wants. I guess if I threw a fit she might not do it this week but I would never be able to stop her for long." I replied. "At first I thought Lis was out of her mind. I mean if a woman like Lis makes a porno video she's going to be all over the internet in a matter of minutes."

"Denny your smarter than most. You do keep your head instead of getting caught up in this. I know that now. Actually it would be only seconds before Lis' sweet ass would be part of internet history. She's just that fine. Denny, currently I've got 1088 clients that pay to see someone like Lis perform. They know what she is, an otherwise innocent white woman most probably cheating on a husband or boyfriend and they are special witnesses to her downfall. This is what they pay to see and they understand discretion. In fact for them this discretion is part of the turn on." Reggie explained.

"I still believe that Lis' would be all over the internet and in every adult bookstore within a month." I concluded.

"I can't guarantee that she wouldn't except to say that not one of my girls has ended up on the internet. I have never seen another copy of one of my videos anywhere. I let my clients download once to one computer and once in the computer the firewalls take care of the rest. They make it impossible to transfer a video from that one computer to another. Still despite all of these precautions one never knows." Reggie told me.

"I was able to see one. That's how I recognized you. My friend Phil had one." I thought I had found fault with Reggie's security practice dead to rights.

"Phil you say? Hold on a second my boy." Reggie exclaimed and then the other end of the phone went silent for a minute. "One of the great things about having a somewhat smaller client list is that everything's easy to find. I have a Phillip Gaulwell just a couple of towns over from you."

"Phil is one of your clients!" I was amazed.

"Not anymore. Big Phil got in more than a few years ago and ended up only taking a couple of the offerings. I haven't bothered sending him anything in over three years." Reggie reported.

"I can't believe he was ordering porn from you." I said.

"Everyone orders Porn Denny it's just a matter of where they're getting it that's all." Reggie informed me with an expert's confidence.

"So you think that some of these clients of yours would be interested in looking at Lis?" I asked.

"Well let's see. As of today our girl Jodi has been bought by a little over 750 and that leggy whore Paula has sold about 100 more that than that. They're very pretty, sexy women Denny and they couldn't sell out. Some of my clients are pretty discerning. Now with that being said if your girlfriend doesn't sell out right away I'll be a monkey's uncle. Your girlfriend is the hottest thing these boys will have ever laid eyes on. The downloads would fly out the door." Reggie informed me.

I had been listening to Reggie explain his pornographic hobby to me but all I was thinking about was my girlfriend being ravaged by him or Richard while all these strange men surrounded them holding cameras and masturbated. I was as hard as a rock and completely convinced by the time he finished his explanation.

"Reggie if Lis decides to do this video I want you to make it real sexy. I want you and Richard to do her right." I blurted out.

"You read my mind. A woman as fine as Lis deserves a top notch scenario. I'm surprised you want Richard involved though. Personally I wanted him to handle her as well, a sort of changing of the guard, but I thought you might object." Reggie said.

"Oh no, if you're going to do a video with Lis I want Richard fucking her good and hard in it. In fact I want the two of you to make her the crème in an oreo just like you did to Jodi." I was now rubbing my cock through my pants.

"Well I guess you're on board." Reggie chuckled, probably wearing a broad smile on the other end of the line.

"I want you and Richard to treat my girlfriend like the slut she is." I couldn't control myself any longer. After I hung up with Reggie it took every bit of willpower to not jerk off . Lis came to my house after work and it took all of thirty seconds before I had her naked on my couch.

A couple of days later Lis informed me that she would be doing the video. I gave her my blessing and she then excitedly told Reggie of her decision. She made a trip to Reggie's to have some promotional photos made with her co star and to actually practice the scenario so there would be a minimum of screw ups during the filming. Each one of Reggie's customers got a package emailed to them with a description of the plot of the video for sale and some pictures of the actors. Despite my request, Reggie had convinced me that for her first video Lis would be better off performing with one man, Richard. When Lis returned she gave me a print out of one of the customer packages. I was surprised to find that all the pictures were G rated. There were pictures of Lis posing in a familiar navy blue business suit she often wore to work and some with Richard in a white lab coat and stethoscope around his neck. There were also some of the two of them standing together. It was obvious that for this video Richard was going to get to play doctor with my girlfriend. Yet the pictures foretold of nothing sexual in the video. Still with the two of them posing in the pictures, smiling with Richard's arm around Lis they could be any happy couple.

These seemingly harmless packages were Reggie's marketing plan for his videos. After reading about the plot and looking over the pictures, the customers decided whether they wanted to purchase the performance and notified Reggie via email. While most of his clients were eager to place an order some for whatever reason would decline. For instance both Paula's and Jodi's videos were considered very popular and orders came in both before and after they became available but there were a few hundred clients that weren't interested in purchasing them. Yet it was no surprise to Reggie when Lis' performance sold out in a matter of hours. It was obvious that the client base couldn't wait to see the well built blonde get it on with the handsome black man.

Reggie didn't get around to shooting the performance for almost a month after announcing its upcoming release. Even with the long awaited opportunity to film my girlfriend, procrastination was always a trademark of Reggie's work. Besides he wanted to use a friend's office that wasn't readily available. In the meantime Lis upped her workout regimen to a seemingly insane level. Reggie was actually worried her getting too bulky but she actually lost a couple of pounds while gaining some more definition in her abs.

We drove down to South Jersey in relative silence. About an hour from Reggie's house Lis finally confessed her feelings regarding her acting debut. "I'm so nervous I think I'm starting to shake."

"Honey if you don't want to do this we can turn around right now. I'll call Reggie." I reached for my cell phone. I was disappointed yet there was a wave of relief that washed over me. Just as I found my phone Lis grabbed my hand.

"If you turn around I'll jump out the window. Denny I'm nervous but I've never been so excited in my life!" She squealed.

"Okay okay honey! I just don't want you to do something you'll regret." I added.

"I'm not going to regret it. Are you still with me?" She asked.

"Yea, I'm always with you honey." I admitted as Lis smiled and then slowly ran her hand over my crotch.

We arrived at Reggie's and immediately left for the video shoot. Reggie explained on the ride over that his own doctor was an aficionado of Reggie's videos and interracial sex in general. He had gladly offered his office to Reggie. We traveled about ten miles to a nondescript medical office building. Since it was a Saturday the building was mostly empty. I parked the car in the back and we took the elevator to the fourth floor. Richard and an older black man were already in the office. The younger black man was already in a white lab coat.

"Hey hey how's everyone doing?" Richard gushed as we walked through the door.

"Fine! Ready to go!" Reggie answered as they shook hands. Reggie went over to the third black man as Richard approached Lis and I.

"How's my girl doing today? A few butterflies jumping around in there?" Richard reached out, quickly poked Lis' belly and then hugged her and kissed her long and hard on the lips.

"Richard I've got some real big ones fluttering around down here." Lis patted her midsection as she pulled away from the handsome black man. "This is my boyfriend Denny."

Richard stepped up and shook my hand. "Hey man it's a real pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard some great things about you."

"Likewise." I replied with a smile as I shook his hand.

Richard's presence calmed Lis down. In person he was even more handsome than in the pictures I had seen. He was a little taller than me and had an incredibly bright smile. Like Reggie, he had an innate ability to make you want to be his friend. This despite the fact that I knew he would soon be climbing on top of my girlfriend.

While Richard and Reggie set up the lighting I got to know Dr. Watson. It was his office that we were currently occupying. It turned out that Dr. Cletus Watson who went by Clete was a very friendly guy. By the time the lights were up and Lis had changed I had listened to the good doctor tell me that he was one of the rare black men to graduate from UPenn med school before 1970. He had been a stellar doctor in the bad streets of Philadelphia for over thirty years and had gone into semi retirement south of Atlantic City a few years ago. Dr. Watson's one weakness in life was white women. He loved fucking them and when he wasn't fucking them he loved watching other black men fuck them. Hence his staunch support of Reggie and his amateur production company.

Lis came out of the dressing room in the navy blue business suit. It had a knee length skirt that had a major league slit up one side. Reggie wanted Lis to have a classy professional woman look even though she wouldn't be wearing most of her clothes for long. She had on a pair of navy blue high heel pumps and blue nylons. In fact she didn't look anything like a budding porno actress with a minimal amount of make up and her blonde hair set in its usual straight style parted down the middle hung down around her face. Despite the conservative presentation my girlfriend looked gorgeous. Reggie knew this so he was able to show her off in a more realistic way and then let her body do the talking once she was naked.

Lis walked up to me first. We kissed and I wished her luck. Dr. Watson and I were simple spectators so we had to stay silent and be as far out of sight as possible. Reggie had the idea to bring in a couch from the lobby and put it in the long shallow coat closet at the opposite end of the room from exam table and another couch which were where the scenario was going to play out. Dr. Watson and I tried it out and found we had a perfect view of the room from the doorless closet.

While Lis Richard and Reggie went over some final decisions the doctor leaned over to me. "That's one well built girl you have there. Got a pair of legs on her that's for sure."

"If you saw her work outs you'd see why. She does these insane lunges that . . . I'll tell you after." I smiled at the sixty something black man as I caught myself talking too much.

At that point Reggie asked for quiet. He told us that the production went best when it was filmed all the way through although it rarely worked out that way. He told Lis that besides some key lines he had pointed out to her the script was only a guideline. He told the two actors to break a leg and above all else to have fun and enjoy each other as two lovers as he reminded them that enthusiasm was what made an average video spectacular. Then he escorted Lis out of the office.

Reggie yelled action as if he were some Hollywood director. I almost burst out in laughter but held my tongue as Lis walked through the door just as if she were coming to see her doctor for an annual checkup.

"Hello Dr. Watson." Lis started the dialogue.

"My my Lis how are you?" Richard, who was using Watson as his last name to avoid any discrepancy with the name labeled all over the office replied.

The black man stepped forward in his white coat and shook Lis' hand. "As usual you look to be in fabulous shape. Every year you look better and better."

"Why thank you Doctor Watson. That's so nice of you to say." Lis smiled at Richard. Unlike Reggie or myself, Richard was only an inch or two shorter than Lis in her heels.

"Please call me Richard and you know the routine. Let's get you out of those clothes." Richard ordered.

"What are we doing today?" Lis asked as she took off her jacket and started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Nothing too stressful, we're going to give you a breast and vaginal exam and check your vitals. How's the legal world treating you? Richard asked as he looked down at a clipboard.

"The days seem to run together. I've been so busy but it's a living." Lis replied nonchalantly as she stripped down to her lingerie.

"You know I told you to get a personal life the last time you were here. I did see you in the social pages of the paper a while back. It was a flattering picture. What high society event was that again?" Richard smiled at his last remark as he checked out his patient's body with a lecherous eye.

"Oh it was a fundraiser for the museum. Those things are as hard as work sometimes and hardly high society." Lis answered with a returned smile to Richard.

"Who was the man with you? You're fine just like that." Richard halted Lis' strip at her blue stockings held up by a satin garter belt that was wider than the usual ones I had seen her wear and the high heel pumps. In short the standard uniform that Reggie loved his women to perform in. He stepped up to Lis and put his hands on her.

"That was Dennis. A man I've been seeing for about six months. He's out in the waiting room right now." Lis had insisted on using my name as her soon to be cuckolded boyfriend.

"So finally a boyfriend. Good for you. I hope I can meet him. He's a lucky man." Richard firmly cupped one of Lis' breasts.

I watched Lis get groped. Her legs looked stunning tightly sheathed in the expensive sheer silk stockings. The thick band of dark satin material that capped the top of the stockings seemed to strain against the garter belt clips as well as Lis' thigh muscles. The sheer blue hued silk that made up the hose encasing her legs extended from mid thigh down to her toes which were partially exposed underneath the pumps. As I took in her exquisite form I couldn't believe such a beautiful woman had chosen me as her boyfriend and in turn that I was actually sharing her with other men. Letting them film her having sex.

Richard was kneading Lis' breasts, first one then the other. The comparison of his hands colored in deep ebony on her pale white breasts was so obvious and such a turn on. Reggie made sure to get a close up of that contrast. Richard gently ran his fingers over the nipples. Lis closed her eyes and quickly opened them trying her best to disguise a reaction to the pleasure she was receiving.

"Well I don't detect any lumps or abnormalities. You have nice breasts Lis. You're a B cup correct?" Richard began to get more aggressive.