Jordan and Debbie Become a Couple


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I smiled as I breathed a visible sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted to do was offend her. I was so glad to see that she was every bit as mature as I suspected she was.

Then I realized she had just told me she found me attractive – incredibly attractive in fact, and if we were anywhere else except about to enter my classroom I was certain I would have acted on that information immediately.

"Oh, and one more thing. When we're outside this classroom please feel free to call me Jordan and you can call Ms. Masters Debbie."

I don't exactly know how it was possible, but I had forgotten that Erika was still holding my hand. Just as I was about to turn and head into the classroom I was immediately reminded of her grasp when she didn't let go. I turned back to her and she made eye contact with me once again.

"I'm really looking forward to our dinner together, Jordan." And as she said my name in her Icelandic accent I could feel her thumb nail digging sharply into my palm. Under normal circumstances I might have considered the gesture to be a bit rough or maybe even somewhat unpleasant, but any interaction with Erika was anything but a normal circumstance. I immediately felt myself getting wet down below from the contact. Then as quickly as she had started the episode she stopped it and then walked into the classroom ahead of me.

I know that guys are supposed to be the visual creatures of the species, while women are more emotionally directed, but that dichotomy meant precious little to me now as I walked into the classroom behind Erika, trying once again to compose myself.

I was a late bloomer in many respects. I may have already mentioned to you that by the time I was in college I thought that my legs were really terrific as a result of running more than thirty-five miles a week and I had several guys that I dated who always begged me to wear high heels when we went out, telling me how incredibly sexy they made my legs look. Sometimes I relented and other times I just didn't give a shit about the guy enough to go out of my way at all.

It wasn't until one of those guys actually took me to a topless club in Austin one Friday night that I finally realized exactly what they had been telling me. Watching those sexy women strut their stuff on the stage in their stilettos was an incredible turn on to me. Now seeing Erika's long legs moving in those heels I was sensing the emergence of a fetish within me that I never might have imagined existed; a fetish I knew I would definitely pursue as soon as the opportunity would present itself.

Bless her heart Erika remained true to her word, although I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was thinking about taunting me a time or two. All-in-all the beauty sat directly in front of me for fifty minutes and basically kept her sexy long legs crossed the entire time, although the truth be known – I was actually disappointed. The reprieve did, however, allow me to actually present myself as a teacher for the first time in two days and I thought I did a pretty decent job.

I had one last surprise before the bell rang, as we started to actually get into the substantive part of the course and Erika demonstrated that her knowledge of human anatomy was vastly superior to anyone else in the class, except of course for their talented instructor. Okay, wipe the smirk off your face, that's not exactly what I was referring to or where this is going.

Anyway, the difference was so dramatic that I actually commented to her about it during class and asked her what had spawned such interest on her behalf. Without a moment's worth of deliberation she replied, "My father is a læknir – sorry, I mean a physician, and I plan on going into the family business."

There you have it folks, beauty and brains. Wow, was I feeling rather inferior by the time that class finally ended.

I headed over to Debbie's classroom after doing some paperwork for my freshman biology class and found her sitting at her desk reviewing a physic's textbook in preparation for her class. Of course it was the same desk that I was sitting on when she caused me to become weak-kneed at lunchtime, but this was definitely not the same person that was sitting here at lunch.

This was Debbie the teacher, not at all to be confused with Debbie, my sex-starved lover. I think I was beginning to develop an appreciation for the terrific balance she has always been able to maintain. One minute she could be my absolute soul mate and incite the wildest passion within me, but then she could turn it all off and conduct herself like a Memorial High School faculty member. It made me realize that I still had some maturing to do in that department, but I wasn't exactly in a rush.

There are very few things I'm immodest about, but one of them is my academic performance. I worked terribly hard to graduate with honors, certainly not an easy task at UT Austin, the finest university in the civilized world. I basically waltzed through my math and science classes without ever looking back, but for some reason physics always had a tendency to really intimidate the heck out of me. As a consequence, I had to work twice as hard in my physic's classes to get the same grades I received in my other science classes with far less effort. In other words, I hope that I never have to teach that course.

As I entered Debbie's classroom and silently watched her scouring over her textbook with ease, I had one of my rare moments of clarity. Debbie and I were now lovers and we were together on an entirely different level than ever before. It made me realize that I had actually forgotten just how incredibly smart she was.

This was the woman who I not only had a crush on during high school, but she was the person I thought represented the perfect standard for teachers everywhere. No matter what else we ever did together, I never wanted to forget the fact that since ninth grade she has been my mentor and greatest inspiration. I knew I needed to tell her that sometime when the comment would not get lost in the wonderful romantic and emotional traffic that seemed to constantly exist between and around us.

"Hey you," I said aloud breaking the silence, as I strolled into her classroom, now more aware of the clicking sound of my heels on the tile floor than ever before.

Although I startled her slightly as she looked up from the textbook, she showed no hint of annoyance. She was all smiles and genuinely glad to see me. I sat down in the same desk I was in twenty-four hours earlier. What a difference a day made, I thought quietly.

"Hey gorgeous, how was your day?" She asked me, but it wasn't just an idle question. You could tell looking into her eyes that she really wanted to know the answer.

I glanced at the door and realized I hadn't closed it, so I knew I had to be somewhat discreet. Debbie followed my eyes all the way to the door and immediately read my mind. She stood up and walked over to the door and shut it and then came back to her desk and slid into her seat with her usual grace that I always envied.

"I certainly wouldn't want to stifle your creative juices with an open door. Now let's start all over, how was your day?" She asked again.

Yup, I damn well knew that I was in love with this woman. I have never been so connected with a person in my life and each moment I was around her I was convinced we were meant to be together.

I smiled back at her in a special way that I started reserving only for her. It was really easy for me to smile at her, since she made me feel terrific just being myself.

"Well, outside of several terrific orgasms, I think it was all rather routine."

A half smile fell across her face. "Might I inquire, are we talking about the same orgasms that you had in this classroom at lunchtime, or has anything happened in your anatomy class that has now trumped that mid-day pleasure fest for you?"

I wanted to stand up and move towards her, but I knew if I did I would never want to leave her to go and meet Erika and Lisa for dinner. Then I realized I had to stop thinking such romantic thoughts and start sharing them with the one person in the world I truly cared about.

"No, I was actually thinking about the incredible lovemaking experience I was treated to hours earlier in this very room." I chimed back as coyly as possible.

Her smile broadened.

"I was also thinking about how much I would like to come over to your desk and fall into your arms and kiss you all over and then re-live every single thing that we did earlier today, but sadly - I can't do that right now." Once I said it I immediately knew it would probably provoke an inquiry, but I was totally fine with that.

She seemed to consider my curious comment for just a moment before responding. "Well, that's certainly not good. What would prevent a sex-starved high school teacher like you, with a freshly shaved pussy that's just begging for all sorts of attention, from engaging in such promiscuous behavior this late in the day? Surely it has nothing to do with the moral's clause in our employment contract – does it?"

I considered my response for a moment. "Here's the thing. I have a date with Erika and Lisa tonight for dinner. I wanted to ask them over to your house for either Friday night or Saturday night as you suggested earlier, but if they come I really want to plan something special. Special for you, that is. So, I really don't want you to know about it until the time finally arrives. Are you okay with that?"

Debbie smiled at me with that gleam in her eyes then she laughed aloud for a second before she finally spoke. "Let me get this straight. You want to meet with Erika and Lisa tonight for dinner to discuss coming over to my house this weekend and while you're doing all that you want to arrange a special surprise somewhere in there for me? Do I have that about right?"

I looked at her and thought about her question for an instant. It almost made me feel like I was back in her class again trying to make certain it wasn't a trick question. "Yup, I think you about got it."

"Baby, of course I'm okay with that. I can't tell you how flattered I am that you would go to any extra trouble for me. But I would like to get together with you later if that's possible. I think in light of out new developing relationship I think we need to talk and I honesty mean talk."

I think she immediately was concerned that I might take that comment the wrong way, because she quickly tried to soften it, but it was like trying to re-bag the cat.

"What I mean to say is, we've both said a lot to each other in the throes of passion – after some really great sex and multiple orgasms, and I think we should have the same discussion without all that baggage, just to be on the safe side that we're both looking at it clearly."

I don't know why exactly, but I didn't like the sound of that one single bit and I had no clue where Debbie was heading with it. It was either a nice way for her to let me down easy with the 'I just wanna be friends line,' or she wanted to make certain that I had a chance to back out, just in case I never really meant what I said to her during my periods of euphoric bliss. I guess because of my over abundance of self esteem I felt like I could be dancing on the head of an emotional pin here, but I made the decision that I wasn't going to hold anything back.

"Okay, point of clarification first. Are you suggesting that you and I have a discussion to explore the feelings that we might actually have for each other, but to make sure that we have that discussion without engaging in any sex or romance, just in case the sex or romance might color what we have to really say or the way we feel towards the other? Is that what you're asking me?"

Debbie had no idea how to respond to me, because she was unsure where I was heading with my question. "Ahhh, I think that's about it, yes."

I studied her expression for a moment. It was the first time since we made love the night before that I actually had a growing uneasiness. For unlike Erika, I wasn't at all sure I actually knew the answer to these types of questions.

"Okay then if you don't mind, I'm ready to have that discussion right here and now and I'd like to go first."

My directness seemed to take her totally by surprise again and she didn't know how to immediately respond. She took another moment to consider my remark and then she closed her textbook and neatly folded her hands on top of the book and looked at me. I could tell she didn't know whether to smile or not and I thought I was seeing the same fear in her eyes that I was now feeling in the very depth of my soul. She nodded towards me without saying a word and then remained straight mouthed.

I put my elbows up on the desk and folded my hands in front of my mouth for a moment, considering how I would begin. It dawned on me that this was the first serious conversation I ever had with a human being about a relationship and I wanted to be sure I said all the right things.

"Last night I had the unique privilege to experience something very special. I'm not just referring to the physical acts of intimacy that you and I shared yesterday and even today, I'm referring to much more than that. I know I'm only twenty-two and I know that there's a little bit of an age difference between us, but for the first time in my life I feel as if I may have met my soul mate."

I fought the urge to look at Debbie, because I wasn't totally convinced that my confession would be well received by her and if I saw the slightest bit of resistance I knew I'd fold.

"I told you earlier today that I loved you and I guess it's easy to suspect that such a confession might in fact be the direct result of the intense physical pleasure I receive from you each and every time we touch each other, but the truth is – that one word alone hardly describes the intensity of the feelings I have for you now and have probably had for you for years. I want you in my life at any level of involvement. If you don't want me as your exclusive lover, I'm willing to take you under any conditions you might insist upon. I realize I don't have a vast amount of experience to draw from here, but I'm absolutely certain that I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life growing old with you."

I thought I had a lot of good stuff to tell her, stuff that really came from my heart and reflected the intensity of the feelings that I had for her. But it finally became difficult for me to bare my soul to her as freely as I'd hoped and I started to tear up and then I started to cry and then I started to cry a lot.

I'm not usually very emotional and I'm not a big crier, but here I was being both emotional as hell and crying my eyes out. All of a sudden I was desperately afraid of losing what I thought I had finally found.

The next thing I knew Debbie's arms were around me and they were pulling me towards her. I can't explain what there was about physical contact with that woman, but it always simply took my breath away. I moved my head from my hands to her shoulder and continued to cry uncontrollably.

"Don't cry baby, I promise everything between us will be alright."

I heard her words and I was instinctively trying to stop my tears and a few minutes later I was finally successful, although my makeup paid a dear price. Then I felt her lips by my ear as she began softly whispering to me. "Jordan, I'm so sorry baby. I guess I'm not terribly good at all this and you'll have to help me develop those skills."

She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. "Despite being married for four years I always knew that I was gay. The first love of my life left me during our last year in college together, after finally yielding to the pressure that was placed on her by her parents. I had opened myself up to her in ways I never imagined possible and when she left me I never thought I'd heal or get over the intense pain I felt from that loss. There was a lot of crying and one serious suicide attempt. I was truly a basket case and I'm certainly not proud of admitting any of this to you."

"I eventually married Andy several years later against my better judgment and I was a terrible wife to him because I never loved him and as you might imagine the sex for each of us was not terribly memorable. Of course I told you otherwise, because I had no choice – the truth at that time was simply not an option."

"And then out of nowhere you entered my life again, Jordan. Yes, I'm older than you and I guess that's why this relationship scares me a lot more than it does you. I don't think I could stand to lose someone again to whom I was so totally committed and I guess that's why I keep pulling you in and then trying to push you away with my crazy passive-aggressive conduct. I guess it seems to me that if I keep asking you if you're sure about this and you keep coming back, then we're truly meant to be together. I'm sorry I'm putting you through all this mental torture and I'm sorrier that I made you cry. I've handled this badly."

I pushed myself off of her shoulder slightly so that I could look into her beautiful eyes that I could see were now nearly as moist as mine were. I wasn't angry or upset with her, I was sad that I could not make her realize the depth of my feelings for her and I realized I would have to do all I could to make sure I erased her doubts.

"Debbie, what can I do for you – or to you, to make you comfortable with my feelings about us?"

I think the frankness of the question surprised her, because she didn't have an immediate response, so I continued probing a little deeper.

"Debbie, the sex between us is absolutely incredible. I know I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want you to be insecure about my feelings for you, so please try and tell me - what can I possibly do to prove the sincerity of those feelings towards you?"

I could tell she had an answer, but she was holding back. I needed to prod her a little more if there was any chance to finally slay this beast once and for all.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know. C'mon, tell me what it is I can do." I urged once again.

She lowered her eyes from mine and looked down to the floor as she considered her response. Then a moment later she spoke and her words were tentative. "Do you think you might like to have a roommate?"

God, I had so hoped to hear her ask me that question. I took my hand and placed it on her face and gently redirected her gaze back to me. When our eyes met I whispered in the most loving tone I could muster.

"Are you asking me to move in with you and Satan, or are you suggesting that you move in with me over at my parent's house?"

Okay, as you can tell I was starting to regain a little control of the situation, so I wanted to infuse some humor into the conversation. It worked, because she actually laughed aloud and her killer smile returned.

"I think I meant that you would come to live with me in my house." She replied, recognizing that it was actually a rhetorical question.

"Let me be sure I understand the offer here. Are you giving me a chance to move in with the woman I love, so I can spend every moment with her when we're not at work? Are you telling me that your beautiful face will be the last thing I see at night before I go to sleep and the first thing I see every morning when I wake up. Is that the offer that's currently on the table?"

She wiped a tear from her eye with the back of her hand and nodded. "That's the best I can do, take it or leave it!"

"God, I was so hoping after last night that you'd ask me that question. Of course I would love to live with you, but is that the level of commitment that you're really searching for from me?"

We were still holding each other fairly tightly and the awkwardness of the situation seemed as if it was finally starting to pass. My immediate thought was that I really wanted to ravage her beautiful body and make passionate love to her right here in her classroom, but I didn't want to turn this heart-felt moment into a prelude to just another sexual encounter and run the risk that it might dilute the things I had just told her.