Jezebel - It Was You - The Sequel


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Jezebel was just as much a tiger in the sack as I had remembered. Fortunately, I was ready for her since I hadn't been laid in sixteen days (not that I was keeping track). After I ate her to a couple of orgasms she rode me like I was a rented mule while I manhandled her prodigious tits. Our mutual orgasms were so intense that they had us talking in tongues. We showered together, fucked again doggy style, and then fell asleep. I slept with the idea in my unconscious mind of trying to keep tabs on her in the middle of the night. She didn't disappoint.

I felt Jezebel get up in the middle of the night (actually about 3 a. m.). I could feel her staring at me so I pretended complete sleep, even mimicking a modest snore. With one eye open I saw her go to my pants, get out my wallet, and take a photo with her cellphone of my IDs and then slip them back in. After she went into the bathroom and returned to the bed she started sucking my cock. I pretended to wake up, said "What a fucking awesome way to wake up -- this hasn't happened since the last time we fucked," not true, but so what. We then proceeded to play hide-the-salami in four different positions before in the concubine position I injected another load into her and we both essentially passed out.

I woke up before Jezebel the next morning, having set the alarm on my phone at the bar before we went to the hotel. "Why the alarm," she mumbled as I got dressed.

"Because I have an 8 a. m. plane to catch, and I have to stop by my girlfriend's house to get my bag," I double-lied. After I finished dressing and she looked like she was stirring I kissed her and after doing that tied her right wrist to the bedframe with her bra. She thought I was going to do something kinky and didn't struggle when I tied her left wrist with her panties. Had she struggled she was strong enough to prevent me from doing that. Instead of then fucking her I smiled and said "You're my best fuck ever, Jezebel; too bad you're so evil. I don't want you following me to find out my new identity so I've tied you to slow you down enough to get a head start."

With that I kissed her and took off. If she really wanted to get loose quickly she could have, but I was willing to bet that she didn't want to ruin her undergarments since she thought that she had already gotten my new identity.

I took a cab to my real hotel, showered and changed clothes, packed, and met Beth in the lobby. We went to the client's office until noon -- there was no blowback from me leaving the dinner early -- and got a 2 p. m. flight home. I was a little rattled from the Jezebel experience but was certain that she wouldn't find me in a state two thousand miles from the state of my fake driver's license. In any event I called Clarisse with that information so she could have her PI put a trace on Jezebel's phone just to see what she was up to. Of course I didn't tell Clarisse about me fucking Jezebel three times. While Clarisse really did want me to find someone my own age, she would go ballistic if I did anything with Jezebel, who she hated.


Life moved on in an excellent manner for the next year. Then something tragic happened. Bill Wilson was killed in a car crash, along with another member of our softball team. I probably would have been in the car with them except that I had to miss the game that night because of a business commitment.

I tried to help Stacy and Madison -- who by then was old enough to know what was going on even if she didn't understand death -- as much as possible over the next year. I even "loaned" Stacy $50,000 to help her with her expenses since Bill was underinsured, and to be sure that she could hang onto the condo. She didn't want to accept it but her and Bill's parents weren't well off enough to help her out, and I had them talk her into accepting it.

I waited a year after Bill's death, helping Stacy -- who hadn't dated in that time -- and Madison out at least once a week -- before telling Stacy how I felt about her.

When Stacy and I took Madison and one of her friends to a playground on a beautiful spring Saturday we sat on a bench watching the kids. After a little chit-chat about the kids I said "Stacy, I have two serious things to talk to you about."

"How serious; real bad?" she chuckled.

"Serious, but I hope real good," I chuckled back. I handed her the original of the "loan" agreement she had signed for the $50,000 with "Paid" stamped on all three pages in big bold letters. "I need to give you this before I can talk to you about the 2nd thing."

She seemed stunned. "I...I...can' know...accept this," she stammered.

"You can and you will," I sternly replied. "There will be no further discussion about it, period. I have much more money than you think that I do, and that is how I choose to use it, so just grin and bear it."

She was still mumbling when I hit her with the second thing. "Now that that's out of the way, my second issue is; I'm extremely fond of you; in love actually; and I want to know if there is any chance of you having feelings for me."

She stared speechless for the longest time, her mouth opening and closing like a fish on land trying to get air. Eventually, when her mouth was closed I kissed her gently on the lips. After I broke that kiss she threw her arms around my neck and gave me one of the most zealous kisses of my life. I don't know how long we would have embraced if Madison hadn't run up to us and pulled on my pants leg and in her beautiful little-girl voice giggled "Why are you kissing Mommy Uncle Rob?"

We broke our kiss, we both laughed and sent her off to play, and then Stacy and I just stared into each other's souls for a minute or so. Then she asked "Would you like to have a slumber party at my condo tonight, Rob?"

"There's nothing that I would like better," I grinned, holding her hands and giving her a quick kiss on her smiling lips.


My first night with Stacy was unique in my experience. While at one time I had loved Megan, and still loved Clarisse, my feelings for Stacy were on a different level. From the very first copulation we didn't just fuck. There was real love oozing out of both of our bodies.

Speaking of bodies, Stacy's was even nicer than it appeared to be in the clothes that she normally wore because even her gym clothes were modest. Her boobs were of the classic East-West type (so I've studied and am an expert on breasts and nipples -- sue me) and her nipples were protruding, always sticking out proudly even when not stimulated. When stimulated -- which I was very happy to do with my hands and mouth -- they looked like over-sized pencil erasers.

Not only were her boobs spectacular but she had a flat stomach, perfect hips, and a pussy with thin lips, an over-sized clitoris, and naturally sparse pubic hair.

Kissing Stacy while naked was a fabulous experience by itself. When we made tender love in the missionary position, our souls almost united. They fully united when after that we made love in the Yab Yum position. I sat on the bed with my legs folded in the half lotus position. Stacy sat on my lap, straddling me, her legs encircling my waist, with a pillow under her. In this position we could rock back-and-forth, move up and down, and/or move in-and-out, all the while staring into each other's souls and periodically gently kissing. Our synchronous orgasms were epic. As corny as it would have seemed to me before it actually happened, I truly felt that our souls had merged.

Stacy and I had not only known each other for more than three years, but were good friends. Now that we both knew that we were in love there was no reason to waste time. Three days later she, Madison, and Rex moved into my house and we rented out her condo within two weeks after that. Not only did I have the two people who I loved most in the world living with me but Rex was a great dog too. He was big and nasty looking enough to be intimidating when protecting Madison or Stacy, but gentle and loving with the people that he knew, and especially with Madison who was his best buddy.

I had intended on telling Stacy that I was Madison's biological father right before I asked her to marry me but our timeline got moved up when five weeks after Stacy and I first made love she started throwing up in the morning. Stacy had been told that she was incapable of having kids. Once I saw her throwing up -- I had witnessed the same thing with Jezebel -- I wasn't convinced and I insisted that she go to her OB/GYN. When she returned she was a little bit apprehensive.

"So what did she say?" I excitedly inquired.

"Uh...I don't know how you'll take this Rob; I'm about five weeks pregnant!"

I yelped, picked her up and twirled her around while planting kisses on every part of her body I could reach. Madison came running up and Rex barking.

"Why are you dancing with Mommy?" Madison gleefully asked.

"You're going to have a little sister or brother," I laughed, at the same time putting Stacy down and simultaneously hugging her and Madison while Rex tried to worm his way between us.

I guess that my reaction told Stacy all that she needed to know about how I felt.

We went out for a celebration dinner, and even brought home a doggy bag for Rex what Stacy and Madison couldn't finish because they were so excited. After we put Madison to bed I sat with Stacy on the living room couch.

"Stacy; there's been something I've wanted to tell you since I confessed my love for you. I was going to wait until I asked you to marry me -- but I need to tell you now, before I propose because you have to know it if I'm going to propose," I clumsily started out. That start brought a few tears -- which I hoped were tears of happiness -- to her eyes. Then I continued.

"I'm Madison's biological father," I confessed.

She got the strangest look on her face. "Repeat that," she gulped.

"I'm Madison's biological father. Tomorrow I'm going to prove it to you by the three of us going to a lab and Madison and me getting DNA tests."

Stacy's eyes started to glass over a little, so I gently shook her and asked if she needed some water. She nodded her head yes. I got her a glass of seltzer and a cool washcloth. Her eyes were even glassier when I returned. She sipped some seltzer, and then I pressed the cool compress onto her forehead. After about five minutes she perked back up. Once she did she chuckled "Pregnancy must have screwed up my hearing because I thought that you said that you were Madison's father," she sighed.

"I did say that -- and I am," I seriously responded. "I'm going to ask you to marry me tomorrow so I need to have no secrets from you. Should I tell you the story behind it?"

After a pregnant pause she replied -- "Yes; please do."

I gave her a somewhat -- though not entirely -- sanitized version of the facts, including that my birth name was not Rob Branson but Blake Thorsness, and how Madison was conceived. After finishing I said "I hope that doesn't affect what your answer will be when I ask you to marry me tomorrow; I love you more than anyone I've ever met, with a love that's pure, honest, and deep."

Stacy didn't say anything for what seemed like a long time; she just stared into my eyes with an expression hard to read. Finally she simply said "Don't wait until tomorrow for what you can do today."

I smiled, got down on one knee, and asked her to marry me.

"Hmmm," she replied stroking her chin. "Let's see; you are already the father of my daughter, you've got a bun in my oven, we live together in your house while renting out my condo so I have no place else to go, you fiercely love me, and I just as fiercely love you." Then with an evil smile she said "OK, I guess that's the best offer I've received today."

I started tickling her until she begged me to stop. "Say Yes, mean girl, don't give me any happy horseshit -- say Yes, a thousand times Yes!" I said laughing so hard I almost couldn't get the words out.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she exclaimed. I stopped tickling her and we passionately kissed.


We didn't let any grass grow under our feet. While I called Clarisse and insisted that she come to meet Stacy before I bought her an engagement ring, and Stacy told her and Bill's parents -- all four of whom were happy for us -- we decided not to tell anyone else for the time being. Also, we told no one except Clarisse -- who already knew -- about Madison's biological relationship to me.

Clarisse came and spent the weekend with us; I didn't lie to Stacy about my relationship with Clarisse but we both told her that physically it was now completely at an end. Clarisse liked Stacy immediately, and despite whom Madison's biological mother was, seemed to really enjoy Madison too.

Of course the DNA test showed unequivocally that Madison was my biological child, we arranged for a small wedding only three weeks after I proposed, and our son Mitchell was born healthy, and right on time. The five years that I've been married to Stacy have been the happiest of my life by a light-year; all three of our kids (Madison and Mitchell have a little sister, not coincidentally named Mary Clarisse Branson) are healthy and well-adjusted. Fortunately at least so far Madison doesn't have her biological mother's eyes or personality (although she will have her size and strength considering that she's in the 99th percentile in both at nine years old). Also my job couldn't be going better and although it seems impossible I fall more in love with Stacy every day.

I have only one concern in life -- that the anti-Stacy (i. e. Jezebel) may someday find me. Clarisse's PI determined that Jezebel expended a great deal of effort and money trying to find me after our hotel interlude-- and I don't think that it was because she wanted another fuck. I know it is because she wants to ruin my life once again. Fortunately, Clarisse's PI continues to monitor Jezebel monthly and enough misinformation has been provided to her that it is unlikely that she'll ever find me. I remain on my toes, however, because as the song so correctly points out

"If ever the devil's plan was made to torment man

It was you, Jezebel, it was you..."I never intended to write a sequel to "Jezebel It Was You" (published October 27, 2016 in Loving Wives) however the comments and emails I received seemed to want one, and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see what happened too; so here it is.

As we left the characters, Blake and Clarisse were touring the U. S. in a classy RV, fucking up a storm; Jezebel had been dumped on Horton's doorstep eight months pregnant with Blake's baby and with the knowledge that the pre-nup that she had with Horton allowed him to kick her to the curb if she got pregnant by someone else no matter the circumstances; Wilbur (Horton's meg-rich father) was wondering where his wife Clarisse was, and Megan, Blake's ex-wife, had been barred from ever working in the financial field again with a suspended jail sentence still hanging over her. The story is told by Blake -- and he's not omnipotent, so he doesn't know what all the other characters are thinking, only what they say and do that he hears about.

As a reminder:

If ever the devil was born without a pair of horns

It was you, Jezebel, it was you...

If ever a pair of eyes promised paradise

It was you, Jezebel, it was you...

If ever the devil's plan was made to torment man

It was you, Jezebel, it was you...


I always really liked Clarisse, and she me, however I have to admit to being somewhat surprised that we were having as much fun on our cross-country trip as we were. This was true even with the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Despite my truly excellent new identity papers I was still concerned that if I was ever recognized as Blake Thorsness and caught I'd spend a significant amount of time in jail for kidnapping Jezebel.

Despite the fact that Clarisse was old enough to be my mother, we had a real connection. While sex was the main initial attraction we had for each other -- and while sex with Clarisse never got old, and from the physical standpoint she was my best sex partner ever (aside from Jezebel) -- it was more than that. We shared many of the same likes and dislikes, yet were different enough to be interesting. We both loved touring National Parks and Monuments, going to dance halls, watching plays, riding horses, and trekking in the wilderness.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196922 days ago

Enjoyed the two stories but didn't like the sword of Jezebel hanging over his head. Make it so that her unique eyes were prone to retinitis pigmentosa and she went blind. That ought to slow her down enough to have a worry free life.

EhsheehsheEhsheehshe6 months ago

Great story almost as good as the original but enjoy the happy ending in this one. Great job.

francemanfrancemanalmost 2 years ago

If the first part, although very extravagant and whimsical, was quite interesting and entertaining, this sequel is completely soporific.

It just looks like an assemblage of fantasies just put together to make a story out of it.

it smelled too marshmallow.

It's funny how every fuck he does instantly becomes the best of his life.

Dobbin55Dobbin55about 2 years ago

My comment on the first part of this story can be continued to this part to. An excellent continuation and, as Techumsah commented, a part 3 would be awesome! Great characters! 5* again!

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