Jim's 1st Day of Physical Education


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Without any further comment, John and I turned and began to walk out of the locker room. I deliberately leave in a haste like this, because I don't want to stand there and answer the obvious questions from the boys. They'd want to know why they have to undress, how much to take off, can they leave their underwear on, etc. I leave my instructions deliberately ambiguous for a reason. I want to see if these boys were paying attention during our presentation. I want to see if they are even capable of following the simplest of orders. I have no doubt that we'll return to the locker room in a few minutes and see that about 90% of the boys are still wearing their underwear - or even more than that. If we're lucky there will be a couple of boys that correctly realized that they were supposed to strip down completely. In some years, none of the boys get that right.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was now ten minutes before 2:00. We still had plenty of time to finish this step of the orientation before Nurse Draper was due to arrive. John went into the office to retrieve the heavy wooden paddle that we use for discipline.

"Well, I think their three minutes are up," John said to me.

"Yes, it's time to see what we really have to work with this year," I said in reply. "Let's go."

I walked back into the locker room with John following closely behind me. As we entered, we immediately heard the boys talking and generally carrying-on. They obviously didn't understand what I meant when I said to stand at attention at their lockers! As we turned the corner into the middle aisle, we were blinded by white. White briefs, white T-shirts and even some white socks. And they were in all possible combinations. Some boys were down to just their briefs, while others also still had on their T-shirts. And others were still wearing their socks too. For some unexplained reason, one boy looked like he hadn't taken off even one stitch of clothing. On the good side, there were two boys that were completely nude and standing calmly in front of their lockers. At least we had two boys that could follow the rules.

As John and I got closer to them, the group finally started to calm down and quiet down. But they still weren't standing at attention. Some of them weren't even standing, and were sitting calmly in front of their locker in their briefs and T-shirt. Many of the boys that were standing held their hands in front of themselves, as if they were trying to maintain some amount of modesty. The two nude boys were both standing, but both of them were also trying to cover themselves with their hands. Little did these boys know what was about to happen to their modesty in just a few short minutes. I looked at John and nodded, indicating that he could take the lead for now.

"Are you boys completely stupid?" he yelled at them. "Or did you not hear anything that we just said? You there, what's your name?" he said pointing to the boy on the end that was still wearing his T-shirt and briefs.

"Mark Brown, sir."

"Well, Mark, what did Miss Evans ask you boys to do before we left?"

"Get out of our street clothes?" Mark replied with a quiver in his voice.

"Yes, what else did she say?"

"Um, she said to act like we were getting ready for class?"

"That's right. And what did I say you must always do before you get dressed for class?"

"Take off our street clothes?" Mark replied.

"What does that include, Mark?"

"Um, everything, even our underwear?"

"That's right, Mark. I said no street clothes are ever allowed in class, even your underwear. I told you boys that you had to take off every damn stitch of clothing first, and only then can you put on your P.E. uniform. So why are you idiots still wearing anything?" John said, raising his voice once again. "Get your damn clothes off right now. I want to see all 17 of you bare-assed naked in the next minute or someone is going to get whacked." As he spoke, he started to slap the end of the wooden paddle into the palm of his hand.

I watched as the boys frantically worked to remove the remainder of their clothing. Those with T-shirts on quickly pulled them off and threw them in the bottom of their locker. Any socks that were still on were immediately slipped off and tossed into their locker. Finally, the briefs came down. Some boys hesitated and waited until those around them removed their underwear, hoping that it wasn't true, that they really didn't have to strip down completely like this. Other boys quickly realized that they didn't have a choice in the matter and pulled their briefs down to the floor in one swift motion. Regardless of how quickly it was done, the boys stepped out of their briefs and put them into their locker with their other clothes.

As the rest of the boys stripped in front of me, I addressed the two boys that correctly removed all of their clothing. The two of them just happened to be standing near each other.

"What's your name son?" I asked the first boy.

"Mike Snyder," he replied.

"And you?" I said to the second boy.

"Dave Ingles," he replied.

"Mike and Dave, you have both earned extra credit for the day for listening to our directions. Well, done." The boys both nodded. They seemed to appreciate the fact that I acknowledged them. But little did they know that I didn't play favorites, and while they passed this first simple test, I would be watching them just as closely as the other boys.

While I was dealing with those two boys, John was dealing with the one boy that was still fully dressed. Having seen John work with the boys before, I knew that he would be able to convince this boy to cooperate - one way or another.

"What's your name?" he said to the boy.

"Andrew Smith," the boy answered.

"Well, what's your problem, Andrew?" John said to the boy as he pushed the end of his paddle into the boy's chest. "Are you maybe in the wrong P.E. class? Are you embarrassed because you've got a pussy down there instead of a dick and balls like these other boys? Do we need to transfer you to the girls P.E. class?"

"No, sir," Andrew replied.

"Well then what's your problem?"

"I, um, I just don't want to, sir," he replied.

"You're a senior, right Andrew?" John asked. The boy nodded yes. "Well, Andrew, if you don't pass this class, you're not going to graduate, understand? And if you don't follow our directions, even one as simple as getting undressed, you're not going to pass. So I'd suggest you start cooperating right now, or your time in this class is over. And good luck finding another way to get your P.E. credit for graduation."

As I watched, Andrew reluctantly began to undress, first removing his outer shirt, shoes and socks, followed by his jeans. Next he pulled off his T-shirt, leaving him in just his white briefs. He paused at this point and looked around the room at all of the other boys. By now they were all completely nude and were turned in his direction - watching him. Rather than just blending in with the crowd, Andrew was now the center of attention as all eyes in the room were on him. He turned toward his locker and slowly pulled down his briefs and stepped out of them.

John and I both moved back to our position in front of the group. From there, we surveyed the group of boys before us. At least now they were finally all nude, without even a pair of socks on in the whole group. But they certainly didn't know what it meant to stand at attention. They were all standing in front of their respective lockers, but they were all doing so casually, as if it didn't matter how they stood or which way they faced. And every one of them was covering himself with his hands. But John was about to remedy that.

"Boys, Miss Evans also said to stand at attention. That means feet together, arms at your sides, chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in," John said with a raised voice.

As John and I watched, the boys straightened up, most of them at least making an attempt to stand at attention. About half of them actually moved their arms to their sides, uncovering their manhood in the process. About a quarter of them stood still and straightened up in front of their lockers, but they kept their hands in front of themselves as a covering. And then the last quarter of the boys initially uncovered themselves, but after a few seconds, decided that it was OK to cover up again. That was probably because they saw the other boys that were still covered up. I knew that I needed to put a stop to this hesitation among the boys right now.

"Boys, when you are in the military, you will frequently be inspected by your commanding officer," I said to them. "And when that happens, I sure hope you do a better job of standing at attention than what I see right now. Beginning today, and for this entire semester, Mr. Moore and I are your commanding officers and we will frequently inspect you. And when we give you an order, we fully expect it to be obeyed. Since about half of you refuse to cooperate, we can do this another way." As I was speaking, a few more boys decided to uncover themselves and stand with their arms at their sides. But it was too late for that now. These boys needed to learn an important lesson, that there was no need for any bashfulness or modesty in my P.E. class. And I was about to teach them that lesson.

"I want everyone's feet apart, now!" I ordered. "Place them a little more than shoulder-width apart." I watched as most of the boys shuffled their feet widely apart. I saw a few boys that were slow to obey the order, or who were moving their feet just a small amount. I looked at John and he smiled back at me. "Mr. Moore is waiting to try out his new paddle on those of you that don't want to cooperate." John smacked the paddle loudly into the palm of his hand as I spoke. The threat of punishment did its job. I watched as the remaining boys moved their feet apart.

"Now everyone, arms up and place your hands behind your head. Do it now!" I ordered. The boys all raised their arms, some of them slowly at first, but they all eventually complied. Those that were using their hands to cover up were now uncovered like the other boys. "Lock your fingers together behind your head to keep your hands there, and point those elbows out." All of the boys were finally in position. It wasn't exactly standing at attention, but it served its purpose. Everyone was uncovered and on display before us and the other boys. They could no longer hide their most private parts. They had already taken the first big step of undressing in front of each other. Now they reached an even more important milestone - actually exposing themselves to the group. It was another step in helping them to be comfortable in their own skin, and in front of each other. If they didn't learn that lesson quickly, they would have a tough time passing this class.

"You see boys, this is supposed to be boys P.E. Mr. Moore and I need to see exactly what you people have down there between your legs." As I began speaking, John and I started to slowly walk back and forth down the aisle between the two rows of boys. As we did, we stopped briefly at each boy, giving him a good top-to-bottom look. I tried to gauge the general health and fitness level of each boy by observing his muscle tone and overall appearance. I also looked for the expected signs of development, like hair growth on his chest, underarms, pubic area and legs. And yes, as part of my inspection I took a careful look at his genitals. Were his testicles descended and did they look normal? Did they appear to be the right size for his age? Did his penis look like it was appropriately developed for his age? It was truly inspection time for these boys, and they really couldn't do anything to stop it.

"We need to make sure we don't have any pussies in here by mistake," I said as we continued our inspection. A few of the boys laughed at my comment. "If any of you have a pussy, then you won't be needing that supporter after all. We'll need to make arrangements with Miss Williams, the girl's P.E. teacher, to move you to one of her classes. We don't have any pussies in here, do we?"

"No, Miss Evans," the boys answered as if in unison.

"No, I suppose we don't," I replied. "So far it looks like we have a fine looking group of boys to work with this semester. What do you think Mr. Moore?"

"Yes, Miss Evans, I agree. They obviously need a lot of improvement, but I think we'll be able to work with this group and get them into shape," John answered.

"And boys, don't be bashful about looking around," I said to them as I continued my inspection. "I know you boys are curious what your class mates look like. Go ahead and take a look - this is your chance - see how you stack up against one another in the manhood department." I heard John laugh at my comment. At this point in the orientation, I know the boys are especially afraid and nervous, so I try to lighten things up just a bit. I saw that many of the boys were taking me up on my suggestion and were actively looking around the room and comparing themselves to the other boys. But others just looked straight ahead, as if they were afraid to look around.

"You're all 18 year old seniors," I continued, "so every one of you has already developed and there's not really that much of a contrast in the way you guys look. Although, looking around the room, there is a fairly wide variety when it comes to the size of your manhood! It looks like a few of you went back for seconds when they were handing out cocks." I use that joke every year and it always get a laugh. This year was no exception. "But seriously, you boys should see one of my freshmen classes. Talk about variety. Let's just say that some of those boys don't really need to wear a supporter. But then others are hung like a Clydesdale. You just never know what you'll get with a freshmen." The boys laughed again.

As I inspected the boys, I noticed that one boy, Michael Brenner, wasn't circumcised. All of my other boys were. I made a note next to his name in my class roster. I would need to make sure that he knew how to properly clean himself during the shower demonstration.

Just then I heard the faint sound of the door to the gym opening and closing. This was then followed by the sound of footsteps that were getting closer and coming into the locker room. I looked at my watch and saw that it was exactly 2:00. It seemed that Nurse Draper was right on time, as usual. I looked up to see her as she turned the corner into the middle aisle where we were all standing.

{*Part Six: Examined*}

"Hello, Miss Evans, am I too early?" she asked as she walked toward us.

"No, of course not, in fact you're right on time," I replied. I saw that she was dressed in her white nurse's uniform, as always, and was carrying a small black bag with her equipment and supplies.

"Hello Mr. Moore," she said to John with a smile.

"Hello Nurse Draper, how was your day so far?" John replied.

"Oh, it's actually been a fairly slow day for me. It always seems to be that way the first day of a new semester."

Nurse Sarah Draper is probably around 36 years old, just a few years older than me. I first met her about nine years ago when she started working at the school. I was at the end of my first year teaching here, and she attended to an injured boy in one of my P.E. classes. Afterward, we started talking and having lunch together, and became friends. Then about a year later we were talking about my "last chance" class for seniors. She took an interest in the class, in particular the fact that the boys were generally non-athletes that had never participated in any organized sports. She suggested that the boys should really receive a brief physical exam during orientation. Since I had plenty of time available on orientation day, and the classes were always very small, her suggestion made sense. Of course, she offered to help with the exam. Not a thorough exam, mind you, but a basic screening to identify and prevent any major problems. And since she had a lot of free time, she would personally perform the exam so it wouldn't cost the department anything.

We tried the exams that year and they seemed beneficial. More importantly, nobody officially complained about them, although the boys were obviously embarrassed. So here we are, all these years later and she's about to examine this year's group of boys. I think she enjoys it since it's a diversion from the cuts, scrapes and stuffy noses that she normally deals with each day. And in all honestly, I think she really gets off on the idea of examining these boys. She's strictly all business and certainly doesn't take any liberties with the boys. But asking a healthy 18 year old boy to cough while you're holding his balls would certainly be the highlight of my day. Doing that to all 17 of these boys, well, the anticipation of that would keep me wet all day. She probably looks forward to this day each year as much as I do. My official duty during the exams is to observe the exam and record her findings in each boy's record, whether normal or not. But I must admit that I also enjoy closely watching as each boy is handled by her. And having the boys go through this unexpected and somewhat intimate exam, by a female nurse no less, plays right along with everything else that I'm trying to teach them during orientation. It helps to reinforce the point that each boy has to let go of any inhibitions they might have with their own body and overcome any unnecessary sense of modesty.

"I see that you have the boys all stripped and ready for me," Sarah said to me. "Although, they're not in the usual position standing at attention."

"No, they're not," I replied. "Over half of the class seemed overly bashful and wasn't cooperative. So we opted for this more exaggerated position instead, which keeps their hands out of the way and forces the issue. Hopefully you can perform at least the first part of your exam like this. I'd like them to stay in this position for as long as possible, you know, as a mild form of punishment."

"Oh, that won't be a problem," Sarah said. "I totally understand your need to maintain discipline at this point and to show them who is boss. This position will be fine for everything except for the very last part of my exam."

"Well, I'll go and get ready down at the scales," John said. He now walked toward the far end of the aisle where the open training area was. We kept a full-size scale at that location that we used to record each boy's height and weight. As I watched him walk in that direction, I wondered how John really felt about this part of the orientation, having the nurse come in and examine the boys while they were nude like this. It certainly wasn't part of any standard orientation that he might have experienced in the past. I think he was a little bit shocked last year when he saw what was happening for the first time. But he never expressed any concern with it, and it seems that he's going along with the plan just fine today.

"Listen up, boys," I said to the group. "This is Nurse Draper. Most of you probably recognize her as the school nurse. For the next 30 minutes or so, she will be performing a brief screening exam on each of you." I immediately heard audible grumbling from the group of boys. "Now quiet down! Here's how this will work. You will all stand exactly where you are right now, lined up in front of your own locker. Nurse Draper will go down the line and perform just one part of the exam at a time, just like an assembly line. That means she'll make several passes up and down the line to complete her entire exam. While you are waiting for your turn, you will maintain your current position: feet apart, hands behind your head, elbows out. Understood?"

"Yes, Miss Evans," the group half-heartedly said.

"Obviously, if the nurse instructs you to move, you will promptly do so. Now, as soon as she finishes with the first part of your exam, you will walk down to the far end of the aisle where Mr. Moore is standing." I pointed to John as he waved his hand in the air. "He will record your height, weight and waist size. He will also issue each of you a brand new athletic supporter based on your waist size. When he has finished with you, you will quietly walk back to your locker and get back into this same position again. For now, you can just lay the supporter on the bench behind you. Don't put it on - we'll go over all of that later. Any questions?" I looked at the group of boys and waited to see if they had any questions. Most of them looked extremely nervous at the prospect of receiving a public physical exam, most likely the first of its kind for each of them.