Jim's Camp Counselor Exam


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"Your turn, Jim," I heard Stacy say. "I'll visually check the outside first."

I immediately felt one, then two gloved hands on my ass. She seemed to be spreading my cheeks apart with one hand, while running her fingers up and down my exposed crack with the other. Exactly what she was looking for, I'm not sure. But she was certainly looking, nonetheless. After a short minute, her hands left my body. She now stood at the table, directly to my left, where Chris previously was. I now saw her retrieve the KY from the table and apply a generous amount of it to the index finger of her right hand. After returning the KY to the table, I watched as she spread the lubricant between her index and middle fingers. Why she felt the need to lubricate more than one finger, I'm not sure. Our eyes met and she saw that I had been watching her preparations.

"Don't worry, I'm using plenty of lube so it will be more comfortable for you," she said with a smile.

She now moved behind me and out of my line of sight. I felt her hand on my left hip, immediately followed by the touch of her lubed finger at my anus. Without any further warning, I felt her finger slip into me past my anal sphincter. My body reacted much the way I saw Chris' react, with an involuntary jerk.

"Try to breathe normally, Jim," she said to me in a reassuring voice.

I felt her finger move deeper and deeper into me until it finally stopped. She now seemed to be feeling the entire surface of my rectum, twisting her finger in order to touch all sides. She then continued her probing, deeper into me, until she found my prostate. As she first pressed on it, I let out a gasp for air, just as Chris did during his exam. She pressed harder, causing me to feel like I was about to cum right there on the table. And she pressed again, even harder this time, causing my entire body to move forward, as if trying to escape from her finger. It was a delightful combination of embarrassment, discomfort, pleasure and above all, intimacy. At the start of this exam, I was already aroused. But now I felt myself getting much harder than before. I was becoming fully erect.

I now felt her start to withdraw her finger, not all the way, but most of the way. But she didn't remove it completely. Instead, she reversed direction and entered me once again. But this time she felt thicker. Was she using both fingers at once? That's how it felt -- as if she was now penetrating me with her index and middle fingers at the same time. I felt her fingers slide all the way in, then pull back out, almost withdrawing completely, before sliding back in again. She repeated this in and out motion, pumping her fingers into me slowly at first, then with ever increasing force and speed. And it felt good. Really good.

"Oh, that's fucked up," I heard Chris' voice say from behind me.

"Shhh, Jim was especially cooperative today," said Stacy, "so I thought I would give him a small reward for his efforts."

"What about me, where's my reward?" Chris said.

"Maybe I can think of something for you too," she answered before turning her full attention back to me.

She continued to plunge her fingers in and out of my ass hole. My body began to instinctively react to her movement, rocking back and forth in perfect timing with the rhythm of her fingers. As she pushed her fingers deep into me, my body pushed backward to meet them. As she withdrew, my body moved forward to prepare for the next thrust. All of this stimulation was dramatically increasing my arousal. While I couldn't see myself, I could feel that I was now fully erect. My penis was now as hard as it had ever been. Stacy continued this for another minute or so and then suddenly withdrew her fingers and stopped.

"Here you go, Jim," she said as she handed me some tissues. "You can clean yourself up."

As she removed her exam gloves, I stood up and used the tissues to wipe the generous amount of lubricant from my ass, at least the part that I could easily get to on the outside. I turned around to face her and Chris. Chris was standing in front of me and, like me, was fully erect. I was now very excited, not only from the exam, but especially from Stacy's finger fucking of my ass. I wished that she would have continued all the way until I shot my load, but she didn't. I could only guess that she had something else in mind, otherwise why would she stop short of an orgasm.

"Chris, please go stand against the exam table, right next to Jim," Stacy ordered.

Chris walked over to the table and stood next to me. We were more or less back in the original position we were in when we had our rectal exams. Except this time, we were turned with our bare backs leaning against the table instead of bent over it. And we were facing Stacy who was standing a few feet away and staring at us.

"Well, you've both passed your physicals. But, there is one more thing that we need to take care of," she said.

{ P A R T 7 : S L I P * S L I D I N G * A W A Y }

We were both just told that our physicals were complete. But we weren't rushing to get dressed. We were both in a high state of arousal, and both sporting very hard erections. We wanted to hear what Stacy had to say. What was her plan?

"I was thinking that you boys might have some difficulty getting dressed," she said, "considering the state that you're in right now. I know that you guys can't easily control your erections."

She was certainly right about that. There was no way that my erection was going down anytime soon. And trying to stuff it into my briefs, and then my khaki shorts would be a problem.

"So, it's OK with me if you boys want to rub one out right now before you get dressed," she said with a wide grin on her face.

Chris and I were both immediately shocked at her suggestion and he was the first one to speak up.

"What, right here, in front of you -- and him?" Chris said as he turned to look at me.

"Sure, why not?" she answered. "I mean, I do think I did a pretty good job with your exams, considering it was my first time. And I was nice enough to accommodate both of you, even though someone screwed up the schedule. You boys could do this as a thank you of sorts. To be honest, I've always wanted to watch a guy jerk off, but never really had the chance. I've never been able to convince any of my boy friends to do it for me. I just think the idea of watching you guys would be pretty hot."

"I don't know," said Chris, "I guess I'm OK with doing it in front of you Stacy, but, no offense Jim, you and I just met. I don't know if I want to do it in front of you."

"Oh, I guess I was mistaken then," Stacy continued. "I always thought that guys in general are pretty open about things like that -- you know, like doing circle jerks and things like that with each other in the shower. But I understand, no problem if you're that scared, Chris, I wouldn't want to push you outside of your comfort zone. What about you, Jim?"

Stacy was clearly trying to push Chris' buttons, making it seem like he was scared to do it. Perhaps she sensed the same fear and embarrassment in Chris that I did earlier. Now I really wanted to see where this was going even more.

"Hey, right now, I just want to get off and I really don't care who watches me," I answered. "So yeah, I'm OK with it. Let's do it."

"You said something about a reward," said Chris, "what did you have in mind?"

As I suspected, Chris can easily be shamed into doing just about anything. As soon as I agreed, he decided that he might consider it, as long as Stacy sweetened the pot, so to speak.

"Well, if you do this for me, I won't have to tell all of my friends here at camp how you boys got all hard and excited watching each other's exam."

"Oh, come on now, that's kind of low, isn't it Stacy?" Chris said.

"Yeah, I didn't really mean that," she said, "I wouldn't do something like that. I'll tell you what, we'll make a contest out of it. The guy who can last the longest wins."

"And what do we win?" I asked.

"How about the winner gets a blow job," she answered.

Chris and I looked at each other and smiled. We immediately knew that we would agree to her little contest without any hesitation at all.

"Sure, let's do this," Chris said.

"And I'm in, too," I added.

Without any more discussion, Stacy walked toward us, grinning ear to ear, and retrieved the tube of KY that was still on the exam table. She opened the tube and turned toward me.

"Left or right handed?" she asked.

"Um, right," I answered.

She took my right hand in hers and squeezed a generous portion of lubricant into the palm of my right hand. As Chris eagerly watched, knowing that his turn was next, she took my hand in hers and gently placed it over and around my erect penis. As my fingers closed in around my own male member, I felt the cold lubricant spread across the warm skin of my erect penis. Her hand was now on top of mine, pulling it back and forth across the full length of my shaft, priming the pump as it were.

After a few strokes, she released her grip on my hand and turned to Chris. She didn't have to ask Chris which hand he preferred since he was already holding out his left. As she did with me, she filled the palm of his hand with lubricant and then got him started by guiding his hand over his erection.

Stacy now rolled the stool over to a position directly in front of us and sat down. She was once again at eye level with our genitals and was just a few feet away from us. We both continued to stroke our cocks, slowly at first, so as to try and win the prize. But as the seconds went by, we both started to quicken the pace. Unable to control ourselves, we did what came naturally. We were both leaning back against the side of the exam table and arching our backs, with are feet more or less together.

"Legs apart, gentlemen," Stacy commanded, "I want to enjoy those lovely, loose balls of yours. I really like it when they dangle between your legs."

On her command, Chris and I both repositioned our feet widely apart. Anything to make Stacy happy. And just as it happened before, our feet made contact with each other. We both looked at each other and laughed. We were reminded once again of how close we were standing to each other. Standing side-by-side and being bent over the exam table was one thing, but standing here, next to some strange guy while we both jacked off -- that was extremely awkward.

"Pick up the pace, boys," she said, "you don't want me to get bored. I want to see both of you really go at it and stroke those tools of yours."

As she was speaking, she repositioned herself on the stool, sat up straighter and spread her legs far apart. Between her parted legs, I could see the material of her tight, dark blue shorts being pulled up against her crotch. As I watched, she slipped her right hand inside the front waistband of her shorts. Her fingers probed downward, further and further until she reached her destination. Chris and I now had something to watch besides each other, as she began to stroke herself while continuing to watch us. With her right hand occupied, she began to move her left hand across her chest, slowly caressing and squeezing both of her breasts with it.

Minutes went by, or maybe it was just seconds -- it was hard to tell. After a few more strokes, I heard Chris let out a series of grunts. As I turned to watch him, he ejaculated. He continued to pump his shaft with his left hand, as he caught the ejaculate with his right. As soon as Stacy saw what was happening, she stopped fingering herself and got up from her seat. She walked up to Chris and grabbed his balls with her left hand, squeezing them as if she was trying to milk the last drop of fluid from him. As she did, Chris slowed his pace but continued stroking.

"Are you ready to give me my prize now, Stacy?" I asked. "Do you want me to stop now before I shoot my load?"

"No, you look like you're almost ready to go," she said, "and I want to watch you finish. You'll get your reward later, I promise."

I wanted relief and I wanted it now. As Stacy left Chris and moved toward me, I picked up the pace of my stroking. She stood just to my left side and grabbed my low-hanging balls with her left hand. Her touch was exquisite. Not like it was before when she was conducting a clinical examination. Now her grip was raw, it was animal, it was pure sex and I was loving it.

"Keep going, Jim," she whispered, "you're almost there."

I was overloaded with stimulus. I was stroking myself, and had just watched Chris jerk himself off. Now Stacy was squeezing and fondling my balls. What a great first day at camp! As if all of that wasn't enough, I now felt Stacy's right hand pressing on my back. It slowly moved lower until it rested on my left cheek. She started to fondle, squeeze and run her fingers across my bare ass. Then in a final bit of stimulation, her fingers moved downward, tracing my crack all the way down between my legs. She finally reached her destination -- my ass hole. As she plunged her ungloved finger into my awaiting hole, I let out a loud gasp for air. She began to pump her finger in and out of my ass as she did before, in perfect rhythm with my strokes. I was getting close, very close. She tightened her grip on my balls as I grunted like the animal that I had become. Wave upon wave of hot sticky cum began to shoot out of my cock. My left hand moved to catch my ejaculate, but she pushed it away. Instead, she released her grip on my balls and used her left hand to catch it. As my strokes became slower and more deliberate, her right hand once again grabbed my right hand, and we moved back and forth in unison along the full length of my shaft. Once I was fully spent, she raised her left hand to her mouth and slowly licked her fingers, cleaning them of the ejaculate that was dripping from them. We both looked at Chris who had been watching all of this intently. She smiled at him with a mischievous grin as she inserted her middle finger into her mouth and sucked my cum off of it. I just smiled.

"Thank you, boys," Stacy said, "Watching you was better than I could have ever imagined. You were both amazing."

"You're welcome, Stacy," I said in response.

"Yeah, Stacy, that was great," said Chris.

"Don't worry about the paperwork, I'll make sure it's filed correctly. You boys can let yourselves out," Stacy said. "Right now, I need to take care of some business in the little girl's room. Jim, look for me after dinner tonight, OK? Since you won the contest, I want to make sure you get your prize."

We watched as Stacy walked toward the back of the clinic, entered the rest room and closed the door. Over the next few minutes, Chris and I cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. Having relieved ourselves, putting on our clothes was no longer a problem. Chris and I didn't say anything to each other. We simply opened the door to the clinic and left.

{ P A R T 8 : E P I L O G U E }

Jennifer was watching the clinic from a short distance away. Once she saw the two boys leave, she knew that it was safe for her to return.

"Stacy, where are you?" she called as she entered the clinic.

"Over here," Stacy replied, opening the door to the rest room.

"I see they're finally gone. Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" asked Jennifer.

"Oh, absolutely," said Stacy, "it was amazing."

"And they didn't suspect anything at all?"

"No, they had no idea that we set this up," answered Stacy. "But I'm so glad it worked out this way. Don't get me wrong, it would have been a real treat just to do Jim's exam, but doing both of them at the same time was much more than I could have imagined. After all, I kind of liked Jim ever since I noticed him on the bus this morning. And then I thought I had won the lottery when the front desk called to make the appointment for his exam. I was really looking forward to seeing every bit of him. But when you took the phone call to schedule Chris' exam, it was sheer brilliance on your part to deliberately schedule them both at the same time!"

"Yeah, I thought that was pretty good. So, you ended up doing everything to them, for their exams, I mean?"

"Sure did, it was head-to-toe."

"And you got them to undress for you? In front of each other like that?"

"Absolutely, I got them both to strip down all the way and in front of each other. Like I said, it was amazing. And I think both of them actually believed me when I told them this was my first exam. Chris was hesitant at first and a little slow about undressing. But Jim seemed willing to strip down and totally submit to me without any problem at all."

"That is amazing," said Jennifer. "What about that other idea that we joked about? You didn't actually ask them to do that, did you?"

"I sure did."

"And they did it? They jerked off in front of you?"

"Absolutely, I couldn't believe it myself. It took me a few minutes to work up the nerve to ask them, but I saw that they were both pretty excited at that point, so I figured, what the hell -- why not ask them."

"Wow, I'm impressed. I wouldn't have the nerve to ask for that. Maybe if I'd known them for a while, but certainly not with guys that I just met."

"And, I also made a date with Jim for after dinner tonight. I'm assuming that you'll be there with your guy, right?"

"Sure, thing, I can't wait," answered Jennifer. "I told my guy that I'd meet him around 8 tonight outside the dining hall, so it looks like all four of us will get together and hopefully have a little fun."

"Yeah, if we play our cards right, we should be able to enjoy quite a show tonight," said Stacy. "I promised Jim he'd get a blow job, but I didn't say that it would be from me! What is the name of your guy, the one you examined this morning?"

"Michael, his name is Michael," answered Jennifer.

"Well, I hope Michael is willing to give Jim a nice blow job," said Stacy. "Otherwise, Jim is going to be really disappointed."

"Oh, I think so," said Jennifer, "Michael seemed the type that would do just about anything once you get a little beer or wine into him. And he got really aroused when I examined him this morning. What about Jim? Do you think he will mind that it's from another guy?"

"Well, it's certainly not what he's expecting," said Stacy, "but he seemed to enjoy watching me examine Chris, and so I have a feeling that he might not mind it too much from another guy. He didn't seem like he had too many hang-ups, but it might take a little convincing."

"Oh, that reminds me, did you bring my favorite toy, the one you brought to camp last year?" asked Jennifer.

"You mean the strap-on harness?"

"Yup, that's the one."

"Of course, I wouldn't come to camp without that," answered Stacy, "But I bought a brand new dildo to go with it. We sort of wore the last one out last year."

"Do you think Jim will be the first guy you peg this year?" Jennifer asked.

"Well, I confirmed that he likes things up his ass, so maybe he'll be the first," answered Stacy. "Or maybe it will be your guy, Michael."

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to just wait and see how things work out. Have you see any other guys that interest you?" asked Jennifer.

"Not yet, but once we do, we can conveniently lose their counselor physical forms and arrange to give them a thorough exam! I think that little trick worked well last year."

"Yeah, that was good last year, we got to examine quite a few guys," said Jennifer. "The old doc doesn't care if we do all of the exams. He's certainly too lazy to do them. And those guys that we examined last year didn't have a clue that we were auditioning them for our other activities."

"Ah, I just love camp."

"Me too. This is going to be another fun year."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very good.

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 3 years ago
Behind The Screen

Medicine with its pretenses can hide hijinks' behind its lofty pretenses, inflated latin terminology which supports its simulated elitism and claim to erudition. Could a nurse or doctor persuade two patients to masturbate together?

yesterdaysyesterdaysover 5 years ago

Great story....!++ Believe it or not, I had a real life experience that was similar to the first 2/3rds of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This is one of my all time favorite stories. Would love it if the author would write a follow up or even another story with similar themes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
very enjoyable

I liked the story, it moved slowly but stayed on target.

BUT why did you tell us it was fake right up front, what a buzz kill.

Do you really think we would be fooled somehow if you didn't throw that in?

That destroyed the mood right from the start.

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