Johnny Lee Wilson Ch. 02


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Dad was quiet for a few minutes before he asked, "Is this something you would like to do? I mean, do you think you could make a career of this?"

"I don't know, dad. I really don't know much about it. I guess I would have to attend the training to find out more about it before I could make a decision about making it a career. I'm just worried about Julie being alone in big cities like New York, L.A., or Atlanta. For god's sake dad, she's just a country girl. I would hate to think about what might happen to her if she was all by herself. According to Kathy, I would be able to protect her and get paid at the same time."

"Have you talked to your boss about taking off for two weeks?" he asked.

"No sir. I was going to ask him about it today, but I didn't want to unless you thought it was okay."

Dad lit another cigarette, took a big breath in, then blew the smoke out. He looked at me with a crooked grin before saying, "Thank you son. It makes me feel really good to know that you wouldn't make a decision without asking me, but you're an adult now. You don't need my permission. If you decide this is something you really want to do, then go for it."

He was quiet for a minute, and then he looked at me and in a soft voice, asked, "You have become really close to Julie, haven't you?"

Oh shit! Had he finally figured out that I was fucking Julie? I tried not to panic when I finally exclaimed, "Well of course I have, dad! When she came here, Becky was living with her boyfriend, and Julie was closer to my age, so she has become like my second sister. I'm really happy that she seems to be living her dream. She will have her first modelling assignment in Waco on Monday. Her agent, Kathy, said this was her opportunity to really succeed in this business." I continued, "I'm not worried about her going to Waco in the morning and coming home in the afternoon, but I would really worry about her going to some big city and staying overnight by herself."

Dad thought about that for a minute. He said, "Son, I'm really proud of you for being so protective of someone who you consider a sister. I'm sure you would be just as protective of Becky. If this is something you really want to do, then I won't do anything to stop you. I do see one problem, though. I know your mom will probably have a problem with it, too, so I have to ask. Let's say you travel with Julie to some big city. In order to protect her, I would assume you would have to share a hotel room with her. I don't think your mom would approve of that. Have you thought about that at all?"

I told him that when Kathy said we would travel together and share a room, I must have gotten a shocked look on my face, because she laughed and then explained that the agency paid for a suite. She said one room was a bedroom with a door that locked, and the front room was like a living room with a couch, but it pulled out to make a bed at night, so there wouldn't be a problem. Then, in my best innocent voice said, "Dad, I told you I consider Julie more as a sister than a cousin. I can't believe you would even think that I would ever try anything with her. I mean, we share a bathroom now, and that hasn't been a problem."

Dad was quick to defend himself by responding, "Son, you know I trust you. Like I said, I was just thinking about what your mom might say. I'll talk to her and explain everything. I will support you in whatever you decide, but before you make a final decision, make sure you talk to your boss and see if he will give you a two-week vacation. Just get his assurance that you will still have a job when you get back, just in case."

I thanked him for his support, then I took a shower and got dressed for work. When I got there, I asked my boss, Mr. Martin, if I could talk to him. I gave him a bullshit story about my cousin getting a two-week vacation for two. She asked me if I would go with her and I said I would if I could get the time off. My boss asked me about the trip, and I told him we were going sight-seeing in New York for a couple of days and then going to Germany and Italy. He said that sounded like a great opportunity and he would be glad to give me the time off. Don't ask me how I came up with that story on the spur of the moment, but I did. I finished out my day and went home. When I told Julie my boss had given me two weeks off, she was ecstatic. She said she would tell Kathy on Monday.

The next day, Saturday, Dad went golfing with a couple of his buddies, so I was sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee when my mom walked in. Apparently, she had just gotten out of bed because she was wearing a see-through negligee with a loosely tied imitation silk robe. Her hair was a mess, but she was still beautiful. Both the nightie and robe were short, so I got a great view of her shapely legs. The robe was loose enough that I could also see a good deal of cleavage. I'm glad I was sitting at the table because I was starting to get an erection.

Mom mumbled, "Good morning" then she got a cup of coffee and sat down across from me.

Mom took a sip of her coffee and said, "Umm. That's good." Then she looked at me with a rather stern look. She said, "I had a talk with your father last night and he told me what you two discussed. We need to talk."

I gave her my brightest smile before answering, "Sure mom. What's on your mind?"

She took a couple more sips of her coffee before she began. "Johnny, I know I don't get to spend a lot of time with you due to my work schedule, and I know I haven't told you how proud I am of you. You worked hard in school, made good grades, and now you have grown into a very handsome young man. You work hard and contribute to our expenses, and you have never complained once. Your dad said he apologized to you because we couldn't afford to send you to college. I guess I should have apologized, too. I'm sure you are aware of the money I got when my first husband was killed. I keep that in a savings account in case of an unforeseen emergency. I guess I could have used some of it to send you to college, but I didn't, and I apologize for that. Now, tell me about this plan you have to become a bodyguard."

I explained everything to her like I did with dad. It was hard to maintain my train of thought because I kept sneaking peeks at her breasts, but I got through it okay. I emphasized the fact that we wouldn't be sleeping in the same room. When I finished, she gave me a sly smile and then asked, "Johnny, do you think I'm stupid?"

That took me by surprise. I answered, "No mam. You are anything but stupid. I know how hard it was to work your way through nursing school. Then after you got your Bachelor of Nursing, you worked your butt off to get your Masters. No mam, I don't think you're stupid, I think you're the smartest woman I know."

She smiled again and remarked, "I'm not talking about book smarts, Johnny. I guess I should have asked if you thought I was too dumb to realize you have been fucking Julie."

She held her hand out in front of my face like a traffic cop stopping traffic, indicating I should keep my mouth shut. Then she continued, "I know I'm not home a lot, and you and Julie have spent a lot of time at home alone, so I understand how it could have happened. Don't worry. I'm not upset."

She took a minute to think about what she was going to say before continuing, "Let me tell you a story, and I am asking you to keep this to yourself. I don't want you to mention this to anybody, ever, especially not Julie. Understand?"

"Yes, mom. I understand. You can trust me."

She took a deep breath and then started her story. She told me her mother died when she was in high school. She said her dad took it really hard and started drinking a little too much. She said she found him crying one night, and he told her that he and her mother had a very active sex life, and he really missed it. She said he didn't suggest they have sex, and he didn't force himself on her, but she realized that he needed to have some form of relief, other than masturbation. She said she had really filled out by that time, and she had had sex with several boys and enjoyed it, so she offered herself to him, and started a sexual relationship with her father. She said her older brother, Julie's father, always had several girlfriends and was out of the house most of the time, so they didn't have much of a problem getting together.

She took a break to let all that information sink in and then said, "As careful as we were, my brother caught us one night. He said he didn't care, but being the horny pig that he was, he said he wanted in on the action, so I started fucking him, too. I hope I haven't shocked you too much Johnny. I just wanted to explain that I can't fault you for having incest if I did it myself. Now, that being said, I have found some cum-stained sheets that tells me you're not using rubbers. Are you guys being safe?"

"Yes, mom. Julie is on birth control."

She then asked if it was true I was fucking Mrs. Wagner. I told her not yet, but I was going to try to solve that today when I cut her lawn. She laughed and said, "I think it must be something in our genes. It seems that everyone in our family has a high sex drive."

She picked up her coffee cup to take another sip, and when she lifted it to her mouth, I noticed her right nipple was on full display. I swallowed hard and said, "Well, I can understand why dad has a high sex drive. You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

She blushed and answered, "Why, thank you Johnny. You don't know how much that means to an old woman like me."

I told her she was not an old woman, and no matter what her age was, she still had the body of a 25-year old. Okay, I might have been exaggerating, but she was still sexy as hell. To my great surprise and shock, she opened her robe, allowing her incredible tits to fall out. I couldn't help but notice her large nipples were hard. She gave me a big smile and asked, "Do you really think I'm still sexy?"

"Mom, if I didn't respect my dad so much, I would fuck you right now, right here on this table."

She started to say something when we both heard Julie and Becky slowly making their way to the kitchen. Mom was able to cover up before they got to the door. She turned around and said, "Good morning girls. Could I ask you a favor? Could you give us a little privacy for about ten minutes? We were having a private discussion, and I would really like to finish."

Both of them said, "Sure, no problem" and then shuffled back to their room.

Like I said, mom admitting that she had fucked her father and her brother, and then showing me her tits probably shocked me more than anything in my entire life. But that was nothing compared to what she did next. Mom took a quick look over her shoulder to make sure the girls had left, then she looked at me and said, "I showed you my tits, so now can I see your dick?"

That was something I certainly never in my life thought I would hear. I was already hard as steel, so I pulled my shorts down and let it spring out. Mom said, "Shit, Johnny. Your dad has no problem filling me up, no matter which hole he uses, but I have to admit, you're bigger than he is. Can I feel it?"

Before I could answer, she reached out to put her hand around my shaft, then she started to slowly stroke it back and forth. She licked her lips and said, "Johnny, if we were alone right now, I would truly love to have you fuck me with that beautiful fat cock. I don't care if I'm your mother. And I appreciate what you said about respecting your father, but, for your information, he's no saint. I know he's fucked some other women over the years. If we can ever manage some privacy, would you really like to fuck me?"

"Hell yes I would! I can't tell you how many times I have jacked off thinking about you."

She actually blushed and then commented, "You can't imagine how good that makes me feel. I don't know when or how, but we need to find a way to make that happen. Now, back to serious matters. If you want to become a bodyguard and travel with Julie, I don't have a problem with it. I know you will never let anything bad happen to her. I also know you're not just doing this so you can sleep with her, but because you are truly concerned about her. I will tell your dad I had a talk with you, and I approve of your decision. Now, go get the girls and I will start on some breakfast for us."

I started to get up, but she stopped me and said, "Oh, one other thing. I told you I'm not stupid. I know you're fucking your sister, too. I don't have a problem with it as long as you don't hurt her, but I have to admit, she does seem much happier since she moved back home."

She smiled and patted my back, then went to the stove to start our breakfast.

* * * * *

After breakfast I went to Mrs. Wagner's house to get started on her lawn. It took me about three hours to cut the grass, weed eat around the house, and trim the hedges. I also put down some weed killer and fertilizer. When I was finished, I took my sweaty shirt off and walked up to the back door. Mrs. Wagner was there, waiting with a big pitcher of sweet tea. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a thin cotton blouse. I had been taking care of her lawn for years, but for the first time, I noticed how attractive she was. I also noticed her nipples were hard. As usual she reached out and patted my chest and said, "My, Johnny. You have certainly turned in to a handsome young man. You're not the same teenager I hired so many years ago."

"Thank you, Mrs. Wagner, but be careful. You're going to get my sweat all over your hand. If you don't mind, I'm going to grab the hose and wash off real quick."

I noticed her eyes had sort of glazed over, and she was licking her lips. Remember when I said I didn't know the term 'cougar' back then? Well, thinking back on it now, I think it fit her perfectly. She took her hand off my chest and put it on my shoulder. She said, "Johnny, you don't need to use a garden hose. Why don't you use my shower?"

I started to object, "Mrs. Wagner, I don't want to mess up your bathroom."

She stopped me and answered, "I have known you for many years, and have watched you grow up. You're an adult now, so I think it's time to stop calling me Mrs. Wagner. My name is Ramona, but ever since I was in high school, my friends have called me Ronnie. So please, call me Ronnie. And don't worry about messing up my bathroom. Now, follow me and I will show you where it is, and I will get you a towel."

I poured a glass of cold tea and drank it down before taking off my dirty shoes and socks. She led me to the bathroom, and as I was following her, I noticed, again for the first time, that she had a really nice ass. I could feel myself starting to get an erection. When we got to the bathroom, she asked me where my shirt was. I told her it was on the mower handle in the back yard. She said she would wash it and my socks, and, if I would leave my shorts on the floor next to the door, she would grab them while I was in the shower and wash them, too.

When she closed the door, I dropped my shorts by the door and jumped in the shower. I heard the door open and then close while I was washing my hair. When I got out, there was a large bath towel lying on the toilet seat. I dried off, then wrapped it around my waist. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Ronnie was standing there with another large bath towel.

She smiled and said, "That towel is all wet. Let me have it and I'll throw it in the washer. You can use this one until your clothes are ready."

Without really thinking, I took the towel off and reached out for the other one. That's when I noticed Ronnie had taken a step back to lean on the wall. Her mouth was open, her eyes were wide, and she had her hand over her heart like she thought she might be having a heart attack. I started apologizing profusely, but I don't think she even heard me. She was staring at my very erect cock. Finally, she regained her ability to speak. "That's quite impressive Johnny. Is that because of me?" she whispered.

I took a chance and stepped forward, and then leaned down to kiss her. She responded immediately by plunging her tongue in my mouth. I told her, "Ronnie, I hope this won't ruin our relationship, but I have to tell you. I have wanted to fuck you for a long time."

Actually, that was a lie. I hadn't even thought about it until my dad had put the idea in my head. Anyway, I continued, "I think you are a very sexy woman. I've had to hide my erection every time I was around you, because I didn't want to offend you, but I can't wait any longer. I have to fuck you, Ronnie" I said, as I reached down and pulled her shorts down, and then her panties. She offered no resistance, so I put two fingers in her very wet cunt and started moving them very slowly in and out.

She gasped when I put my fingers in her, and then asked, "Are you sure, Johnny? I'm an old woman. I'm old enough to be your mother."

I didn't say it, but I was thinking, "Yeah, I know, and I'm going to fuck her soon, too."

Instead, I removed my fingers and placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy. As I pushed the head in, I asked, "Does this seem like I'm not sure?"

"Oh, god, Johnny. That feels so good. It's been such a long time since I've felt a man's hard dick in my pussy. But, if we're going to do this, let's go to my bed where we can be more comfortable and take our time. Besides, my legs are shaking so much I'm afraid I will fall down."

She led me to the bedroom where I removed her blouse. As I had suspected, she wasn't wearing a bra. I rubbed my right thumb over her left nipple and was surprised at how hard it was. Obviously, it was sensitive too because she shivered and gasped when I touched it. I replaced my thumb with my mouth, and as I started sucking her tit, she let out a low, long moan. I laid her gently on the bed and then got on my knees between her spread legs. I could smell her arousal, and it made my dick even harder.

"Mrs., I mean, Ronnie, I know you probably still think of me as a kid, but I want you to know, I'm not a nervous kid who's going to get between your legs and cum right away. This isn't my first time. I like sex and, believe it or not, I'm pretty good at it. At least that's what I've been told. I know I said I wanted to fuck you, but if you will let me, I would really like to slowly make love to you. Is that okay with you?"

"Oh, Johnny, I wasn't expecting this, but you can do anything you want to with me. I haven't had sex with anyone in a long time. I love it when a man takes charge and fucks me hard, but I also like it, and appreciate it, when a man takes his time and makes love to me. You already have me naked in my bed, so do whatever you want to do."

Without answering, I placed my head between her legs and buried my face in her pussy. A moan escaped her lips as she reached down and ran her hands through my hair while pulling me tighter into her. She moaned loudly and said, "Oh yes Johnny. That feels so good. I love to have my pussy eaten."

I licked up and down her wet lips before thrusting my tongue in and out of her now very wet pussy. I then concentrated on her clit, causing her to lift her ass and cry out in ecstasy. As I continued licking and sucking, I let my hands roam up her body and began fondling and caressing her tits while rolling her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. It only took a minute before she began to climax.

I licked and lapped a few more times and then sucked her clit in my mouth. Before long she was squirming and gasping in pleasure as she lost all control and began screaming, "I'm cumming again! I'm gonna cum again!"

I allowed her to regain her normal breathing before getting up on my knees and leaning down to kiss her. If the taste of her own juices bothered her, she certainly didn't show it. She kissed me back much harder than before, swirling her tongue around mine. When she broke the kiss she whispered huskily, "Oh my god! That was so good! I don't know where you learned to eat pussy, but you certainly know what you're doing. Promise me this won't be the only time we do this."