Jessica's New Life Ch. 10


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Jess felt herself breathing hard. Tonight! A Black stranger would find her and fuck her and pump his baby-making seed deep inside her. It would happen tonight - on the edge of her most fertile time! Where would it happen? Obviously not at the dinner but maybe on the way home. The parking garage? Maybe being stopped in the car by a Black cop? Would they be lying in wait for her outside her house when she got home? Or perhaps Emily would have a roomful of Black guys all waiting for her back there - that would be just like her...

Suddenly Jess snapped back to attention. Her neighbours were all looking at her strangely. She blushed crimson to the roots of her hair. Of course they couldn't know what she was thinking, could they? She tried to control her thoughts a little - to make sure that she didn't draw too much attention to herself.

The voice of her boss, Samuel Rifkin, suddenly began to register with her again. "...Jessica Lyons will be working closely with me as liason with this new client and the Foundation promises to be a valuable entry into new markets and a level of international work beyond anything we have currently attempted." She looked up in surprise and then, responding to a gestured pudgy finger, stood up and took the applause of the room.

What the fuck was he talking about? Jess dropped back into her chair and tried to graciously acknowledge the smiles, some genuine but most forced and envious, that were being sent her way. This was a mark of approval from the highest levels. It was all the more unexpected for how she had been treated since her marriage had broken up. Why was she suddenly being favoured?

Jessica wasn't the only one thinking that. Mrs Robertson, seated a little closer to the center of power, observed the attractive redhead with a bitter smile. Her husband, a junior partner, had already flashed her a glance which told her that he'd heard nothing about this before. When Jessica Lyons had still been with her husband she had seemed very personable. Now, however, it seemed the truth was coming out. Of course it was disgusting that an old man like Sam Rifkin should be chasing a woman 30 years his junior and bribing her with a new position, it was even worse that he was doing it so publicly. How terrible for his wife! However, at the end of the day, you had to expect such behaviour from men if they weren't kept firmly under control. The real blame lay with the Lyons girl. So long as little whores like her put out in return for favours then such terrible behaviour would continue!

Mrs Robertson wasn't the only one thinking that way. Cynical glances from some of the wives seated nearby suddenly registered with Jessica. My God, she realised, they thought she was fucking Rifkin! Her gorge rose just at the thought of letting that pale pink pig close to her. She stared at her boss as she struggled to bring her feelings back under control.

As Sam Rifkin sat down after his speech he noticed Jessica looking at him with a look of startled confusion. He rejoiced inwardly. Yet again he had read the situation perfectly. Nearly everybody in the room, especially his executives' wives, had simply assumed that Jessica was fucking her way to the top. Well he knew that Jessica was a woman of ambition and of, shall we say, modern sensibilities. She had already seen what was on offer and she would understand what was expected from her. Really so little to ask in return for him sending her to the top echelons of their profession. He would give her five minutes to mull it over and then he would make his move.

Jessica's phone chirped again.


Jessica realised she hadn't answered the previous message. She sent Rifkin's stupidity out of her head and rushed to text back, 'Yes - accepted.' Moments later her phone chirped again and Jessica read the passwords for any potential Black bull tonight.

Silver-service waiters passed around the table. Jessica sensed a presence behind her, "Coffee, madam?" came a voice. Jessica nodded and then froze as she realised that the man leaning over her to fill her cup was African-American. She swallowed and made a concious effort to breath again as the waiter moved on. My God, that had been intense! Would it be the same whenever she saw a Black man tonight - that immediate wonder if he knew about her and would claim his right to fuck her. She shook her head a little to try to clear it.

Jessica looked around the table at the waiters circulating. Only two seemed to be African-American and they were both relatively light-skinned. She realised she had been foolish - Taylor would never have sent her details to them. The Taylor Foundation provided for only dark-skinned men. The waiters completed their tasks and moved off - leaving the dining room once more the whitest place in several states. Only Jeff Hindborn's Filipino wife kept the ratio below 100%.

At that moment Jess felt a figure slip into the vacant chair left at her side by Emily's absence. She stiffened as she heard the man beside her speak.

"I hope my announcement was a pleasant surprise, Jessica, the sky is the limit with this project and I am delighted that we will be working closely together from now on." Sam Rifkin's voice was oily, but presumably supposed to be seductive. Jess tried not to shudder as she felt a hand tentatively rub her thigh. "Of course," Rifkin went on, "the closer we work together the greater the rewards on offer. My influence can do a lot for you in the future - this is only the start." Jessica's flesh crawled as his pudgy fingers crept up her thigh.

Jessica realised that it was her cue to take a stand and reject him. But it would get her fired for sure and cutting that last tie with her old life was such a big step. She decided to play for time. "Can you excuse me for one moment, sir, I need to go powder my nose." Shit - where had that ridiculous old expression come from! However, it seemed to work. The hand was withdrawn from her thigh. "Of course, my dear, I'll see you again during the dancing and then we can go somewhere to seal the deal, so to speak."

Jessica struggled to hide her revulsion at the implication. She just about managed to get out of her chair and crossed to the large function room's side door.

Room 368

The bathrooms were just down a corridor and as Jessica approached them she tried to think of a way to keep her job while avoiding her boss's advances. It was going to take all her wits to manage that.

The next moment all thoughts of her job and Rifkin went out of her mind. A deep voice stated, "Now you would be Jessica Lyons - am I right?"

Jessica stopped and stared with surprise. The man was in his fifties and was wearing a chef's uniform, thankfully minus the hat. From the size of his stomach he enjoyed tasting his own product. However, what was of most importance at this moment was the fact that he was VERY dark-skinned - and he knew her name. She knew what was coming next.

"Seems we all out of vanilla," said the man.

Jessica hesitated but only momentarily. "That's OK - I only like dark chocolate," she gave the texted password response to the question.

"Ain't I the lucky one," said the man, "cause I got just what you be needing." He moved forward two steps and took Jess by the arm. Then he purposefully guided her a couple of doors beyond the bathrooms. He turned a key and then stepped inside drawing Jess after him.

The room was a small store-room - effectively a short corridor between two high stacks of shelving. The man stepped forward and pulled out some cardboard, clearly old broken-down boxes waiting to go out in the trash. He dropped several pieces onto the floor. "Don't want you getting your knees dirty - or that nice dress later on."

Jessica took the hint and dropped to her knees. She reached for his belt and carefully removed it before undoing his pants and pulling them down. The man shifted his bulk as he stepped out of his pants and then looked down at her. Jessica couldn't help herself. He might not be the epitome of male perfection but damn he had a serious bulge in his shorts. "You gonna just admire it or are you gonna suck it," grunted the man impatiently. His round flat face showed no concern that she might reject his demand.

Jess pulled down his shorts and gasped. His cock was maybe seven inches in length, healthy but nothing too startling. What amazed her was its girth - it looked about as thick as a coke can and the head was hard and round and menacing. She tentatively reached out and began gently stroking the monster.

"Whass the matter - aintcha never seen a real Black baby-maker before," chuckled the man. "If you like how it looks then you gonna love how it feels. But first I was talking 'bout you givin me some head. How about it, sweet thing?"

Jess did her best - but she almost had to stretch her mouth even to get the head in. Since she couldn't get far down the shaft she had to settle for plenty of licking and spittle. Soon the end of the cock was shining with moisture from her efforts. It had got pretty damn hard and Jessica wasn't surprised when the man gently pushed on her shoulder.

Again she knew what he wanted and she lay back on the cardboard. No surprise that the man immediately honed in on the area between her legs. He pulled her long skirt up and out of the way to reveal her naked pussy. "Hmmn, looks damn good eatin'," he said to himself and then plunged his mouth down onto her pussy.

Jessica gasped as he went to work. First licking and then working two pudgy fingers into her wet and ready slit. His face took on a look of grim satisfaction as he saw the effect his fast finger-work was having on the beautiful redhead. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open. He moved his other hand up to cover her mouth and stifle her moan.

"You trying to get me fired," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "We best move to the main event before you bring security down here!" Then he gripped Jessica's legs and moved them up so that her sex was fully exposed to him. He moved his bulk forward as Jess bent her knees to allow him easy access.

"This pussy primed?"

She knew what he was asking. If he came in her would her body grow his seed into a Black man's baby. "It might be - I'm right on the edge of my time."

He looked deep into her eyes and kept rubbing his thick cock head up and down her drooling naked pussy lips. "Maybe I shouldn't fuck you - maybe I should leave you for the big event next month. Make sure you get knocked up there - in front of a crowd and the cameras." He enjoyed the flush his suggestion brought to her cheeks.

Jess struggled to control her need for him. "Well I think...OOOOhhh."

Before she had completed the sentance he had pushed his thick Black cock home into her pussy. "No need for you to think - haven't you worked that out by now. We know what you need and deserve - we've known it since long before ever you did. You need a lot of Black cock, a lot of Nigga nut and a house full of Black men's babies. That's only natural and we gonna make sure you kept well supplied with all three. That alright with you?"

All Jess knew was that after pushing his big cock into her he had held still - denying her what she needed. She knew what he wanted as his price and was it really so much to give? "Yes - fuck me and seed me. Show them all that you're the man who knocked me up. Send me over there with a belly full of Black baby."

The man grunted his satisfaction and began fucking her with powerful regular strokes. "That's right ... knocked up ... just like ... your little ... blonde whore ... friend." He wasn't in great shape and huge beads of sweat were standing off his forehead already.

Jess tasted salt as a drop of his sweat fell on her face. But she didn't really notice. She was thinking about Emily, her 'little blonde whore friend.' Levy had given her what she needed - a good fucking and his baby growing in her womb. Now it was Jessica's own turn and it really might be tonight, pinned under the bulk of a fat sweaty old Black buck about twice her own age. It should have repulsed her but his cock was big and Black and hard and his years of experience meant he knew how to use it.

His thick Black baby-maker was filling her up just the way she liked - he could have been made to dimensions perfect for the stimulation of every nerve end in her sensitive pussy. His every movement was transmitted through her body - finally working their magic on her mind, making her want more of him. More of his dick, more of his fucking, more of his potent baby-juice. Sub-consciously she knew why mother nature had gifted him like this - to bring her back to him with open legs whenever her body needed sperm to make a baby. He might be getting up in years and he might be carrying plenty of extra pounds but there was no doubt that this man was a real bull, a Black breeding bull.

His big hands were clamped on her thighs keeping her legs apart and her pussy exposed to his thrusts, his merciless powerful thrusts. She belonged to him at this moment and he was intent on letting her know it. "Feel good, baby?"

"Fuck yeah," she smiled up at him. "You're amazing."

The man gave a little smile and then set his mouth in a look of determination. He pushed his weight forward so that more of it was on her. Her legs were pinned back now as he fucked on and on, rolling strokes which seemed to drive the breath out of her lungs with each strong forward plunge.

Sweat was rolling down his face and he was grunting with the effort he was putting in. He knew from her moans and her flushed face that she was coming in response to all his hard work. Now her pussy was all lubricated and ready for his seed to swim deep into her and find that unprotected and vulnerable little white egg. It was time for him to buckle down and finish the job.

Jess instinctively knew it was coming. She saw it in his eyes and felt it in the increased urgency of his strokes. She could almost swear that she felt his cock expand a little in her and release the first of its load of potent cum just as deep in her as the man could manage. That dangerous cum, so loaded with the stuff that would change her life forever. That strong African DNA that would confirm what both of them already knew. This was one high-society white wife who'd given it all up for the d, the big Black d.

Jessica wailed her joy until his hand clamped over her mouth again. They were there together, sharing the moments, until a gentle tap on the door saw them hurriedly separate. The door opened to reveal the smiling face of Antwan.

"Damn, man, you seriously resized that sweet little white pussy. You wouldn't believe how whitebread this one was first time I met her. Now if she ain't a Black bred white slut then she's sure doing a good imitation." He laughed and helped Jessica up as the man proceeded to clean himself off and find his shorts and pants.

"You planning on taking a turn," asked the man.

Antwan shook his head. "Not just now - we got an appointment." Once Jess had straightened her dress up - already feeling the first of the man's juice starting to trickle down her thigh - he led her down to the parking garage and his waiting vehicle. The engine was started and they were in motion before Jessica realised that she didn't even know the name of the man who had just tried so hard to knock her up.

Back to Base

Two large men wearing ear-pieces silently acknowledged Antwan as he pulled his vehicle into the lot of the Taylor Foundation developments.

Jessica, still wearing her outfit from the Founder's Dinner, was smoothly ushered through a back-entrance to the Cock Pit and then up a short flight of stairs into a security room. Monitors showed on two of the walls while a long thin horizontal window was positioned at head height on the one furthest from the door. Antwan greeted the man sat in a swivel chair with his feet up on a desk.

"Take a smoke break or go get a drink inside man, I'll spell you for an hour."

The mans deep-brown eyes took in every inch of Jessica. Then he nodded and heaved his bulk out of the chair. "An hour's the minimum I'd want with that fine piece of pussy. Seems I recognise her - she joining us?"

"Next month, Lincoln, that's the plan. How's it going tonight?"

"Quiet outside - noisy, hot and shady as shit inside, just like it should be."

Antwan chuckled. "Go get yourself some pussy then - I'll keep an eye on things till it winds down."

Lincoln's glance drank in the sight of Jessica again and he gave a small nod before he headed out the door. "My man ain't no fool, surely he ain't."

Jess looked at the monitors. Some showed external views, three had views of the main bar and two more the interiors of rooms. One was large and empty save for mattresses and comfortable couches. The other was smaller and almost entirely filled by a bed on which a white woman was being powerfully fucked by a Black man. It didn't shock or even surprise Jess - she'd seen it done in person many times by now.

Antwan nodded at the screen. "Close to 7 000 watching right at this moment." He tapped a flat screen and consulted the resultant graphic. "Peaked at just over 17 000 for your friend's little announcement. About as high as we usually get - but I'll bet you'll smash it next month."

It didn't sound that impressive to Jessica but then she remembered that these streams were far from public. "Who are they - the people watching?"

"Some are current or past participants in our foundation activities. But they usually watch on playback. The live audience is nearly all patrons. White men of a certain age, a certain bank-balance and, preferably, a certain social position." Antwan rattled off some names and chuckled at Jessica's shocked expression.

"Thought you might know them," he continued, "That's six of the ten-judge panel for commercial cases in this tri-state. So you needn't worry too much about anything that fat fool Rifkin might threaten you with. We don't call in too many favours from our patrons unless necessary but we'll sure as shit make sure you get a level playing field if you come up against him. Judge Wood doesn't need to watch - he's probably out in the Cock Pit right now. The other three are female but, from what I hear, no fans of Sam Rifkin anyway."

Jessica felt a weight lifted from her mind. Given a fair fight she was confident she could take down Rifkin or most of his lawyers. They'd all got complacent and lazy. At the very least she'd make the bastards work for any wins they did get. As for Matthew Wood, the only African-American judge on the panel, she'd always got on well with him and - if Antwan wasn't bull-shitting her - it seemed very likely she'd be getting to know him much better real soon. That was just fine by Jess. Matt Wood was a mature man but he kept himself in good shape and he was deliciously dark.

"It's amazing just how many influential white men enjoy seeing a white woman fucked and potentially knocked up by a Black guy," said Antwan. "We supply unique access to such material on a regular basis and in return they pay their dues and do little services for us where appropriate. In the law, in business and, of course, most of all in politics - both sides of the aisle. Slip a line of text into a 750-page Congressional Bill and we can fund our activities for a decade. Make sure you have nine or ten on the books at any time with some linked to pro-life legislation, some to racial equality measures and some to both. Well..." Antwan gave a little shrug of his shoulders.

Jessica saw his point. It didn't matter who won elections or if a measure or two were struck out by legislators wanting to look tough on federal spending. There'd always be plenty of finance for the Taylor foundation and its worth-while endeavours.