Jezebel's Tale Ch. 07

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A surprise and fire training.
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Part 7 of the 29 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 03/27/2013
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Chapter 7 -- A Surprise, Fire Training.

Jez and Sandy said goodbye to Scott, it was Sunday afternoon and he needed to head out and get some things done before classes tomorrow.

Once he was gone Sandy grabbed her hand and led her to the couch.

"Jez, what happened earlier?"

"What do you mean Dee?"

Sandy sighs, "OK, this is going to sound crazy, but since you're a succubus I am hoping you roll with it. So," Deep breath, "something strange is going on with me, I don't entirely understand it, ever since we slept together for the first time. Something was, how should I put it. Awakened in me.

"When we slept together after that I could sense something from you, but this last time what I sensed, well, it was almost as if you were ecstatic, and yeah, this is hard to say, I sensed you were very happy because you didn't want to kill us, as if you feared you would be.

"So, what happened earlier?"

Jez's mind stuttered in a circle for a bit, 'What happened to Sandy, how is this possible, did I do something wrong.' She was worried that Sandy would judge her for killing Jake and the two angels that ambushed her.

Her mind calmed as she looked into Sandy's eyes and found nothing but concern and love there, no fear at all. She took a deep breath and said, "Well this has more to do with the Angels, I was ambushed by two on my way home. To make things worse, Jake from the bar was working with them."

She lowered her head shamefully, "I killed Jake in self defense and the angels too, but what happened was I killed Jake with my succubus power." Jez did not tell Sandy she liked it, she just couldn't.

Sandy leaned in and lifted Jez's head by her chin and calmly states, "And you enjoyed it? That makes sense, what I felt I mean. It's ok love, you will be tempted again someday but I know you won't do it unless you have to, to survive."

She pulled Jez into her arms and held her as she cried, crooning and running her hand through Jez's hair to try and calm her. "I am still here, you are not a monster. It does not change it from self defense to murder just because a part of you liked it. The part of you that feels horror and disgust is the proof of who you are."

Jez says softly, "Thanks Dee, what do you suppose is going on with you?"

Sandy shrugged, "No clue, I was hoping you would know, maybe when your dad comes by? He might know."

Jez pulled herself together and headed into the kitchen dragging Sandy with her, she did not feel up to being alone. She headed to the fridge and turned to Sandy, "Hungry? I can make you something."

Sandy just nods so she starts putting together dinner, she also reheats the coffee from earlier. With the comfort of normal every day actions it didn't take long until she was bantering with Sandy again, teasing each other like best friends which made her feel better about things.

Jez knew from psychology that those that kill, even in self defense are never the same again, she just now has a personal understanding of it that she wished she still lacked. But life goes on, it helped that those bastards wanted her dead, made it seem more right than wrong on the balance of things.

Just before 8pm she felt her father coming, he was just over a mile out, so she straightened up the kitchen a bit to kill a few minutes and headed for the door.

Andy walked in and looked his daughter over, he seemed satisfied that she seemed to be holding it together. "How are you feeling Jez?"

Jez replied, "Do you want a drink first, it's a long story and we have some questions."

Andy raised an eyebrow at the word we and nodded, "Sounds good."

They all sat around the couch and Andy stayed silent as Jez worked her way through the unpleasant story, until toward the end when they got to Sandy's part.

Sandy was uncomfortable, she didn't think anything bad was going on but was nervous about it. Reading another's emotions and intentions just wasn't normal she thought.

Andy said, "May I?" and reached over to touch her forehead but held back before making contact.

Sandy nodded so he completed the move and closed his eyes concentrating, his face dropping to one of surprise.

"Can you read Jez's mind now? Close your eyes and try please," Andy said levelly.

"No, nothing."

Andy left the room and came back holding Jez's hairbrush, pulled out a hair and handed it to Sandy. "Try now," he encouraged.

She focused on reading Jez's mind as asked. "Yes I can, I can feel her and some thoughts are coming through, or maybe intentions would be a better way to describe it," said Sandy sounding surprised.

Andy asked, "What is she thinking, just to verify."

Sandy darted a glance at Jezebel and blushed, "Ummm, I am not saying that."

Jezebel grinned smugly, "It's working dad." Then she winked at Sandy. "What does it mean?"

Andy nodded soberly, "Apparently Sandy is a witch. Normally it takes a full coven to activate the powers in a latent witch, apparently what you two got up to was enough to do the job. It is fairly common actually; demon's can bring out magic in latent humans.

"It also explains why she so easily accepted what you are Jez, although your relationship went a long way to that as well, but humans with power often accept the news and company of supernatural races better."

Changing his focus to Sandy he continued, "What you were doing there Sandy is sympathetic magic, because you have her hair you can sense her and even hear her thoughts. Demons can sense each other up to a mile away or so, with that hair you should be able to find Jezebel anywhere.

"I am not an expert on witches or how they use their powers, what I had you do is extremely basic, kind of like a newborn squeezing their parent's finger for the first time. If you want I can send someone your way to get you started, if you want to learn about it that is."

Sandy nodded, looking down at the hair with awe. "That would be great, thank you." She gave Jezebel a sneaky look and started weaving Jezebel's strand of hair with one of her own. Sounding playful she remarked, "Now I can keep an eye out for you."

Andy nodded in approval then said, "One important thing I am telling you now, this is true of all the supernatural. Your power uses life force, reading my daughters mind is like a slow walk, it doesn't take much but it is using power.

"Jez and I can take power from others life force without harm, as a witch you gain it the human way. Sleeping causes it to replenish, as well as eating. That's another thing you will love, never counting calories again, there is no such thing as a fat witch.

"The most important part is if you do something to powerful, or get stupid and use up all your energy on a spell, you will just die, done."

He looks over to Jezebel and says, "Same goes for you and the fire, you probably know that already but I wanted to be sure."

Andy stood up and looked to Jezebel, "Jez, we need to go train right now, before you meet anyone with a modicum of skill in fire wielding, you have been incredibly lucky. If you knew what you were doing you could have killed them both in less than a second and hardly felt a drain to your life force."

Sandy looked up at them, "Can I watch?"

Andy nodded and said, "Let's go."

Jezebel was amazed her friend was a witch, and honestly a little relieved, she was worried that others would go through Sandy to get at her, she was hoping Sandy would be formidable enough soon to at least lessen that risk.

They all jumped into her Dad's car and headed into the seedier side of the city, which made Jezebel raise an eye in question but all she got back from him was, "You'll see."

A short time later they pulled into the back of a triple X theatre and she nodded and said, "I see." When she saw Sandy's questioning look she winked and said with a giggle, "Training with a buffet table on hand."

Sandy laughed hard as they all got out of the car and headed into the building. They went down the basement stairs below the theatre into a room with a metal door and cinder block walls, there were some test dummies as well as other things around the room.

Andy turned to Jezebel and said, "I am going to shield this test dummy using a small amount of power, we are looking to gain control and knowledge here, no firestorms please."

He raised his arm and she could see a thin layer of fire surround the dummy, she raised her hand and using as little power as possible surrounded his shield with her power and flames to burn through, when she got through she immediately put out her fire and turned to him.

Andy asked, "That is exactly what you shouldn't have done Jez, you don't need to take out the whole shield, try again but this time poke a hole. Even a small hole with fire pushing through will light an enemy like a torch, you don't need to surround them."

Andy raised his hand and set up another shield so Jezebel focused, trying to create a needle of power and fire. She immediately noticed this took almost no effort at all, not that the other way was hard, but this way took maybe a tenth of the energy and punched right through his fire shield.

She whispered, "Sweet!" and grinned at her father. "Wish I knew that earlier."

He smiled and nodded, "Next step, do it again."

She nodded and focused, building a thin beam of fire and sending it toward the dummy's head, right when it reached the head, the shield rippled and flowed, most of the power going to the dummy's head, leaving a faint outline over the rest of the body.

The one spot stopped her attack cold, she grinned and instead of waiting for instruction formed a second needle thin line of fire and broke through the shield below the concentrated part hitting the dummy's chest.

He smiled and said, "Great, you catch on fast. This is important, like a kata eventually becomes muscle memory you must make this fire muscle memory, despite knowing the smarter way to fight now, if you were ambushed or surprised your reflex would be a fire blast, we need to make your reflex fight better."

They spent about an hour doing this, occasionally filling up their energy from the theatre full of lust filled people watching porn. Eventually she was controlling up to 6 different lines of fire as he created as many little round shields covering the body.

Andy said, "This is the point of diminishing returns, 5 or 6 lines of fire and you are about half way to the energy point of attacking from all sides. At this point leave up all 5 but pump another one or two lines worth of energy into one you already have active, then cycle that extra power from stream to stream.

"If you are fast enough the defender will not be able to keep up with the shifting energies, so we will practice, practice, and practice."

They spent another couple of hours on this to get to the point she could practice alone, using multiple needle streams and shifting her power among them.

Andy smiled, "Only half there, I know you're getting tired but we need to work on your shielding now."

Jez sighed and stretched and looked over to Sandy and said, "How are you doing Dee?"

Sandy shook her head mock sadly and said, "I knew you were a succubus but do you ever stop thinking about sex?" She slowly started grinning not being able to fight the urge.

Jez winked and with her voice as smooth as velvet said, "But mistress, it is all to please you."

Sandy grinned and snorted, "Right, I am doing fine, been practicing my limited repertoire, I can also feel all the lines of power when you make fire, I can't touch the fire of course, but who knows, maybe it will come in handy, at the very least I will know when to duck.

"I can also see when you go for a snack, I haven't really tried to do anything with either, I think I need some guidance before playing around."

Jez nodded then took a deep breath and walked over to the dummy and created a fire shield around it. The first three times her father's line of fire cut right through, she couldn't figure out how to anticipate where the fire was going to hit and modify her shield to be stronger there.

Finally she realized she was doing it all wrong by sensing the fire, instead she sensed the power channels that created, and guided the fire. Next time he fired she bunched up the shield where she detected the power channel and the fire was stopped.

This went on for another couple of hours until she was able to successfully block up to 6 streams at once. She also discovered fairly early on that by sensing the power of the channel she could also estimate the strength of the fire, they were directly proportional, so she could use the exact amount of energy required to block.

Jez gasped at what an idiot she was, she realized she could very easily do that on attack as well, which would give her a clear idea on how much power she needed to punch through.

Andy went and got another dummy from the corner and set up a shield around it, without a word he started attacking Jez's dummy.

Jez grinned, she effortlessly manipulated 5 lines of power to attack while at the same time manipulating her shield to defense. Over the next hour she was only able to defeat her father once out of the 10 or so mock battles they had, but that was saying a lot.

Andy smiled at his daughter, she had no idea how far she had come in such a short time, ironically working as a waitress at the Sapphire club contributed to this in his opinion.

She was used to manipulating way more than 10 lines of power at once because of her skim feeding from all the customers. So her effortless control over fire with 5 attacks and 5 shields wasn't much of a surprise to him, all she needed to do now was make it mostly subconscious, much like muscle memory, and that would take more practice.

Jez grinned and topped off her power, she knew this was serious but it was fun too. Although at over 5 hours she was ready to be done with this session.

"Dad, I think it's time to call it a night, it is close to 1am and we have classes tomorrow. Can we do this again soon?"

Andy nodded, "Next time we defend our dummies, attack each other's dummy with fire while we spar hand to hand, or at least we will give it a try, it might be too soon to be doing all three."

Jez nodded and gave him a hug, "It's good to have you back around, even though the why sucks."

Andy smiled and handed over the keys to the car they drove over in. "Here, it's not the best car in the world but it's yours to use. I don't want either of you walking to the club and you need a way to get here as well."

Turning to Sandy he said, "Come back again tomorrow night with Jez around 8, I will have someone here to help you."

Jez took Sandy's hand and said, "Thanks again, I feel a lot more confident now, although I know I still have a ways to go."

The drive home was peaceful, Sandy kept staring at her so she giggled and said, "What's up Dee?"

Sandy blurted out without thinking, "You are an amazing creature my love." Then blushed at what came out.

Jez grinned. "What makes you say that? Besides my amazingness I mean," she said with false arrogance raising her nose in the air.

Sandy snickers. "Well remember when you told me as a succubus, the kind of sex you want is actually what I want? That pleasing me is what is pleasing to you?

"I don't think I truly believed that until now, or maybe a better word is understood. Humans feel the same way to an extent, sex is always better when you know you are getting your partner off, but selfishness exists as well."

Jez nodded and said simply, "It is who and what I am. Obviously I can feed even without doing it that way, even not doing anything but causing lust. Point being it is separate from feeding.

"I like that I am that way actually, it means if you sleep with me everyone gets what they want, always. Who can argue a win-win so to speak?"

Sandy sighed then changed the subject, sounding unsure she said, "Do you mind? I mean about me being able to read you now. If it makes you uncomfortable I can take out the hair, but, there is not much I can do about it while we are together, touching."

Jez said, "I guess most would feel an invasion of privacy issue, I do not. Actually it's kind of fun, I have nothing to hide from you, and I can wind you up so to speak with all the things I want to do to you."

Jez leered facetiously, licking her lips and said, "Speaking of which, it's time to get in the house."

Sandy followed Jez into the house in a daze, she was amazed by her lover, what she hadn't said in her conversation was the rest of what she picked up, which was love and devotion. Sandy felt the same way, but it is not often you can feel that sure about a partner and what they really feel, Sandy was absolutely drowning in it.

The best part is she didn't even have to say a thing, she knew that Jez knew that she wanted some gently tender loving tonight, the mistress is taking a day off so to speak.

They slowly stripped each other down, no sign of urgency, just a need to convey tenderness and affection. A shirt came off then a pause for soft kisses and gentle caresses, then shoes followed by more kissing. When they were finally nude Sandy laid Jez down on the bed and then laid beside her, slowly exploring Jez's beautiful body as she continued kissing.

Sandy was lost in the feeling of Jez's soft succulent lips against hers. The feel of Jez's tongue against hers as she slowly explored her lover's mouth was getting her wet. The silky feel of Jez's skin against her roaming fingertips made her break the kiss to start exploring her body with her lips and tongue.

Sandy lost herself in these sensations, going slowly to greedily extend the pleasure of each touch, lick and taste.

Jez moaned in pleasure as Sandy explored her body. She surrendered herself to Sandy's ministrations and the love they shared.

By the time Sandy was done exploring Jez she was dripping wet, she slowly shuffled around and straddled Jez's head, lowering her labia onto Jez's face while simultaneously lowering her lips to Jez's wet slit and took a painfully slow lick along her pussy lips extracting a gasp of pleasure.

She noticed that Jez was not using any power for this, this was pure love, tenderness and affection flowing back and forth between them as they licked around, between and deep inside the other's velvety folds.

Sandy wanting nothing more than to pleasure Jez on her tongue, to feel Jez's body climax below her, and taste her sweet juice took it to the next level and started circling Jez's clit with her tongue and softly tweaking Jez's nipples with her fingertips.

Sandy felt Jez sweep her clit with a thumb as she buried her tongue deep inside her pussy. Both of them exploding in orgasm, Sandy sucked and lapped up Jez's juice while she felt her ejaculate flow onto Jez's face, and into her mouth.

Sandy's desire to express her love being temporarily sated she turns around and cuddles into Jez, a soft kiss exchanged as they tasted themselves on each other's lips. Falling asleep fast from the long day of discoveries and the things they did Sandy manages a soft sleepy, "I love you Jez," as she falls into slumber.

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