Jessica's Change Management Ch. 18


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Clap! "Ooohhh!" Clap! "Aaahhh!"

I was almost beside myself, grunting and groaning my head off. After being left on the sidelines for so long, I relished any kinda attention and any kinda sensation. My whole body was on heat.

Getting fucked by a strap-on instead of a real cock was degrading. Getting fucked by the secretary instead of a real dude was more degrading. Coming from that harsh treatment was most degrading.

Yet, I was too needy to care. I was ready to do whatsoever it might take to reach my climax. I was just a submissive bimbo ready to plead and beg whomsoever to reach her ultimate goal in life aka her orgasm.

"Ooohhh yessss! More, more, more! Aaarrrggghhh!" I encouraged the trophy chick to fuck me harder and treat me rougher.

Shelly was really banging my butt hard and fast, so much so that she basically fucked me off the sofa. Every thrust was driving my body further off the couch. I was slowly slipping down until my feet landed on the ground.

That way, my legs and ass and crotch hung freely in the air. Only my chest and head remained resting on the sofa, putting most of my body weighed onto my upper body, or more like onto my boobies. They got pressed into the cushion super roughly, so much so that my soft fleshglobes got squeezed together epically.

No way did that prompt Blondie to stop, though. Instead, she doubled her effort. Every drop of the hammer pushed my ass downwards, pressed my titties into the cushion, and squeezed my big, fat funbags. Every drop of the hammer was accompanied by her nails scratching across my buns, making my booty twitch and my pussy throb.

Despite all that, there weren't enough sensations to get me over the edge yet. Blondie was tearing me a new one, stretching my asshole into new dimensions. Blondie was kinda like ripping my buns to shreds, scratching and clawing at my ass flesh. It didn't do the trick. I needed more.

"Please madam! Oh wow, like, pinch my clitty, like totes. You know, use your awesome manicure, like super hard. Please!" I begged outta my mind.

Of course, Shelly didn't have to be told twice. Swiftly, she reached between my legs and did it. I felt her tugging on my zipper piercing. I felt my clitty getting pulled and stretched. I felt the hard plastic of her nail tips on my throbbing pink button. I felt her rolling my sensitive clitty between her acrylic nails. I felt her adding pressure. I felt her squeezing. I felt her giving my pink button an über-harsh pinch.

Time froze. Motion stopped. Heart skipped. Body tensed...

Time sped. Motion rushed. Hart raced. Body relaxed...

"Ooowwwiiipppiiieee!" I howled with a time lag.

My orgasm crashed down on me, quickly turning my howl into an ecstatic moan. It touched me to the quick and rattled me to the core. I was cumming! I was climaxing epically, so much so that it tore me away like a twister that spun me around to steadily increasing heights.

My ass shook and my legs twitched until clear fluid erupted from my throbbing coochie. I was having a squirting orgasm! Oh no! Shelly had made me squirt, a thingie only daddy had managed to do before. Totally humiliating! Totally satisfying!

Surge after surge of pleasure rushed through me. Squirt after squirt shot from my cunny. Thrust after thrust stretched my tushy. OMG! Shelly continued reaming my ass like nothing was happening. As if!

Crudely, though, every stroke with the fake cock prolonged my orgasm causing another wave of ecstasy to rip through me. Oh nay! It also caused another gush of ejaculate to spray outta my coochie. Oh yay!

Bang! Squirt! Bang! Squirt!

Oh my! The trophy chick was actually fucking the fluid outta me. I couldn't stop it! I couldn't control it! She was basically pushing the buttons here! I was an object in her hands!

No way, I knew how long my orgasm lasted. It was totally exhausting and draining anyway. It took a long time until I had calmed down. It took even longer until I was able to move again. The anal twerking, the strap attack, the squirting. It had taken a toll on me and my body for sure. Oh boy! Every muscle in my body felt strained.

When I was able to register my surroundings again, however, I noticed that the others were already getting dressed. Obviously, the party was over. Ortega was about to finish lacing up his shoes while Miller was tying his tie. Even Shelly had put her dark pink pencil dress back on already.

Oh Lordy! They acted like no thingie had happened. Obviously, the dumb bimbo having a crashing orgasm right in front of them was usual business. Literally just another day at the VIP area, right? Bimbo's were only good for sex anyway. Duh!

Once again, they were totally disregarding me. Once again, they were totally disrespecting me. Bummer! It diminished my achievement so much. It cheapened my performance so much. Yet, I didn't complain. That would have been rude after experiencing a super awesome orgasm moments earler, wouldn't it?

That was why I quietly got dressed in my wetlook leggings and corset. After all, I didn't want to offend daddy or his lawyer buddy by making them wait. I mean, you shouldn't have to hold off on doing important stuff 'cause dawdling bimbo, right?

"Hey Jessie! I really can't wait any longer. Gotta cash in now."

All of a sudden, the door burst open. The most unexpected thingie ever happened. The most unbelievable thingie ever happened.

Right when I was zipping up my corset, Eric stormed into the VIP room, closely followed by Damon and David. He was holding the lollipop in his hand. Obviously, he wanted me to fulfil his free wish then and there.

The moment, however, he saw Ortega, the consultant stopped in his tracks. No way, he had expected that. My three former team members looked totally staggered and taken aback. For a moment, the silence was absolute.

The consultants looked from Ortega over to me and then to Miller. Apparently, they recognized him, 'cause the moment they noticed the law dude, thingies became totally tense, so much so that you could literally cut the tension with a knife. For a super long time, nobody said a word.

"Oh baby! Hihihi! That's, like, so nice, you know, returning my lolly for me 'n all. Hihihi!" I finally giggled in an attempt to ease the tension.

It didn't work. Tension remained at an all-time high.

"Why is Mr. Ortega here, Jessie?" Damon was the first to rediscover his voice.

"And what is he doing with him?" He added, pointing at Miller.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but that's our main competitor's legal representative, isn't he?" He asked his buddies earning a round of affirmative nods.

Was he? Seriously? Oh woah! Oh righty!

Now that he said it, I remembered O'Bannon fretting about our competitor's legal representative some time ago. As far as I recalled, he had actually called him Miller. Jeez! How come, the name hadn't registered with me before? Cause candy brain! Duh!

Now, that the name rang a bell, I remembered O'Bannon getting all worked up over that representative. Why? Cause he had filed a buncha bullshit suits against us on behalf of our competitor when we had enticed a coupla clients away from them. For sure, he wasn't a welcome guest at our firm. Totally the opposite, actually.

"Come on pals, it wasn't personal. It's all water under the bridge, right?" Miller quickly tried to calm the situation. "Relations change, contracts expire. You have to be open for new opportunities."

That didn't really sound convincing, not even to me. From their reactions, I could clearly see that my former team members didn't believe a word, either. Apparently, Miller noticed their dissatisfaction with his response, too. That was why he followed it up with some more legal jargon and other special terminology. It all sounded like total legalese to me, so much so that I stopped listening. Let the big boys clarify the specialist subjects, right? That wasn't a worry for me... thankfully not anymore.

However, I noticed Ortega growing more and more uneasy. He became really twitchy and hella edgy! Obviously, he totally disliked the course of the conversation. Apparently, he was totally displeased with our consultants seeing him with the lawyer. So suspicious! So fishy!

"You have to excuse us, I'm afraid." He eventually cut the conversation short. "We can't declassify any information."

With that, he waved the consultants outta the VIP room. Even though he tried his bestest to keep his composure, I could see the anger simmering under his smug expression. As soon as my former team members had left us, that anger erupted. Boiling over with rage, Ortega gave vent to his fury. He was really shouting the house down. The consultants seeing him in negotiations with Miller had obviously rubbed him the wrong way 'cause it endangered his plans or stuff.

"Who did it? Who caused it?" He eventually directed his attention towards us ass-istants.

Uh-oh! His face was red with fury and his smug tone was totally gone. He was really seething with rage, and now he had found a new target for his anger. Our boss cussed us ass-istants out to the max! He berated us sexretary's for every little thingie that had happened lately! He called us every word for stupid ever!

"Who invited these idiots? Who's responsible for bringing them here?" He asked again.

Up to this point, me and Shelly had remained silent, taking his slander without saying a thingie. We had basically let his insults swash over us, even though we both twitched and flinched with every cussword.

Now, we had to respond. There was no way around it. Boss had asked a specific question. I didn't really know what to do, however. It was clearly Shelly's fault. She had invited our colleagues to the club in an attempt to make me look stupid. That plan had totally worked, what with my former team members running into my gangster homies and me handing out free wishes and all. Now, this plan was backfiring. Not only had it gotten me into trouble, it was also causing serious problems for daddy.

So why didn't I pipe up then and prattle away? Actually, 'cause I really felt trapped in a quandary. I could save face and rat on Blondie, or I could keep my plumped-up mouth shut and support my mentor. In fact, I could use my dinghy lips for snitching, or I could use my cock pillows for their real purpose. Like I said, I was literally caught between a rock and a hard place, or more like between a furious boss and a bitchy rival. Oh wait...

"It was me, sir." Shelly meekly admitted the moment I had made my decision.

Woah! Way unexpected! I had taken too long to weigh my options, so much so that Ortega had grown increasingly furious. The way, he was shouting like a savage dog was super scary. Obviously, Shelly was just as cowed as me, or at least frightened enough to come out with the truth.

"Damon and Eric kept pestering me with invitations for some afterwork party." She started explaining. "So I told them we were busy meeting our bffs here."

Woah! What a lie! The boys had urged me to join them at the afterwork party and Shelly had decided to exploit it. So not the other way around. As if!

"I really regret it, sir." She pleaded über-sincerely. "I just wanted to get rid of them. I never expected them to come here."

"Sorry, sir!" She gave her closing argument with her head hanging in remorse.

Even though it was plain to see that she wanted to plead and argue and beg lotsa more, she bit her tongue. For the life of hers, no reasoning would have helped 'cause Ortega had already stopped listening to her excuses anyhow.

"Sorry?!? Are you fucking kidding me?" The Latino erupted in another fit of rage.

"You regret it?!? Are you fucking out of your mind?" He was ranting and raving.

Any moment, I expected him to smash the furniture to bits and pieces. I had never seen any men literally fly off the handle like that. The smug, pompous blowhard had turned into cholera, I mean a choleric guy. Duh! Those big words!

Surprisingly, though, the Latino did no such thingie. Totally the contrary! When he had uttered every four-letter word ever invented, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. The way his jaw moved, it looked like he was literally gnawing on a bone or stuff. Yet, he calmed down noticeably.

"Dear me! You were right about my hiring choices, I'm afraid." His pompous tone returned when he eventually resorted to Miller. "I have to say, it is quite evident that I hired two completely incompetent ass-istants."

Jeez! That gave Shelly a jerk. She was wincing and cringing massively. Those words apparently hurt more than any kinda slap.

"Indeed, one could not walk and chew gum at the same time if her life depended on it. The other cannot distinguish flirting and rebuffing by any stretch of the imagination." He lamented.

Uh-oh! Or more like yay-yay! Cause Blondie was wincing way more intensely at this comparison. But wait! That equation wasn't really a recommendation on my skills either, was it? Nah, whatever!

"It is too difficult for you to keep confidential information to yourself, I conclude. I cannot have you be a mentor then." He re-addressed his young secretary. "You're just as much of an ordinary ass-istant as Miss Bimbo, I have to say."

Oh yay! Oh yay yay yay! There was no stopping any more. This sounded like the bestest news ever. I literally felt like doing a happy dance right here on the spot. I so was a happy bimbo right now! This was the comeuppance that Blondie deserved. She had totally earned this demotion.

"However, it makes no sense for my consulting firm to afford two office bimbos." He concluded. "I'm afraid, one of you has outlived her usefulness."

Holy moly! Where was this coming from all of a sudden? Totally outta the blue! This didn't sound like a bitching idea. No way! Neither for Shelly nor for me!

"Do you have a current job vacancy at your law firm if I may ask?" He reached out to Miller.

"Tsk!" The law dude only huffed dismissively. "What am I supposed to do with such a waste of breathing air? At best, idiot boobs could be utilized as a pretty coat stand. But that's about it. Not enough bang for the buck!"

Please what?!? Seriously? Waste of breathing air? Pretty coat stand? This was Shelly's comeuppance, not mine. Still, the strict lawyer continued picking on me. So unfair! So crude!

Besides, what the fudge? Really seriously? Blondie had made an oopsie, I mean a major mistake. Still, I was getting dragged down along with her? Why did I have to go down with the ship? Totally unfair! Totally crude!

"Then, I have to lay one of you off, I'm afraid." Ortega concluded. "Starting next week, there can be only one indeed, Miss Trophy or Miss Bimbo."

"What about this?" Miller suddenly tossed in. "You had an ass-essment center before hiring these two imbeciles, right? Why don't you have another ass-essment center for the layoff?"

Um... hold on! Too much information. What exactly was the gist of it?

"I have to say, I really like the idea. It should provide a clear decision, I expect." He exclaimed. "Tomorrow might be the perfect opportunity for it."

With that, everything was said and done. Shelly had made the mistake, and now we both had to pay for it. What a raw deal! Unfair to the max! I mean, I had helped built the consulting firm. I had invested countless hours of work. It had cost me blood, sweat, and tears, and whatever. Now, I found myself on the brink of getting fired...

*to be continued*

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Excelent: five stars

Simply great

Thx author waiting form more !!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Next chapter ?

Awesome worl...........Is there going to be a next chpter ??


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
the best

Waiting for next chapter checking everyday !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
waiting for more !

Will Jesie have to get a recepcionist job at another firm or after being fired will she become a hooker ?

thanks for your work

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Please more !

What a great storie thansks a lot author

Without doubt one of the best

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