Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 07: 7th Heaven


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Aided by this tipsiness, the conversation flowed freely and Carmen, to my surprise, became extraordinarily flirty, directing her attentions a little towards Mitch but to my surprise mostly in my direction. Before the starters had been served, her chair was so close to mine that our thighs were touching and at many times during the meal I felt her hand on my thigh or even higher, squeezing gently -- or not so gently -- as the mood took her.

Across the table, Mitch was quiet, as if rather over-awed by his surroundings and his older but stunning female companions, making him appear younger even than his twenty years. This seemed to bring out something of the mothering instinct in both Carmen and Alice who began to try and draw him out of his reticence by asking bolder and bolder questions about himself.

Well, Carmen asked the questions in her rather forceful manner and after a while I noticed my wife was holding his hand under the table in a reassuring, almost protective way.

Once the food had been ordered and the excellent if over-priced wine had been poured, the Carmen Inquisition discovered a great deal about our young friend.

Yes, he enjoyed being at University; Yes, he found the academic side hard work; No, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do afterwards but it would be something to do with sport; Yes, he had a girlfriend at University; Yes, he missed her; No, she wasn't a swimmer; Yes, he was excited about the prospect of swimming for England!

There was a pause in the interrogation as we ate our starters, which apart from being excellent gave Mitch a chance to draw breath. I noticed Alice smiling indulgently at him and squeezing his hand -- having suffered Carmen's interrogations ourselves on many occasions, she and I could sympathise with his discomfort but in truth were interested too.

Between courses, and as the second bottle of wine was drained into our glasses, our inhibitions loosened a little more and Carmen managed to discover that:

Yes, he was upset at his parents' separation; No, he didn't like his mother's young boyfriend; Yes, they did have a lot of loud sex; Yes, it did embarrass him terribly; Yes, it did make him miss his girlfriend more; Yes, they did sleep together (he blushed visibly at this confession); Yes, he thought having a strong fit body was very important; Yes, he enjoyed training and helping others to train better; Yes, he had thought of becoming a coach; Yes, he thought Alice was really sexy and had an amazing body!

As Carmen extracted this last piece of information, Mitch's face froze when he realised what he had said and who he had said it in front of! There was a sudden icy pause in the conversation during which he didn't seem able to look either Alice or me in the eye.

But then Carmen laughed that, if he fancied with Alice, he'd better take his place in the queue with all the other men she had met this week and we all broke out laughing, including Alice who I noticed slipped her arm through his and rested her blonde head playfully on his strong shoulder. Through the glass table top I saw her rub her bare thigh against his leg and his hand slipped silently downwards onto her knee.

She didn't move it away.

The light hearted atmosphere continued throughout the main course and dessert, all of which were superb; a little over-fancy for my tastes but the girls loved it all. By the time coffee was served and a third bottle of wine finished, Carmen's chair was pressed so close to mine that she might almost have been sitting on my lap. Certainly her bare thigh was pressed full length against mine and her hand kept straying from my knee to my groin and back as she chatted animatedly.

Across the table, Alice and Mitch were being more reserved despite both being noticeably 'squiffy' as Alice put it, but even their chairs were very close together and I could see their legs touching through the glass table top. I could also see the way in which they held hands under the table from time to time, especially when Carmen's questioning of Mitch became intense or personal.

I also noticed how in response, Mitch had begun to stroke my wife's thigh and that far from removing his hand, she had perhaps unconsciously allowed her knees to part slightly giving him better access.

Our taxi arrived a little late so after paying the alarmingly large bill, I joined Mitch and the girls for a brief walk around the garden in the cooling night air. Carmen immediately slipped her arm through mine and steered me firmly along the pathway towards the fountain, leaving Alice and Mitch to follow, slightly awkwardly.

"If you're going to be my date, you might look as if you're enjoying it," Carmen whispered, her words slurred.

"I am enjoying it," I insisted, "but I think you're up to no good!"

"Then just go with the flow, Mister C," she replied, "I think you and I can make something of the evening yet!"

She slipped her arm around my waist and we strolled for a few minutes then, reaching the end of the path, turned to re-trace our steps. As we turned, there was a sudden movement in front of us and I noticed Mitch rapidly removing his arm from around my wife's shoulders then pretending to be pointing at something in the sky.

I smiled inwardly as I escorted Carmen to the waiting taxi.

It was a tight squeeze for Mitch and the two girls in the back seat but interestingly, none of them complained as the taxi drove rather too quickly along the coast road back to the apartment. From my position in the front I could direct the driver to the right block, but was amused to see my wife's slightly tipsy head resting on Mitch's shoulder, her eyes closing. I was also surprised to see his hand on her bare thigh, stroking it up and down. The boy was getting bolder.

When we arrived at the apartment block, I paid off the taxi while Mitch and the girls unfolded themselves from the back seat and straightened their clothes once again.

"Well, goodnight and thanks for a really great evening..." I heard Mitch beginning to say behind me. I turned.

"You can't just leave us now," Carmen insisted. "It's only eleven thirty. I'm not nearly ready for my own bed yet!"

I'm not sure whether Mitch caught or understood her use of the word 'own' but he smiled.

"Are you sure it's ok? I don't want to overstay my welcome... "

"Certain!" Alice insisted, "We can't let our last night fizzle out this early!"

I smiled. My wife's good mood was evident, even if a little alcohol-assistance had been needed. The four of us meandered and wobbled our unsteady way into the apartment and while I opened a bottle of Spanish brandy and passed round the bowl-shaped goblets, Carmen slid the glass terrace doors wide open, letting the refreshing night air into the room.

"Cheers!" she smiled, raising her glass to mine. "To a great meal and... to new friends!"

The four of us clinked our goblets together and sipped the strong coarse liquor. Surprised by its burning, Alice began to cough, her eyes wide and laughing as she bent over. In response, Mitch came instantly to the rescue, patting her unconvincingly on the back then putting his arm around her waist to steady her as she gradually stopped choking and giggling.

"Water!" Carmen commanded, waving me away to the kitchen, "and we'd better get the coffee on too," she added, following me so closely that she almost pushed me out of the room.

"Don't worry about that," she said as I began filling a glass at the kitchen tap, "let's get the coffee on." I reached for the tin of ground beans but before I could touch it, Carmen's hand was on mine. "There's no hurry, Mister Cuckold," she said, looking me straight in the eyes, "let's give them a little bit of privacy."

The wine and brandy must have taken a bit of a toll on me because it was a good few moments before the implication of what she had said reached the front of my brain.

"Carmen!" I gasped in amazement, "You're trying to get Alice and Mitch to..." but I couldn't finish the sentence.

Carmen said nothing but her dark brown eyes sparkled and gleamed in the low kitchen light.

"But he's so young!" I protested, "Jesus Carmen, he's almost young enough to be..."

"To be by far the best bet she's seen in a month!" she cut right across me, "he's young, fit, gorgeous, quite experienced and, in case you haven't noticed, the two of them are completely smitten with each other!"

Could it really be true? They had certainly been getting on well but had it meant anything more? Alice had dismissed the idea because of his age but then what about the dancing, and all that holding hands beneath the table at dinner tonight?

Suddenly the idea wasn't crazy. I picked up my brandy and sipped it deep in thought while Carmen slowly began to make coffee. When she had assembled four small cups and the coffee pot on a tray, she turned to me and whispered.

"You can carry this through to the lounge but go quietly. If things are going well, I don't want to put him off. He's still young and might not have the confidence to make love to an older woman. He doesn't know what a pushover your sweet wife actually is."

She opened the door and we crossed the hallway in near silence, our feet padding softly on the marble floor. The lounge door stood open and I could see the two potential lovers framed against the large glass windows. They were talking animatedly, facing each other as if to exclude the rest of the world, their bodies so close that their arms and occasionally legs kept brushing against one another. My wife's face was raised towards Mitch's, her eyes bright and gleaming with attraction and interest and she kept touching his strong forearm as they chatted.

"For God's sake... can't he see she's desperate for it?" Carmen whispered impatiently in my ear. "Come on, Mister Cuckold!"

She led me into the lounge, still carrying the tray which I placed on the low table. Alice and Mitch paused in their conversation as we arrived and accepted a cup of coffee each from Carmen and a refill of their brandy from me. I noticed Mitch looked a little unhappy at the interruption and that they were careful not to move any further apart but their hands were no longer actually touching.

"I think that brandy has gone to my head a little," Carmen suddenly announced, taking my arm as if for support, "will you bring my coffee out on the terrace?" she asked me, "I need a bit of fresh air."

My eyebrows rose sharply, Carmen was quite obviously inventing this but I felt compelled to go along with her plan, whatever it was.

"Of course," I smiled, "here, take my arm -- it's all right, I can carry that!" I quickly said to Mitch who was about to pick up Carmen's coffee for her, "she'll be fine in a while."

And with that, I led the slightly unstable Carmen through the large glass windows and onto the terrace, leaving my wife and the boy together in the lounge. As we reached the open end of the terrace, Carmen casually directed me to one side as if following the path to the pool but once out of sight, she turned back on her tracks and drew me to a spot hidden from the secluded end of the terrace by the large, aromatic bougainvillea hedge.

"Look!" she hissed, pointing through the hedge.

I looked and realised that the whole of the secluded terrace, the lounge and its occupants, though hidden from prying eyes in other apartments and the pool, were clearly visible to us but that we ourselves were completely hidden from them.

"Wow!" I gasped, surveying the scene, my eyes fixed on Mitch and my wife still standing talking in the lounge. I couldn't hear their conversation because they had nearly closed the large glass windows but their body language was still as it was before, close but not yet intimate.

"He's awkward," Carmen whispered, "she's telegraphing that she's available but he hasn't got the message yet," she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, "Come on, Mister Cuckold!"

I followed her obediently back onto the terrace, puzzled. As we set foot on the tiles, her arm was through mine and her body pressed close as she steered me carefully into a pool of light where Alice and Mitch couldn't fail to see us then turned to face me and pressed her body full on against mine.

I looked at her, puzzled but before I could open my mouth she slipped her arms around my neck and hissed,

"Kiss me!"

"Wha...?" I stammered.

"For fuck's sake, Kiss me!" she hissed, pulling my head down to meet her rising lips, "He's watching!"

In an instant Carmen's lips were on mine, her mouth open, her tongue forcing my teeth apart and plunging into my mouth seeking mine. At first, this assault shocked me but my body responded instinctively and within a few seconds I had thrown myself into the embrace.

Carmen's arms gripped my neck more tightly and she pressed her body hard against mine as she sucked on my tongue. I felt my rapidly growing erection pressing hard into her upper belly and my hands fell to her lower back, where they pulled her body hard against mine.

"That's better, Mister Cuckold!" She whispered, releasing my tongue and sliding her cheek alongside mine. "Now show me you're not as useless a date as I thought you were. Give me a good groping!"

My hands dropped from her lower back to her buttocks and I obediently began to knead them through her tight black dress, feeling their smooth softness -- so unlike Alice's firm, athletic cheeks that I knew so well. Pressed against mine, Carmen's whole body was different; softer, sexier and with an aroma so distinctively hers. I inhaled deeply, feeling increasingly aroused by this extraordinary woman who had wreaked such pleasurable havoc in our lives.

As we kissed, I felt Carmen guiding me gently but firmly, her body pressed hard against mine as we slowly turned on the terrace's edge. My cock was suddenly very hard indeed and pressed into her shapely belly where she deliberately moved from side to side against it. She felt hot, soft and incredibly sexy.

"Careful!" she whispered into my ear, resting her head on my shoulder, "We don't want any accidents down there, do we?" Her timing was indeed good; I was certainly becoming very aroused. "Let's see if he's taken the hint."

For a second I wondered what she meant and then realised that the She-Devil had simply been manoeuvring me so she could watch Alice and Mitch over my shoulder as wee kissed. I mentally kicked myself for my stupidity but then to my surprise found her lips back on mine and her tongue in my mouth once again. I massaged her buttocks firmly through her dress, feeling their soft femininity under my fingers.

"That's the way..." she whispered, her mouth breaking free of mine. "Look!"

She carefully turned me round until my face was towards the window. Her lips were still on mine but over her shoulder I could see the action now beginning to take place. Mitch had put down his drink and taken Alice's fingers in his. He was leaning towards her and, gradually, she was leaning towards him... closer... closer...

As if in slow motion, their lips met, very gently at first as if unsure what was happening; their mouths parted for a second and I saw my wife staring downwards at the floor. Mitch looked anxious and said something to her. Alice raised her head suddenly, her eyes open, her face anxious too.

There was a long pause then their mouths came together again, this time much more passionately. Moments later I saw my wife's jaw drop and realised that the boy's tongue must have entered her mouth or hers entered his and they began to kiss with a passion that built and built, still only holding hands but with mouths deeply united, tongues clearly visible as they came up for breath.

"Yesss!" Carmen hissed into my ear, then kissed me again as passionately as my wife and Mitch were kissing before pulling me into the shadows at the edge of the terrace and breaking kiss but not our embrace. "Now watch!" she whispered in my ear

Despite the low light in the lounge, I could see that Mitch and Alice were now finally in full embrace, her slim body wrapped in his powerful arms, her small hands between his shoulder blades, her mouth wide open as his tongue delved deeply. She was rubbing herself gently against his groin where I pictured a massive erection growing.

They kissed for a long time, eyes tightly closed, hands stroking each other's arms, shoulders and backs but there was no sign of anything further about to happen.

"This is almost painful," Carmen chuckled, "time for another little nudge!" she said enigmatically, drawing me back onto the terrace and into Mitch's line of sight again, swaying casually as if we had just been for a short stroll, holding my hand playfully as a lover might.

She paused by the table and turned, placing us in the low light where Mitch couldn't possibly miss us then pulled me to her and, arms around my neck once again, kissed me full on the lips. She tasted wonderful and my hands automatically went to her waist where I stroked her soft curves with my fingers.

"Get your hands on my butt, quickly," she whispered. My fingers quickly found her soft buttocks and began to knead them. "That's right," she sighed, "now fondle me some more... that's nice..."

I began to realise just how much I was enjoying being Carmen's plaything but even now something told me not to take what was happening at face value.

"Lift my dress!" She suddenly hissed in my ear.

"What?" I whispered back.

"He's not going fast enough and she'll go off the boil. Lift my bloody dress for Christ's sake."

My hands quickly worked their way down to the hem of Carmen's tight dress and insinuated themselves underneath. Her bare legs were warm and incredibly soft to my touch. I raised the hem further until I felt the elastic of her panties against my fingertips. A wriggle or two more and suddenly her dress was around her waist, her paper thin panties under my fingertips.

"He's seen us!" she whispered, "Now get your hands in my knickers," she commanded.

I kissed her more lightly now, my mind struggling to keep up with the fast moving scenario. Obediently I slipped my palms down over her soft buttocks and under the elastic of her panties to cup her bare cheeks. She breathed softly in my ear.

"Mmm that's nice. I think he's getting the idea... Now do you really need me to tell you what to do from here?" she chuckled.

Remembering the first time Steve and Carmen had conquered us in our own MPV all those months ago, I kneaded Carmen's buttocks for a few moment more then slowly ran a finger along the cleft in between. She moaned softly and pressed herself harder against my erection.

"I can't see..." I protested.

"Mmm that's nice, Mister Cuckold... mmm... he's doing ok... they're still kissing... he's slipping her straps off her shoulders... her top's falling away... mmm that's really nice... he's bared her boobs now.... Christ! She's got tiny tits... my God those nipples are hard... mmm don't stop Mister C... he's got his hand on her left tit... Oh Hell, you might as well see for yourself!"

She turned me slowly round, my hands still deep inside her panties, until I could see into the window once again. There stood my sweet blonde wife, her red dress hanging loosely round her waist, her breasts totally naked and exposed. Mitch's fingers were toying with her dark pointed nipples, her chest was rising and falling and her mouth, firmly pressed to his, opening wider as she became more and more aroused.

"Don't stop!" Carmen growled and I realised my hands had frozen within her panties. I began to knead her again in time with Mitch's massaging of my wife's breasts, my fingertips running along her cleft, over her most private places before delving towards her vulva from behind.

As my long middle finger brushed against the base of Carmen's slit, I saw Mitch's hands drop to my wife's bottom where they gripped her buttocks firmly for a moment making her rise on her tiptoes in pleasure.