Jim and Edie Again Ch. 01-03


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I felt Jim's shaft hardening in my hand. Oh, this was so good. Even if he couldn't ejaculate, maybe he'd get hard enough for me to ride him to one of my own spasms of happiness.

Suddenly, the sheet covering his lower body and me sucking on his shaft was tossed aside. I smiled up at him with his cock in my mouth. He smiled back and my heart ached with love again.

"Anytime you want to awaken me doing what you're doing, you have my permission. You're giving me the best blowjob I've ever gotten, not that I've gotten a lot, mind you."

Jim pulsed in my mouth a little; I think he'd done it intentionally. I kept working until he was a stiff stick of man meat. I moved up, and mounted him in a traditional cowgirl. I came again just from his entry into my body. I fell into his arms and we kissed with great love and passion. I loved pressing my breasts against him. Just thinking of him made my nipples hard, and I know he could feel them.

If I wanted a Minute Man, Jim wasn't it. We fucked and fucked and fucked. I think I'd made love first thing in the morning about five times earlier in my life. Harry wasn't a morning person. The five times had been before we'd met. If this was what it'd be like, I'd wake up every morning doing this. Oh, God, another orgasm just ripped me apart in the nicest of ways.

Eventually, after several changes in position, Jim pounded me into the mattress and then just as I peaked, he splattered my insides with his cum. I thanked heaven that I was well past menopause and wouldn't get pregnant. If there was ever a load that would have done it, that was it right there.

We kissed like the starry lovers we were; any harder and our lips would have bled. We both said 'I love you' and panted through more kisses. Eventually, we caught our breaths and just stared at each other, soaking up every detail of every pore and every distinction in our looks.

* * * * *

I'd never awoken to having my cock sucked -- and sucked by an expert. Edie was touching me in all the right ways to arouse me to make love. She was under the covers and I wanted to watch her and see what she was doing. I recalled that men are visual. I tossed back the sheet covering the lower part of my body as well as Edie. She grinned up at me with my cock deep in her mouth.

Soon after that we made love, and I actually came inside her again. I was setting records in terms of frequency. I reminded myself to call my MD for some kind of prescription for something that would keep me hard and raring to go around the clock.

I'd cuddled Edie all night long. I thought of waking her to make love, but I wasn't all that sure I could perform after the prior evening and night when I'd eked out four times with her. The spirit was willing, but the body was weak.

I dreamed about her, too. We went to some island and it was warm and comfortable. We made love around the clock and never put on clothes. Oddly, Bruce and Mindy, and Rita and Hank were all there. They'd even watch and comment on what a perfect couple we were.

After coming inside Edie for the fifth time within twenty-four hours, we lay panting. I asked her, "You can't get pregnant, can you?"

Edie laughed, "No. Long past that stage of life. If I could we'd be having sextuplets based on your magnificent donations inside my little fertile body."

"I guess I should clean you up."

I went down on Edie. She had two aromas: cum and her wonderful female nectar. I lapped up both and also used two fingers to pry my spend from inside her warm vagina. Once I had a mouthful of all of that plus some saliva, I moved up her body and pointed to my mouth and to hers. I raised my eyebrows in a question.

Edie nodded and grinned. Seconds later, I injected my mouthful of carefully collected sex fluids into her mouth. She hummed in appreciation and the eroticism of the situation. We swapped the snowball back and forth for several minutes until it pretty much dissolved in our saliva. We both swallowed.

Edie threw herself into my arms again. "I love that you do kinky things like that. I'd never done that before and it was so 'hot' and so good. Any time, lover."

I smiled at her, "I'd never done that before. I'd only read about it in some sexy stories online."

"Keep reading. I like what it's taught you."

We showered together and remade her bed. She put the linens that we'd badly soiled in her washing machine, and we went out for breakfast.

After we'd ordered, Edie locked eyes with me and said, "I have all sorts of new goals in life thanks to you. All of them can be accomplished if I become your sex slave."

I burst out laughing. "Edie, I wouldn't know what to do with you in that role."

"Fuck me all the time. Take me to your favorite orgies. Loan me to your friends. Fuck me some more, and best of all make love to me ALL the time. Did I mention I like sex?"

"I think I can do that. I was going to offer myself up to you on the same basis. I want to doanything you can think of that will bring you happiness."

Edie thought for a moment and said, "In making that offer to be your sex slave, I'm not kidding. I ran through a hundred fantasies last night when I wasn't sleeping. Almost all of them had a strong sexual component, and I want all of them to happen.

"I've never had someone like you that could make them happen. I'm hoping that you're as horny and as sexual as I seem to be getting again. We can do things that we've always dismissed as too outrageous, too sexual, or too indecent."

Edie nodded sharply and added, "There, now you know how perverted I am. If you want to leave, I'll settle the bill and take an Uber home."

Her comment jarred me. "I have no intention of leaving. I've been looking for a girl like you all my life. What makes you think that I haven't also had fantasies, day dreams, and crazy ideas of sexual things to do with some dream girl? I guess if you're my sex slave that I could do them with you. My worry is that some of them would have you running for the hills and I'd never see you again."

"Name one," Edie implored.

I grinned, "Sex in public, where we're apt to get caught."

Edie held his gaze, "All right. This place is kind of busy, and I'd like to come back here again. I assume you don't want to get arrested."

"Wow! You're not put off by that idea. Maybe some night in some parking lot. Maybe in the Beach Shack women's room. Maybe on my front porch. You're right, I don't want the cops involved."

Edie said, "Remember I told you I was kind of wild when I was in college and in my twenties? Well, I actually fucked one guy that I was dating on the fifty-yard line in the college's football stadium. It was right at midnight, too. No one caught us, but some friends watched. They were using the forty-yard lines. We even traded partners." She laughed.

"I'm glad I met a woman of experience," I crooned and grinned at her. "It sounds like you're reverting to your younger mentality. I hope that's OK to say? I was the most unimaginative person you could find when I was that age. Horny, yes; sexually savvy, not a bit. I look forward to every idea you can offer up."

Edie eventually said, "I doubt you could say or suggest anything to me that would make me upset or mad at you. I, on the other hand, still have a secret or two that I'll share someday when I'm more certain of how you'll react."

I laughed, "About your behavior thirty years ago? Hardly."

"That's good, but maybe some of it is more recent than that."

I shrugged. My late wife had often teased me that she had a 'secret'. My response had become to not beg for the secret. I learned that in telling me she had a secret, she really wanted me to try to ferret it out of her. When I didn't, I always felt she told me sooner rather than later. I figured I'd try that approach on Edie."

Edie looked a little put off that I didn't argue for a revelation of her secrets. There was such a wide range of possibilities that guessing was out of the question.

After breakfast, we went to the beach and took a brisk walk along the shore from one end of the key to the other. Since we were speed-walking barefoot on the sand, we didn't hold hands, but we did keep pace with each other as we passed many other beach goers. Back at the car, I again did my worship of her feet as I cleaned the sand from them. I kissed each of them, nibbled on her toes, and then kissed up her legs, until I could blow warm arm through the gusset of her shorts onto her pussy.

Edie teased, "Want me to take them off?"

I nodded, "Yes, please."

She studied me for over a minute to try to determine whether I was serious. I was.

Finally, she decided I was and she undid the belt and zipper and slid her shorts down her legs as I helped. Her panties came next until she was bare from the waist down. She looked around the busy parking lot. We were parked between two other cars with another parked in front of us. People were still arriving, parking, and carrying their gear to the beach, often moving between parked cars.

I restarted my assault on Edie's pussy by starting at her knees. Edie watched me, kept an eye out so we didn't get caught, and also spread her legs. I kissed up the inside of her thigh until I got to ground zero. At first contact, she moaned loudly and threw her head back in ecstasy.

"I love the way you taste, how moist you get, and your great aroma. I may never stop, although overnight parking is not allowed in this lot." It was only eleven a.m., so we had a ways to go.

I brought Edie to an orgasm after about ten minutes of cunnilingus. After her spasm stopped, I gently drew her legs together and lifted them the rest of the way into my car. I shut the door and then went around the car, got in, and drove her home. During the drive, she reluctantly redressed.

At Edie's house, she put the sheets in the dryer, and then we went into the main part of the house. She saw she had a message on the answering machine, and played it back. It was Rita, wanting to chat and also suggesting a barbecue that evening. Edie was to bring me. Bruce and Mindy were also coming. Three couples. Sounded good to me. I needed some recovery time.

I headed home to run some errands, arrange a few things, get some wine to take that evening, pack my 'go bag', and then pick up Edie at five-thirty. Even though it was a weeknight, when you're retired every day is like Saturday, so an evening dinner party didn't have to wait.

I called my doctor and got a prescription for Cialis. I also read up on the Internet for some other homeopathic supplements that might also help return me to having the libido and recovery time of a sixteen-year-old. Despite my outstanding performance over the past day, I didn't expect that kind of response to last indefinitely. I did want to please Edie in every way I could.

I also packed a 'Go Bag' so another overnight would be with some of my own toiletries, plus I'd have a wider variety of clothing available. Next on my To Do List, was to make the house presentable for an inspection visit by Edie. Sometime soon, if we were really going to live together, we needed to decide whose home was the better option. I picked up my prescription and some supplements on the way to Edie's house. I took a dose of all of them so I'd be ready for whatever happened.

I called Edie and asked if I could come over earlier than I'd stated. "YES!" she screamed into the phone. "Come now or anytime. I want you. I love you. I miss you. We live together. I've got to give you a key so you can come in anytime." I pulled up in front of Edie's ten minutes later.

I knocked on the door, and then it magically opened. Edie peeked out at me from behind the door. As I went in, she closed it behind me. She was naked except for a pair of very sexy black, patent-leather stilettos with a five-inch heel. They capped off her overall look of seduction by the hottest woman on the planet.

Edie came into my arms and we kissed, "I promised you that I'd walk around nude and available all the time. I forgot earlier."

I teased, "You weren't that way in the restaurant or on the beach."

She just hurled herself into my arms again and we shared several epic kisses. An hour later, we were both naked, and we'd just made another wet spot on Edie's bed. She wasn't concerned, nor was I. We showered together, a delightful experience, and then got dressed.

I suggested to Edie, that with her desire for constant nudity in my presence, she should dispense with underwear -- panties and bra -- all the time. She just grinned at me and removed her clothes and adjusted her wardrobe to conform with my suggestion. I really liked my new steady live-in girlfriend.

We were the last to arrive at Rita and Hank's home. Bruce and Hank were at the outside grill; Mindy and Rita were in the kitchen. Everyone came to the front door to welcome us. There were lots of hugs and kisses between everyone. Rita especially gave me a knock-your-socks-off kiss on the lips and a full press body hug, and then looked me in the eye and grinned. I think there might have been a message there I was missing.

Edie went off with the two other women, and once in the kitchen Rita and Mindy made little squealing sounds there assuring me of the vast conspiracy to couple me up with Edie. I had the feeling that some sexy gossip news was about to be shared and I wasn't minding the coupling-up at all.

I joined the guys by the grill and we chatted about cooking, the weather, the Bucs, and a few others unimportant things. We were bonding.

After a while, Hank asked me, "You getting along with Edie?"

I nodded, "Better than fine. I think we've moved in together and are going steady. There still some minor details, but those are the headlines."

"I figured. Rita, too. I think Edie is quite a catch -- good-looking and all. She was quite a business woman in her day, too. Rita's soft on you, too. You make a great first impression."

I shrugged. Diane had always told me that I was 'hunky' but I easily dismissed the moniker. I just did my job, although I did find that women were always eager to work with me.

Just as the various meats went on the grill, Edie appeared at the patio door. She came over and glued herself to my side, either holding my hand or putting an arm around me. There was no doubt that she was enamored with me and wanted to be touching. Hank and Bruce noticed but said nothing.

Dinner was lively and fun. We ate on the patio at a picnic table, and no one went hungry. I had a little bit of everything. Mindy and Rita had outdone themselves with side dishes. The wine flowed freely as well.

There was a modest effort to clear the table. I announced politely that since I'd done nothing to prepare other than raid my stock of wine, that I'd carry plates and such to the kitchen. I also needed to find the rest room. I carried inside two half-full salad bowls, and then went down the hall to the bathroom.

As I exited the bathroom two minutes later, I must have been exceptionally quiet. I took three steps towards the kitchen, and then saw Hank holding Edie in a close embrace. They kissed and I noted his right hand on the outside of her clothing over her breast -- the breast that I'd insisted remain braless. Hank fondled her full breast and said, "You coming back to us? We've missed you."

Edie shook her head but did nothing to repulse his advances, "Not yet, and not without Jim."

They kissed again, obviously with mutual romantic intent. Rita came into the kitchen from the back door and thought nothing of their encounter. As she walked by the couple, she leaned in and also kissed Edie. The romantic content was unmistakable.

I stepped back further in the hallway, even retreating to the bathroom door. I opened the bathroom door with a rattle of the latch, and made some noise with my footfalls as I returned to the kitchen. A small cough also announced my imminent arrival. I smiled at everyone and went to help bring inside more of the detritus from the meal at the table.

In the meanwhile, my brain went into overdrive. What the fuck had a I just seen and heard? Here I am, head over heels about Edie, and she obviously feels the same way about me, but there's some side to her life that she hasn't shared with me yet. She said she still had some confessions to make and secrets to share. I wanted to know before I went into this relationship further.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

""I don't even know this Edie person. What will I say to her? What if she ... I don't know ... expects something to happen? Does she even have a brain in her head?"

Man, this author does not even know how to write a realist sounding dialogue much less a story; really, this is how people talk about a woman he is about to meet? A simple statement like this will do: "Well, what is she like? Is she smart?" etc. This author, and he does not deserve the title, has no contact with reality. So he makes up dialogues that have no affinity to reality.

KeeperonKeeperonalmost 3 years ago

A little lost. Both have not been with anyone since their partners died several years ago but now she’s flirting like a lost lover. I guess keeping reading to see how it makes sense. Enjoyed first part though.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great story. Well written. Most enjoyable story I have read in 2021

mrotismrotisalmost 3 years ago

Where do I find an Eddie for myself? Seriously, I think this is the first of your stories that I have read and found it compelling. I wasn’t bothered that it took many thousands of words before the first bit of sex and that it was discretely written at that. I am eager to read more.

virusmanvirusmanabout 3 years ago

Lovely story about two nice mature people falling madly in love and enjoying great sex with the promise of a fully liberated sexual lifestyle on the horizon where the pursuit of the summits of orgasmic joy is not an alternative to true love making but a glorious extra benefit.

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