Joanie Returns to College


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It's pathetic, but I was actually proud of myself for not letting the gangbang happen. After I had watched Connie at the party when she played that game where she had allowed four men to fuck her in succession, trying to identify them while blindfolded and tied to the bed, I admit I was intrigued, but certainly not enough to justify the self disgust I would have had, had I allowed it to happen to me.

I was glad I was not too drunk right then, because had I been, who knows what might have happened? As it was, I quickly got dressed and went home. Walking home, I wondered if I should trust Mike enough to tell him about the rape. I decided not to do so.

Mike and I toned down our interactions for a while. There was one time however when he again invited me to a nice restaurant. I was in a good mood, so I wore my skintight stretch pants that revealed every detail of my body from the waist down, and my very low cut blouse, heels, perfume, and red lipstick. With that outfit I went commando: no bra and no panties.

If the light was just right, you could see the outlines of my labia and my entire ass through the pants, but in most lighting, certainly the dim lighting of a fancy restaurant, it was not too revealing. The blouse, however, with no bra keeping my boobs in place, was another story. My nipples were prominently poking at the material of the blouse and it would be obvious to anyone I was not wearing a bra.

If I sat up straight, and remained still, I was covered and proper, except for my nipple poking at the blouse, which was a bit tight over my large bust. But if I moved around a lot and swayed, or leaned forward, I showed off a lot of boob. I practiced my movements in the mirror so that I knew exactly what movement would reveal exactly which parts of my breasts.

The most spectacular was leaning forward around 45 degrees; then the lucky person across from me could see my entire breasts, nipples included. I was going to use that maneuver only if needed, I decided. I was happy, because I felt I was in control, and not Mike.

When Mike came to get me I was in my coat, so he could not see my outfit. He knew my tricks, and he tried to get a peak at what I was wearing, but I did not let him. When we got to the restaurant, he played the gentleman and helped me remove my coat.

I could tell he liked - no, loved - what he saw. He even licked his lips. When the waiter came to take our order, I turned quickly to face him, revealing quite a lot of boob as I did so, but my nipples were (barely) hidden, as planned.

The waiter blushed a little but remained cool. I figured Mike was getting hard by this point. We ordered cocktails because Mike told me the cocktails were supposed to be really good at this restaurant. I had actually never had a cocktail, and the one I got (which was some kind of fancy version of a margarita) was delicious.

Mike ordered me a second one, and he also ordered some expensive wine, which of course turned out to be delicious once the two cocktails were gone and we started on the wine. Drinking two cocktails on an empty stomach made them go right to my head and I was already drunk.

Mike and I chatted about school and even politics, and the new coffee house that had opened near campus. He gradually talked softer and softer, and at the same time the restaurant got noisier as more customers arrived.

I had to lean forward to hear him, and yes, then he had a nice view of my entire breasts. I did not realize it at the time, since I was focused on Mike, but quite a few other men (and women for that matter) had their own views of my breasts. In contrast Mike realized it very well.

Our food came and I sat up straight to eat. It was delicious and it helped to sober me up, but not enough. So I was pretty drunk, still. After Mike paid the bill we decided both to use the toilets before we left, and he followed me down the stairs.

The bathroom area downstairs was brightly lit, unlike the restaurant upstairs, and Mike quickly realized he could see me to a large extent through my pants.

At the bottom of the stairs he stopped me to tell me he loved my outfit. It took me a minute to realize why he was saying that. He grabbed me, pulled me into him, and kissed me passionately right there in front of the bathrooms, sticking his hand down my pants to feel my ass. I was drunk and I let him do it.

He stood behind me kissing my neck, and he reached into my low cut blouse to fondle my breasts, pulling my blouse to the side and exposing my boobs to anyone who might come to use the bathroom. Again, I cooperated. I was too drunk to stop him, and besides it excited me.

One man did come and he got a good look. Some people look away, and others are embarrassed at what they are seeing, but this man just stood on the stairs and openly and unapologetically stared at my boobs. In response I squirmed away from Mike and straightened my blouse and disappeared into the ladies room.

As I turned my back to Mike and the man to open the door to the ladies room, Mike patted my behind, thereby calling the man's attention to my almost transparent pants as well. I went inside and locked the door.

When I finished my business and left the bathroom, Mike was still in the men's room and the other man was waiting. He put a $100 bill in my hand and said,

"For another look at your boobs, please, Miss."

I was flabbergasted, and figured Mike had put him up to it, teasing me about taking money for sex. But this seemed harmless enough, and I was drunk and I have poor judgment when I'm drunk, so I said "OK," and I moved my blouse so that my breasts were exposed to him. My reasoning was that he had already seen my boobs, so it did not matter, and I would get an easy $100. As I have said before, I do not reason well when I am drunk.

The voyeur produced a second $100 bill and said,

"Roll down your pants, please miss."

His voice was authoritative and commanding now, and he waved the $100 bill around, so I did as he asked, revealing my charms down there to him as well. I also grabbed the second $100 bill.

"Turn around and bend over,' he said.

I figured OK he wants to see my ass, and since he now had given me $200 total, it was not too much to ask, so I did. It seemed harmless enough.

After a few seconds I felt his finger entering my cunt. I gasped, but I did not protest nor pull away. He did not stop and kept fingering me. It felt good and I was aroused, more by the situation than by his finger. Then another finger entered, and his other hand reached around and caressed my right breast.

It was right there outside the bathrooms in bright light. Then I heard a zipper, so I quickly stood up and turned around and pulled my pants back up before he could take things farther, right there in public where anyone, man or woman, could have seen us while coming down the stairs to the bathrooms.

I did not have time to arrange my blouse before I saw another man descending the staircase who got a great glimpse of my breasts. I hoped to God he had not seen the man finger me, too.

The thought that he might have seen my private parts also excited me, however. I quickly put the $200 in my pants, so the new man would not see I had been paid for flashing and apparently some fingering, too. I quickly finished arranging myself and hurried up the stairs.

Mike had the coat check ticket, so I waited for him up there, trembling. I really have to control my drinking I was thinking as I waited for Mike; it was too late for that night, but I made a mental note for the future.

Mike came up the stairs all smiles, as if he knew what had happened downstairs. He helped me on with my coat and we left. Once out of the restaurant he said,

"I see you have $200, my love." Seeing my confusion as to how he would know, as well as my apoplexy that he did know, he added, "I can see the bills through your pants. You should not walk around that way; it's very suggestive." I quickly removed the $200 from my pants and put it in my purse. Mike said, "Recently found money?"

I replied, "You heard through the men's room door."

"Better than that my sexy woman. There is a keyhole in the door. I think you were right not to let him fuck you. Who knows where his cock has been?"

I was embarrassed and ashamed. "I'm so sorry Mike. I guess you cannot get me drunk and leave me alone. Actually, best just not to get me drunk!"

"But Joanie, you are so much fun when you are drunk. Well you're drunk now, a little more won't hurt. Let's go dancing."

I panicked a little to go dancing with my blouse so revealing with no bra, but I do love to dance, the night was still young, and Mike was not really asking but commanding. So off we went. I did admonish him not to try anything in a crowded dance hall if he wanted a chance with me later. He just smiled.

The place he took me to I had never seen before. It was a little bit out of town on a country road, and looked like a seedy bar. It seemed a strange choice for Mike. Inside it was full of people dancing however, and there was a live band that was not bad. I asked Mike, "How do you know of this place?"

"I heard about it. It's my first time here. Let's dance!"

We danced the swing, and I was paying close attention to my blouse; I did not want a repeat of having a naked boob or two getting free and being on display. But of course I could not keep people from seeing quite a lot of flesh as Mike moved me around. Fortunately the place was dark and nobody could tell that my pants were semi-transparent. I was relieved about that.

We danced for a couple of hours, taking breaks and drinking. I was now good and drunk, and feeling no pain. The music stopped and a man got up on the stage and rang a bell. "Ladies and gentlemen! It's the first Tuesday of the month, and you know what that means: It's our monthly amateur wet tee shirt contest. I remind you first prize is $500, second prize is $300, and third prize is $100. If you want to participate please report to the stage within the next 10 minutes."

I looked accusingly at Mike. "You knew about this, didn't you?"

"I had heard a rumor, but I didn't really know. But it sounds like fun to me. I'll bet none of the contestants can match you."

"You bastard. You want me to compete? You're nuts. I'm not that drunk, Mike."

"Yes, you are." Mike spoke in a commanding way, "And you are going to compete. I want you to. In fact, you are going to win."

I started to get aroused just thinking about it. I looked around and there was nobody there I knew. The crowd was not a college crowd; far from it. I said, my voice quivering a little, "I don't really have to compete, do I?"

"Yes my love, you do."

"You want to show me off that much? I don't even know what to do."

"Just watch the other women who go before you. You do what they do. You'll be fine. I want you to do it. And I want you to do it better than the others. I know you can."

I was silent for a while, and Mike told me again to do it, and to get my ass on stage. There were already four good-looking women up on stage; they looked to me to be in their mid twenties or even 30. At 18, I must look very young in comparison, I thought.

He gave me a little push, and I walked up onto the stage. As I did, a spotlight shined on me, and I knew my pants must be semi-transparent. I pretended not to know, as the wolf whistles multiplied. The master of ceremonies said, "We have another volunteer. Any others? No? Well let's give a round of applause to this fine looking group of women."

Everyone applauded, and there were wolf whistles, and a woman came out from backstage and told us to follow her, she would give us outfits to change into for the competition. She told us to strip naked and then put the outfits on.

The outfit consisted of a white cotton rather flimsy halter top, and low riding white short shorts. No underwear. That was no matter, since I had not been wearing underwear all evening and had none with me even to remove. We were each given a plastic card with a number. My number was 4.

The master of ceremonies called out for number 1. She was petite, with big breasts, a pretty face, and a great smile. She sashayed out onto the stage and the MC engaged her in conversation, asking where she was from, how old she was, was she enjoying herself, and was this her first wet tee shirt competition. It was not her first. Then he asked if she were ready to begin, and she said yes.

I noticed there was a countdown clock; each contestant had 10 minutes. Music began, and she danced around, mostly gyrating on the stage. After two minutes exactly the MC took a pitcher of water and poured it on her, especially on her breasts.

The clothes became transparent when wet, apparently, and she was on full display above the waist before the cheering men. She continued to dance around, and then surprised me by taking off her top, throwing it out to the crowd, and waving her boobs around all over the place.

At one point she knelt down on the stage and let a man next to the stage try to swallow her boob with his mouth. Men even put $20 bills in her shorts, pushing them down a bit as they did so, as if she were a stripper. She kept up these antics until a bell sounded, and her 10 minutes were up.

Woman number 2 was skinny, perhaps too skinny, with an angular face and prominent nose. She too had nice boobs. This was her first time. She performed similarly to number 1, but with less skill. The men all raucously cheered for her, too. I was unimpressed however, after having seen number 1.

Woman number 3 upped the ante. She began slowly, and she was a good dancer, suggestively moving her hips. She was doused with water, and her small breasts were clearly visible through the sheer fabric, once it was wet. She played with her boobs, and finally removed her top, tossing it dramatically to the crowd after about 6 or 7 of her minutes were up.

She had lovely breasts, close to perfection itself, even if they were on the small side. She put her fingers in her mouth and sucked on them, to raucous cheers. Then she turned with her back to the crowd and lowered her shorts, revealing a perfectly formed ass, along with glimpses of her pussy. All the women wanted to win, but this woman was willing to go the extra skin, so to speak.

Next number 3 faced the crowd, and a hushed anticipation fell over them. She lowered her shorts without taking them off and gave a brief but complete full frontal. Then she pulled them back up and the bell rang. She could not have timed it better.

Meanwhile backstage, the girls were razzing each other, trying to psyche out the remaining contestants, numbers 4 and 5, which of course included me. I began to get mad, and being competitive, I forgot about embarrassment, shame, and self-respect. I now wanted to win. I recalled Mike's command to me to win. Being drunk helped remove all my natural constraints; otherwise I would not even have been backstage.

When number 3 finished, numbers 1 and 2 realized she would probably win (the most daring woman usually does; it's primarily not a contest of skill, after all), and they both changed tunes and wished me luck and courage.

I entered the stage determined to win. I reminded myself that I knew how to dance. I decided to let my sexual need for exhibitionism dominate me. After all, a crowd like this was a dream come true for my exhibitionist side.

When the MC asked me if this was my first time (fortunately he did not ask my age, because if I had said I was only 18 (almost 19 now) they would have had to kick me out of the bar), and if I was going for the $500 first prize.

I replied yes, I was. He smiled and said it would not be easy to top the performance of number 3. I just smiled a big smile flashing my white teeth and said, "Well, you never know." Just before I began I went over and whispered to the bandleader. He smiled and nodded.

I began to gyrate on the stage. Every move I made was sexually suggestive, and I knew I had the body to back it up. Soon I was doused with water. I moved around to make sure the water hit my shorts as well as my top. Everything was visible through the fabric when it was wet, and the crowd was going wild. I looked hot.

After some teasing, I turned around with my back to the crowd and sexily, slowly removed my top. I whipped around revealing my breasts as they flopped around from the momentum of the turn. I tossed the top to the crowd, giving a high arc to the toss.

I danced like this but in contrast to Number 1 I did not go to the edge of the stage to let someone slobber over my breasts. Instead, I signaled to the band leader and bump and grind music began.

As the men realized what I was doing, taking this to a new level, they began to chant, "Take it off! Take it off!" which turned me on. I love an audience. I now had dozens of men watching me, sexually excited, wanting to see me completely naked, and clamoring for it. It was beyond my wildest imagination.

I danced surprisingly well. Bump and grind music is great music for what I had in mind. At every hard beat at the end of a musical phrase I either stuck my hip out, or arched my back to stick out my now naked boobs. Then I faced the crowd and flamboyantly unsnapped my shorts and unzipped the zipper.

I turned around with my back to the audience and slowly edged my shorts down, while slowly moving my butt around suggestively. Little by little they went down until they were barely hanging on me, held up only by the last edges of my hips.

I turned and faced the eager men who cheered in appreciation. I still had four minutes on the countdown clock. The musicians were beginning to play louder and slightly increased the tempo. The bumps of the bump and grind music were even more pronounced.

With each bump I would thrust my hip out; first one and then the other. I could feel the fabric slip just a bit against my skin with each thrust. It got to the point where the shorts were staying on only by friction with my skin (remember, they were wet, which increased the friction).

I looked steadily at the crowd, never down at my shorts. I scanned the room for Mike and finally found him. He was grinning from ear to ear. I caught his eye, and he raised his hands over his head and clapped and nodded to me.

Men began to follow his example, and they were all clapping to the beat of the music, chanting, "Take it off! Take it off!" There was no hiding I was doing a strip tease. Probably the bump and grind music was a pretty basic clue.

I signaled the bandleader and he almost doubled the tempo. My movements to the music were now almost frantic. With each bump, the trombones played louder. The friction was no match to my gyrations and the shorts slipped completely off my right hip, still clinging tenuously to my left hip, perhaps in a last attempt to keep me decent.

The attempt to keep me decent, noble perhaps of my shorts, was doomed. After a particularly brutal series of fast bumps, the resilient shorts were still on, but then I jumped straight up high in the air and my shorts fell around my ankles. The crowd went wild and was so deafening, I could no longer even hear the music. I took a deep bow, dangling and wiggling my boobs and acknowledging the crowd, and of course that spurred them on.

There were two minutes left, maybe a little more. I put my hands down on the ground and arched my back, and then thrust my pelvis up and let it fall down, mimicking the movements I would make if someone were fucking me. The cheers were immense.

I turned to face the crowd and squatted, opening my pussy for all to see. I stuck one finger into it, then two, brought them to my nose and flamboyantly sniffed. I inserted them both into my cunt again, pumped them a few times, and sashayed to the edge of the stage.