John and Jill Ch. 04


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"Oh Ellie, I've just got to stop this process that I started and get John back."

"You're right about one thing Jill, you were definitely stupid. And I like the fact that you're talking to me now when you haven't talked to me through this stuff the last six months. I think might be able to get him back if you are willing to crawl and grovel. But not if John found out you slept with one of his friends. Chip always told me cheating is one and done with John. You got one chance before, and I doubt he'll give you another. I don't envy you your task."

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Unfortunately, for Jill, John already knew of Jillian's dalliance because he had downloaded the video from Mac's and Jill's little tryst. He was so angry that he was ready to ring Mac's neck and Jillian's as well. He couldn't believe that he had been duped by Mac's shenanigans and how badly she had set him up.

He couldn't believe his wife was that stupid and that she didn't trust him enough to just talk to him and asked him to straighten out any doubts that she had about him. They had even made it a part of their wedding vows that they would never fail to communicate about their problems or each other's perceived shortcomings.

"Oh well, it's too late now -- Mac got what she wanted," John said to himself as he made copies of the video on DVDs. He knew his marriage was over, but it was from a lack of trust, not the cheating. He realized that a master had played them both.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

John went along with his life, facing his projects, in his grandfather's workshop, the tools were kind of antiquated compared to those in his personal workshop, but it was where he learned. He faced most of his projects and started a few others during his off days and when he awakened after his daily sleep for his midnight shift.

JJ stopped by every day to have dinner with his father, which angered Jill. She finally got into the routine where she only made enough dinner for herself. JJ's grades were excellent and he was aiming for an academic scholarship to state like his uncle Billy. Jill could not deny the absolute bond between her son and his father. Truth be known, she was actually jealous of their strong relationship.

This routine went on for several weeks until it was only a week and a half away from their divorce hearing. John came home one day to find Jill sitting in her car in front of his grandfather's house.

"How are you doing John?" Jill asked as she stepped out of her car.

John immediately recognized an almost contrite look on Jill's face.

"I'm good Jillian, why would you care and what are you doing here?"

Jill's face clouded over and she said, "We have to talk, John, and I thought would be best for me to come here.

"Okay, Jill, come inside and I'll put some coffee on."

Jill followed him inside and sat down at John's kitchen table. She thought that the house smelled old but was definitely clean. She couldn't believe John had kept the place this me without a woman's touch.

John asked her if she wanted something to drink while he put the coffee pot on. She told him that the soft drink would be better so he handed her a diet Pepsi out of the refrigerator, which had always been hers and JJ's favorite. John grabbed one for himself and sat down at the table opposite Jill.

"Okay Jillian, you have the floor; speak your piece."

"John I made a huge mistake, I'm going to stop the divorce proceedings. I want to try to make our marriage work."

John looked her sternly in the eyes and said, "No you will not. You started this mess and, by God, you're going to finish it. But you are going to amend the petition."

"What you mean John, don't you love me anymore?"

"Yes Jill I love you and always will. But I no longer want to be married to you, since you become this new Jillian."

Jill began sobbing and looked at John saying, "I don't understand John, you want to continue with the divorce?"

"You broke our wedding vows Jill. Not only did you fail to come to me when you when you thought you had a problem with me; which shows a complete lack of trust in me, but you had sex with Mac. I really couldn't believe that you like girls that way."

"How do you know this John?"

"I have strong friends Jill and even a stronger brother. I thought you were having an affair with someone and wanted to find out, so I bugged the house. I can't believe that you fell for that bullshit that Mac was giving you and let it change your treatment of me. You didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. I can't live with someone who would fail to trust me enough to even ask."

"I had too much to drink and was horny. John I couldn't believe it either, and there is nothing between Mac and me anymore."

"Well there ought to be, because our relationship is over Jill."

"You mean you're going to throw away almost 16 years of a good marriage because of one mistake?"

It wasn't one mistake Jillian. For six months you've treated me like dog shit on your shoe and I don't want to live with you anymore. You condescended to me in front of our friends and at home and that last night. What kind of a coldhearted bitch has you make love to her for her own needs and then dumps you the next day? And that bullshit restraining order was just trying to keep me away from my son and just trying to piss me off."

"Can't you give me another chance John? I'll go to marriage counseling or whatever you want. Please, please? "

"Here's how it's going to go Jill, first of all, you will continue the divorce on your end. You are going to amend it to ask for your 50% of the savings and that's all. You will be allowed to stay in the house as long as JJ lives there. When he's out, you're out. You will leave our 401(k)'s as they are and make no claim on them. You will remove my name from yours and take back your maiden name. That's it and it's nonnegotiable."

Jill got herself under control and angered saying, "And if I don't?"

"I don't think you want that Jill. The first thing I'll do is change the divorce petition and file myself filing on the grounds of infidelity and I'll produce the tape of your little lesbian tryst with Mac as evidence which will put it in the record and become public. I wonder how daddy Sinclair would like seeing his daughter as a carpet muncher? We still live on the fringe of the Bible belt. How do you think your little escapade will be thought of by your friends and potential customers for your little interior design business?"

"I can't believe you would do this to me John; do you hate me that bad?"

"You started this little soirée by playing dirty; I'm just responding in kind. You not only tried to destroy me with this little divorce thing, but you tried to interfere with my relationship with my son. That I could not condone and you should know me enough by now to understand that. You have until next week, Jillian, or I advise my attorney to file."

"You dirty bastard, my father will destroy you."

"Spoken like a true Sinclair. Next week Jillian, next week."

Jillian grabbed her purse and practically ran out the door crying. No one did this kind of thing to her, especially not her big bumpkin of a husband. She decided that was the last thing she could do, she would get him back for this.

The next day she went to her attorney and made the appropriate changes to meet John's demands; seething the entire time.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

Pamela Melanie Tamchek sat at her desk, daydreaming about John Trainor. Fullmer was a small town and the gossip grapevine was right news about John's divorce. She realized that this was going to be her chance. She was not going to let anybody get John ahead of her. She always felt that it was John she was supposed to be with and he had just taken a 16 year detour.

She sat at her desk and thought about how much of a fool Jillian Trainor was to let John go. She was going to make no such mistake if she got a second chance. About that time John walked by on his way to the time station.

"Good morning Mel," John said as he walked on by.

"Sleep well John. Let me know if you ever want company, but you won't be getting much sleep."

John just smiled at her as she looked at him with a dreamy look. John couldn't help but notice that Mel looked as good as or even better than she did when she was a teenager. Her body was still quite toned and if anything had matured well over the years, making her even more voluptuous. She still had those wonderful carved facial features and her hair was still a brilliant red. She was still the sexiest thing he had ever seen.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

John are you sure you want to go through with this? I know you're still hurting and you're angry, but I can tell you still love her," Amanda Blonder asked her client.

"Yes I still love her Amanda, but I can't be in a marriage without trust. If she can't trust me enough to talk to me, what kind of a marriage would we have?"

Amanda sat there looking at John, while realizing she had developed less than professional feelings toward her client. She realized what a great man and father he was and that she would actually like to have him for herself. She was too professional to make a move on him while she was still his attorney, but she decided that she would make a play for him in the future if possible.

"She amended her petition per your instructions or should I say demands."

"She may BS, but she knows I don't; so she had little choice in the matter."

"Well that makes this pretty much a slam-dunk for us."

"I can tell I'm going to owe you something when this is over with; so what's to damage?"

"You'll get my bill, but I'm giving you the friends and family rate."

"Amanda, you've been a godsend."

"My pleasure John; definitely my pleasure," Amanda said while blushing. She couldn't believe that she made that little slip. Oh well, maybe he got the message.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

John and Jill lived their separate lives and as it went on Jill became continually melancholy. She thought that John owed her forgiveness for her mistakes. JJ finally told her to snap out of it and get on with her life. She explained to her son that she still loved his father and didn't really want the divorce.

"Then why did you file for one the way you did in the first place mom?"

"Because I was stupid. I made a big mistake. JJ, do you think there is a chance your father will ever forgive me?"

"If you ask me, mother, he's already forgiven you; he just not going to be your husband anymore."

Jill began sobbing, and JJ walked over and put his hand on his mother's shoulder trying to comfort her. He knew she was sad, but also knew she was never going to have John back. She had really blown it and JJ knew it.

Meanwhile John was going on with his life. He was building an increasing amount of furniture for people and enjoying life with his friends. He managed to make it out at least one night a week to Chief's. He was there having a beer one night when Pamela Tamchek walked in. She waved at John and winked at him with a big smile on her face.

"Now there is the best looking tits and ass in three counties buddy," Eddie Mason said as he took a pull from his beer. "I can't believe you had that when you were a teenager, John boy. She wants you again I can tell you that."

John looked at his coworker sternly and said, "That's water under the bridge Eddie, water under the bridge."

"Not as far as she's concerned, it's not. She asks about you all the time John."

"We're just friends Eddie. Besides, there's the different shifts thing."

"You have days off John, what do you call today?"

John thought seriously about what his coworker said and wondered if there was anything left between him and Mel.

+ + + + + + + + + + + +

John looked at the slip of paper and asked, "What is this Mel?"

"It's my address and phone number, dipshit. What do you think it is? You think I will let you stay home and cry in your beer on the day your divorce is final? You're going to pick me up and were going out for some burgers and beer and maybe a little dancing. 6 o'clock tonight, and be on time.

"Well I guess if this is a command, milady, I'll be there."

As it turned out, Jill's friends had the same idea and decided to take her out to Simon's for commiseration as well. She didn't realize the surprise she was in for.

After going to Chief's for burgers and a few beers Mel and John decided to go for dancing and went to Simon's. As they walked in the door, Jill noticed who John was with and immediately became incensed. She almost went over to say something but the other girls physically held her back. She thought it kind of ironic that the woman John was supposed to been having an affair with was actually with him now.

John and Mel danced several numbers, both fast and slow, while Jillian sat and boiled inside. She decided that was time to make her move and she went over and asked John to dance when he and Mel took a break. It was a slow number and John asked Mel if she minded. She made a head motion to tell John that it was all right and he led Jill out onto the dance floor. John took Jill in his powerful arms and she molded herself to his body.

"What was that bullshit of asking Pam if you could dance with me?"

"It's called manors Jill, she's my date tonight and I thought it would be mannerly to ask for permission. Have you lost your manners with the divorce?"

"Why did you have to come here of all places, John?"

"It's the only place decent in Fullmer to dance. What, Jill, do you think I'm stalking you were something? That's crazy. I had no idea be here tonight."

"It's just hard John, the wound is too raw."

"That sounds like your problem, Jill, not mine."

When the song was over he politely walked Jill back to her table and returned to Mel.

After crying for a few minutes, Jill got herself under control and decided to go to the restroom. When she entered she saw the flaming red hair standing at the mirror and said, "You're stealing my husband bitch."

"I'd say that I'm just picking up the pieces after you were stupid enough to let him go. You pushed him away, from what I heard."

"Listen you tramp, this is the second time you've taken something of mine."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"First, Conrad Peterson, and then my John."

"Who the hell is Conrad Peterson?"

"My boyfriend in college, you stupid skank."

"Are you talking about that little rich boy from the fraternity at the University years ago?"

"Exactly, you stupid bitch."

"I'll have you know that he was only a couple of dates to make John jealous. If anything, you stole John from me, so I wouldn't be so all fired high and mighty. You screwed up letting John go, and I won't make that mistake again. You lost him and I'm getting him, your tough luck. Now I'd appreciate you leaving me alone before I have to kick your ass," Mel said, as she turned and walked away.

Mel walked out of the restroom and went straight for John to pull him up for a slow number. She made sure that she pushed her crotch into his growing erection. She was letting him know in no uncertain terms that she was his for the night if he wanted her. John could smell her shampoo and remembered the scent from his teenage years. He was very turned on and he knew Mel was also.

"Let's get out of here big boy, we've got things to do."

"Your wish is my command."

"You bet your ass it is."

John helped her on with her jacket and they turned and walked out the door, much to Jill's chagrin.

As they drove to Mel's apartment, she slid over on John's truck seat and started to nibble on his ear. She then lowered her hand to his crotch and start rubbing his growing erection through his pants.

"Control yourself, Mel, or we'll never get to your place dry."

"It's hard John, it's so hard to control myself. I want you so bad."

When they got to her apartment, Mel ran up the stairs and fumbled trying to unlock the door. When John reached the door and entered the apartment he had no idea where the bedroom was, but it was easily found by following Mel's clothes. When John entered the bedroom, he could see Mel lying on the bed in just her panties. She had already removed her bra, and her nipples were at full attention.

John looked down and could see the crotch of Mel's panties soaked through with a big round wet spot. John could already smell her arousal, even through her panties. It made his mouth water as he stripped off his clothes. As he removed his jeans, his raging cock was already seeping through his boxers with pre-cum. As he stripped off his underwear and his hard on reached for the sky, Mel giggled a little.

"A little bit anxious, are we lover?"

"Says the lady who stripped almost completely naked, leaving a trail of her clothes for me to follow."

"Just get down here and start me off, big boy."

John knelt between her legs and ripped off her panties as Mel gave a little scream. John buried his face into her juicy quim and couldn't mistake the heat rising from her vulva. He began tonguing her weeping hole, lapping up her tasty love juices.

"You were always the best ever at eating pussy, John. God, I've missed this."

John just continued slurping while he fingered her aroused clit teasingly. He had to admit that he missed the great taste of her pussy over the years. Jill was tasty also, but she wasn't in Mel's league. He always loved eating her tasty cunt during their teenage affair. Here he was, back enjoying her honeypot again.

Mel began to sharply raising her hips to meet John's tongue thrusts and finally arched her back, stiffened, and came in John's mouth. John lapped up her girl cum. John's face was coated in Mel's sick juices as he raised his head up and began kissing up Mel's tight body.

John said, "My friend Eddie was right; still the best looking tits and ass in three counties."

Mel giggled and looked John in the eye and said, "Just three counties, big boy?"

"I think I could expand your territory."

When John got to her face after lingering at her breasts and nipples, Mel began licking her juices off John's face.

"Wow, I don't taste so bad, do I?"

"Lady, you taste fantastic. I love my tongue in your juice box."

"Now I want something else in my juice box," she said as she reached down and lined John's cock up to her inflamed opening. "Give it to me John, shove it in me hard."

John forcefully shoved his love spear into Mel with one huge thrust. Mel tried to catch her breath after she grunted loudly from his hard inward movement. She hadn't had anything that large in her since she and John broke up in high school. She had had sex, but John made love to her. She didn't realize until this moment how much she still loved John. John built to the perfect rhythm of love. He looked into Mel's eyes and saw nothing but love. He wondered if they could have another relationship at this stage in their lives.

John was able to last quite a time while fucking Mel. She was doing everything she could to use her Kegel muscles to bring him off. Mel came three more times before John finally shot his load, filling Mel's chasm with his cum.

Mel immediately went down on John's softening member working on him with her oral expertise. John surprisingly hardened back up to full predatory status. Mel never took her eyes off of John's eyes as she began to speak.

"Honey I want to give you something I can't give to anyone else. I want to give you my ass. I gave you my vaginal virginity when we were in high school and now I want to give you this gift. It's the only virginity I have left. Please lover, be the first man in my ass?"

"What do you mean the first MAN in your ass?"

"John I didn't tell you but when I was in prison, I was passed around by the bull dykes and their gangs. They were always very quick to shove something up my ass while they were raping me."