Jody's Gift Ch. 05


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I felt I should say something to calm her, at that point, and looked up from my note saying,

"Tina, I realize this is difficult, but try to think of me like Jody. Nothing you say will go anywhere, until you want it to. You have edit rights and the final say so on the story, including not having it written at all...Okay?"

Tina leaned over and I watched her full breasts fill her opened blouse, pressing hard to get out, as she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Scott...It is harder than I thought. I understand what you said, but I do trust you, as much as I trust Jody. Okay...Where was I?" She commented, as she leaned back.

"Huh...Penis against your butt." I said, swallowing hard, finding the words hard to get out

"Yes, that's it...And I was shocked. I was just about to ask him what he was doing, when he slipped his hands under my blouse, pushed my bra up and grabbed my breasts! Christ Scott, I was stunned! My son had a hard on, rubbing my ass with it and was squeezing my tits! Before I knew what was happening, I felt him cum! I was speechless, I just stood there as he came, into his pants, and then he released me and just walk away!" Tina explained, with a flat tone of wonderment and a small smile forming on her lips.

"My God - that's wild!" I commented, a little too loudly, and felt my cock stir.

Tina blushed, but took a deep breath and went on.

"Well anyway, I stood there for the longest time, still feeling his erection on my ass and the way he felt cumming...You understand? I couldn't believe it, but worse, I enjoyed what happened!" She finished, looking down, obviously embarrassed enough to stop.

I felt the heat on my cheeks and knew her story was having an effect on me and I too welcomed the brief silence. I reached over and placed my hand on top of Tina's, giving her a warm smile and asked,

"Tina, would you like to stop here? I mean there's no pressure with any of this, if you're not comfortable."

"You know...I see why Jody loves you so much, you're quite a sensitive man. Thank you Scott, but I think I've got a bit more in me...If it's okay with you?" She replied, rubbing my hand.

"Surely, no problem Tina...Whatever you want. So, if you don't mind – what happened after that "kitchen" day?"

"Michael continued to get bolder. He never closed his bedroom door after that, or the bathroom door for that matter. It seemed every time I saw him he had an erection, or was getting one and it was having a big affect on me...A very big affect. I kept thinking about the kitchen scene and God help me I was wishing he'd do it again!" She went on, absently rubbing her breast, making her nipple harden, that far away look returning.

"I can certainly understand that Tina, it must have been extremely rough seeing your that way, constantly. Was he still helping out, you know with the house and all?" I commented.

"Oh God yes, he even got a part time job and helped me with bills. I was shocked, believe me! That made it even worse, for me. Knowing what he wanted and him doing everything a husband would be doing...Oh God, Scott I was thinking about his...manhood all the time."

"So, if you want to continue...Where did it go from there?" I asked, sliding my left leg onto the bench, turning towards Tina.

Tina turned and, likewise, slid her leg up and placed her arm along the top of the park bench and sighed. She paused a bit longer and I watched as her eyes fell to my crotch, a smile forming on her lips.

"Well, perhaps just a bit more, I guess. Like I said, I was thinking about it all the time and I knew I would have to set Michael down and talk, soon! You know, before something happened we would both regret. It was a week later, that I caught Michael in my room again and that time I walked in...Shocking the hell out of him! I wanted to laugh at his expression, but I didn't dare and just asked him to come to the kitchen." She went on.

I grinned at her comment, my cock stirring again, knowing she was watching, off and on, and rested my hand on her arm, asking her to go on.

"He came in minutes later, wearing boxers. His erection was nearly gone, but still visible and sat down at the table. His face was so angelic, belying the manhood urges, he so obviously had, but I was determined. I asked him if he knew what incest was and he nodded his head yes. I knew right then and there I was going to have problems. I plunged on Scott, telling him what would happen if we were ever found out. I told him how taboo it was and un-natural, but he kept staring at me, a smile on his lips, like nothing I said mattered to him." She added, wiping her forehead.

"Intense...Very intense Tina. So the message never got through, obviously." I commented, closing my hand around her arm.

"No...Quite the opposite, it did – he just didn't care! I was sweating by the time I finished the talk. Michael got up and went to leave, but he turned as he rounded my chair and bent to hug me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and sucked in the lobe of my ear between his lips. Oh my God, I gasped pretty loud and then he dropped to suck on my neck...I had feelings go through me I hadn't in years! Christ I actually moaned out loud and then...Jesus, then he slid his hands down inside my blouse and cupped my tits! He was so gentle and loving, I just melted, right there and then." Tina replied, closing her eyes, laying her head down on her extended arm.

My cocked jumped in stature again and, when Tina opened her eyes, my pants had a severe bulge. Tina stared, saying nothing and finally reached to softly touch me, a smile on her lips.

"Jody said you get...Excited, doing your work, but I had no idea how large your excitement was!"

I blushed and urged her to go on, as her fingers trailed off my stiff member. Tina's face was flushed, with heat and excitement, as she went on.

"I let him have his way that day...I wanted him as badly as he did me. He stood up and I could feel his penis rising up my back, as I sat in the chair and it drove me crazy, waiting. Finally, he dropped and un-button my blouse and pulled it from me. I remember leaning forward, letting him undo my bra. When my tits were free, I turned and found him butt naked behind me, his penis fully enlarged. I stared at the thick blood vessels wrapping around it and at the absolute beauty of his young manhood...I was drooling for Christ sake!"

A wet spot had formed on my pants and Tina giggled, as she touched me again, saying,

"I love makes things easier for me, thank you."

I gulped hard, my breathing slowed to nearly nothing, intently waiting for Tina to go on, forgetting my notebook.

"He was eighteen Scott, but more man than I had ever had and, just as tenderly as he had treated me, I wrapped my fingers around his penis and sucked him in. He had my tits on fire, rubbing and squeezing them, as I sucked on him and dug my fingers into his ass cheeks, that day...I felt like a virgin after my first fucking!" She went on, sliding her leg over to rest against mine.

"Jesus Tina...Maybe we should stop." I said, not believing I had asked her to stop and then added, I should be recording this, I suck at dictation and your story is unbelievable!"

Tina gave me a knowing smile and asked if I would like to continue elsewhere. I nodded dumbly, telling her my recorder was at the apartment and she made one comment,


Moments later we were in a cab heading for my apartment, quietly talking, anticipating the continuation of the story.

"Tina...Do you have sex, other than with Michael?" I asked, finally gaining the courage.

"Why Scott...Are you suggesting that you and I..."

"No, no not that...Just curious about your relationship and how things have gone on." I said, quickly stopping her question.

Tina took a few moments, staring out the cab window and finally turned with a coy smile and spoke out answering my question.

"I have actually, many times and Michael knows. I suppose this is part of the story too, but somehow his loving freed me...Sexually that is. I never felt so alive and just plain horny, to tell you the truth." She commented, looking me straight in the eyes.

About then, I caught the cabbie listening in and staring in the rear view mirror, a lecher's type of smile crossing his lips.

"Hey, great job driving...Mind doing a little more of it?" I commented, getting a "fuck you" look, as the cabbie went back to his business.

I made a note on my pad to pursue that aspect later and we went back to chit-chat, making the driver cringe in disgust. I finally tapped his shoulder, indicating we had arrived and he pulled over. Exiting the cab, I paid the driver and tipped him, even though he'd been an ass. With a "Good luck buddy", he drove off, and I showed Tina to my apartment.

It was just noon when we arrived and I fixed a, small, lunch, as Tina relaxed. I heard her asking questions, as I went about the kitchen and answered her, never leaving.

"So how long you been doing this Scott...Writing I mean?"

"Eight years now Tina...It's been okay, nothing great on the money end, but fun." I called back.

"Wow, eight years – anything really notable?" She called back.

"No, not really – except for Jody's story. I think that one will break me into the big time." "Where is she –by the way, working?" Tina asked.

"Ya, I'm supposed to call her later." I called out for the last time, finally having lunch prepped.

"Really...I'd love to be here when she gets back, we get it on very nicely. She's a lovely woman." Tina started to yell out and then dropped her voice, as I rounded the corner.

A warm smile greeted me, and Tina quickly jumped up, helping me with the tray and glasses. I noticed another blouse button had been undone, when we met mid-living room and Tina blushed slightly, taking the tray.

"Kinda warm in here." She replied, and set the tray down.

"Ya and maybe getting a little too hot." I thought, setting the glasses down.

We ate lunch and talked about Jody, our meeting and Tina's relationship with her. Nothing much surprised me anymore and I laughed and smiled at Tina's recounting their meeting and the few adventures they shared. Finally lunch ended and Tina brought her hands together, forcing a large cleavage display and licked her lips, saying,

"That was great Scott...And you're a cook too! Jody has to be just ecstatic! So, I'm ready – where's the recorder and where were we, anyway?"

I finished my iced tea and stood up, grabbing the tray and dishes.

"Be back in a second...And you were talking about feeling like a virgin, if I recall right." I commented, walking away.

"That's right, I was...Hey, I remember you saying your camera died?" Tina replied back, laughing.

I grabbed the recorder from the desk, on my way back and found Tina stretched out on the couch. One leg raised, resting on her foot, making her skirt drop, exposing most of her thigh and her blouse opened giving me a wonderful view of her right breast.

I dropped into my chair and started the recorder, asking Tina to continue.

"Okay....Like a virgin – ya, sucking him...I remember now. Anyway, he pulled my lips away from his...Can I say cock?" She started out, quickly shooting me a look, placing her fingers to her lips. With no admonishment from me, she went on.

"His cock...God I wanted him to cum in my mouth so bad, but he had other plans. He pulled me off the chair and dropped to undo my skirt and pull my panties down. He took forever, it was excruciating! He had me dripping wet by the time I stepped from my clothes, lightly touching me everywhere and kissing my body. When he stood and closed in on me, I just gave in to anything he wanted. He kissed me first and I swear, he licked my tonsils in that first kiss, Scott, I swear!" She went on, turning, quickly, to look at me.

Shit...She had me again." I thought, feeling my cock rise and the discomfort growing rapidly.

Tina remained focused on me, watching, as the small beads of perspiration started down my forehead. My eyes were glued to her chest and slowly – ever so slowly, her breasts rolled out of her, opened, blouse – something she was well aware would happen, but did nothing to stop them. Her nipples were hard and standing at attention, waiting to be sucked and, I blinked, setting back, a smile forming on my lips.

"Hot in here, huh?" She asked, looking down and gently caressed one breast.

"Michael loves them, you know. A perfect set of "10's", he always tells me. I'd love your opinion Scott." Tina went on, never looking up from her gentle finger massaging.

"Oh...Michael pretty well hit it right the nail head there Tina!" I exclaimed, with a dry throat, finding it suddenly very hot indeed and tried getting back to her story.

"So...where were we anyway? Shit, never mind cause I have a question right now. You said you've had sex often...other than with Mike, correct? He knows and isn't upset...How's that work?" I asked.

Tina smiled and rolled over, easily, allowing her exposed breasts to hang, as she rested herself on her elbows, answering my question.

"Simple really, we made an agreement first off and because we are still living in the same house, I wanted to make sure no-one got the wiser. Understand?"

I shook my head no, acting stupid and Tina elaborated, clearing up my doubts and questions.

"Look, appearances can be everything - if Michael appeared to have girlfriends...If I appeared to have male friends...Get my drift? Besides, I wanted him to have other experiences, just as long as he came back to me. Truthfully, I enjoy his love making even more so now...He's that much different – better in many ways than the others."

I nodded, fully understanding where Tina was coming from and then suddenly a thought occurred to me and I asked,

"Tina – In all your dealings with Jody...Has she – I mean has Michael...Christ I don't know!" I said, exasperated.

"Had sex Scott? Is that what you're trying to ask?" Tina said, grinning at me.

"Ya...I guess it is." I said, in a low voice, but my eagerness to know was readily apparent.

Tina nodded and then slid off the couch, waddling over on her knees, a coy look in her eyes and a widening grin forming, as her breasts rolled from side to side.

"Scott, it's okay, really. She was his first – experience, other than me. I was there and it was beautiful. They still see one another from time to time and I encourage it every time. Jody thinks the world of Michael." She commented, closing the gap between us.

Slowly, Tina unbuttoned her last blouse restraint, freeing her breasts entirely and shrugged the garment from her shoulders. With eyes riveted to mine, I never saw her hands rise, until I felt them on my crotch, making me gasp. Speechless, I sat and watched as Tina undid my pants and gently reached in to pull my rock hard cock free.

With my cock resting against my belly, Tina moved to unbutton my shirt. Spreading it wide, she dropped her hands and urged me to lift, as she worked my pants down, finally pulling them free from my legs. With a husky voice, Tina looked down and asked,

"God, look at the blood lines in that big boy! What time is Jody due back? I want to be in bed with you when she comes in...You game?"

I started to respond when Tina reached to grasp my cock and pull it towards her lips. I watched her long tongue reach out and lightly lick my cock head, dabbing on my hole and pulling up the pre-cum, before she slurped it in. With another gasp, deeper this time, I said,

"Oh Jesus Tina, that feels good. Game...Ya I'm game, just not too sure about Jody's reaction.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
This is great. Keep going.

This story keeps getting better and better. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Christopher (

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