Jessica's Insertions


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And then she remembered that Mike had asked her to pick out one. She settled for a model that was multi-pronged, with what seemed to be small rollers and ticklers. As she held it in her hands, he walked back. "Peaches, for some reason I knew you would like that one. I made it especially for you. See? Even the color!"

Jessica blushed. Yes, Mike had made it a peach color. Mike was so good.

"Peaches, bring it with you."

She followed him out of the hobby room, taking one last lingering look at the vast array of insertions as he turned off the lights. "Put on a skirt, blouse and shoes. We are going out for the evening." Jessica started to dress. "Peaches, sweetheart, leave your panties behind. You won't be needing them. And here, have some more tea, finish this glass." Jessica blushed and obeyed. Actually, it felt sort of good to walk around in a skirt, knowing her catheter was dangling loose between her legs.

As she walked to the door, he asked her, "Peaches, are you forgetting something?"

She looked puzzled.

"Your toy, sweetheart."

She looked even more puzzled.

"Peaches, you are taking your toy with you."

She looked even more puzzled, but smiled. "Of course," she laughed and started to try to fit it in her purse.

"No, Peaches, not in your purse. Take it in your hand."

"But Mike," she protested, "Everyone will see it and know what it is for!"

"Of course, Peaches. I want everyone to see and know that tonight that creation of mine for you is going to be deep inside you."

"But Mike," she protested again.


She knew better than to argue when he would not call her by her nickname, using her real name instead. She swallowed hard, prayed no one she knew would see her, took it in her left hand, and walked over to him.

"Mike, please, I really need to pee," she begged.

"Of course you do! Here, let's get you started."

He deflated the balloon just a bit, a tiny bit. Jessica felt a tiny trickle of pee coming out continuously. He led her to the door.

And out the door

And into the driveway

And into the street

They walked arm in arm, Jessica leaving a trail of tiny, golden pee drops along the way as she peed without cease.

They sat on a park bench. Her urge to pee was too great, despite the slow trickle Mike was letter her have. He deflated the balloon completely, leaving her pee hole wide open to a full stream, greatly relieving her. And then he began to explain how her new, multi-pronged toy worked.

A very long dildo, deeply ribbed and curved upward would slide into her lovely ass, tapering wide open soon after its tip and then slowly tapering back to a very narrow gauge. When it would be about six or seven inches into her lovely ass, the second dildo would enter her by now very wet vagina. It was wide but very short, a scant inch or so, and curved down. Mike explained that it was designed only to stimulate her G-spot but to also leave her vagina strangely empty. And once her lovely ass was completely filled and her G-spot stimulated, the rollers would start rolling her labia in ever-widening and opening circles. Finally, a clever arrangement of multiple, supple follicles would dance upon her clitoris. A complete sexual experience!

To show her how it worked, Mike pulled out a miniature remote control from his pocket and touched the buttons in sequence. Jessica felt her intended anal guest rumble with a deep sound and powerful vibrations. The next button set her G-spot stimulator going with an even-lower pitch vibration, pressing outward. Jessica realized that their opposing curvatures would essentially isolate and separate her lovely ass from her vagina. The rollers started to rotate and Jessica could almost feel her own labia spreading out in ever-increasing waves. Finally, the last button had the multiple follicles jumping about. Jessica almost, just almost, had an orgasm!

She was delighted!

Mike was so clever and so capable, so deft with his creative imagination and able hands! She could not wait to try it!

"Mike, does this mean that you will allow me to climax tonight? This weekend? Any time soon?"

"We'll see, Peaches! Come, let's go get some dinner!"

She laughed and took his arm. "And this?" she asked holding her toy in her hand.

"It comes with us. It goes wherever you go!"

She laughed.

At the fancy restaurant, he made her place her toy on the table, against all her protestations. The young waitress came to take their order, stared at the toy, Jessica blushed profusely, and the waitress smiled knowingly. Jessica felt too self-conscious to do much about anything. And besides, with the catheter in place, her urge to pee was returning. Mike ignored her pleas to pee and simply had dinner with her, so pretty and so totally out of her mind. Her urge to pee, her desire to try her new toy, the possibility that Mike would actually let her have a much-needed and more-deserved orgasm made her head spin with happiness! They finished dinner, Jessica as usual picked up the tab, and as she left the young waitress a generous tip, the waitress winked at her. Mike picked it up, wrote his address on a matchbook cover, and slipped it to the waitress. "Maybe you and some friends want to join us after you shift is over?" the waitress winked and smiled.

"What was all that about?" asked Jessica as they got out.

"She was nice and maybe we can have her over later tonight."

Jessica shrugged. Whatever, but tonight she was having an orgasm, no matter what.

Little, of course, did she know.

The walked back home, arm in arm, Jessica chatting away excitedly, laughing, giggling, toy in her hand. Every once in a while, Mike would press this or that button on the remote control and one or another feature in the toy would come briefly to life. Jessica felt so aroused, so happy, and so proud of her womanhood!

The moment they got back and he opened the door, she sensed something different. A woman's intuition is as keen as her senses. It was the odor, the perfume of another woman. She looked at Mike practically dancing around such was her urge to pee. He simply let her in.

There was another woman!

Jessica felt the wrath of a woman scorned.

She was insanely jealous.

And her intuition kicked in.

She was terrified.

"Peaches, this is Betsy. Betsy, this is Peaches that I told you so much about."

Betsy, tall and massively voluptuous looked at Jessica, staring at her from head to toe. "Yes, Mike told me you needed taking care of?"

"Care of?" Jessica stammered.

"Yes, care of. Take off your clothes and let me see what you have."

Jessica undressed, looking longingly at Mike. He smiled and passed her a tall glass of tea. Jessica drank it all and undressed completely, her toy in her hand.

Betsy started to get up, practically hollering. "Mike, I have told you countless times. I do not do women without tits."

Jessica was furious. Another woman was bad enough. Another woman and not being told about her was worse. And now this woman was deriding her flat chest, no matter how exquisitely sensitive her nipples were? No way. She was going to teach this woman a lesson in sexual prowess.

As she was fuming and plotting, Mike walked over to her. Taking her nipples in his fingers, he rolled them and squeezed them tightly. Jessica was squirming about from the deliciously sharp pangs of pain shooting straight down from her nipples to her clitoris and from the insane urge to pee. "Peaches, you are going to be a good girl tonight, right?"

Jessica hissed at Betsy.

Betsy laughed. She walked over to Jessica, removed Mike's fingers from her nipples and took them in hers instead. "Bitchy, you are going to be very good tonight. I am going to see to it. Right?"

Her squeezes were too much. Only a woman knows how to torment another, and Betsy was overpowering Jessica with her expertise in nipple torture. Jessica hissed again. Betsy laughed. "And what do we have here? An enlarged clit or something?", as she tugged on the dangling catheter. If Jessica could pee all over Betsy's face, she would have done it immediately. Betsy laughed. "Bitchy, on all fours. NOW!"

Jessica looked at Mike in despair. He was comfortably seated, watching them. "Peaches, do as she says."

Jessica now hissed at both of them but had no choice. Naked and furious, she knelt on the rug.

Betsy undressed. Jessica saw her large feet and huge toenails, perfectly done. Her legs, massive and muscular, were clean-shaven. Yes, between her legs she reeked of strong scent. And the rest of her body was equally large, large, pendulous breasts, large nipples, big hands, big fingernails perfectly done, and a large face with abundant auburn hair.

Jessica despised Betsy.

Betsy laughed.

She strapped on a belt to her waist and between her legs. "Bitchy, give me the toy."

Jessica resisted.

"Bitchy, are we going to play games or what?" as she squeezed Jessica's too-tender nipples as only a woman knows how to do to another, slowly increasing the pressure past the point of endurance.

"Peaches, you really must give it to Betsy," Mike said softly, his voice always so reassuring.

Jessica started to whimper. She had no choice. She relinquished her grip on her toy. Betsy took it from her. Betsy strapped it on. She reached over to get some lubricant and lubed Jessica's lovely ass generously. Actually, far more than necessary, letting Jessica dread what was coming, every so often kneading her tummy to remind Jessica that she needed to pee and most likely would not be doing so for the foreseeable future.

Jessica was in agony: agony from wanting to pee, from dreading that imminent and total penetration, agony from hating Betsy.

Betsy was loving it! Every minute of it!

"Ready?" she said coarsely.

"No, please, let me calm down a bit first, please." Jessica moaned.

"Not you, bitchy, you are ready whenever I say. I was asking him."

Mike smiled, "Whenever you wish, Betsy! Go ahead, she is all yours!"

Jessica clenched her teeth.

Betsy approached her from behind. Jessica could feel the tip of the anal part of HER toy (yes, it was HERS, she reminded herself) pressing against her tight ass. Jessica willed it to clamp down shut. Betsy kept a steady, slow pressure against it. Jessica was resisting with all her might. "Mike, she may need some coaxing."

Mike pressed a button on the remote control. Jessica felt her anal guest throb and rumble. Her lovely ass gave way. It slid in. Betsy slowly eased it in, a fraction of an inch at a time, forcing Jessica to understand and accept this newest delight of anal penetration. A good five inches into Jessica and she was desperate. Mike turned off the vibrations. Betsy held still, in place. Jessica grabbed Betsy's wet, smelly panties that were lying on the floor and clamped her teeth on them. Betsy laughed approvingly, "She is getting the idea now!"

She swayed back and forth, sliding the anal portion into and out of Jessica slowly, deliberately, letting Jessica become familiar with its ridges and ribs. And then she moved in deeper. Now Jessica was starting to feel oh so good! When it was in about six or seven inches, she started to feel the other part approaching and entering her vagina, curving down, pressing oh so nicely against her G-spot. This was really wonderful; forget the hatred she felt increasingly toward Betsy!

Mike pressed some buttons, and the rollers started to spread her labia outward in increasingly wide circles.

Oh, this was good!

Suddenly, Betsy stopped and Mike turned off the vibrators. Jessica was moaning. Betsy picked Jessica up by the shoulders, both vibrators still deep inside, pressing Jessica' arched back against Betsy's huge breasts, squeezing Jessica by the nipples with all her might. "Mike, I think she may be ready now."

Mike smiled. He walked over to Jessica, kissed her softly, and whispered, "Peaches, your supreme moment is arriving. Make me proud of you."

Between tears, she sobbed, "Yes. Whatever you want."

Mike kissed her softly. Placing an empty champagne bottle marked "Peach's Nectar" on the floor, he slowly deflated the catheter balloon.

Jessica started to pee.

It felt so good!

It felt so royally good!

It was such an awesome feeling!

And all holes plugged except her pee hole, now flowing smoothly, made her feel so feminine!

Turning her head to Betsy, she whispered, "Ready."

Betsy tossed her back down on her knees. Pumping her wildly, she soon had Jessica out of her mind.

Jessica was screaming.

Betsy kept pounding away.

Mike turned on all vibrators.

The anal dildo rumbled deep and low.

The G-spot stimulator pressed and pushed.

The rollers spread her labia.

The multiple follicles danced upon her wildly throbbing clitoris.

Jessica had not noticed (how could she? She was being pumped with wild abandon) that Mike had unzipped his jeans.

Just as Jessica was screaming her head off, Betsy picked her head up by the hair on the back of her head and pried her jaw open.

Jessica was having the most massive, powerful orgasm a woman has ever had!

And at that very moment, Mike was masturbating and ejaculating into her mouth!

Jessica gagged.

Jessica swallowed as much as she could.

Mike kept ejaculating.

Into her mouth, down her throat, splashing her pretty face, into her nose, Mike continued to ejaculate!

Jessica screamed one final, piercing, wrenching scream as the last of her multiple orgasms shattered her body, sending her limbs flying apart.

She collapsed on the floor, exhausted.

Betsy pulled out.

Jessica moaned.

"How was it?" she inquired.

Jessica moaned but words could not form in her mouth.

"Not you, bitchy, I was asking him."

Mike smiled, "It was OK. I would have rather climaxed inside her."

Betsy laughed, "Yeah, she was good, too. I did not realize when you told me how horny she was."

Jessica whimpered, too tired and to shaggy to say much. She was still peeing. She felt good. It was her first orgasm in ages. And she felt, no, she knew it had been the best performance she could have put on for Mike. She felt proud of her femininity.

Betsy dried her with a large towel, "Maybe she needs more?"

Jessica could not move. But she knew she could not give more. She had given her all. As best she could.

As she lay on the floor, the doorbell rang. Jessica shuddered, shivered, and fainted.

When she came to, it was a whole new world.

Jessica found herself lying down on a king-size inflatable mattress in the hobby room. Music was playing. There was laughter going on around her. She rubbed her eyes lazily. Through the haze of her confusion she realized that the guests that had arrived were the young waitress from the restaurant where they had dinner before and her girlfriends. They were chatting away happily. Mike gave Jessica a glass of tea to drink. Betsy, tall, large Betsy, rubbed her sore muscles just so tenderly to bring them back to life. She felt slightly better.

"The hobby room is now open!" he exclaimed triumphant.

The girls took matters into their own hands. With glee and unrestrained passion, they tried out all of Mike's creative insertions into Jessica. One at a time, two at a time, one and two, sometimes even three insertions were plunged joyfully into all of Jessica's orifices, front and back. Every so often, Mike would come over and use his tongue as masterfully as only Mike knew to drive Jessica over the brink of ecstasy, encouraging her, "That's good, Peaches, you are doing so well. Keep going, Peaches. That is so nice, sweetheart."

Some insertions were cold metal; others were warm plastic. Some were soft, flexible rubber; others were carved out of hard wood. Some were hollow, allowing warm (or cold, depending on the young waitress's mood) water to be pumped in at just the right moment. One had what must have been a miniature sub-woofer: Jessica could swear she could "hear" the music playing deep inside her lovely ass!

One was a particularly clever and ingenious invention, something that only Mike could have created in his hobby room. How it actually worked is hard to describe, but it was really a marvel of mechanics and electronics. Upon activation, her anal guest pulsated, inflating an deflating from its base all the way deep into Jessica's lovely ass while at the same time undulating in very wide circles. That alone would have driven any woman crazy. From its base, a rubber strap rose up her crack, splitting in two, over her shoulders and connected directly to nipple clamps, securely fastened to her tiny, rock-solid nipples. Two more rubber strips followed, converging on another dildo in her very wet vagina, clitoral stimulator also attached. All parts would be activated remotely and very independently from one another. Of course, to top it all off, Mike had cleverly attached a thin tube that wide slide into her catheter, it too vibrating softly and at a high frequency. The ribbed catheter would thus also stimulate her tiny pee hole from its exit all the way into her bladder!

What made it interesting was the effect it had on Jessica. The vaginal and clitoral stimulators and dildo would vibrate and pulsate in such a manner as to make her want to bend over at the waist to relieve her tension. At that very moment the anal guest would start. When her anal guest was in full motion, Jessica had no choice but to arch her back all the way, tugging none too gently on her already sore nipples. Jessica would have to raise and part her legs as much as she could to keep her anal guest from tormenting her any further. And with her glistening labia fully exposed, tender clitoris rising majestically, Mike would take his very sweet time, deliberately tonguing her clitoris just almost to the very verge of her orgasm, stopping just short. Jessica would scream with joy and unbearable delight!

"Mike, please make it stop!" she would scream, to the happy approval of Betsy, the young waitress and her girlfriends.

"Peaches, it will only stop when you climax, sweetheart," he reassured her constantly.

"The MAKE me climax!" she pleaded.

"Soon, Peaches, very soon."

In desperation, her hands raced down between her legs to award herself the much-desired and long-denied climax.

Betsy removed her hands, "Bitchy, you can still take a little more."

Whether Jessica could actually take a little more was irrelevant. Mike saw to it that she took a whole lot more. Jessica was arching and bending over in repeated cycles. Her nipples were being pulled to the very edge of their limits. Her lovely ass, her vagina, her clitoris and, of course, her pee hole were all getting full attention. She was peeing uncontrollably and did not even have anything left inside to force out to at least feel good about some relief.

When Mike finally tongued Jessica's tender clitoris all the way to that orgasm, the young waitress and her girlfriends stopped, frozen solid, standing in awe and admiration at the magnitude, duration, and intensity of Jessica's orgasm. She gave them an impressive performance, a beautiful display of feminine climax, unlike any they had ever seen, much less experienced before! Mike quickly masturbated into her mouth, but such was her state of physical and mental disarray that a good half of his ejaculate spilled over her pretty face. Mike was so good!

The young waitress and her girlfriends feasted royally on Jessica. In addition to all the insertions and Mike's happy fingers triggering away at the remote controls, they delved into her with gusto and abandon. They fingered her. They fisted her. They played with her glistening labia. They tormented her reclusive clitoris and tugged away at its protective hood. They plopped seltzer tablets inside her wildly dilated vagina and lovely ass and Jessica felt the rejuvenating tingles of the bubbles inside. They crushed these tablets and sprinkled them on her labia and sent her wild when the bubbles danced upon her precious clitoris. Her nipples were raw from all the rough, very aggressive handling. Her nipples were yearning to be sucked and how they were sucked defies description! And of course, they too would make Jessica eat one and another, tasting their different, distinctive tastes, licking their juices and lapping up their wetness. Jessica could close her eyes and know exactly whom she was eating at the moment by her scent and aroma!