Joshua & Naomi Pt. 04


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While she was picking those out Joshua looked for a rain coat. He found a nice grey one. As she looked at herself modeling a white lace bra that barely covered her areola, Joshua said, "That is beautiful. It's a must have. Try this. I think you are going to need a raincoat to wear on rainy days that you ride your scooter."

"You're right," she said as she slipped it on.

She purchased the three bras, her black vest that she wore from the shop and the raincoat. She paid with some of the cash from George's party.

"You guys come back soon," the sale lady said as they left the shop.

They got to the restaurant at about eight, had dinner and were home well after ten.

Naomi takes driving test and competes in the wet tee shirt contest

Naomi drove to the driver test location in the city where Joshua took a cab to his office. Naomi was wearing one of her business casual outfit plus a bra for the first time in almost two weeks. It made her uncomfortable, deciding she would only wear one when absolutely needed. She thought the written test went well as she'd studied hard for it. She got a perfect score. Then came the driving test. The driving examiner was a woman. Thank goodness Naomi decided to go the conservative route. Naomi thought the driving test went well and it did. She was issued a driver's license and for the first time she drove legally alone to Joshua's office.

Naomi was now full of confidence, something she had not felt her whole life. When she found Joshua and gave him the good news, he gave her a hug and said, "Congratulations, you are on your way."

"Thanks, it would not have happened without you," she said smiling. She realized that without Joshua coercing her into becoming a slut, she'd still be a bored alcoholic. Yes, she thought to herself, I'm a happy sober slut and I'm really good with that.

"George wants to talk to you and then we can go to lunch. I have a couple appointment near home, so I will drop you off."

"I'd planned to take the bus."

"I know but it worked out," Joshua insisted.

Naomi thought, I wonder if I can follow him and watch another show. But she needed a nap and practice for tonight's show.

"Hi Crystal, ah, Naomi," George said as she entered his office. "Good to see you."

Naomi reached out her hand to shake saying, "Good to see you also."

"Joshua told me about your situation with your husband and a desire to find a job. What are your thoughts about the future?"

"Well I'm not sure what I want to do forever, Isiah comes home in 3 weeks and I need some way to make money regularly, I mean beside your party." She had counted the money and she had made $3535. She still had a little over $3000 from her haul this week and hoped to win the $500 tonight.

George laughed saying, "Well I don't know how well you did but I am sure it was quite good. The opportunity is there for you anytime but I don't think that is your career. I mean the guys were impressed with your, ah, sensuousness but they were as impressed with your creativity and negotiating skills. You know there are opportunities with several of us. I have talked to the guys since the party and have some ideas. Would you like to hear?"

Naomi thought and said, "I do but I would really like to hear what they thought of the party. Did they say anything they didn't like or particularly liked? After all I have two more to do."

"They pretty much liked everything. The show was the best they had ever seen. You do a great blow job. Bruce said you are a great fuck. But what they really like was all the teasing and the build into the crescendo for the evening. Just between you and me, you're the first person in a long time to get Jim off. He usually has to take Viagra but you did it with technique, plus you had him very excited. All in all, they want something like that every time."

"Ok, that's not a problem. I will find some creative way to keep it from being boring. What options were you talking about?"

"You have a job here just by saying yes. I don't think you would be happy being a clerk long term but there are other opportunities."

"I like Joshua's job and thought about that. I know I would have to study and get certified."

"Yes, I'd certainly give you a chance but here are others. Jim has a doctor's office and is always looking for office help. He suggested that he would help you train to be a nurse. Ted is a dentist. He suggested something similar. Start as office help and train as a dentist assistant. Bruce owns a real estate agency. He thought that with your looks, obvious negotiating and persuasion skills, you'd make a great real estate agent. What do you think?"

"Wow, I'm overwhelmed. I am completely humbled that you guys would help me like that. I don't know what to think."

"We're all being selfish. You've a lot to offer. Why don't you think about it and get back with me?"

"Ok I will. Are all offers firm and would they start in a few weeks?"

"Yes, all are firm and flexible about start date," George answered. "Are you enjoying the scooter? Heard you received your license. Congratulation. I assume you will register it soon?"

"I love the scooter. Yes, I will go by the courthouse next week. Did your future X find out about it?"

"It was discussed in this morning's conference. It was priceless to see her face when I revealed that it was sold and the sale was final. Her lawyer mulled it over and told her that because it was not included in the original documentation, it is unlikely anything could be done. He told her they could litigate, but the cost would be far more than the item cost and she should let it go. I was so happy to win that one." George had a Cheshire grin on his face.

"Great," Naomi said, "glad I could help.

George took Naomi and Joshua to lunch. Then Joshua dropped Naomi home on his way to appointments in the area. Naomi took a nap and practiced her moves for the night. Joshua and Naomi had dinner but Naomi could hardly eat she was so nervous. Evelyn came over to paint Naomi's nipples so the paint would be completely dry for the contest. Joshua, Naomi and Evelyn drove to the bar in Evelyn's car. She had a big old boat of a car.

Naomi does wet tee shirt contest

Naomi entered the contest. Thirty minutes before start of the contest, they were called to the dressing room and were given the club tee shirt to wear. Evelyn was allowed in the dressing room with Naomi. There were three other girls who had entered. The dressing room was large so they had some privacy. This allowed Evelyn to dress Naomi without others seeing how she did the minimum cover of her pussy. Naomi wore a white thong over the strip over her pussy, a white thin cotton mini skirt, and the tee shirt. The tee shirt was so thin that Evelyn suggested just tearing it off. They decided to wait between numbers to insert the anal plug jewel.

The contestants were to do a routine on their own for the first round and all on stage for the second round. Then crowd noise would decide the winner.

Evelyn looked the competitors over and told Naomi, "These are three college girls. Two of them, I would bet are roommates. They can not compete with you physique wise. I would bet they will try to win by making out in the second round. The other girl is on her own but she is well endowed. You and she are both perfect and pretty. She however is probably a D cup and has more of an hour glass physique. You need to beat her with presentation and enthusiasm. We're going to have to use the jewel and you need to really work on suggestive moves in the second round. I will be waiting for you after the first round and insert the jewel. You can win this but you are going to have to work at it. Okay?"

"I'll work it," Naomi smiled. "I can and will do this. You have prepared me well."

The girls waited to hear their names. The first two were the thin college girls. Naomi thought Evelyn was right. They should not win. Crystal was announced as the next contestant. She came out with a big smile and looked at the crowd. She saw Joshua, George, Ted and Bruce in the crowd and that gave her some confidence to know she had an entourage. There were at least 50 drunk and rowdy guys yelling with only a few girls. She stepped in the basin area and was drenched from neck to toe. The tee shirt mostly disappeared. The first two girls removed their tee shirts immediately and bottoms quickly thereafter, to wear only a thong and nipple covers at the end of their sets. The nipple covers were OK but not as good as her painted nipples.

She ripped off the tee shirt quickly after starting her routine. The guys called out things she could not really understand but figured it was something about her anatomy. She was doing some of the moves that Evelyn had shown her. They were all some form of suggestive move. She spent time manipulating her tits and nipples. Because her nipples were painted instead of being covered like the first two girls, she could pinch and pull her nipples causing them to extend. The crowd cheered every time she did this. About halfway though her time, she decided to pull off the thin white mini skirt. She had decided to be down to just the clitoral hood patch after the first round. She wanted the crowd excited for her before Miss DD started. The white thong was clinging to her pussy but still covered. She was now doing suggestive moves with her hands rubbing her stomach and over the white thong. She was getting closer to the edge of the stage allowing the guys to come close to touching her legs. The stage was only about three feet high so it was easy for the guys to reach a couple of feet onto the stage.

With about thirty seconds to the end of the round she pointed her ass to the crowd, bent over, placed her hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy. She then turned around and grabbed the tie for the thong on the right side and waited for the crowd to crescendo their approval for her to untie it. They did and she untied it. The thong did not fall as the other side was still tied. But it was holding up precariously. She pointed to the left side and yelled, "What about this side?"

The people closet to the stage understood and yelled, "Yes, take it off."

Crystal shrugged and nodded her head up and down. She untied the left side and squeezed her legs together so it would not fall. The crowd started a chant, "Let it go, take it off." After a few rounds of the chant, she hopped, to place her feet about a foot apart allowing the thong to drop, and place a hand over her pussy. Once she knew her 1x2 patch was still in place, she took her hand away and made a gesture of placing her hands over her mouth like she had made a mistake. The crowd went wild. They were cheering like crazy. She stepped to within a foot of the edge of the stage, turned her ass to the crowd, and bent over and touched the floor with her legs spread. This allowed the guys close to the stage a close shot of her butt and gapping pussy with only a small portion covered. The crowd went crazy yelling for her.

The announcer blew a whistle indicating her turn was over. The crowd booed and yelled, "More, more, ..."

The announcer held up his hands to get enough quiet to announce, "Next up is Candy!". He said this as loudly as he could. Candy did not have a polished routine. When she ripped off her tee shirt she had tape over her areola. She had worn jeans and pulled them off about half way into her routine leaving her is white bikini panties. However, she had the best figure of the four girls.

When Naomi's first round was over Evelyn was waiting for her. She whispered in her ear, "You did great. Spend as much time as you can close to the edge and do squats for the guys." As she whispered in Naomi's ear she put a lube covered finger in Naomi's ass. Naomi was getting accustomed to this so she did not flinch this time. That was followed quickly by Evelyn inserting the anal plug jewel. Again, Naomi was not bothered by this at all.

When Candy finished, she got a loud applause but it was not as much as Naomi had gotten.

The announcer came out and yelled, "Ok folks, all four girls will come out and do their best to get you on their side and then you will vote by making noise for your favorite."

All four girls came out and started writhing to the music. Evelyn was correct that the two thin girls started fondling and making out with each other. First one in front then the other. Candy was sticking to clumsy movements side to side but never getting close to the edge. Naomi immediately went to the right side where Joshua, George, Ted, and Bruce were standing. They yelled really loudly. She got to the very edge facing them and looking straight at them and did a squat so deep her ass almost touched the floor. She smiled at George, almost inviting him to touch her. George reached out and stroked the inside of her thigh. Naomi bounced up, grabbed his hand and winked at him. She was afraid the bouncer would get involved. George smiled back understanding.

She had found where the bouncer was, saw he did not make a move to stop her, and what's more seemed to be content with her antics. So she strutted to the left side, picking out some college age kids. Much to her surprise and pleasure they were Mike and Geoff smiling big at her. She gave them a 'I know you smile' and stepped directly in front of them. She turned pointing her ass directly out to the crowd. This was the first opportunity to see her anal plug jewel. She shook her ass calling attention to it. The guys yelled loudly at the sight of a girls with an anal jewel. She placed her feet a couple feet apart and touched the floor with her hands. She gave them both a wave. Then squatted right over their head. They both reached up and grabbed an ass cheek each. At the same time, she reached between her legs to hold in the plug. She let them grope her ass for a few second before standing up. Again the no bouncer made a move to stop her.

She moved to the middle of the stage, targeted a group of excited fans and repeated what she had done on the right side with George. This time there was a commotion of several guys rubbing the inside of her thighs. This time she gave them more time to feel her up. She strutted a little to the left, squatted just out of reach, put a hand over her wet pussy, rubbed and allowed a finger to slip in the open hole. She strutted a little to the left, faced away from the audience, squatted, reached between her legs took the anal plug out a couple inches and pushed it back in. The crowd yelled. She found a different group, squatted with her feet wide apart in front of them just out of reach. She reached down rubbed her wet pussy and again slipped a finger in. This time she left it in longer and threw her head back exaggerating the real orgasm she was having. The bouncer, she could see now, did look like he was going to do something to stop her. But she pulled her hand away and moved the inserted finger into her mouth to lick it off. The crowd yelled, "Crystal, Crystal, ..."

The announcer came out and blow the whistle indicating this round was over. Naomi really did not know what everyone else had done, but she knew they had not gotten close to the edge of stage the way she had. The announcer then announced the first and second contestants asking for loud support. Naomi was worried because they did get some cheers. But when the announcer said, "Let's hear it for Crystal!" The noise was deafening. Clearly much louder than for the first two girls. So Naomi's worry was now Miss DD. The announcer said, "Make noise for Candy!" It seemed to Naomi that the crowd noise was greater for Miss DD than the first 2 girls but she thought not close to her.

"It is between Crystal and Candy," the announcer yelled. There was a boo. "Ok let's hear it for Candy!" This time the noise was less than the first time. "Now for Crystal!" The crowd went wild and the announcer had to blow his whistle over and over to get them to stop. "Ok folks, no doubt our winner is Crystal!" There was cheering from the crowd.

Miss DD to her credit reached out a hand to shake Naomi's hand saying, "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Naomi smiled.

Miss DD said to Naomi's surprise, "Let me give you my number when we get back to the dressing room. I would like to go party with you sometimes. I think I could learn some things."

The announcer asked the three girls to go back to the dressing room. He hung a ribbon around her neck that said, 'Winner Wet Tee Shirt'. "Congratulations Crystal, you are the winner of our Wet Tee Shirt contest. Make one more stroll and let your admirers take one more look at you.

Naomi made one more slow stroll close to the edge of the stage blowing kisses to each person she saw. She went the the middle of the stage and raised both hands over her head, making her breasts bounce. She yelled as leaving the stage, "Thanks y'all!"

Evelyn was waiting for her at the edge of the stage, hugged her, and reached around pulling the anal plug jewel out. Naomi had really forgotten about it. "You were absolutely great. Better than I ever did." They went back where the other three girls were already dressed.

Candy came over, handed Naomi a post it with her number on it and said, "Seriously call me, I think we can have some fun."

"I will," Naomi smiled at her.

Candy hugged her saying, "You were great and beat me fair and square." Naomi smiled back.

Naomi got dressed. The announcer came back to hand Naomi a check for $500. "Listen you come back at any time but don't go one more inch that you did. You were on the edge of us stopping you."

Naomi shook her head and said, "I got carried away." The announcer smiled and left.

Evelyn and Naomi found the guys, George, Ted, Bruce, and Joshua having beers and obviously a great time. They got up and each hugged Naomi. They all said some variation of, "You did great."

A waitress came by and asked if any one wanted a drink, Evelyn ordered a scotch and water while Naomi wanted a bottled of water and a club soda. Mike and Geoff came by the table to congratulate Naomi, of course they knew her as Crystal. Naomi introduced them as new friends. When she said this she realized she had mostly new friends. George asked them if they wanted to join them. Mike and Geoff said they did. As they were getting settled in Candy walked up. Naomi introduced her and commented on what a good sport she was.

Everyone was very excited and all talking at the same time. They wanted to relive the contest. They were very nice to Candy and she was gracious about Naomi winning. The owner of the club came by and also commented on how good of a night it was for the club. He wanted both Candy and Naomi to come back. He knew Evelyn, giving her a big hug and kiss, not just a peck but a full out kiss.

The owner said to Evelyn, "I recognized some of the moves as Evelyn's moves. You did a great job with your protégé. Maybe next time you can help Candy. In fact, if you ever want a job as coach let me know."

"Oh, I am just too old but thanks for the offer," Evelyn answered.

"This has been one of our best contests and one of our best takes in quite some time. It is a shame that we have to close in about thirty minutes. Most everyone is staying around. Anyway I just wanted to say thank you to the girls."

They stayed until midnight, closing time. Joshua drove Evelyn's car home. Naomi sitting between Evelyn and Joshua felling asleep on the way to the house. She woke up as they were pulling in the driveway. Naomi hugged Evelyn again, thanked her and went inside the house. She looked back outside to see Joshua giving Evelyn a very adult kiss good night. Naomi went to bed and fell asleep immediately.

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thongs125thongs125about 8 years ago
Wet tee shirt

What a great story

Thanks !!!!!

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