Jessica's Old Prom Dress


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"Wanna touch it?" he offered.

I nodded a no and went back to watching the wall. A French woman wearing sexy lingerie was getting nailed in the ass outdoors. I heard his fist smack loudly against his cock and felt the mattress shake with the motion. I glanced over and stared in fascination. God, this was nasty to a point of being mildly arousing. His cock looked thick and veiny. He reached far over and touched my knee and despite our distance I felt exposed. His hand slid down and ran over my laces and rested on my foot. It felt rough and warm. I didn't want it there and I was going to say something.

"How about another drink?" he asked me.

Sure, I nodded thankfully, just so I could get out of his range. I stood up to get the shot glasses off the floor and as I walked the long way in front of his view he gripped the bottom of his cock and wiggled it at me provocatively. I couldn't help but stare at it as he did it. This was such an unusual situation. His cock was huge and hairy. Then again, he was a big man and I was a little girl, so it was all relative. Maybe he was average for his size.

"You didn't have to walk all the way around to get it," he said.

That implied I should've just crawled over him to reach it, and that's definitely not something I would've done. But it was somewhat flattering, I realized. He wanted to see me in this outfit and he wanted to touch me. There was no one else I could show off my body to anymore and as bizarre as having this old man see me, it felt good to know I was still desirable.

In the kitchen I straightened out my thong and realized my clit was still really swollen. When I returned I made sure to keep my legs closed tightly this time while handing him a shot. It made me feel safer.

I was wrong.

He sat up facing me and while I held the two shots in front of me and balanced myself so not to spill them, he reached under my dress and pulled my thong all the way down to my knees, catching one of the worn thigh high tops in the way and making it fold over. Trying to stabilize myself, I just stared at him wide-eyed in disbelief. Keeping my legs closed did nothing to stop this situation from getting worse. I decided to do something finally and started opening my mouth to say something.

But before I did say anything, he took one of the shot glasses from me and clinked mine with it and waited for me to drink, his hands completely off me. Our eyes locked and I swallowed my words for the moment. Jesus, he stared me down. It felt unpleasant to look him in the eyes.

Just after I tossed the shot back and felt it burn down my throat, he drank his and then handed it back to me. He didn't throw it on the floor this time. I felt buzzed by then and in my head downplayed the danger I was in. In fact, I downright distorted what had happened so far. Seeing a beautiful girl dress slutty for him was a rare treat. All he wanted was just to see, probably. And I was starting to think I wanted to watch him jerk off, so what was the harm?

"Why don't you slide over me and put the glasses on the floor?" he asked and leaned back in the bed.

That didn't make any sense because there was a floor on three sides of the bed and he previously demonstrated a fourth option to me by throwing them, but even attempting to reason this situation showed my poor sense of judgment under the circumstances. It was a trap. He was obviously just trying to make me crawl over him so he could grope me. Well, not make me, but make me agree to it in a way. I was not going to do that. Hell, my thong was pulled all the way down to my knees and I needed to pull it back up. But then, ... I was horny, and I thought about it longer than I should have.

"No, that's okay, I'll just put them here," I said as I crawled to put the glasses away. Having done that, I pulled up my thong, taking care not to flash him. This time I sat back down further away from his reach. Porno on the wall was getting raunchier, switching rapidly to a few dozen facial scenes and I found myself staring at his cock again as he was beating it. What was the matter with me? I wasn't thinking straight, I was starting to feel playful and knew it was dangerous. He noticed me staring and wiggled in my direction. Last cock I touched aside from my husband's was at least four years ago. Maybe longer, I thought.

"Wanna play with it?" he asked me.


But within a minute I failed to follow through with my answer, as I found myself crawling over closer to him, unprompted, stopping only when my knees touched his side. To be honest, I was just greedy. This was an opportunity for me to touch a big cock and it was a selfish curiosity. My first new one in years. It wasn't cheating, it was just a hand. Being right-handed I leaned over his body for comfort and braced myself with my left hand, blocking his view of the wall. At that moment I realized I could've picked a different place to crawl over because I felt I was in a particularly vulnerable spot so close to him. My right hand went for his cock and Jesus, it felt thick. Grabbing it stirred unwelcome thoughts. God, the girth.

His hands, drawn to my body like magnets, went for me. His left hand reached under mine and started playing with my breasts over the fabric and the right hand went up my dress and started fondling my ass. His hands felt huge and grubby and I felt ashamed when I started breathing loudly in horniness. At the time I only felt about the present, not thought where this might lead to. Being touched felt pleasurable and violating at the same time. Dear god, I was liking this and I shouldn't have. It was so wrong but I was just horny and wanted to know what a stranger's cock felt like, since it was right here.

"Please stop?" I asked him quietly.

"Stop what?" he demanded and kept running his greedy hands over my body. Guess it wasn't fair that I could grab him but he couldn't grab me. Against all my better judgment I was starting to stroke his cock. Oh my god, it felt so big and warm. I couldn't help myself but explore it and start rubbing it up and down like I meant it. This was so nasty!

"You like it?" he asked and got no reply from me. But I did, and I was too ashamed to say it. Some precum landed on my glove so I decided to take them both off so they wouldn't get stained.

His right hand slithered between my legs and I made a bad choice, I spread my legs so he could reach easier. He pulled my thong aside and felt me up. His finger started exploring my slit again, then slid into my wet pussy. As he was fingering me, I started moaning in unexpected pleasure and tugged his cock up and down arythmically. His skin stretched more freely with my bare hand. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the moment and felt his precum lubricate my fist. Realizing I was only feeling the top half of his cock I let my hand drop all the way to his balls and gave them a caress. My husband trimmed everything, but this guy was so incredibly hairy. It was nasty and yet being new to me strangely exciting. However, this was as far as I was willing to go. I was about to ask him to leave when he interrupted me and released me from his groping. Thank god.

"How about you get us another drink?" he asked.

It would be my fourth shot and I didn't think it was a good idea to do it and giving him another might make him stay longer. Could I just lie and tell him I was all out? No, he saw the bottle was nearly full earlier.

"Not for me, but I'll get you one," I replied.

"That's no fun. Bring two back, Jess," he insisted and rubbed my back.

"Jessica," I scoffed lazily not looking at him and got up, straightening my dress out of rote habit.

Looking at him as if I could change his mind, he started jerking himself off again and I stared longer than I should have. At that moment I realized I was slowing down, energy sapped. Still very horny, but tired and it was late. Conflicting needs tore at me, need to get off, need to pretend to be modest, and need to get him out of our house. And of course, the need to sleep.

At the kitchen I realized my thong was saturated and now worthless as an undergarment, so I slipped it off and left it on the floor. Pouring myself half a shot, I overfilled his and slowly walked back to the bedroom, trying not to spill them. Not trusting my balance, I walked all the way around the mattress and leaned down to give him his, but then he grabbed mine instead.

"Cheers," he said and waited for me to raise my shot glass. Shit, this backfired a tiny bit. While I formulated a response about sitting this one out, he took my free hand and put it on his cock. There was no resistance from me. God, it was so thick. I wrapped my hand around it and gave it a few strokes and prioritized horniness higher over sleep. Fuck it, I downed the shot and groaned through the burn.

"How about we finish the movie?" he asked.

Agreeing silently, I put away the shot glasses and, taking a misguided shortcut, walked over him. He took the opportunity to lift the hem of my dress and observe I now wasn't wearing any underwear. As I sat down next to him he motioned for me to lean over him, guiding me with a hand on my back.

"I can't see," he said.

"Hmm?" I looked back and realized I was blocking his view.

He guided me to lay down next to him and rest my head on his stomach. Took me a moment to get comfortable, but I laid down on my left hand and that positioned me so I could see better. He was still stroking his cock and I just kept staring at it, finally replacing his hand with my free one. God, I could stack both of my hands on it and the tip would still stick out. Porn on the projected wall was switching scenes. Out of curiosity I pushed a finger against his pee hole and then with two fingers spread it wide gently. I'd never done that to a guy before, and never seen this before. His hole was slowly leaking milky precum. I was now drunk and horny and irrational.

"You liar, you said your hair was in pigtails," he said. Of course, all guys fantasize about that so I fibbed. But, I ignored the remark. He was lucky to get what he got so far.

He started rubbing my ass and then fingered me, and I got my head closer to better see his cock and that's when things went south. He suddenly grabbed an entire fistful of my hair and pushed the back of my head toward his cock. Instinctively I struggled back against it but my lips made contact with it.

Alarmed, I yelled, "Stop!" and jerked my head back. My scalp hurt.

Instead, he pushed me down toward it again and I deflected my mouth to avoid his cock. It smelled musky, like dried sweat. It struck my cheeks as he pushed my head toward it several more times. My left arm was trapped under my body and it was useless.

"STOP!" I yelled angrily again, but he finally managed to shove his cock deep in my mouth.

Instead of stopping he just forced it in holding me in place with two hands now, by my hair. It hurt to try to move away. His cock felt thicker than it looked. I gagged and felt it fill my mouth with ease, pressing firmly against all sides of my mouth and tongue evenly and he wouldn't stop. He just started jackhammering right in my mouth, his hips swinging toward my throat, just fucking it fast and bottoming out against my throat and tonsils. It couldn't have felt pleasant for him. My teeth were scraping his sides and I was fighting him trying to squirm away and get up.

My eyes watered, and I coughed for air. I could not escape his hands holding my hair but I still tried pushing myself off the mattress. His grip loosened a little and finally freeing myself of his cock I cursed at him weakly and yelled at him to leave. His middle finger was all the way inside my pussy.

Then he threatened to tell others. My blood chilled instantly.

"Shh! What if someone walked in and saw this, how you gonna explain it?" he said huskily, still pushing my head toward his cock.

When there was no reply, he continued, "You don't want me tellin' anybody, do ya?" he asked.

He wouldn't do that, would he, I wondered, but I knew he'd already done worse things. What could I possibly say to him?

The landlord had a copy of our keys.

Thinking about that made me second guess whether in fact I should've screamed so loudly at him. If she walked in to check on my screams, I would have been so fucked. Sound couldn't get through walls that easily, could it? How could I explain dressing up like a loose tramp? My life would crumble into pieces, all that time invested gone in a flash. Painted into a corner like that made me feel so stupid and indecisive.

"Get out of here!" I hissed at him quietly, still trying to push myself off the bed.

He heaved and pushed my head all the way back on his cock and said, "C'mon Jess, just finish me off." I was angry at him.

"Leave!" I demanded.

He started swinging his hips toward my mouth and I kept him off for a few seconds before he overpowered me and again stuck his cock in my mouth. He stopped moving for a few seconds and I tried to spit his cock out, again coughing for air, but he held my head firmly in place. My eyes watered again. Saliva came out of my nostrils when I again coughed for air.

"You're such a huge whore for letting a stranger come over," he said, slightly out of breath. He finally released his grip and I immediately moved my head a foot away and yelled at him again.

"You son of a bitch, let me go!" I shrieked.

Instead of reacting, he pulled me in the opposite direction, toward his face. He leaned over and stuck his tongue in my mouth, kissing me firmly. I tried to squirm out of place, but his tongue wouldn't leave my throat. It felt and tasted disgusting. He was a smoker and his mustache scratched my face. I moaned an unrecognizable and frustrated please-stop but instead of doing any of that he pulled me back down on his cock.

"Now go on honey, service my pipe," he said.

Who the fuck talked like that I wondered, absurdly. But this time I was losing energy to push myself off, so I let it happen. Thinking that I'd prefer to breathe, I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and prevented him from going in too deep.

"Yeah, that's it Jess, stroke it" he said, misunderstanding my intention.

It made me angrier. I squeezed it more firmly to disabuse him of that notion and in response he continued jackhammering my mouth as fast as before, my head held in place against his stomach. I was livid and belatedly realized two awful things. One, I was minding my teeth since he started, out of habit, and two, he continued fingering me. It felt good, but I didn't want it to. I wanted to extricate myself from this position and I wanted him gone. I let go of his cock and reached behind me to pull his hand away, and for my trouble he started stuffing my mouth deeper and making me gag and cough for air again. He released his grip then.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, but all he did was pull me toward his mouth again and kissed me.

At least I could breathe now but his tongue felt invasive, foreign. It was a terrible kiss and I hated it. I was angry with him and especially with myself. But at that point I realized the chat fantasy had become very real and I wondered exactly why I was resisting. If I went along, it'd be over quicker. His cock had already been in my mouth and that couldn't be undone, I rationalized. And to be honest, it's not like I didn't think about sucking it when I first saw it. Now, I might as well finish it off and get this over with faster.

When he predictably pushed my head back down in his crotch, this time I went willingly and relaxed my mouth, building up saliva to make him fuck my mouth smoother. I stroked the base of his thick cock and just let it happen. Resting my face against his stomach I just stared at the wall where an eight-foot-tall cock was spraying a girl's face. As he was fucking my mouth, I watched the same thing happen to another girl, and then another.

"Shit Jessica, you're a good little cocksucker," he droned on and kept fucking my mouth. At least he was using the right name.

He rubbed a finger against my swollen clit and I closed my eyes and sighed uncontrollably, my mouth entirely filled. A second finger joined it and I shuddered. He paused to fish one of my tits out of the dress and couldn't manage to since the dress was tight. It seemed like such a simple thing he needed help with so without thinking I assisted, getting both of them out through my neckline. My hair back in his fist, he went back to work.

He then said something really fucked up, implying that I lied about how old I was and that I had just gotten home from prom. Mouth full of cock, I moaned a barely recognizable "mhhm hmhmm."

"Mommy and daddy are out of town, aren't they?" he asked.

He allowed me to pull it out so I could respond.

"Yeah, they're out of town," I lied and didn't understand why I said it, but it got him harder. Big guy, little girl, I supposed. Simple roleplay. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me back up and kissed me again, sticking his tongue deep in my throat. This time, entirely disgusted with myself, I kissed him back angrily. He didn't know how to kiss and I was going to show it to him. After a minute he pulled me right back down on his cock and kept fucking my mouth. Frustrated, I just laid there and let it happen, my mind smoldering in frustration.

It was so demeaning to be desperately hate-fucked by someone as unattractive as him. It paradoxically made me hornier.

When he finally came, he relaxed his grip on me. To my everlasting surprise, I swallowed his cum. Worse yet, I willingly wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked it up and down until his cock was dry. God it felt thick, and I could barely get it halfway in my mouth. Then I felt very confused. Suppose I finished him off nicely out of habit. I could've spit it all out and walked away, but I didn't. He pushed me over to my side and then curled up against me, his deflating cock pressed in the crack of my ass through my dress. It would leave a stain, I thought. In the awkward silence we just cuddled afterwards.

"Should've let me blow that big hot load all over your face," he said.

No. Thank god it was over, I thought to myself. After pulling out a pubic hair out of my mouth I emptied my mind and rested. I was exhausted.

But a couple of minutes later he reached behind him and pulled out a condom package from somewhere, and threw it on my side of the mattress. I just stared at it, wondering if I should now scream at the top of my lungs. His cock pressed into my ass more firmly and he put his arm around me, cupping my breast.

"You want my fat cock again, huh?" he asked presumptuously. Him being that incredibly out of touch with how differently I experienced the past half hour literally made me gasp in surprise as I made a face at him in outrage.

This motherfucker ended up practically raping my mouth for fifteen long minutes while I took it feeling scared, and now I was staring angrily at a condom wrapper and feeling his cock press against me. Only reason why I went along with the forced blowjob was to get it over with, and now this?

"Fuck that was hot, I wanna bust again," he said.

Bet he did. He was old, ugly and out of shape and yet as he said it somehow I pictured him slamming on top of me and I felt disgusted but at the same time still horny, confusingly because of the revulsion itself. In a way, this sounded like a pity fuck. That was a new experience for me at the time and I was unsure why it seemed appealing.

Still looking at the condom wrapper, I reached behind me and started stroking his cock against my ass, my mind empty of thoughts. A sense of excitement came over me feeling similar to earlier when I dared to type my address in the email. Except this time all formalities were over with and I was digesting semen in my stomach. My heart started beating fast. What was the harm now in going a tiny step further?